Rainbow Six Siege: Operation...

By devoncruz23

967 77 6

Leonard "Leo" King, born and raised in Queens is a decorated Seal operative part of Silver Squadron. But even... More

1: The Debriefing
3: Not a Dream
4: Welcome To Rainbow
5: Showing Off & Evaluation
6: Time With Rainbow
7: Job to do
8: Training
9: The Chain
10: The Arms Dealer
11: Interrogation

2: Scorching Winds

135 9 1
By devoncruz23

Hereford Base
June 7th 2016
2:24 PM

Valkyrie at the moment is standing before Aurelia Arnot's desk otherwise known as Six, who is looking at the laptop screen seeing the White Mask like figure.

"Who sent you this Intel Castellano?" Six questions curiously while setting the laptop aside.

"A friend in the CIA ma'am, said that me and Rainbow would possibly find this information valuable." Valkyrie replies formally.

Six sits in her seat while looking at the laptop screen.

"Oh it's valuable but this could easy be a lookalike that was inspired by their handy work, we haven't seen or heard much of anything relating to them after Bartlett." Six points out.

Valkyrie recognizes that possibility but her gut is telling her otherwise.

"I know ma'am but I think this is too out of the blue to be anyone else, groups like the White Masks hide and lick their wounds all the time... Need I bring up the middle east ma'am?" Valkyrie asks with honesty.

Six chuckles lowly as she didn't expect Valkyrie to talk back like that. Valkyrie soon apologizes for her behavior.

"It's fine Castellano, but do you truly think this worth checking?" Six asks wanting Valkyrie to be confident.

"I do ma'am, hundred percent." Valkyrie replies with confidence.

"Alright then, let's get a team together." Six responds while closing the laptop.


Many hours have passed as it's now night. Leo and his team are in a plane with their parachutes ready. Leonard stands with his rifle hanging from a sling.

"You all know the mission, rescue Ambassador Wheeler and then we'll move south towards Lima where the Peru military will give us transport... Watch your shots and we'll get home before tomorrow morning." Leonard says fist bumping Victor and Carlos.

Leonard stands before the exit waiting for it to open.

"See ya on the ground skipper." Victor says lightly hitting Leo on the shoulder as the back opens up.

Leonard jumps out of the plane and begins counting down staying calm as he's done this more than enough times. He eventually pulls his chute and begins gliding down towards the jungle.

Leonard eventually finds himself in the jungle and removes the chute from him. He raises his M4A1 while taking a knee waiting for the rest of his team to arrive.

"Everyone check in." Leonard says over the com getting a response from everyone in his team. "Odin actual this Silver 3-1 over."

"We read you Silver 3-1." Reeves replies.

"We're making our way to the site now, we'll go radio silent till then." Leonard says taking point and moving through the jungle foliage.

His teammates aren't far behind as the walk is mostly fine but they remain cautious of the wildlife as south America is one of few places where the wildlife can and will kill you.

Meanwhile Maria is in the war room with general Reeves watching body cam footage of the strike team.

"I can't help but wonder, why are you... A respected Army General is taking so much interest in this operation." Maria states.

Reeves can tell she's only curious so he decides to tell her.

"Lawrence is a dear old friend of mine, it's only right I help in him getting home safe or try to anyway." Reeves replies.

Maria accepts this answer for the moment but gets a phonecall as she takes her leave.

"Agent Fields." She says.

"Hey Fields, it's Mark Correa. We worked that op in Burkina Faso." The caller replies.

"Oh yes, mohawk guy... What's this about?" Maria asks leaning herself against a wall.

"Well remember how I said the group might be White Masks? I took the liberty of alerting Rainbow, felt like that would make things easier." Mark says.

Maria sighs somewhat as she knows Mark only did this to help.

"Your heart's in the right place Mark but we already sent the Seal Team, and knowing Rainbow? They won't back down from doing an operation... You call them and warn them of the situation, I'll inform the Seal Team." Maria orders soon hanging up.

Leonard pushes some foliage out of the way when his come goes off.

"Silver 3-1 you there?" Maria asks.

Leonard puts his fist up and takes a knee.

"Affirmative, what is it?"

"There's new Intel that Rainbow is going after the same thing as you and your team, apparently they believe the theory of them being White Masks." Maria says.

Leonard sighs and asks her if they're in Peru right now.

"It's likely they are, we'll make sure they're ready to meet you." Maria says.

Leonard sighs somewhat as he continues moving when one of his teammates speaks out.

"Didn't some of our own join rainbow?" Carlos asks curiously.

Leonard remains silent and arrives at a hill touching his com.

"Odin actual we have eyes on the village, making our approach now... Carlos, Colton, stay here and provide sniper fire on my go... Rest of you on me." Leonard orders while lowering his NVG as do his teammates.

Leonard takes point with his M4A1 in hand slowly moving down the hill but stops at the edge of the brush.

"Snipers I got three tangos at the gate, I'll take the one in the middle... On my mark." Leonard says aiming at the hostile in the middle who is completely unaware.

Leonard and the two snipers eliminate the targets in sync. Leonard moves up to the gate and asks the snipers if anyone's watching the door.

"You're clear Commander." They reply.

Leonard opens the gate and quickly raises his suppressed M4 entering the village. His teammates follow closely as they line up against a wall.

Leonard looks around the corner while motioning Victor and some others to clear the building. He watches the center of village hearing some suppressed shots from inside the building.

"Looks like we kicked the hornet's nest Commander." Victor states over the com.

Leonard sees two hostiles come out into the open who he fires upon killing one of them. Leonard keeps firing in single shot that keeps the hostile from peaking while he gets into cover across the way with his teammates.

"Vic stay in the house and lay down suppressive fire, Eddie take point and flank with me." Leonard orders following behind.

Eddie is cautious with his steps as he's shot in the side of his hip as he dives into cover as he curses out while bleeding.

Leonard sees that building next to them was where Eddie got shot. He signals two members to fire through the building while he and another rush over to Eddie in an attempt to stabilize him.

"I'll be fine Commander, just focus on the objective." Eddie gasps out and grunts from being treated by the two.

"The objective can wait, you can't." Leonard replies.

"Leo come in, the rainbow team is 5 minutes out from your location, we established the callsigns of Burning, and Sun." Maria says into the com.

"Affirmative, who's the one leading the team?" Leonard asks but turns his attention to a hostile.

He lights the hostile up maintaining his focus on where he came from.

"Gregor, Zayn, stay with Eddie till he can be moved, rest on you on me." Leonard says.

Leonard takes point jogging to the next house and stacks up next to a door. He and his team breach into the building eliminating any tangos they see.

One of the SEALs moves up to clear the rest of the house. He opens up a closet door and is shot multiple times till he's dead.

Leonard quickly headshots the hostile and kneels checking on his teammate who is dead. Leonard sighs out saddened by this but he stands back up and clears the rest of the house.

Before Leonard and his team could leave, they hear a thud in the basement. One of SEALs removes a rug finding a hatch leading to the basement.

Leonard motions his fellow SEAL to open it while he reloads his M4A1 and aims at it. The SEAL swiftly opens the hatch door.

Leonard quickly lowers his rifle seeing who it is.

"Ambassador Wheeler, you hurt?" Leonard asks removing the tape.

"Few bruises but nothing serious, you the rescue team?" Wheeler questions.

Leonard nods while offering his hand and lifts Wheeler out of the basement.

"This is Silver 3-1, asset is in tow and will begin moving to the extraction point in three minutes." Leonard says motioning his team to keep watch.

Leonard kneels down removing his dead teammate's plate carrier and helps Wheeler put it on.

"That good?" Leonard asks earning a nod from Wheeler.

Leonard tells his team to move while handing Wheeler his handgun. The team regroups and begin moving to the extraction point.

Leonard and Vic watch the team's back as they find multiple hostiles coming towards them. The SEAL team get into cover with Wheeler keeping his head down.

Leonard switches to full auto and fires down into the village. The firefight between the two groups is tense and chaotic, Leonard is doing his best to direct his team.

However Leonard gets in the leg through his cover. He falls to the ground while grunting, he grits his teeth and gets back up kneeling.

Leonard throws a couple frags as a deterrent as in the pain in his leg is almost unbearable. He full autos killing multiple tangos but he feels a sharp pain having been shot in the stomach.

Leonard falls back clutching his stomach as the pain is unbelievable but the night sky and it's stars are actually pleasing and serene to look it.

Leonard's hearing goes muffled as he continues clutching his stomach. He soon sees his mother and sister looking down at him with worried looks.

"What?" Leonard gasps out when he sees a man similar in age looking down at him.

His face however is blanked out as Leonard feels ready to pass but he sees a woman dressed in a tight navy blue shirt with a plate carrier over it. The pants are a desert multicam but Leonard sees bits of a blonde hair despite her headwear.

His vision while blurry doesn't stop him from recognizing who this is or could be since he thinks he's hallucinating.

"Meghan..." Leo blurts out as his eyes feels weak and light.

Valkyrie begins conversing but Leonard can't understand what she's saying eventually passing out from the pain.

"Leo? Leo!?" Valkyrie exclaims with worry and fear.

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