Luna versus Alpha

By ImmaNarwhal_nbd

160K 5.8K 501

"You can't win this game, Carter Blake," He whispers against my cheek. Shivers run up and down my spine. "Wat... More

Luna vs. Alpha
Chapter 1. The Sneak
Chapter 2. The Strange Happenings
Chapter 3. The Inevitable
Chapter 4. The Jaw Clenchers
Chapter 5. The Defiance
Chapter 6. The Encounters
Chapter 7. The Intruder
Chapter 8. The Idea
Chapter 9. The Secrets
Chapter 10. The Mark
Chapter 11. 1, 2, 3 pt 1
Chapter 11. 1,2,3 PT 2
Chapter 12. Rescue Me
Chapter 13. Clues
Chapter 14. Reunion
Chapter 16. Struggling
Chapter 17. A Familiar Face
hey guys!
Chapter 18. Running out of Time
Chapter 19. Fraud
Chapter 20. Uneasy
Chapter 21. Cure : Body and Mind
Chapter 22. Adjust
Chapter 23. More Problems
Chapter. 23 I Promise
Chapter 24. Old Habits
Chapter 25. Not Alone Anymore
Chapter 26. The Back Porch
Authors note
Chapter 27. Mile High Club

Chapter 15. Tick Tock Goes the Clock

4.8K 196 20
By ImmaNarwhal_nbd

not edited

(hope you guys have been enjoying the fast updates because idk if they'll continue!)

Carter's POV***

Something was going on. I was sure of it. Every time Gary and his brothers came to check on me, their demeanor was different. No longer did they strike me meaninglessly nor did they give me much the time of day. Their matching brown eyes were alert and constantly shifting around the room.

"You, dick head," I rasped, my voice dry. Huey turned to stare at me with wide eyes that twitched with annoyance. His brother Jack snorted, tightening a type of gun to his chest.

"What's going on?" I asked, taking a tired breath to speak.

"Nothing," his young eyes traveled to the ground and he refused to look up at me anymore. He quickly turned his back to me. Anxious, my gaze shifted between the three brothers. What were they hiding?

Jack looked incredibly frustrated as he played with his gun, moving it around to a different position every so often. Gary's darkened eyes never stayed in one spot for more than 3 seconds. He held a knife in both of his caloused hands, sliding his thumb pad down the short silver blade. Huey's eyes stayed on the ground and his shoulders shook with each breath he took. He had a small hand gun, but not much else.

The brother's were antsy, that much I knew. Before I could pester them with another question, a loud sound of metal banging together grasped our attention. In sync, we all stared up at the metallic ceiling.

A thought struck me, along with a pang of hope. Maybe Dalton was coming to get me. I tried not to fool myself too much, but if I didn't have hope then I'm already a lost cause. The trick is just not to have too much of it.

Excited and motivated, I squirmed lightly in my chair, but exhaustion and weakness began to overwhelm those previous emotions; like a tidal wive crashing down on a city.

Kaz's POV***

With another strained pull, I hauled my petite body over the edge of the 70 foot tall warehouse. I took a breath, crouching over the railing and giving my tired arms and legs a break.

I landed on the pavement, happy my feet were finally touching solid ground instead of forcing my toes to stand upon walling that had about 0.0002 sized lumps and crevices that I had to jam my feet to stick into if I wanted to climb this building.

I glared down the side of the building, seeing Dalton and Gavin enter the building, their bodies the size of ants now. Nodding to myself I quickly turned around and headed for the boxy looking door that led into the building. Racing over, the wind licked across my face, revealing the cold.

Coming to a stop, I slowly reached for the handle and sniffed. It smelt like a mixture of clorox, bleach and some other strange chemical. Someone was on the other side.

I took a steady breath to quiet myself down. No doubt with the chemicals and transfusions, this person already heard me. My left hand gripped the sheathe of my hunters knife, the feeling like coming home after staying the night at a stranger's house.

I brought my foot up, performing a roundhouse kick at the rusty green door, resulting it in slamming open and a man belligerently screaming as he tried to attack me. I side stepped as he pulled out a hand gun in a swift movement, shooting but missing by a ton. I grabbed his outstretched arm, pulling him across me before I hopped up onto his shoulders and wrung his neck with my small hands. He struggled, desperately trying to get me off. I plunged my knife into his jugular, causing him to pause and violently bleed out. He dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes not a second after. Satin red blood pooled around his neck while his eyes lay open in terror.

I gave him one last look before I went through the door, and down the small circling stairs. I went down them with ease, unable to sense anyone coming close to me. Stupid idiots, only leaving one pathetic man to guard their doors.

The metal spiraling staircase stopped short and forked out into a metallic catwalk. I glanced over the edge to see nothing but another under door to stairs.

I turned my back, only to have someone reach out for my neck.

Surprised, I ducked down and spun behind him away from the railin just in time. He quickly turned to face me. He had dark brown eyes, blonde hair, a beanie and a black v-neck. I lightly sniffed him. He had a tranquilizer with him. I glanced down at his pants where his halter was before he had the chance to attack.

Dalton's POV***

"Dalton!" Gavin's strangled plea for help rung across the small room. I turned to see a man pinning him down and choking him while Gavin fought for air. My older brother instinct kicked in as I ran over to the man attacking him. I grasped his neck and flung him off effortlessly. He landed on the wall, flopping down with a grunt before he went out like a light.

"Thanks," Gavin sputtered, sitting up and regaining his breaths.

I growled to myself. This place was a maze. Door lead to door, which led to small cubicles of rooms where we were ambushed.

"Treyvon!" I snapped angrily. My transmitter flickered on, signaling he'd received my message.

"What's taking so long with the cam-"

"I'm in, Carter's in a basement with a group of men, about 5. The Hunt brothers are there and all have tranq guns." He replied.

"Where's the basement?" I demanded.

"Go through the tunneling, take two rights and you'll find an elevator that leads to the bottom. Don't get it in, ride on top because they have guards inside."

"Gavin, get us to the basement," I ordered, sure Gavin had heard all Treyvon had just given us. Gavin was an excellent tracker, born with very sharp senses and strong instincts that never failed him. He nodded, grabbing his gun from the cement flooring and leading the way to the opened door from which we came.

"Alpha," My transmitter buzzed.

"What is it Ygritte?" I grunted as I ducked around the corner, following Gavin around the tunneling.

"Some of their men grabbed Heather and Pedro, I'm asking permission for Evan and I to retrieve them."

"Permission granted, but if you are outnumbered, leave them."

"L-leave them?" She sounded rather shocked for a girl who relentlessly killed when I asked.

I turned off the transmitter connecting to her squadrant. I didn't have time for stupid questions.

Carter's POV***

It's just a dream. It's just a dream. But why does it feel so real? I remember my eyes closing and my head falling back against the cool metal chair. But why was everything so real?

There was a woman here. It had to be. She wore a strange native mask that hid her chin up to the bottom of her daunting blue eyes. Patterns of blue and red zig zags traveled around the front of the mask where the chin was, and where her lips should've been was two fangs slightly farther from each other and the nose was pointed. She was wearing a white cloak, the loose angelic hood lightly covering her head. She was a strange pale and everything about her both screamed mystical yet intimidating.

"Who are you?" I asked. She didn't move. Her icy eyes seemed to be staring through me rather than at me. Confused, I turned around to stare into darkness.

"Blood is what connects life from death." A deep voice bounced off the walls.

"Who's there?!" I shouted, fear and panic rising deep within my throat. Everything began to feel wrong, like I shouldn't be here and was doing something behind someone's back and somehow they knew. A sick feeling dug its way into body and now it refused to get out, like a parasite that I felt I was dying from.

"Your fate is no longer in your hands, but his." The voice started up. I began panting and hugging myself as if that would somehow comfort me.

"Stop it, I want to wake up!" I screamed, covering my eyes and falling down. I cradled my knees to my chest as tears pooled in the corners of my eyes.

"You cannot win this fight Carter."

"I don't want to hear you anymore!!" I screamed, burrowing my head farther into my knees. I brought my hands over my head, sobbing in agony.

Dalton's POV***

I threw another punch at the older man, knocking him backwards. He thudded before blacking out.

Getting up, I groaned as a splitting feeling began in my skull.


"I'm-fine," I breathed, blinking and feeling the back of my neck burn. My eyes snapped open.

"My Mark, it's, burning!" I gasped, struggling to get up.

"That's never happened before," Gavin replied, hastily walking to my side and holding me up. I nodded, showing I was fine.

"It's Carter," Gavin growled. I looked at him as I straightened out. His eyes were dark, his face was serious. Why did he look so adament on saving her? Yes, she was my mate and no doubt they were friends, but it had to be more than that. A daunting thought makes my wolf elongate his fangs and sheathe his claws.

"We need to hurry," Gavin growled. I stared at him with ferocity. Confrontation would have to wait.

"I know."

With that we ran past the bodies on the floor and made another right, leading us into a circular room. In front of us was the elevator, a red button sounding at the top of the rectangular figure.

"Just our luck, it's coming up." Gavin grunted.

"Get to the side."

And so he did, as did I. I pressed my back to the wall, hearing the elevator open. It began to ding, and followed by the talking of men.

"I don't get why Vince has us keeping her anyways." a woman said.

"You jealous Z?" A man teased.

"Suck my dick Azrael." And with that they descended.

I waited till the elevator went all the way down, and came back up, and opened up to reveal no one inside.

"How are we going to get on top?" Gavin asked, stepping in but I stopped him with one hand. He looked at me, confused, then understood. I grabbed my hand gun, stuck it in the elevator and pointed it as a 45 degree angle. Soon, I pulled the trigger. A loud noise sounded off, and not a second later, a camera fell in a clunk.

"Nice shootin Ace," Gavin remarked. I ignored him and stepped inside, him following suit.

I pressed the basement button and soon the elevator closed. An awkward silence took place as elevator music began to play. I growled deep in my throat. Gavin could sense the tension between us just as well as I could.

[He is kin. But I want to kill him.] My wolf said. I couldn't help but agree.

Noticing we were on the 2nd floor, I slammed the handle of my gun to the stop button. The elevator jerked before it came to a halt. Gavin placed his fingers in the crevice of the elevator, hauling them open. He grunted and growled as the doors were forced open by his hands.

I peeked out and down and up to see ropes limply hanging down from above. We only had a little ways down. Faint voices sounded beneath. That must've been the henchmen guarding Carter

"I'll go," Gavin and I both said in unison. I glared at him, only to have him return my look. Annoyance bubbled through my being as I allowed Gavin to take the first step. He peeked his head out and examined the situation. He looked up and then across where bundles of thick rope streamed down from above. Reaching out his hand, Gavin's fingers intertwined with one of the ropes that hung down from God knows where. Giving it a light tug, he turned to grin at me. I raised a brow at my mischevious brother.

Suddenly his body disappeared out of the elevator. I sighed, knowing where this led. I popped my head out and looked up to see him scrambling on top of the elevator.

Reiterating his movements, I grabbed another rope. As I was about to step out of the elevator, something slid down my head. I glared up, a growl sounding through my chest. Gavin stared at me with amusement while the rope he used swung around as it fell back into it's original place. He purposely getting on my nerves.

Ignoring him, I hopped out of the elevator and clung to the rope midair. I struggled a bit before I was able to place my feet on one another with the rope in the middle to hold myself up. I forced myself up, climbing army style until I reached the top of the elevator. I brought my body to the top, rested one hand on the edge, and jumped off, forcing myself up.

With the last lift of my knee, I stood up on the top of the shaft.

"Gavin-" I started but a fist was suddenly right between my eyes knocking me back. Adrenaline surged through me as I fought against my balance to fall backwards to my death. I regained my footing, looking forward in anger.

"Vince," I growled. My brother lay in a flailed mess on the ground, back facing the ceiling. Vince's pale green eyes were staring straight at me, like I was a menu and he was deciding what to order. His blonde hair looked different than it had before. It wasn't in a boyish side sweep, for now it was much shorter and jelled. He was still a solid 6 foot 5, and now held the features of a man. A broken man. A mad man.

"I apologize about Gavin. I mean, out of you two he was the nicer cousin," He began, his pale lips forming a side smirk along with mock sympathy. I didn't move. I had to focus on getting to Carter as fast as possible.

Vince cocked his head, staring me up and down.

"I must say you've changed. What a coincidence, so have I!" He added with a shrug. He put his hands in his baggy black pants pockets.

"Return Carter to my pack and we'll leave without any more damage needing to be done," I said through my teeth. I would never let Vince live after this. Or at least I hoped that I wouldn't.

"Doesn't feel too good to have to be away from your mate, am I right? But you know all about that," Vince replied, sighing and keeping his arrogant fasci on for show. I clenched my knuckles, trying to keep as calm as I possibly could.

"It was years ago," I said. Yet we both knew that no matter how many times I'd told him over the years, the memories and events of that night lay fresh in our minds.

Vince's joking demeanor vanished, and a much more serious version of himself began to show. His eyes portrayed years, stress and anger and he seemed much older than before. Within seconds a raw snarl sounded out of his mouth and his pupils dilated, but not before he attacked me at full speed.

One of his hands reached for my neck while his other grasped a gun from his side and pulled it out. I ducked, kicking the back of his knee, resulting in him falling to the ground with a growl. Not a second later did he bring up his knee and bust my chin. I jerked backwards, blood falling from my newly sliced lips. I stood up with haste, and turned to face him. He held the gun up, and pulled the trigger but I side stepped just in time.

Angered, he charged again, aiming a punch at my neck. Stopping it with my forearm, I kicked him in the stomach. He stumbled backwards, the gun dropping from his other hand, landing near my brother.

"You know, Carter is a very pretty girl," Vince began to laugh as he stood up. I ignored his taunting. Both of our eyes traveled to the ground where the tranq gun lay besides a knocked out Gavin. It was like a Mexican standoff as each of us examined the other. Pinches of adrenaline surged through my fingers, causing them to twitch with anticipation. Vince clearly had the same idea.

I let out a loud growl before I dove for the gun. Vince landed on top of me, his claws ripping at my clothes in a frenzy.

My finger nails barely brushed the gun. Vince's fingers dug into my shoulder while his free hand also reached for the gun.

Thinking fast, I elongated my nails into claws, grasping the lever of the gun. Triumph made my heart palpitate with excitement. However my victory was short lived, for something sharp dug into my rib-cage. I let out a shrill grunt.

"Unlike you," Vince growled, getting up and snatching the gun from my hands. He soon got up off me and kneeled down to my ear as I panted in shock. "I learn from my mistakes," he whispered, roughly grabbing the side of a knife out of my side.

I turned on my back to see him hovering over me, mock pity on his face.

"Honestly I thought you'd give me more of a fight than this. You're Dalton Valerio . . . my bad, I meant The Dalton Valerio," he said with a chuckle.

I growled in response, though the action itself caused my side to thump rapidly.

"Well, I suppose mutation will have to do for now. Maybe I'll start with your face," Vince muttered, bringing the blood covered knife down to my cheek. I spit, blood flying into his face. He grunted, rolled his eyes, and wiped his face with his black sleeve.

"Face it is then. Now the ladies will scream when they see you," He said with a sadistic smile.

"You should know, yours always screamed for me," I replied, venom coating my words.

At that, his alter ego of dark and insane returned and he lifted the knife.

Suddenly a loud clunk sounded through the elevator shaft. Confused, I stared up at Vince who's eyes rolled to the back of his head.

Suddenly Kaz stood on top of him, panting.

"Impeccable timing," I said, holding my side and squeezing my eyes.

"No offense, but out of all your relatives Dalton, he's the worst," She said, staring at Gavin then at me.

"Non taken."

She extended a hand towards me. I took it with much appreciation.

"I'll get Gavin, you get Carter," She said as I came to my feet, holding my side. I nodded, and hopped onto a hanging rope, though my bleeding side begged me not to.

My feet landed on the ground with a thump, and immediately my eyes searched the room.

There she was, straight across from me.

Her head was lolled back towards the ceiling, her wrists tied to a chair, along with her ankles. Dried blood was smeared on her pale cheeks, wrists and her right eye. Her mouth was lightly parted, and lips were dry and cracked. The strange paleness of her skin was hard not to notice and she clearly hadn't been eating.

My wolf began to growl and pace. His ears bristled and twitch. His claws shifted beneath him. His tail was high, his teeth were bared. He was pissed.

"Carter," I lightly called, stepping out of the empty shaft where the elevator should've been. No one was in here as I looked left and right. Heather and her team must have gone down to business and lured them right into their hands. I was glad I wouldn't have to deal with the Hunt triplets. But it was clear they were put to deal with Carter.

I slowly walked up to her, my strides slow yet rushed. It felt like I was trudging through three feet deep of mud. Each step, the reality of her torture and kidnapping became all that much more surreal to me.

I was in front of her, staring at her broken frame. This wasn't the Carter I'd seen.

There were no witty remarks flying off her tongue. Her teasing smile didn't seem to exist, as if it were only in a dream.

[What are you waiting for?] My wolf snarled. I shook my head, I had to get her and the rest of the pack out of here. I grasped a pocket knife that I held in one of my pant pockets.

"Alpha," My transmitter buzzed.

"What do you see Treyvon?" I asked as I began to cut at the ropes.

"Kaz and Gavin are safe and so is the rest of the teams."

"Read the clears," I told him as the rope came closer to cutting.

"Basement, clear. Top floor, middle floor, clear. Elevator, clear-"

"What?" I snapped, the knife finally cutting through the rope. Nervously I turned around to see Vince grinning. How'd he get down? Kaz knocked him out, surely she didn't just let him go.

He held a gun on his shoulders, and one of his eyes closed while the other squinted into the binocular.

I stood in front of Carter, knowing the tranq would do nothing to me. For her, it was another story.

"Like I said Dalton, I learn from my mistakes," And with that, he took a step and suddenly vanished.

"What?" I asked, feeling dumbfounded. My eyes scanned the room. Where was he.

A shot echoed through the metallic room, bouncing off the walls in waves. I turned around, surprised, and saw him hovering over Carter who had scarlet blood seeping through her ripped and battered clothes. He smiled, and vanished into thin air before I could speak. My eyes scanned the room again, but I knew he'd completed his mission.

I returned my attention to Carter and lightly pressed the wound. She barely moved. This was bad.

I felt anger boil through my body as if I was seeing red. I grabbed the other rope on her parallel wrist, and tore it, and did the same with her ankles. Her head fell to her chest like a limp noodle.

I scooped her into my arms, bridal style and murmured things into her ear as I strode out of the building.

Carter's POV***

The awful words were continuous. The woman speaking was horrible and tormenting. Everything she said made me want to shrivel up and die. I was terrified. I wanted nothing more than to be in my mother's arms with my father making a stupid remark that'd make the room light up with laughter.

A sudden shriek caught my attention. My head snapped up and I quickly wiped the tears on my arm.


I heard banging noises as loud as a gunshot. What was that? Would I finally wake up from this dream? Or perhaps, maybe I was dying.

I stood up, no longer hearing the jibing voice in my head, but I was still surrounded by darkness. Feeling lonely, I hugged my arms to my chest. Suddenly I looked down, a liquidy substance trickling down my arm. I was bleeding. I didn't feel anything, but I was bleeding. I looked down in horror.

It was a bullet hole.

What was going on?

In an instant, fire began to burn through my veins, electricity following suit. I screamed, fell to the ground and curled into a ball. I wanted to die. I needed it, this was way too much. Someone, someone please help me, I plead.

[Open your eyes]

It was my wolf.

As if on cue, I opened my eyes.

Woah big chapter ish. I wanted more action!

So, Dalton and Vince are cousins! Surprise! The backstory on Dalton and Vince and Gavin will be revealed in either the next chapter, or the one after that, but it IS COMING UP!!

Thank you all for being so patient

Yet I need thoughts! PRONTO

Vote and comment!

QOTD : What do you think happened between Vince and Dalton?

And did you like the action chapter or was it boring?

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