š’š”šŒšŒš„š‘ š‹šŽš•š„, RAFE C...

By Kells_bells_

282K 2.5K 2.1K

HEAVY EDITING | MESSED UP STORYLINE "š“š”šž šššš² šˆ š¦šžš­ š²šØš® š°ššš¬ š­š”šž š›šžš š¢š§š§š¢š§š  šØšŸ ... More

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Bonus Chapter


6.9K 63 77
By Kells_bells_

| Chapter Twelve |

Rafe and Topper sat in different cells opposite of each other with Rafe hunched over the stiff jail bed with his elbows on top of his knees while Topper lay across the bed with his back aching with pain.

Both of them were going to go insane if they spent another day trapped in the white walls while hearing the other criminals shout or keys jingling from officer's belt loops.

Every time they heard the jingling, hope sprung in their minds as if Ward had come to get them out, but it never happened.

So hearing the jingling now, they thought nothing of it and continued to sit there in silence. But when an officer stood before the doors of their cells, they both sprung up and questioned it.

"Charges were dropped a few minutes ago, you both are free to go." The two officers said and Topper caught Rafe's eyes.

Lane and Cassian stood there in the lobby with Cassian off to the side and once she saw the two guys, she grinned and walked up to them.

"Hey, sweetheart, you two okay? Are you hurt?" I asked innocently and held Topper's face in my hands before looking at Rafe and scanning him over.

Their jaws dropped once they realized I had gotten them out but all I did was smile and push them with my hands against their backs, "Let's get going, shall we?" I hummed and bid goodbye to the officers.

Their faces turned to confusion once they saw Cassian following behind me but they didn't say anything and followed me outside.

"How did you get us out?" Topper asked as they both slid into the back of Cassian's car while Reese got in the passenger side.

I opened the door to sit beside Topper who was in the middle seat while Rafe sat behind Cassian's seat. Cassian drove off as I buckled myself in with a content smile on my face, "Ask questions later guys." I instructed and he closed his mouth while Rafe stared daggers into Reese from behind.

The drive was once again silent as Cassian drove to the bonfire spot and once he parked, Reese got out and so did I along with the two guys.

I held a finger to Cas indicating I'd come over to talk to him in a minute and tossed my keys to Rafe, "Start the jeep for me, please?" He nodded and left with Topper to go and find my jeep.

I stood in front of Reese with a simple smile on my lips and my head tilted, "I'd advise you to not go any further with this if I were you. Now that they're out, it'll be ten times worse coming from the four of us and his father." I began, pushing my hands into my pockets.

"I would say thank you but I don't think this calls for a thank you when you shouldn't have done it in the first place. Are we done here? Or is there something you want to say before I leave out of here?" I questioned.

"Can you tell her I'm sorry when you see her, I didn't want it to come to this but it did in the end. I promise to keep my distance from them if they can too, like forgetting all of this." He shrugged in hope.

"They will if you swear you will too. I hope this never happens again, Reese. Always remember you'll have a target on your back if you step out of line again. That's not a threat, it's a promise." I raised my eyebrows and watched him nod before walking to his vehicle since there was nobody here this late at night.

I followed his vehicle with my eyes before he was out of sight and then walked over to Cassian's window which was already rolled down.

"I have to say, I'm surprised at how threatening you make your promises sound. I really didn't think you had it in you, but I think it makes you more intriguing." He grinned, holding a hand on top of his steering wheel.

I smirked and shrugged while looking away from him, "It should have never come to this but it did, so I thank you for your help. Hopefully, I won't have to ask you for anything else, but if you ever need a favor I'm here to owe it to you." I dipped my head.

He waved me off and chuckled, "I'll keep that in mind. Have a good rest of your night, Miller. Don't go getting into trouble while I'm not with you, alright?" He smirked, sending me a wink as I backed away and stood straight.

"Will do, Snow. See you soon." I blew him a kiss before walking toward my jeep.

I opened the door and saw Rafe in the passenger seat with a curious expression adorning his face. I hopped in and backed out of the place, seeming like everything was fine.

"I need a drink." I huffed and looked straight forward, avoiding their gazes.

Laughter burst from Topper and Rafe twisted to see why he was laughing. I looked in the rearview mirror to see him holding the sides of his head with his hands. "I think I've finally lost it!" He said with his eyes wide.

"What I want to know is how did you get us out? And without our parents finding out, that's for sure." Topper sighed.

"It wasn't a big deal, I just talked with him, that's all." I shrugged, deciding not to tell them what I had to do to get them out.

"Why was Snow with you? Did he help you out?" Rafe asked, running a hand through his hair.

"Yeah, he did. I couldn't do it by myself so I called him. If it wasn't for him then you two would've still been in there, so I don't want to hear it, alright." I sighed.

"Fine." He answered, turning his head to look out of the window for the rest of the ride. Topper stayed silent until we got to the Cameron house. "Thank you, Lane. For whatever measures you had to go to to get us out, thank you, seriously."

I smiled and nodded, hugging him once we got out of my jeep. "I'll do anything for my boys, you hear me?" I asked and held his face in my hands.

He nodded and glanced behind me once we heard Sarah run out of the house, gasping when she saw the two of them. She wrapped her arms around Rafe first before flying into Topper's arms.

The two of them walked inside the house while me and Rafe stood standing opposite of each other. He looked exhausted as he stared down at me, "What did you do, honestly Lane, I can't afford you going to jail for getting us out."

"Rafe, hun, I did what I had to do. I wasn't going to let you two sit there and get in trouble with your parents while I could've done something, so I did. If I knew it wasn't safe, I wouldn't have done what I did. Everybody is okay, alright? Everything can go back to normal now." I sighed while I wrapped my arms around his neck, digging my face into his shoulder while standing on my tippy toes.

His arms wrapped around my waist and he held me for a few minutes, "Thank you." He whispered and kissed my forehead.

"Like I told Topper, there's no boundaries I won't go to for my boys, whether it gets me in trouble or not. I'm always going to have your guys' backs, no matter what." I smiled and held his face in my hands, caressing his cheeks with my thumbs.

"And I'll have yours, you know that right?" He asked, holding onto my hips and pushing his thumbs into my skin.

"I know, now go shower, you smell like rust and dirt." I stepped away from him and chuckled as he flipped me off but listened to me as we headed inside.

I waved at him as he trailed up the stairs while I walked into the kitchen to make myself a drink, feeling the need to drink something for my stress. I found Sarah sitting at the island on my way to the rack of alcohol and smiled at her.

"How did you get them out, Lane? Please, tell me!" She begged, staring at me with a pleading look in her eyes.

"I just talked with Reese." I shrugged, grabbing two glasses from the cabinet and setting them on the counter before pouring the whiskey into each glass.

I slid one to her while I tipped mine back, the stress vanishing away with every drop of whiskey pouring down my throat. "Will you ever tell me? Or anybody?"

I pursed my lips and thought about it before shaking my head without a thought. "Nobody needs to know besides the one who helped me and myself. They're out, right? Then that's all that matters."

She huffed but took a sip of her drink, deciding to dwell on the positive rather than my situation. "Whatever you did, thank you. I'm finally ready to just let this go and have them back." She sent me a smile.

I walked over to her and pulled her into my side, "I've got your guys' backs, Sar, always remember that. I'll go to the ends of the earth if it means saving you three." I kissed her temple and collected her empty glass with mine before putting them in the sink.

I turned back to her and sent her a wink, "Tell the boys I said goodnight. I'm going to go back home and get some sleep, alright? Love you Sar." I kissed her head before grabbing my keys and leaving.

Knowing what would happen if I did go back home, I decided to go to the beach and sit with my thoughts drowning my mind. Having my brain on hyperdrive with stress constantly nagging me all day would only add to the haunting of my nightmares I would welcome that night.

I sat in my Jeep for a few minutes before getting out and changing into the bathing suit I left in there in case a situation like this happened. The wind was cool against my skin but I didn't mind it as I walked down the sand with only the moonlight guiding my path.

Feeling the chill water against my skin, I dove head first once it was deep enough and shivered once I was completely underwater. I allowed myself to think about everything in the moment which led to me staying at the beach for two hours before I eventually went home.

It was a week later that I was home alone again while my parents were on a work trip. I didn't mind, having been spending my free time at home all week sketching or watching movies and going to the beach by myself.

It was late in the evening as I sat outside on the grass watching the sunset while I peeled an orange. I had been outside for a while just enjoying the breeze before I heard footsteps behind me.

I turned and was met with Cassian shutting my side of the white gate before freezing when he noticed I had caught him. He hesitantly spread a smirk across his lips and sent me a hasty wave.

"Remind me to never ask you to sneak in somewhere because you definitely would get us caught with how loud you are." I chuckled and watched his shoulders ease as he trailed down to where I was sitting.

"Oh shut it, I wasn't being that loud. Mind if I join you?" He questioned and I shook my head, gesturing to the spot beside me.

He took a seat and spread his legs out as I leaned back on my right elbow and continued peeling my orange. "How're you? I apologize for not reaching out sooner." I smiled and looked up at him.

He waved me off and watched me pull every string off of the peeled orange. It was a habit I had because if I didn't, I'd be chewing them and it disgusted me just thinking about it.

"Don't worry, I knew you could've used some space after everything. I'm good, though, I decided to come and visit my brother and see the kids since I haven't been over in a few weeks." He hummed and leaned back with his arms holding him up.

I noticed a few paint splatters marking his skin and I grinned, "Seems like you and the kids had fun painting." I hinted with my eyebrows.

He laughed and scratched the splatters off with his fingernails, "Yeah, I just wanted to give Caesar and Juliette a break so we've been painting while the two of them went out for a while. They're back now, don't worry, they're not unsupervised." He smirked and I laughed as I finally got done peeling my orange.

I shook my head and smiled while looking down at the peels disregarded across the prickly grass. "I'm sorry, how are you, though?" He asked.

I shrugged and looked up at him again, "I'm fine, just been relaxing while my parents are on a work trip. I've been here all week busying myself with small hobbies. I agree with you on needing a break, I think it was for the best after the situation." I rambled as I looked off into the distance, my fingers working to peel each piece apart.

He nodded and fiddled with his fingers, "Well, have you talked to them at all? I think I'd go crazy if I didn't hear your beautiful voice throughout my days." He joked to which I flipped him off and let out a small laugh.

"Yes, I've talked with them, I wouldn't just ghost them. I talked with Topper every day because he is my best friend and I couldn't go a day without talking with him. Sarah has reached out a few times but she's been busy with a few things. Me and Rafe have talked over the phone a couple of times and I'm supposed to go over to theirs tomorrow for Fourth of July." I informed him, plopping an orange piece in my mouth and offering him one.

He hummed and accepted the piece I offered him, "There's supposed to be a firework party on the beach tomorrow night as well, are you all going to that?" He questioned, looking off to the sunset.

I shrugged, "I didn't know about it but I'll go if everyone else is going. My parents will be home tomorrow so the Camerons invited us to eat dinner with them." I explained.

"There's going to be drinks and music and of course fireworks so you're missing out if you don't come. If you do, I'd like a dance from you if you're up for it." He smirked and sent me a wink.

I flashed him a smile with the orange over my teeth and he burst out laughing at my idiotic antic. I sent him a thumbs-up and hummed once he stopped laughing. "Sure, as long as I get to set off some fireworks with you." I bargained.

"Deal" He smiled and stood up. "I'll see you tomorrow then. Don't bail on me, Miller!" He trailed to the gate and I shot him another thumbs up.

"Later, Snow." I smiled back at him and watched him disappear behind the gate.

I chuckled at his words and turned back to eating my orange, enjoying the way the mix of colors illuminated the sky.

Well, I'm back again. After several weeks, it was bothering me that this chapter wasn't finished, but it's here guys! I have more ideas and I hope you all enjoy these upcoming chapters!!

—Love you all <33

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