Across The Backrooms

De Valadictorian123

460 16 45

- Sincerely, Valadictorian123 -------------------------------------- Ever since I noclipped into the Backroom... Mais

Level 0 - The Lobby
Level 28 - The Laboratory
Level 29 - Sun Rise and Set
Level ! - Run For Your Life
Level - The Hub
Level 50 - Familiar Pasts
Level - You Cheated
Level - Press Start
Level - You Win! Part 1
Level - You Win! Part 2
Level - You Win! Part 3
Level - You Win! Part 4
Level 37 - Sublimity/The Poolrooms
Level - M.E.G. - part 1 - "A New Home"
Level - M.E.G. - part 2 - "Planning"
Level - 34, 106, 87 - "Triple Trouble"
Level - 34, 66, 87 - "Together Again"
Level - M.E.G.
Level 974 - "Kitty's House"

Level 27 - The Wooden Walls Of Tortured Souls

56 2 1
De Valadictorian123

Log Entry 13: We've fallen into a new level, the fall was pretty rough, so were still recovering from it, according to the notebook, were in Level 27, the "Wooden Walls of Tortured Souls". Like level 0, it goes on forever, just an infinite labyrinth of wooden hallways. I'll take a break from updating the log and update after we've adventured for a bit, we need to know if this place is safe or not.

Log Entry 14: It's been about an hour, not really bad things have happened, but not good things either, for instance, furniture has been randomly appearing and disappearing in certain places, we made sure to stray away from that. The walls are weird as well. Some of the wall, is weak, like paper, weak.

Log Entry 15: Things have been getting weirder, we've been hearing things, such as knocking on the other sides of walls and doors, we can't make out what's doing the knocking though. Along with that, we've been hearing scratching, banging, and stomping in multiple vents. We don't know what's making those noises either. Furniture is still randomly appearing and some parts of the walls are still really weak, we've been just walking around the place for a while, with 0 idea where to go, we've been getting paranoia that leaves for a few seconds but them comes back. Thankfully, there doesn't seem to be that many entities, so it looks like besides the environment, this level could be safe. Key word being COULD be safe.

Log Entry 16: It's been another hour, I think, the paranoia has been just repeatedly appearing inside us and disappearing, one moment we feel safe, and the next, the paranoia is back, it's not even dangerous, just annoying. This has been happening repeatedly, I need to take a break from updating this log, i'll update in an hour.

Log Entry 17: The lights went out, we don't know why, they just did, the noises, they sound like they're out of the vents and seeking for prey, that prey being us. We've hidden in a nearby room to give me time to look into the notebook to find anything. Apparently, this is known as the "Lights Out" event, which happens every 1-240 hours, so we just got really unlucky. The author of the notebook theorized that this event occurred from the repeated appearance of paranoia inside of us. Good news, and bad news though, the good news is while we heard a lot of sounds before the Lights Out event, level 27 is I think devoid of entities. But during the Lights Out event, the bad news is that all entities that didn't appear during the light now appear during the dark, our chances of survival just decreased majorly. We've been seeing eyes in the darkness, thankfully, the notebook says they're most likely just hallucinations. But at the same time, they might be Smilers, we need to be extra cautious, anything can happen.

Log Entry 18: Entities are roaming the place, we've been hiding in a room for about 30 minutes, the knocking and scratching are becoming way more frequent, I went out to look for supplies and saw multiple glows from Smilers, and heard multiple chittering bug-like noises, silhouettes of big bug-like creatures, I've also been hearing growling-like noises. As if from a dog, thankfully, I returned safely, but were hearing entities we've never heard before, I couldn't get a clear look of them from the darkness, so I don't know what entities they are, I'm searching through the book as fast as I can. I'll update the log when I find something.

Log Entry 19: So the Level 27 section states that the entities we'll encounter during this event will be Smilers, Female Deathmoths, Child Facelings, and Hounds. I'm gonna tell everybody about this, to see if they know ANYTHING about these new entities, (minus the Smilers.)

Log Entry 20: So I told them, they were confused, and scared. The only entity we know is the Smiler, we know NOTHING about any of the other entities, the entities outside of the room were in are searching for survivors, it's only a matter of time before they find us, were trying to stay as quiet as humanly possible. We don't know what these things are or what they can do.

Log Entry 21: THANK GOD! I've found these entities' section in the notebooks, so we already know what Smilers can do, so the Female Death Moths section says that Death Moths are massive moths that inhabit the Backrooms, there are male and female Death Moths, while the males are usually tame, the females are really aggressive and can spit acid from their mouths. They're attracted to light, so if a Death Moth is near, we need to cut any light source out. We had found multiple flashlights and lighters in this level, so everybody is gonna need to turn any and all of them off.  Smaller Death Moths inhabit Level 122, Level 5678, almost a second main habitat, but the larger and more dangerous ones only appear in level 5, so apparently, level 5 is a hive for Death Moths, like bees, but inside of there just being a queen, there is a king and queen. Death Moths have completely taken over level 5 and made it their hive, so we have to be extra cautious in making sure we don't no-clip there. They produce this substance called "Moth Jelly" that is used to feed their young and attract males. Moth Jelly is a very nutritional substance and is used across the Backrooms from what the notebook says. The notebook says to avoid "The Moth Cartel" but doesn't give much information on what they are, all the journal says is that they're a criminal organization in the Backrooms and to avoid them. But back to Death Moths, eating too much Moth Jelly can cause an unhealthy addiction to it, and can transform you into "Weremoths", whatever those are, they sound dangerous. Well that's it for the Death Moths, the next log will talk about another entity.

Log Entry 22: Next, is the Child Facelings, so first, a little on Facelings, the journal states that Facelings are people in the Backrooms with no faces, literally, like they have a whole body, and everything, and a head, but no face. So adult Facelings are mostly tame and safe to be around for the most part. But child Facelings, are hostile and mischievous. They appear in groups of 2 to 3, and are mostly seen wielding sharp weapons, such as small pieces of sharp metal, or small knives. They love to torment and attempt to kill survivors they encounter with their weapons. Sometimes though, they will try to prank or scare survivors with their weapons. If lost from their groups, they will look for an adult Faceling, if they're attacked, an adult Faceling will try to protect them. That's all about Facelings.

Log Entry 23: Lastly, are the Hounds. The notebook says that Hounds are naked dog-like entities with bony limbs, sharp claws, and fully whitened eyes. They have a lot of hair and walk and run on all fours like a dog. They are hostile and really dangerous. The notebook says to avoid Hounds at all times. Like a Smiler, they will pause momentarilly if you stare them down. It's best to avoid them if you hear their growling. I heard a lot of growling when I exited the room, so there are multiple Hounds everywhere. They hatch from eggs from The Hive and their saliva apparently contains a disease, called "Hound Virus", that will infect and turn the bitten person into a Hound as well. So we really have to look out for Hounds. Apparently there have been instances where Facelings have tamed Hounds. Humans currently haven't achieved this though. The author of the notebook said that a Backrooms corporation known as "M.E.G" is trying to find a cure. The notebook also says that the virus can be healed from a type of water known as "Almond Water", a resource commonly known across the Backrooms. I think that's all the entities we need to know. I'll tell everybody about the info I got, because we can't hide here forever, we have to escape. The notebook says that turning on a TV will take you to another level, we don't know what level, but we have no choice, I saw a TV in another room, but we'll have to walk through the entities, I'll tell everyone of this exit pathway, as we have no other choice, that's the only exit the notebook explained.

Log Entry 24: Obviously, they didn't take it well, they proposed we wait until the darkness leaves and then try to leave this level. While that is a good idea, we have no idea how long this darkness could last, it could last days, not to mention, It's only a matter of time before the entities find us, It's kind of a "now or never", situation. We have to leave now or we may never be leaving this room, the TV is just a few steps down, there weren't many entities I saw near it, so we have a chance of making it to that room, otherwise, we die here. So rather they like it or not, we have to leave here, now.

Log Entry 25: When I told that to them, they were horrified. They realized that we have no other option, so they reluctantly agreed and were currently traversing the place, we've seen multiple silhouettes of Death Moths, and Child Facelings. We've also seen multiple Smilers, and heard growls from Hounds. There were a few times where we nearly got caught. But narrowly evaded the entities. We've turned all light sources we have off, and have been really quiet. Were getting closer to the room, I just know it.

Log Entry 26: Were almost there, to the room, but we've been hearing multiple voices, and they aren't from any of the entities we know in this level, as they don't speak, but from what I'm guessing, another entity. I need to recheck the notebook as I probably missed something, but we can't just stop in the middle of nowhere, an entity will catch us, so we'll have to go with our gut, and stray as far from these voices as possible.

Log Entry 27: They keep speaking to us, they keep repeating phrases such as these:








We don't know what this means, but they keep repeating it, as if were just supposed to just know what it means. But thankfully, I see the room were looking for. Were almost free.

Log Entry 28: Were inside the room, I don't think that any entity saw us, thankfully, we've found a remote and were about to turn on the TV, but we don't know if this notebook is being honest, I mean, what if this isn't a real exit from this level, if we turn this TV on, it could attract entities around us, but we have no other known exits, so we have to at least try. Plus the voices are creepy and annoying so yeah, were about to do it, 3, 2, 1

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