By S3ansean

49.2K 3K 631

The last thing Kim Roksoo expected is to meet a god, and that wasn't the end of it. Now he has to live in the... More

chapter1: The deal
Chapter 2: The start
chapter 3: start (2)
Chapter 4: Mother's grave and a talk with the assassin
chapter 5: Ancient Power
Chapter 6: Rumors
Chapter 7: Let's go out!
Chapter 8: Second Ancient Power
Chapter 9: Crimson fairy
Chapter 10: They Met
Chapter 11: The Met (2)
Chapter 12: Planning for the trip
Chapter 13: Heading out
Chapter 14: Heading Out (2)
Chapter 15: Meeting the real trash
Chapter 16: Exposed
Chapter 17: Did you lose a dragon? Now he is mine
Chapter 18:Did you lose a dragon? Now he is mine (2)
Chapter 19: Puzzle city
Chapter 20: The vitality of the heart
Chapter 21: Returning the favor
Chapter 22: Exposed again
Chapter 23: The capital
Chapter 24: Berserker Lock
Chapter 25: What happened?
Chapter 26: A talk with the mage
Chapter 28:being still and pulling the strings
Chapter 29: Meeting the crown prince.

Chapter 27: Raon Miru

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By S3ansean

Rosalyn started to smile.

"I heard you were trash, but I guess that was a lie."

Rosalyn stopped with the respectful tone almost immediately, as Cale had expected. Although the majority of the people may not know what the princess of another kingdom may look like, it was different for nobles.

Low-level nobles may have found it difficult to gather information, but at the Count level, like the Henituse family, having information about the neighboring kingdoms' nobles and royalty was basic knowledge. It was not just fun and games to be a noble.

Cale responded to Rosalyn's statement.

"It is true that I am famous for being trash. However, a mage should make their judgments based on their five senses."

"You are right, young master Cale. We only believe the things we experience ourselves."

Cale thought Rosalyn's way of speaking was quite odd. She was speaking informally to him as a princess, but when she was referring to herself as part of the society of mages by using the term, 'we,' she spoke formally. Her identity as a mage seemed to be very important to her.

"But princess-nim."


She really didn't seem to like being treated like a princess.

"Okay then. Miss Rosalyn, are you done with your questions?"

"Yes. I am finished."

She smiled as she answered.

"Young master Cale, it seems like you do not want to be involved with me?"

Even though he knew she was a princess, he just told her to enjoy her stay and then leave. It wasn't that she found that to be disrespectful or anything. In fact, she preferred it that way. If she wanted special treatment, she would have revealed her full name and her identity immediately.

She did not want to be treated that way however. In addition, she was thankful to Cale for telling them about Lock's condition.

"Really? I just acted that way since princess-nim seemed to prefer it this way."


Rosalyn treated Cale's words as just a good excuse.

A human who travels with a dragon. He was known to be trash by society, but was not actually like that in reality. He could have easily revealed her existence if he really wanted to do so.

She thanked Cale, who was smiling as if he knew nothing.

"It seems like you have not informed the Roan royalty. Thank you very much."

"No problem. Something like that should be based on the involved individual's own wishes."

Cale thought that the crown prince would barge into this residence if Cale had reported it to the palace.

"You are correct, young master Cale. I do not wish to reveal myself. If this lands you into trouble in the future, please let them know that I asked you not to do so. I will send a messenger to back up your story."

"Got it."

"Thank you for letting me stay here. I will take care of my business and not cause you any trouble."

'Not cause me any trouble.'

Cale thanked Rosalyn, who was giving him the answer he wanted to hear the most.

"Thank you very much."

"No worries, it is how it should be."

Rosalyn brushed Cale's thanks off before continuing to eat. Cale and Rosalyn, the two of them did not need to speak anymore. Rosalyn just peeked at Raon every so often.

She couldn't help it. As a mage, her gaze continued to head to the dragon. Raon stopped eating the sausage that originally was for Cale before turning to look at Rosalyn. After ignoring Rosalyn's continued peeking for a while, he finally spoke up.

"Eat your own food. This is mine."

Raon pulled the plate with the sausage closer to him. Cale was casually piling more food onto that plate for him.

Raon was getting addicted to the taste of steak, which was different from eating raw meat, as well as the other types of various foods that were on the table.

Rosalyn peeked toward Cale, and Cale stealthily put up four fingers without Raon noticing. Four years old. Rosalyn smiled at the meaning of Cale's message, and responded to Raon.

"Yes, Raon-nim. I would not dare eye your food."

Raon started to eat again and Rosalyn and Cale continued their meals as well.

It was a relaxing and peaceful meal.

After it was over, Cale got on the carriage to go meet the Northeastern nobles. The Northeastern nobles consisted of just 10 noble families. There were more if you considered the barons and below, but the pillar of the Northeast was based on these 10 families. Of those 10 families, the three people Cale was meeting today came from three families that had been friendly with the Henituse family for a long time.

"What a dilemma.

That was why Cale was worried.

Choi Han, who had been following him as a guard, cautiously asked.

"What is? If I can do anything to help, please let me know."

"Nothing. You don't need to know."

Cale just curtly answered before starting to think again. Choi Han observed Cale and started to worry as well. It was the first time Choi Han had seen Cale worrying like this.

Cale did not know what to do.

Just what kind of chaos would he need to cause to really look like trash?

Cale had come to a realization after being stuck with large baggage like Choi Han and Raon. He was having a dilemma about how to live a trash life.

The Northeastern nobles would have seen Cale's trash behavior in the past. They would have also received news about all of Cale's trashy actions in the Henituse territory. That was why he had to be even more careful, no, he had to be even more chaotic.


Cale looked down at his two hands. Act like a total bastard? That would be a way to seem like the trash of all trash. While Cale was thinking about what he could do to act terribly, the carriage stopped in front of a residence. Since the Northeastern nobles all had residences in the same area of the capital, it was not very far.

"Welcome, young master Cale-nim."

Cale noticed the old butler greeting him at the gate, and looked to the building behind the butler.

This was Count Wheelsman's residence. Count Wheelsman's territory was located in the beginning parts of the Northeast, and he was neither very strong nor very wealthy. That was why he was able to build a close relationship with Count Henituse in the Northeast, where they did not have any dukes or marquis. Count Henituse liked this friendship because, for someone like him, whose territory was far in the corner of the Northeast, knowing someone who was close to the capital was beneficial.

Cale thought about Count Wheelsman's successor.

'Eric Wheelsman.'

Deputy butler Hans had cautiously advised Cale before he left for this meeting.

'Young master, it is great that you have a good relationship with young master Eric, but I bring this up to you to ask whether you think it would be smarter to not act so close to each other in front of the other nobles in the meeting.'

That let Cale know that Eric and the original owner of this body were very close.

However, the information about Eric in the nobles information report described Eric as a good person who was a bit uptight.

"Young master Cale, may I escort you inside?"


Cale followed the old butler into the Wheelsman residence.

Eric Wheelsman, Gilbert Chetter, and Amiru Ubarr. The three of them were inside the residence. Cale was still thinking about how he should act in front of them as he entered inside.

In the end, he didn't need to worry about such a thing.

"Cale. You at least still listen to this hyung. Right?"

Cale had a confused look on his face. Eric Wheelsman pushed up his glasses after seeing Cale's expression. Right now, Cale was seated at the table with the three nobles surrounding him like he was in an interview.

'This is odd.'

But the atmosphere was more of them consoling him rather than interviewing him. Eric Wheelsman started to speak.

"Won't it be annoying for you as well?"

Viscount Ubarr's daughter Amiru and Baron Chetter's son Gilbert chimed in.

"He's right. Young master Cale, I heard you don't like annoying formalities."

"Young master Cale, it is not wrong to find something to be annoying."

It felt like they were trying to console a child. Cale first responded to their statements.

"Yes, it is annoying."

"See! That is why!"


Eric lightly tapped the table. It did not seem like it was because he was angry, but more like a subconscious movement.

He looked toward Cale, who used to be a cute little kid until he grew up to be trash, and quietly continued.

"That is why you don't need to say anything or do anything. Just be still! Be still and we will take care of everything for you. You hate annoying things and formalities anyway."

Cale responded back with an intrigued expression.

"I am very good at staying still."

Eric was known for being uptight, but he was also the type to worry about everything. But that was only because he liked to think about everything before they actually happened.

He started to speak to Cale, who became the biggest concern of his since yesterday, when he found out that Cale really was the one to come to the capital. The other two looked toward Eric as if they were cheering him on.

"Some of the other Northeastern nobles may try to annoy you. The ones who aligned themselves with Marquis Stan or some other duke will definitely try. But all you have to do is be still and we will take care of everything for you. What do you think?"

This was what Eric was most worried about. Of the 10 pillar families, only these 4 families have not aligned themselves elsewhere. The other nobles who aligned with higher ranking nobles from outside the area would want to offer the entire Northeastern group of nobles to their upline.

They needed to be cautious, cautious, and even more cautious. This group of four families had to be in the center. That was their way of being the strongest faction in the Northeast, and, in order to do that, the wealthy Henituse family could not cause an accident at the capital.

Eric, as well as the other two, quietly waited for Cale's response.

"That would be great."

Cale had a gentle smile on his face to go with his response. Eric was thinking that Cale still looked like the good kid from the past, as long as he was not drinking, and started to speak.

"I plan on showing our respect to the crown prince together as well. I'm sure you find this to be annoying and want to get right to drinking, but that will be difficult. As long as you do that initial greeting, we will take care of EVERYTHING ELSE!"


Cale started to smirk. He found this atmosphere quite interesting. He picked up the wineglass in front of him. Cale could see Gilbert flinch as he did that.

Cale thought this was odd as well. He may be a troublesome trash, but since they were on the same side, their only possible course of action was to protect him. He wet his mouth with the wine, before starting to speak.

"It's great."

"Isn't it?"

Eric had a bright smile on his face as his glasses reflected the light from the chandelier.

Cale decided to take the three nobles' offer of doing nothing and getting their protection. He liked this plan very much.

"All you have to do is show up, sit there, and relax."

"Great. It sounds perfect."

It was a very good offer, just the type Cale liked. He calmly ate the meal in front of him, as he started to think that it was a good idea to come here today. However, Eric, Gilbert, and Amiru did not let their guards down. Cale Henituse was someone who had even thrown a bottle at the Northeastern nobles meeting when everything seemed to be going great.

They were especially cautious because they were here to convince the crown prince to invest in the Northeastern coastline, where Gilbert and Amiru's families were positioned.

"Wine from the Henituse territory really is great."

Of course, Cale knew about the two family's desire for the crown prince's investment from the information Hans had given to him. The four families shared information with each other without any secrets. However, Cale knew that the investment from the crown prince would not be possible.

'How would he be able to invest when a war will soon start from the south of the Western Continent? It might be different if it was a navy though.'

The four nobles chatted every so often as they continued their meal. The three nobles relaxed a bit after seeing Cale make it through the whole meal without causing an accident.

They were all decently satisfied with this meeting.

* * *

Cale rested for a bit after returning to his residence, before hearing that Choi Han was back, causing Cale to call him to his room.

"Cale-nim, you called for me?"

"The inn?"

"Fine. Thankfully, the children are energetic."

Cale turned pale after thinking about 10 energetic Wolf Tribe children.

On the other hand, Choi Han seemed to be more relaxed and happier.

"Then there is nothing else to do?"


Cale nodded his head before standing up. It was only then that Choi Han realized that Cale was not wearing his pajamas nor his usual outfit. He was wearing very casual clothes.

Cale walked over to his bed as he started to speak.

"I will be laying in bed, so go tell Hans he can stop standing outside the door and can go sleep. He will go without even looking back."

Choi Han looked out the open terrace window. It was a bright night. He then asked Cale.

"Will you be heading out?"


Cale smiled as he answered.

"I left the terrace open like before, so come to my room."

"I understand."

Choi Han's gaze changed. He remembered what Cale had told him the other day. Cale mentioned that he would tell Choi Han how to find that blood drinking mage.

"Will it just be the two of us, without either On or Hong?"

'....won't it be like going on a secret date?'

Choi Han asked with a serious expression, but an answer came from somewhere else.

"I will be going as well."

Raon removed its invisibility magic and entered through the terrace window. Choi Han looked toward Raon before turning back to look at Cale. Cale answered even more relaxed than ever before.

"The three of us will go."

Honestly Choi Han was a bit disappointed that Raon was going with them.

Choi Han looked at Raon before looking back toward Cale and asking.

"Are we going to destroy everything?"

"No. Absolutely not."

'Why are his thoughts always so extreme?'

Cale laid down on the bed and waved Choi Han away.

"Hurry up and come back soon. Oh, and wear a hat."

"I understand."

Choi Han left only the night stand's light on and turned the rest of the lights off before heading out of the room and saying something to Hans. Cale kept his eyes closed and pretended to be asleep.

The door soon closed and Hans did not enter. Raon, who had been invisible while the door was open, removed its invisibility and landed on the bed. One side of the bed started to sink while the dragon started to speak in a worried voice.

"You cannot really fall asleep."

Cale started to think after hearing the dragon's words.

'Do I look like a four-year-old to this dragon?'

Cale let out a sigh and got up from the bed.

"Of course, I am awake"

Raon looked at the redhead, he hesitated a bit before asking.

"...Why did you choose Raon as my name?"

Cale looked stunned.

"Hmm, isn't it good?"

Raon stared at him.

" it doesn't mean something like black or simply a dragon? Does it?"

"Why? isn't a name like that good?"

Raon looked away.

"No, I-it doesn't matter."

Cale chuckled a bit.

"...Raon Miru"

Raon locked his eyes with Cale.

"It has only one meaning in this world."

Cale pointed at Raon.

"And that is you. Raon Miru The joyful dragon"

Raon is pure Korean for joyful.

Miru is pure Korean for dragon.

"Raon...I came up with this name in the hope that you will be happy and live a joyful life.

It means you. They are words just for you and only you in this world"

Raon looked at Cale with sparkling eyes.

"..only me?"


Raon started laughing and flying in circles.

"I am the great and mighty Raon Miru."

Then he looked at Cale and flew to his hands.

"Thanks Cale"

Cale stumbled a bit but caught his balance before he fell.

"You're welco-...wait what did you call me?"

"What are you talking about, I called you human."

Raon flew out of Cale's hands.

Cale smiled.

"No, you called me by my name, say it again."

Raon shook his head.

"No!! You are human, no weak human"

"Hey just once, say it once more"

"Weak human, stop it, you are human and nothing else."

Cale kept teasing Raon. A few moments later, Choi Han reentered the room through the window while wearing a robe.

"You're here. I guess a robe is definitely better than a hat."

Choi Han nodded and started to speak toward the dragon as Cale packed a hat.

"Will you be following us like that?"

"I will be invisible."

"... I heard that dragons could polymorph. Can't you turn into a human? I think that would be easier."

A dragon's magic was an expression of their will. That was why Choi Han thought that the dragon could easily polymorph if it had the will to do so.

Raon snorted at Choi Han's words.

"I hate humans. I do not want to be like humans. He said that dragons were cool and awesome. And don't call me dragon, my name is Raon Miru and I am a grand total of four years old."

Choi Han's gaze instinctively turned to Cale asking him if he named him a Korean name, he turned back to Raon after getting the confirmation.

"Who said that?"

Raon peeked toward Cale at Choi Han's question, before quickly looking away. He then turned invisible and flew up into the sky. The sunken part of the bed returned back to normal.

Cale leisurely started to speak to Choi Han, who was looking at him with an odd expression.

"Dragons indeed are cool."

"They really are."

Choi Han nodded his head and followed behind Cale, who was heading toward the terrace. He then looked out the third-floor terrace window and stopped suddenly.

"Um, Cale-nim."


"...will I carry you again?"

Choi Han had some expectations when he asked that.

Cale snorted at Choi Han's hesitant question, and pointed to the ceiling with his index finger. At that moment, Cale's body slowly lifted off the floor and started to turn invisible.

Cale watched his entire body turn invisible before looking up to the ceiling and starting to speak.

"Dragons are great and mighty."

"You are right. I am great and mighty."

The invisible Raon responded to Cale. Choi Han was slightly disappointed that he couldn't carry Cale but he could see Cale's evil smirk quickly appear before disappearing. Choi Han realized how Cale was controlling the dragon and he started to speak as well.

"Wow, dragons are great and mighty."

Once Choi Han said that, he turned invisible as well, and they could leave the residence without any worries.

Of course, there were magic detection tools around the residence fence, but they were for preventing intruders. They did not have any reaction to people leaving the residence.

Choi Han stood at a small alley a bit away from the residence, and started to speak.

"It is fine from here."

As soon as he said that, the invisibility magic on Cale and Choi Han was removed. Cale, whose levitation magic was removed as well, landed gently from the 10 centimeters he was floating in the air.

Cale was shocked at this chain of events.

'Raon's magic skills are much stronger than I thought. I wonder if it is related to its special characteristics.'

This level of magic was already a bit higher than the level of the highest tier mages. It was no wonder that they said that an adult dragon could easily destroy an entire kingdom if it was willing to do so.

'But I won't need his help like this once I get the Sound of the Wind. I can then move around without Raon or Choi Han coming with me.'

The Sound of the Wind was the third ancient power Cale was planning on taking. However, he needed to head to the Roan Kingdom's Northeastern shores to find that power.

'I'll need to go to young lady Amiru's territory.'

Cale was planning on heading there to get the Sound of the Wind on his way back from the capital. His excuse to others would be that he wanted to go sightseeing, since he was already out.

The fact that it was an ancient power by the sea made him a bit concerned, but Cale decided to not think much about it because it was a power that he could quietly take.

'By then, Choi Han's crew won't be with me anyways since Rosalyn will most likely take them with her to her kingdom'

Cale was certain that the Whale Tribe and the mermaids appeared at the Northeastern shores around the end of volume 4. The war in the ocean between the Eastern and Western continents. All he had to do was avoid the shores at that time. More than the whales, he needed to avoid those crazy mermaids.

Cale covered his red hair with his hat, before taking a map out of his pocket. He then took the lead.

"Follow me."

The still invisible Raon and Choi Han walked on either side of Cale, following Cale out of the southern district of the nobles and into the center of Huiss.

The night became as bright as the day as they got closer to the center of Huiss. There were many bright lights on the streets with shops selling stuff, and bars were the most lively at this time.

"The nightlife at the capital is really different from other places."

"It sure is."

Cale nodded his head at Choi Han's words before heading toward the Plaza of Glory at the center of Huiss. They could see a round plaza in front of them with fountains in all four directions. Each fountain had groups of citizens gathered around it.

The three of them could see the citizens relaxing with their families or friends after a long day of work. Since it was 9 pm right now, they would continue to enjoy themselves at the plaza until the guards came to patrol at 11 pm.

Cale looked to the left. Choi Han was blankly watching some families laughing together at the fountain to the east.

Cale, who had been leisurely watching Choi Han and the scene in front of them, started to speak.

"Make it so nobody can hear us."

Once he said that, an invisible dome appeared around them. It was something that only Cale, Choi Han, and Raon, who were inside the dome, could see.

Choi Han finally turned to look at Cale.

"There is this thing called a magic bomb."

"A bomb?"

"Yes. A bomb. Magic bombs can come in many shapes and sizes. With this Western continent having a long history of war that was led by magic, it has developed quite a bit."

Choi Han quietly listened to Cale's story.

"However, there are a lot of restrictions. The location of the magic bomb, controlling the mana flowing through it, and many other factors cause these bombs to be really complicated to use."

That was why they preferred to have a mage use their magic during war rather than using magic bombs. But the magic bombs this time are different from those used previously."

"Of those bombs, newly developed magic bombs will go off here, as well as multiple places around here, in six days."

Cale did not think that the five bombs Choi Han and Rosalyn had found in the novel would still be the same. The story had already changed. That meant that this situation could easily change as well. That was why Cale came up with a new plan.

However, he was still certain that the magic bomb terror incident would still proceed as described.

'Since I was able to confirm that the crazy mage was in this kingdom.'

The crazy mage was the one who created this new magic bomb. The secret organization would eventually distribute this bomb to different territories in the Roan Kingdom after the incident at the capital. Of course, they will be hiding their identity as the secret organization.

"Are you saying a bomb will go off here?"


Choi Han looked around at the fountains and the people in the plaza. A cold voice filled his ear at that time.

"It could be buried somewhere or even installed on a person. Of course, that person will not know it is a bomb and think it is something else, like a bracelet or a purse and have it on them."

On a person. That phrase made Choi Han turn his head to look at Cale. Cale responded coldly to Choi Han.

"That is why we need to prevent it."

Of course, Cale would not do it. Choi Han, Rosalyn, and the Raon will be the ones to take care of it. Cale planned to be still. Cale planned to be very still at the capital.

"How can we prevent it?"


Cale crossed his arms as he leaned on a tree in the plaza and continued to speak.

"Magic bombs, are in essence, chunks of mana. That is why all you need to do is have someone with high mana sensitivity inspect the area and search any locations that seem to have an abundance of mana."

Choi Han flinched at Cale's calm demeanor before cautiously asking.

"Is it so much higher that it will be that easily detected?"

"No. It is just slightly higher, making it difficult for any average mage to notice it. But that small chunk of mana can instantly pull in the mana in the surrounding area to create a large explosion."

Choi Han looked concerned. As a sword user and an aura user, he was slightly sensitive to mana as well. However, he was not as sensitive to it as mages, and could not be of help.

"Cale-nim, I do not think it will be easy."

"It is very easy."

Cale answered that way as he asked.


At that moment, an answer came from above.

"It is doable. Just annoying."

Next to Cale was Raon, an existence that was said to be the most sensitive to mana. Choi Han quickly understood and nodded his head. He had forgotten that this dragon was a great and mighty existence.

Cale handed the map in his hand to Choi Han.

"I don't know about the people, but the bombs installed in locations will be installed at least two days before the incident."

The day of the incident would be when the king arrives. That meant that the security would be multiple times the normal level starting from the day before. That's why they needed to install the bombs at least two days before.

"I don't know about the other locations, but I am certain that at least one bomb will be near this plaza. This is the place with the most people."

"Right. I agree."

"That is why, with this plaza as the center point."

Cale pointed toward Choi Han and then up to the sky.

"Choi Han, you and Raon will roam around the capital every night to look for the magic bombs."

"The two of us?"

Cale patted Choi Han's shoulder and answered as Choi Han asked. The way to handle Raon and Choi Han was pretty similar.

"Yes. Choi Han, if it is you, I know that you can stealthily move around without being noticed. You are very talented."

Choi Han quietly nodded his head with a serious expression. He then asked.

"What should we do once we find it?"

"Leave it there for now."

"...Not get rid of it?"

"We will get rid of it on the day of the incident."

"May I ask why?"

Cale started to smirk.

"Don't you want to find that mage?"

It was not the answer to Choi Han's question, but Choi Han first nodded his head. Cale looked around the plaza. Everybody looked happy, but members of the secret organization may be mixed in with them. Cale did not know where that blood-drinking mage was located. The mage may be hiding somewhere or roaming around under a disguise.

"A mage needs to be present in order to make a magic bomb go off. The mage who made the bomb needs to remove the restriction to set it off."


Choi Han started to speak as a thought came to him before stopping himself and looking back toward Cale. Cale continued on in an uninterested voice.

"First, find the bombs. If you happen to get lucky and find the people installing the bombs, follow them without getting noticed."

Since Raon will be with him, Choi Han would stop right before he would be detected by magic. But Cale thought it would be difficult for them to find those people in the process.

It will take a lot of work to look for the locations with a slightly elevated mana fluctuation to find the bombs. It will be very difficult and tiring. That was why Cale left this task to the two of them. He would not be able to help, but, more importantly, he didn't want to do it.

"Then do we just have to roam around until two days before the event?"

"No. The two of you will need to come the day before as well."

"The day before?"

'Wouldn't it be difficult because there will be a lot more guards?'

Choi Han did not ask his question. It would be difficult, but still manageable for him. He would just need to spend a little more effort and be a little more cautious.

At that moment, Choi Han could see Cale with his villainous smirk once again.

Cale took a black orb out of his pocket and showed it to Choi Han.


Choi Han let out a gasp. He was familiar with this black orb. It was the Mana Disturbance Tool. It had been used by Cale once before. It was strong enough to have a range of an entire mountain.

Cale leisurely smiled as he started to speak. He knew when the bomb would go off.

"A lot of mages will be there that day, so it probably won't even last 10 minutes, but it will help. It will make everything related to magic not work for that duration."

10 minutes was enough.

They just needed to save the people with bombs on them in those 10 minutes. They will be very visible. And, by that point, there will be a lot of humans and beast people to put to work, in addition to Choi Han and Raon as well.

Choi Han looked back and forth between the black orb and Cale, before taking a gulp and starting to speak.

"...Cale-nim, you were planning to do all of this on your own-"

"That is why."

Cale knew what Choi Han was going to say. That was why he cut him off and started to speak to Choi Han and Raon.

"Go and work."

Choi Han blankly stared at Cale. Cale pointed to the beer bar that was famous for its beer and continued on.

"I will be waiting for you here. Just look around until about 11 before coming back for today."

Choi Han thought for a moment, before letting out a sigh-like laughter and nodding his head.

"Got it. Today, Raon and I will just look around the interior of the plaza before returning."

Choi Han had originally thought about asking why Cale was not going with them. However, he quickly realized it. Cale would only be baggage to Choi Han and Raon as they worked.

Cale was weak. There was not even a trace of mana coming from Cale's body, nor did he look like he practiced any type of martial arts. He was plain, yet not plain at the same time.

"I will work hard, so please buy me a beer when I come back."

"Sure. Raon, thanks for your help too."

Raon got rid of the soundproof dome, as if to respond to Cale's words. Choi Han just slightly bowed his head before moving away from Cale.

Two hours later, Cale returned to the residence with Choi Han and the Raon, who did not manage to find anything.

They did not manage to find anything the next night either.

Cale, who could not sleep at night, finally woke up in the middle of the day. He was not tired though, because the Vitality of the Heart made it difficult for Cale to feel tired.

"Young master, are you up?"

"... Ron."

Cale's honey-like slumber disappeared like a dream, as he came back to reality.

"I have returned."

Ron was back. He then handed a letter to Cale. Cale gave an order to Ron for the first time in a while after seeing the letter.

"Ron, go wrap up a bottle of the best wine."

It was a letter with the crest of the Flynn Merchant Guild. Cale opened the letter to find a single sentence.

[Young master Cale, will you be treating me to alcohol soon?]

The bastard son of the Flynn Merchant Guild's leader, Billos, would soon arrive at the capital.

The letter helped Cale realize that it would not be long before he met the crown prince inside the palace. Since there were a lot of villains in there, it was time for him to be very, very still.

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