Crown of Fire (Book 3 in the...

Από CrystalJJohnson

19.8K 1.5K 170

FOR HER, HE WILL SET EVERY KINGDOM ON FIRE. Kyron LeFur never wanted to be king. He may have united a torn pe... Περισσότερα

Author's Note
Epilogue - Kyron
Epilogue - Raelle


453 41 1
Από CrystalJJohnson

I jump into the water, my gaze trained on the small island ahead. It's covered in lush trees beyond the dunes and shrouded in complete darkness. As I trudge through the knee-high waves, I scan the night sky for any signs of smoke or light reflecting off the clouds, but every inch of the galaxies is crystal clear. Splashes sound around me as the soldiers in my rowboat and those in the nine others jump into the water. As we pull our boats to shore, I hold my breath, hoping the stillness will help me see the smallest of movement in the distance. My stomach sinks when my feet meet the sand. What if we came all this way only to find the island deserted? It's a possibility I don't want to entertain.

"It's too quiet," Greer says, stepping to my side.

"Did I make a mistake?" I ask her.

She shakes her head. "Something's not right. The only reason an entire island would be silent is if something dangerous was on the hunt." She tilts her head toward two giant winged shadows, barely visible in the night sky. "The Allaji king is here and so is Raelle."

I don't know how she can be so sure, but I don't doubt my general. Greer has a keen sense for these types of things. More than once, she has changed our strategy in the middle of a battle. It is her prowess that has saved countless lives. If I'm walking our soldiers into a trap, she would be the first to notice. The firm set of her mouth and her unwavering gaze tell me that she believes we are on the right course.

I turn to the troops who have gathered in formation behind us. "Everyone split up. I want at least one Khiros in each group. Don't think twice, take out any animal you see. Raelle is your priority. If you find her, you're to give the signal and get her out of here. Do you understand?"

A chorus of Yes, Your Majesty joins the crashing waves.

"Maybe it's best if you go back to the ship and wait, Kyron," Greer says.

"Fuck that," I spit.

"This is dangerous. We know nothing about this island, and if something happens to you, those assholes who sit on your council will be fighting for the crown."

"Let them have it. If Raelle is here, I'm making sure she leaves."

Greer releases a breath that rattles her lips. She glares at the monstrous figure at the front of the line and says, "Keep your eyes on the king at all times, Cohn. If he so much as stumbles over a rock, you drag his royal ass out of there."

"Yes, General," Cohn says.

I open my mouth to argue but stop short. A faint voice calls out from the trees.


Greer and I fall silent and lock eyes. Several beats pass and the familiar country brogue calls for her again, this time followed by the wail of a wild feline. She's here alive and roaming the island.

"Go," I bark. "Find Ulric before he finds Raelle, and then the Allaji find them both. I expect two signals, one for him and one for her."

"Kyron?" The worry in Greer's voice pierces my heart.

"I know. I'll be careful, and we'll see each other back at the ship."

She gives a curt nod and motions her team into the trees.

Cohn and I sprint in the direction the roar came from. Leaves flutter around us as we plow through the trees. Like our entrance has woken the forest, growls and squawks greet us. The animalistic symphony is a horrific song, singing of our impending demise. It urges us into a run toward what waits in the belly of the tropical trap. I pull my sword from its sheath and hack at the low-hanging branches. Fighting the urge to yell for Raelle, I tuck my lips between my teeth and bite down. I push my shadows out, hoping they will guide me to her. They have always been attracted to her, or the Eporri, but my efforts go unanswered.

A boom echoes above and a red burst of light paints the sky—the first signal that someone found Ulric or Raelle. A fraction of the worry I carry lifts from me. I'm physically lighter. My legs move quicker, and my body is more agile as the brush closes in on us. I'm determined to release the second signal.

A crack of lightning illuminates the crop of trees to our left, and a bird screeches before branches snap. To the right, the wind kicks up; the force so strong that my wet leather jacket whips around me. My soldiers have released their power. The Allaji know we are here, and the war has officially begun.

I run with Cohn on my heels, leaping over rocks and shrubs. No longer needing to hide, I call out for Raelle. Let the fuckers come for me. I refuse to waste any more time playing it safe.

A moan comes from the brush ahead. I rush toward it and find a naked man curled in on himself. Blood oozes from a gnash on the side of his head. The wound is a clean cut... a blade.

"Ulric! Raelle!"

Cohn and I barrel straight through the thick wall of branches and vines. I pay no mind to the thorns ripping through my exposed skin and sinking to my leathers. The Statera and its legions of otherworldly creatures couldn't stop me.

We step into a clearing, and I'm halted by the most terrifyingly beautiful sight I've ever seen. Raelle wields a sword, charging for a host of shifters. Without a second thought, I lift my hand and expel a ball of flame that crashes into her target. The animals erupt into a chorus of wails accompanied by the stench of burning fur. She spins on her heels with her eyes wide.

"Kyron?" she whispers in pure disbelief.

My heart flutters as the most gorgeous smile lights her face. Her body is splattered with blood and covered in mud. The sword slips from her hand, and she rushes for me. I open my arms for her but stop short as a black cat steps out of the shadows. It limps on its back leg, but that doesn't stop it from moving for Raelle. The anger I've held in for weeks bubbles to the surface. These animals took what didn't belong to them. They have tortured and taunted and enslaved. My hatred is a deep well that has no room for remorse. I lift my hand, ready to make its fate the same as the other shifters. The flames form at my palm and my arm is knocked to the side. The fire ignites the trees to the left.

Raelle hurries to the jaguar and kneels before it. "Are you all right?"

The cat keeps its eyes on me as it brushes by her arm. I take a step back, shocked to see Raelle showing them compassion when I'm sure they have shown her none. Something inside me cracks. I'm reminded of why I fought so hard to get to this moment. Raelle's goodness chases away my darkness.

My parah looks at me over her shoulder and says, "Ashavee is a friend. She helped us escape and needs to leave with us."

"All right," I whisper, swallowing down the jealousy simmering inside me.

Raelle brushes her hand over Ashavee's head and gives her a quick scratch behind the ear. I would do anything for the simple affection she shows her friend.

Standing, Raelle brushes her palms down her dirty skirt. I take inventory of her body as she walks toward me. Her clothes are hardly that, exposing her filthy skin and cuts along her legs. Every step is heavy with exhaustion. She is a far cry from the prim and proper queen I've fallen in love with. Some may miss it, but I see the tiny lift of her chin and the glint in her brown eyes. She has faced horrors I can't imagine, but that strong, unbreakable soul still shines beneath the hurt and grime.

I wrap my arms around her, and she grips the front of my jacket like she doesn't plan on letting go. My lips press to the top of her head and my hold tightens. She leans into me, her muscles relaxing. That small show of relief drains every ounce of worry from my being.

"I knew you'd come for me," she says.

I chuckle, bringing her fingers from my jacket to my lips. I kiss each tip. "Always, princess."

"Always," she repeats.

"We need to get out of here, Your Majesty," Cohn says, looking up at the sky.

Birds swarm overhead; their large bodies appearing between the openings in the treetops. I can't help but to picture Zek flying with them. I want to shoot him out of the sky and torture him for the pain he has caused Raelle. His death will be slow and painful, and I'll relish in every moment of it.

I look to the wounded jaguar and say to Cohn, "Stay close to Ashavee."

"Will do."

I release Raelle, taking in her state of undress, the sheer fabric covering her breasts and wrapping around her slender waist. Her legs are exposed with ribbons tied to one thigh and a dagger strapped to the outside of the other. She's the perfect vision of a war goddess.

I remove a flare from the pocket of my leather jacket and shrug it off. Holding it open, I help Raelle put it on. I aim the flare toward a break in the trees and ignite my finger, placing it to the wick. It whistles as it soars into the sky and explodes into a bright red flame. With the second signal deployed, everyone should make their way back to the ship.

"Did you see Ulric? I lost him during our escape," she asks, falling into step with me.

"Another team released a signal shortly before we found you. I believe they have him. Are there any other Cyffreds on this island?"

"Just Ulric and me," she says, sadness lacing her words.

This rescue mission is just the beginning. I won't stop until I bring every Cyffred home. Every family will know the joy I feel now, but that is a thought for another time. Right now, I need to get Raelle on the ship and away from Zek.

The sounds of battle fill the night: blasts of powers, the clank of swords, and dying screams. My people are at a disadvantage against the predatory animals. Not only can many of them see at night, but they can track our scent. They most likely knew we were here the moment we step foot on the shore. My soldiers are sacrificing themselves, and all I can do is pray that as many as possible make it out alive.

"Your Majesty!"

Cohn's booming voice brings me out of my head. I push Raelle behind me; her exhausted body following my direction. A pack of wolves saunters out of the trees. Cohn rushes to my side, creating a wall to protect Raelle. Ashavee's hackles raise, and a deep growl vibrates through her body. Cohn draws his sword instead of using the fire mechanism built into his black body armor. I hold my weapon in one hand and call forth my flames with the other. The wolves snarl and snap, waiting for the perfect opening to drag one of us to the ground.

The flame dances in my palm, curling into a ball. I glare at each of our opponents and size them up. In the matter of seconds, I've calculated each of their demises. I swing my sword as a distraction and hurl the fire at the wolf across from me. Its gray coat blazes, and it falls to the ground, rolling to put out the flame.

Cohn charges forward. The mammoth of a man is slow but vicious. Each slice of his blade is sure, severing heads and hacking off limbs. Within seconds, his dead foes accumulate in a heap at his feet.

While a new fire ball forms in my hand, and I busy myself sinking my blade into another dog. When a sphere is ready, I release it on two wolves. They shriek and their legs give out. The dead leaves blanketing the ground set on fire. The forest erupts in flames. It's the diversion we need to make a run for it.

I yank Raelle into a thicket of trees, with Cohn swinging at the single wolf following us. Ashavee remains on our heels as the crashing waves grow louder. Their rolling call drives us on. Raelle stumbles, pulling me back. I grip her waist and lift her from the ground. Nothing will stop me from putting her on that boat. Nothing.

We hit sand, and it slows us down. Thankfully, our destination is in view. As we move onto the shore, other soldiers break out of the tree line and bolt for their rowboats. With no time to spare, I toss Raelle into the boat and the leopard jumps in beside her. Several soldiers and I wade into the water, pushing the small vessel beyond the waves. Our wet clothes weigh us down as we pull each other over the side. Like we were made for the sea, everyone takes their place and rows.

Not wanting the salt water to get into her wounds, I keep my space from Raelle. She is tucked behind me against the stern, holding my jacket around her. The leather overwhelms her frame, and her skin is ghostly pale against the black. She looks so fragile and in need of comforting.

The night swallows the beach the further we get, but the same can't be said for the birds haunting presence in the sky. The winged Allaji soar in circles above the water, stalking their prey. Several of my soldiers attempt to knock them down with their gifts, but it's hard with them so high. An eagle swoops down and grabs a soldier from their boat. One by one, the other birds follow, plucking peoples like grapes from a vine and drop them into the middle of the ocean.

"Fuck," I hiss, standing. The boat rocks under my movement, and the men and women around me grip the sides, trying to steady it. I call upon my gift, bouncing the fire from palm to palm, waiting for the birds to come closer. My aim is impeccable and the distance I can throw a fireball is decent, but I don't have the ability to reach our enemies when they are soaring with the clouds. A raven nosedives for us, aiming for the soldiers at the front of the boat. I wrench my arm back and let go of the flame, pounding the bird in the chest. It screeches and shoots skyward again.

"Where the hell are the ship cannons?" I say.

No sooner do I ask and a blast sounds from meters away. The six gun ports along the sides of the two ships light up with every blast. The cannon balls send a falcon into a barrel roll and a vulture explodes into thousands of feathers mid-flight. Just as our chances of taking the upper hand increase, so does the amount of predatory birds joining the flock. They rotate, plucking us from the boats and soaring with the water, scouting for their next move.

A hawk flies in our direction. It flips back, flapping its brown and white speckled wings, and extends its talons in front of its body. As it descends, I glimpse its beady electric blue eyes. I remain frozen, unable to defend myself against my uncle's killer. Zek and I would face each other again—I never doubted that—but I never imagined being so vulnerable when we did.

Raelle springs to her feet and shoves the stone she found in my jacket pocket into my hand. She holds her hand over mine, saying, "Relax and call their power to you. It will come."

"I've tried. I can't control it the way you can," I say, not hiding the desperation I feel.

"Try harder."

She doesn't let go of me as I close my eyes and lift my hands into the air. My knuckles heat in a way they've never done before. I inhale and imagine a string linking the Eporri to each gift around me. When my skin burns, I push the fire out. Glowing ropes of orange and red arch across the sky, chasing after Zek. My body quakes with the force, and Raelle holds me steady, pressing closer to me.

"Burn them all," she hisses in my ear.

I let go of the pure hatred I have for Zek. It clogs my lungs and rattles my core. The burning ropes streaming from me whip in the opposite diction of where I point. They sputter out. Panic washes over me. I shake my hands, trying to rein in the power again.

Zek barrels forward and this time he doesn't slow.

"Duck," I yell, but Raelle is too slow.

Zek grabs her by the shoulders, piercing her skin with his talons. Her feet leave the boat. The cat and I leap for her. I jump to grab her ankle but graze her foot before she is out of reach. Her friend has no better luck, clasping her skirt between her sharp teeth before the flimsy material rips. Raelle struggles to break free, her screams filling the sky. I lift my hands again, and a plume of flame bursts through my fingers, singeing Zek's left wing. He squawks and tilts to the side, unable to stay steady in the air. He lets her go, and she plunges into the sea.

I drop the Eporri and jump in after her, not waiting to see if Zek retreats.

Shouted orders erupt around me. Get the king out of the water! Do not let the birds near him! Row faster! I don't care what they do as long as I reach Raelle.

I dive beneath the surface, stroking and kicking through the dark waters. The gentle rocking of the waves disorientates me, and I can't so much as see my hand in front of my face. I return to the top and suck in a lungful of air.

"Raelle," I yell, hoping she will answer and set me off in the right direction. But she doesn't respond.

Something jets out of the sea and, just as quickly, sinks beneath. I swim toward it and dive under the water. Holding my hands out in front of me, I sweep the space, only to find it void of anything solid. Dread expands inside me like liquid lead, threatening to sink me to the ocean floor. I should have found Raelle by now, or at least caught sight of her.

With a deep breath, I dive again. My shadows push through the water, expanding from me like extra arms. I concentrate on any sign that she is near, but my power finds nothing. My lungs burn and multicolor spots dance in my vision. I need more air, but I can't bring myself to give up. Just a couple more seconds. The urge to suck in water is overwhelming, and I glide my arms down, sending my body upward. My fingers brush against something soft, and I stop. I grip the unseen item and pull it to me. Hair grazes my cheek, and my palm comes in contact with skin. The need to laugh is strong, but I stifle it and kick with such force that it sends Raelle and me racing for the surface.

My mouth breaks free of the water, and I gulp down the air. Raelle remains lifeless in my arms, her lips blue and body cold. It's a struggle to keep water from entering her mouth and both of us afloat.

"Help!" I scream. "Help!"

A slender freckled arm reaches down and grasps Raelle, just as a stronger one yanks on the back of my tunic. Ulric and Greer drag us into their boat. I forego voicing my gratitude and scurry over to my parah. I thrust the leather jacket open, revealing her unmoving chest. Without hesitation, my mouth covers hers, and I blow two big breaths into her. When nothing happens, I press my palm between her breasts and push down. I repeat the process until she coughs and spits up water. I fall to my ass, pulling her between my legs. Cradling her, we rock back and forth. Safe. We're safe.

I'm no stranger to loss. It has plagued me for as long as I can remember. I learned to roll with the devastation, to rise above it and become stronger. But what I almost lost tonight, that would have been my breaking point. To have Raelle in my arms, just to lose her again, I won't let it happen. Take away the crown, the titles, take away my kingdom, but nothing will separate me from her again. 

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