A Racers Love (Rewriting)

By JaceyBarth0614

18.5K 315 41

Call me your average country girl if you want. I live in the county of North Carolina and has been in trouble... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 Hospital and truck beds
Chapter 3 Reunited Friends
Chapter 4 Practice makes perfect or in this case learning
Chapter 5 "Damn shes fast"
Chapter 6 The Hiding Spot
Chapter 7 Confessions and kidnapping
Chapter 8 Hugs and Kisses
Chapter 9 Stores and foam balls
Chapter 10 Riding Angry
Chapter 11 I Cant Remember
Chapter 12 Fight Fight Fight..
Chapter 13 Mud Everywhere
Chapter 14 Swimming at night
Chapter 15 Teams and surprise camping
Chapter 16 Teasing
Chapter 17 Oil and grease
Chapter 18 Race nerves
Chapter 19 Bite my dust
Chapter 20 Race 2
Chpater 21 Dont ever touch her again
Chapter 22 Tys Party
Chapter 23 Graduation Race 3
Chapter 25 Birthdays and Race 4
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 Tys crash
Chapter 28 One very important question
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 "Why did you leave us?"
Chapter 31 The honeymoon
Chapter 32 Three years down the track
Chapter 33 Surprise
Chapter 34 Doctor visit
Chapter 35 The End

Chapter 24 New house smell

314 6 0
By JaceyBarth0614

Chapter 24

~Danielle's POV~

I woke back up from my nap and sat up. Their was no pain coming from my ribs so I got up and headed toward my bathroom. The water felt good running down my body. My ribs didn't look much better as I scrubbed my body down.

I wrapped myself in a towel and headed out of the bathroom.

"God damn it Maddy you scared me." She started laughing. "What are you doing her?"

"I don't know Jack said he had a surprise for me. Did Dustin say he had a surprise for you to." I nodded my head.

"I wonder what they got planed." Maddy shrugged her shoulders and I got dressed in my closet. "What should we wear." I was looking through my closet u till I found the perfect thing.

"I don't know but I'm probably going to borrow an outfit." Maddy said from my bed. I smiled and slipped the dress over my shoulders. I found Maddy a dress that we would match in color and threw it out at her.

I left my dress unzipped and walked out to Maddy.

"Hey can you wrap my ribs." I handed Maddy the wrap and she wrapped it around my rib cage. Maddy zipped my zipper up when she was done and it made my boobs so much bigger. I smiled knowing that Dustin would like it.

"Please help me." I turned around to Maddy struggling with her zipper. I laughed and helped her out. We both finished our makeup and curling our hair. I looked in the mirror one last time and my curled hair covered my naked shoulders and the dress made all my curves pop out but hiding the wrap at the same time.

I threw a lipgloss in my dress belt and walked out the door with Maddy behind me.

Jack had texted Maddy telling her to ride with me to Dustin's house and he would meet us their. Maddy and I jumped up in my jeep with huge smiles on our faces. On the way their we brainstormed what we though was happening.

"So what do you think is going on." I asked Maddy while she was looking out the window.

"I honestly have no idea. This time they mean for it to be a surprise." I nodded my head and turned into Dustin's driveway.

"Well we are on break from racing until my birthday so I'm sure its nothing about racing." Maddy shrugged her shoulders and I killed the engine.

"Well let's find out." We both walked up the front door the gravel making noise as our boots stepped on them. I knocked on the door and Angie appeared on the other side.

"Hi honey at least your not covered in mud this time but come on in. Dustin should be downstairs if he's not he must be in the garage." I smiled and we walked down the hall way and down the stairs.

"Dustin?" I didn't hear any reply so we made our way back outside. I was just about to walk around the turn when Dustin and Jack showed up. I was instantly lost in Dustin's eyes as his arms wrapped around my hips. He placed a long slow kiss on my lips.

We pulled apart and just looked at each other. Dustin's eyes scanned over my body and focused on my chest a couple seconds longer.

"You look amazing." My cheeks heated up and Dustin grabbed my hand. "You ready to go." I nodded my head and my stupid smile would not leave my face. It might have been because I knew that Dustin would like what I was wearing.

Dustin lead me over to his truck and opened the passenger door for me. I quickly said thank you and took his hand for leverage while I climbed up in. I could have made it up myself but I really didn't want to flash anybody since I was wearing a dress. I didn't want my red lace panties to show. I wore them because I didn't know if anything was going to happen between Dustin or I tonight so I was prepared if we did.

Dustin pulled out of his driveway with Jack and Maddy following us. We got on the on ramp and headed toward the interstate. So far I think we're going back to Dustin's old town but I'm not sure. I just recognized the signs and everything else from the other trips that we have made up here.

I unbuckled and slid over into the center seat. Dustin wrapped his arm around me and I felt his lips on my four head. My left arm was crossed over my body and I placed my right hand on Dustin's thigh. Instantly Dustin's heart rate sped up.

I loved being in Dustin's embrace. The one thing that would truly calm me down was having his arms wrapped around me. His cologne filled my senses and I couldn't help but smile. I love the smell of it.

We were about halfway through and I noticed that Dustin was getting nervous the closer we got the more nervous he was. I sent Maddy a message discreetly asking if Jack was acting strange.

I got an instant reply saying "omg yes he's really bad." I sent a quick "I wonder what's going on" and slid my phone back down into my boot. I placed my hand back down onto his thigh and his heart raced again.

I sat up and looked at Dustin.

"Baby are you ok." He smiled and nodded his head. "Are you sure?" He nodded his head again.

"Yes I'm fine I'm just nervous for the surprise." I flipped my hair back behind my shoulder and laid back down in Dustin's awaiting arm.

"What ever it is baby I'm sure I will love it so don't worry as much." He relaxed the breath that he was holding and smiled.

"Yea I don't think I have anything to worry about I think you no you will love it." I smiled and moved my hand in a more comfortable position by moving it closer to me. Dustin's hand tightened around the wheel and I finally knew what was going on. I was teasing him where my hand was laying on his leg it was turning him on.

I didn't want to do anything to Dustin right now because one he's driving and two I don't know if he would like anything right now so I removed my hand from his leg. I snuggled closer to him and his scent filled my nose. I slowly started to drift off into sleep.

I woke up and I was laying across the seat. Dustin was gone and I sat up to see if I could see him. Dustin and Jake were standing on a front porch talking to an older guy. I turned my head and saw Maddy sitting in jacks truck. She only shrugged her shoulders. The old man laid something small into Dustin and Jacks hands.

They proceeded to slip them in their pocket saying goodbye to the man and started to walk back to us. Dustin jumped up in and he looked nervous as ever.

"One more stop I promise then the surprise. Do you mind staying in here again it won't take us very long." I looked out the window and we were pulling into a lowes.

"Nope I'm fine with staying in here." We found two parking spaces so that we could park side by side and Dustin gave me a quick kiss before he climbed out and walked into the store with jack.

I never actually noticed how good Dustin's butt looked until now. His dark wash jeans were tight at the top then loosened up and covered his cowboy boots. I knew I was going to be paying more attention at the next race. No doubt it looks pretty good in racing pants to.

The door opened up and I quickly turned my head. It took a long time for my heartbeat to calm down after I noticed that it was Maddy. I scooted over and let her climb up in.

"Jack is really bad. Is Dustin the same way." I nodded my head and turned the radio down.

"Dustin is bad to and I got him to loosen up some but I think it was also because I had my hand on his leg." Maddy smiled and looked out the window. "I guess this is the last stop until the surprise. Whatever it is, it must be good." Maddy turned back around to see if they were coming.

"Well their coming." She opened the door and jumped out but she turned around before turning around. "I just wonder what it is to get the guys all worked up." I shrugged my shoulders and Maddy closed the truck door and made her way over into Jacks truck. My mind wondered about the surprise and I couldn't think of anything.

I watched Dustin as he climbed up in the truck. This isn't the normal Dustin. He was tensed up and he was messing with his hands.

"Baby?" I didn't get a reply. "Dustin?" I scooted over and placed my hands around his arms. I shook his arm and I still didn't get a reply. I placed my hand on his cheek and made him look at me.

"Baby what's going on your starting to worry me." He finally snapped back into it.

"I'm sorry I'm ok, I'll be fine I promise. Thank you for caring about me but I'll be fine I'm just nervous." I nodded my head and leaned against Dustin's chest while we drove.

About 20 minutes later I felt the truck bounce and the sound of crunching gravel filled the air. The sound that reminded me of home. I sat back up in my seat and watched the trees wiz by the occasional squirrel would run from Dustin's truck. Hell if I was something that small I would be scared to.

I smiled to myself about my thoughts and Dustin sent me a questing look. I just smiled more and looked back out the window. 10 minutes later we were pulling into this long driveway. Cherry blossom trees lined the driveway up to the house and everything in the front yard was amazing. The house was so beautiful. Dustin stopped the truck and killed the engine.

He made his way over to my door and opened it up for me. I took Dustin's hand to help me down. Dustin lead us up to the front porch the only sound was our boots stomping on the wood.

"Who lives here because this place is absolutely amazing." I was looking at the small flower paintings on the posts. Other than a couple paint chips off of the railing, the house was in good shape.

"We can." I turned around and Dustin had a smile on from under his Fox hat. No doubt my eyes were big as I tried to figure out what was going on. "I bought this house last week and I was wondering something. Will you move in with me?" I couldn't find any words so I just gave Dustin a hug. "I take that as a yes." I finally found my voice and answered him.

"Yes baby I would love to." He smiled and stuck the key in the front door. We turned the key at the same time and unlocked the door.

The inside was just as pretty as it was outside. Yea it needed a new paint job and some cleaning but nothing big. The appliances were somewhat new and the leather couches were in good shape. Everything inside the house was in good or great shape. The people who owned it before us took really good care of it.

We walked out of the master bedroom and I turned to Dustin.

"Dustin this place is so beautiful." He smiled and placed his hands on my hips.

"Not as beautiful as you." His lips were on mine in a instant and when his mouth opened I opened mine and we started making out. Dustin's hands traveled down my hips over my butt then down behind my legs. In a second my legs were wrapped around Dustin's hips.

We were pressed up against the wall while Dustin placed kisses down my neck and chest.

"Dustin?" I said breathless and I heard him moan in my ear.

"Yes baby." He never stopped leaving kisses down my neck and now he was making his way down to my chest.

"Don't we have something else that we need to do." I heard Dustin sigh and he looked back up at me with lust in his eyes.

"Yes we do but I'm not done with you." He sent me a wink and gently set me back down on the ground. I knew my neck and chest was red from Dustin kissing it. No doubt my face was red from what Dustin had told me. He sent me a wink and we made our way back outside.

I made sure that the door was locked and shut behind me before I took Dustin's hand again and let him help me up in his truck. He turned his truck around and we headed back out onto the dirt road.

"So where did Maddy and Jack go?" Dustin slowed down to drive around a turtle that was crossing the road.

"Jack asked her the same thing at the next house down." A huge smile spread across my face. Not doubting that Maddy was just as happy as I was now.

I leaned on Dustin's shoulder and listened to the soft sound of the radio filling the cab. I closed my eyes and thought about what just happened. All these possibilities filled my head and I smiled. The truck came to a rolling stop and I looked up to see that we were at an old fashioned restaurant.

I smiled because I didn't need nothing fancy in life just as long as their was food and I'm game. Dustin helped me down from the running boards and we walked inside the restaurant hand in hand.

We were seated in a booth and we ordered our drinks. We talked about us moving and we settled that we would repaint and fix anything that needs to be fixed this weekend and use the three weeks that we had free from racing to slowly move in.

Jack and Maddy finally made their was into the booth and we all ordered our food. I was sitting next to Dustin with our hands together and Maddy sat to the left of me. Maddy and I talked about the move and everything else that happened to us while the guys talked about racing.

Our food came and yet we still kept talking. We talked for about 40 minutes after we were finished with our food. The sun started to set and we separated ways. Dustin was taking me out to the next part of our date.

We drove for another 15 minutes and stopped at a park. We climbed out of the truck and walked around hand in hand talking about different things. Dustin pulled me off the walking path that we have been walking on for about 25 minutes and we walked up this small hill.

At the top of it sat benches around a small pond with ducks swimming around ducking under the water to find something to eat. We sat down on the bench and cuddled. The crickets sang in the background with the birds in the tress following along. The way the sun was setting over the water it looked so beautiful.

Dustin's hand played with my hair while we sat their and watched the sun go down over the water. I made circles on Dustin's chest and he laid his head on top of mine. Dustin sighed contently under me.

"I love you." I turned around and looked at Dustin making sure I heard that right. He smiled right back at me and kissed me on the lips. I was surprised that we said it at the same time.

I turned back around and leaned back into Dustin's chest. We watched the rest of the sun go down until Dustin stood up and stretched. He held his hand out to help me off the bench and we walked back to his truck under the lights on the path.

I climbed back into Dustin's truck but a pain in my ribs stopped me. I had completely forgot about them until now I didn't think Aleve would stay working for that long.

"Baby you ok?" I nodded my head and finished climbing the rest of the way. When I was situated and comfortable I wrapped my arms around me trying to ease the pain. "Here we can go back home and skip this last part your in pain." I shook my head no.

"No I'm ok I can keep going I just need some Aleve or something." Dustin kept looking at me in question. "Baby I promise I'm going to be ok." He nodded his head and started his truck.

Dustin quickly ran into the dollar store and came back out with a cold water bottle and a bottle of Aleve.

"Thank you baby." I kissed him on the cheek and took two pills before we headed off to our next destination. Again I fell asleep on Dustin's chest when we were on our way to the next surprise. When I had waken up their was no more pain in my ribs which I was thankful for.

The truck hit a hole and we bounced around. I quickly sat back up and took in my surroundings. The headlights showed a path through the trees just big enough for us to fit through. We finally came to a clearing after a bumpy ride and Dustin reversed into the spot and shut his truck off.

"Here give me a sec." He grabbed a armful of blankets and headed back to the bed of the truck. I reapplied some lipgloss before my door opened and Dustin helped me down.

We walked back to the bed and instantly recognized where we were at. We're at the river bend where Dustin asked me out. I smiled and looked at the water while Dustin jumped up in the bed. I kicked my boots off and set my foot on the bumper made sure I wasn't showing anything and climbed on up and laid down next to Dustin.

I used Dustin's arm and chest as a pillow when we looked up at the stars. The only sounds were from the nature surrounding us and the steady sound of Dustin's breathing. For some reason it was getting hotter or it might have been the rise in humidity but I shrugged my arms out of my blue jean jacket and threw it down on the tailgate. I resumed my place in Dustin's arms.

"Baby today has been absolutely amazing thank you so much." I felt him smile on my head where his cheek moved.

"You know it's not over." I looked up and Dustin's lips crashed into mine. I turned on my side and laid my leg across his side and Dustin rolled back on his back which made me roll on top of him. I had to lift my dress up so I could move where I wanted to.

Dustin sat up and I moved back to look at him. A smirk plastered on his face and his eyes full of love and lust.

"I told you that I wasn't done with you." Dustin's hands found my zipper and started to unzip my dress while I worked on unbuttoning his flannel. I managed to shrug Dustin out of his shirt and hat while he lifted my dress above my head and replaced it with a blanket.

"God damn it Danielle you turn me on so easily." I smiled, ran my hands up Dustin's chest and pushed him back down in the truck bed. His eyes closed and a low growl escaped his lips.

"Do I now."

"Mmmm, hmmm." I smiled and leaned down to kiss dustin and his hands found my bra latch. He easily unlatched it with one hand and the only thing that was separating us right now is our bottoms. Dustin rolled us over so now he was laying between my legs. I could fell Dustin's growing erection between my legs and I couldn't wait for the next step.

"Dustin." I said breathlessly. The growing sexual tension between us was through the roof and their was no way that you could separate us right now.

"Mm,hmmm." I slightly tugged at his boxers giving out a hint of what I wanted to do. A grin spread across his face as he quickly slipped his boxers off and helped me with my panties. The blanket and the darkness made it so we couldn't see much. The only light coming from the soft glow of the radio.

We didn't even worry about a condom as Dustin slipped inside me. I grabbed his back while mine arched and Dustin took advantage of it and slipped his arm in the arch of my back. Multiple moans escaped Dustin while his hand gripped my hair in pleasure.

"God damn it Danielle." Dustin moaned in my ear and both of our moans and sounds increased as we both got closer to orgasm. Loud sighs filled the air and our wandering hands never found a place to rest while we both hit our peaks.

We just laid their and watched the stars until our breathing calmed down from our recent activity. My blanket somewhat covered my chest and it only did so much for Dustin's lower half. My fingers outlined Dustin's abs and traced down his "v-line." I ended up grabbing Dustin's excited friend and gave him something to moan about.

Dustin's hand gripped my arm while his head pushed down in the blankets. It didn't take long and he was done. A deep moan escaped through Dustin's lips again and he rolled over on top of me.

A huge grin creeped across his face as we started round two. My mouth open in shock I sighed as we made love again.

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