Snow on the Beach // Tyrion L...

By rissarosewrites

38.6K 1.8K 93

Jon and Jill Snow are in for a wild ride when they get summoned to the beaches of dragonstone. ❄️ "Weird bu... More

1. Captivated
2. Hopeless
3. Shameless
4. Unburden Her
5. Risk
6. Smile
7. Killers
8. Challenge
9. Trap
10. Vulnerable
11. Adore
12. Dastard
13. Broke Her Too
14. Gone
15. Bye Snow
16. Mouse, Cheese, Snap
17. Kings and Queens
18. La Di Da
19. Miss Me
20. Eaten and Burned
21. Midnights
22. Dracarys
23. Beautiful Beasts
25. Beyond
26. Last Life
27. Next Time
28. Vicious
29. Sounds Like Goodbye
30. Eternity
31. Poetic Justice
32. I'M A SNOW
33. Bloodline
34. Tell Them
35. Love Back
36. Killer
37. Take You Down With Me
38. Punishment
39. Long Live

24. Best Chance

747 38 8
By rissarosewrites

'I thought arya was dead I thought bran was dead' jon said reading over the letter from the north. Arya had arrived at winterfell.

"My little fighter." Jill declared taking the note from him. "All our lessons paid off." She hugged Jon tight but a look of worry covered both their faces at the realization. Their family was at winterfell. They were here...

'I'm happy for you. You don't look happy though' danny said looking over their worried expressions.

'I saw the night king marching to the wall if they make it past the wall my family is not safe!' jon told her

'The wall has stood tall for years-'

'We need to go home' Jill declared.

'You said you don't have enough men to fight this army alone.' Dany reminded them stiffly. 

'We will fight them with what we have.' Jon told her stubbornly. 'Unless you join us'

'And give the country to Cersei?' dany scoffed 'As soon as I march away she marches in.'

"We don't need her." Jill whispered. "She is a pompous arrogant brat. Our family needs us." Jon nodded in agreement and Dany stared over at them trying to hear their whispered schemes. 

'Perhaps not.' Tyrion offered. 'If Cersei thinks the army of the dead is nothing but stories what if we prove her wrong.'

''I don't think she will come see the dead at my invitation' jon said.

"Mine perhaps, we are the best of friends." Jill mused. 

'Then bring the dead to her' Tyrion offered. 

'I thought that we were trying to avoid-' Jill began. 

'Just one soldier is that possible?' Tyrion questioned. 

"I mean... walker hunt?" Jill asked Jon. 

'Bring one of these things to Kings Landing and show her the truth!' Tyrion said

'Anything you bring back will be useless if cersei does not give you permission to enter the castle she will kill us all.' Varys reminded

'She only listens to one person my brother Jaime and he will listen to me.' Tyrion said although after he killed his own father he didn't know if that was true.

'And if she kills you instead?" Jill countered. 'I don't like that idea.'

'And how do you plan to get into kings landing?'

'I can smuggle you in' Davvos said 'but I warn you I am not a fighter if the redcoats recognize you...'

'No, No, no.' Jill said shaking her head. 'not worth the risk.' JIll told him but Tyrion knew, hoped, Jaime wouldn't kill him. He grabbed her hand reassuringly. "This is a shit idea and thats coming from me." Jill told him honestly. 

'With the Queens permission I will go north and find one of the white walkers.' Jorah said 'you asked me to go and find a cure so I could serve you let me serve you' he begged her.

'You only just survived that curse, are you strong enough?' Danny questioned

'Let me do this for you.' Jorah told her softly.

'The free folk will help us' Jon told her.

"Ah Tormund, the big oaf." Jill agreed. "He will love a monster hunt."

'You cannot lead a raid behind the wall'

'I am the only one here that has fought them and the only one Here that knows.' Jon told him.

'I have not given you permission to leave' Dany reminded them and JIll scoffed. 

'With all due respect I do not need your permission to leave I am a king' Jon told her 'and I came here Knowing that your men could behead me or your dragons could burn me alive but I knew it was the best chance for my people for all of our people and now I'm asking you to trust in a stranger because he is our best chance.' Jon told her. Tyrion silently pleaded with her. Jill wanted to speak but that was a damn good speech and she didnt want to ruin it by running her mouth, so she stood in solidarity with Jon. If Dany said no, well then Jill had a plan B.


"This is still stupid." Jill whispered. 

"You worried about me?" Tyrion asked. 

"You are little and unskilled with weaponry, yes." Jill told him bluntly. 

"Wow, have some faith in me." Tyrion suggested. 

"This is so stupid." Jill told him. 

"If you are so worried you could come with me." Tyrion mused but Jill nodded stepping towards the boat. 

"Alright." Jill agreed. 

"I was joking."

"I'm not." Jill countered. "Come on then." 

"Jilly?" Jon called. 

"Be right back Jon, I'm making sure Tyrion doesnt lose his head." Jill called back. 

"You are going to give me a heart attack." Jon called after her. 

"This is far from the stupidest thing I've done." Jill retorted. 

"Oh?" Jon called back as Davvos started to paddle. 

"Oh yeah, if we survive both wars, I will tell you none of it still." Jill called back. She waved cheerily. 

"Come back in one piece Jilly." 

"Try my best." Jill agreed. 


"LOVE YOU!" Jill shouted back. "This is fun." Jill remarked leaning back and looking over at Tyrion and Davvos. "Last time i was here, I was fleeing to the wall, you were about to go on trial for a murder you didnt commit and you were fighting for another wanna be king, werent you davvos?" Jill offered. 

"You really shouldnt come." Tyrion remarked. "it's not safe."

"You worry for me, I worry for you. Best we both keep an eye on each other." Jill countered reaching over and grabbing his hand. "I know Jaime has one hand at the moment but he has a lot of rage, possibly aimed at you. He did like Tywin for some unknown reason to me but he did and you killed him. You dont think he might want to hack your head off?" 

"I like how calm you said that." Tyrion remarked. "As though you were telling a child a bed time story before declaring there are monsters under the bed and blowing out the candle." Jill giggled leaning back but Tyrion kept a hold of her hand. "I'm glad you are here." Tyrion admitted. 

"Where else would I be?"


'Last time I was here I killed my father with a crossbow.' Tyrion remarked

'Last time I was here you killed my son in wildfire.' Davos told him 'there is a path to the left of the cliff the guards hardly ever patrol it there are too many steps.'

"Sounds like castle guards." Jill agreed. "They never found me on the beaches either. too much sand perhaps? Didn't want to get it in their boots."

'You're not staying here?' Tyrion questioned as he marched past Tyrion and JIll. 

'I've got my own business to tend to.'

'What if someone takes the boat?'

'Then we are fucked, best hurry' davos told him.

"You heard the man." Jill agreed. "Where are meeting him anyways?"

'We don't have time for this we should be preparing the city for a siege.' Jamie said Bronn as he lead him into the crypts.

'All the more reason for you to train unless you plan on fighting Dothraki 12 year olds I seem to recall you having a bit of trouble.' Bronn added

'Well here I am ready to train.' Jaime told him.

I don't think you want people to see how you look swinging that thing yet.' Bronn added.

'Today might be the day I kill you by accident' Jamie remarked

''Oh you won't be swinging at me.' Bronn said before nodding to Tyrion. Tyrion stepped forward out of the shadows.

'Hello brother'

'Snowflake!" Bronn declared. 

"I said I wouldnt kill Jaime right away." Jill remarked. "I made no promises for you Bronn." He gave her a dramatic bow. 

"I'll leave you to it.' Bronn said with a wink before walking away

'I needed to see you and I knew you would never agree to meet.... You made me look like a complete fool I thought I would surprise you by hitting Castlery rock but you were three steps ahead of me.' Tyrion told Jaime. 'Abandoning the family home completely unsentimental of you, father would be proud.'

'Don't talk about father' Jaime snapped his eyes darting between Jill and Tyrion. Jill was ready she didnt get Tyrion back just to lose him at the capital of all places. The place they both fled from. 

'Jaime please'

'I told Bronn that if I ever saw you again I would cut you in half!' Jaime threatened.

'It would take you a while with a sparring sword' tyrion remarked and Jill chuckled.  'He was going to execute me he knew I was innocent. He didn't hate me because what I did, he hated me because of what I am, the little monster sent to punish him... did you think I wanted to be born this way do you think I chose to be born this Way?' Tyrion questioned

'Cersei wants Jill and Sansa as well' Jaime informed him.

"I would love to have a chat with Cersei, want to give me a little meet and greet time?" Jill mused. 

'that is her purgative I suppose but I'm not letting her put a hand on Snow.' Tyrion told him confidently.

'Aw, cute, trying to protect me when im here for your protection." Jill remarked. Jaimes face was stone as he shouted down at Tyrion.

'What do you want?' Jaime shouted

'Daenerys will win this war. you're a military man you must know there's no way around it Daenerys is not her father she's even willing to suspend hostility if Cersei agrees to terms.' Tyrion told him.

'Do you want cersei to bend the knee you can ask her yourself.'

'No... not right now anyways she has more important request.' Tyrion offered. 

"If it helps the request it's entirely from the dragon bitch." Jill remarked. 

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