Son of the Snake

By NagisaShiota11

191K 6.8K 2.9K

Five year old Naruto about had it with all the crap that the citizens of Konoha put him through. Luckily he i... More

Before Reading
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII

Chapter I

23.2K 776 619
By NagisaShiota11

Please comment! I love comments!!!

~Seven Years Later~

Orochimaru sat in his stone throne, looking down at a shinobi, who had just came back from a mission. A twenty foot long white snake laid curled up next to the throne, glaring at the shinobi with an icy stare. "Lord Orochimaru, I-I have f-failed," the man said fearfully.

"Well, that's not good. Mind explaining how that happened?" Orochimaru asked as he stroked his snake's head. That little gesture alone, sent the shinobi into a cold sweat. "W-we f-failed to c-c-capture t-the Uchiha, Lord Orochimaru. t-the r-r-rest of m-my m-m-men were c-ca-cap-captured," the man strutted as he shot the white snake a nervous look.

Orochimaru sighed and shook his head in disappointment. "You could have at least tried to think up a better lie, and I may have been a little bit more lenient with your punishment. But we thank you for your honesty," he said simply and his pet hissed in agreement. "P-please, my lord, h-h-have mercy," the shinobi begged.

"Sorry, but you know what they say. You reap what you sew," Orochimaru said as his snake seemed to smile, showing off its long, poisonous fangs. "P-please, my lord, give me another chance," the shinobi pleaded as he fell to his knees and bowed his head.

The Sannin and his pet looked at each other and laughed. "Kukukukuku. You truly are being rather pathetic, begging for your live," he said and his snake hissed in agreement. The shinobi dared to look up, only to see his lord's snake looking at him hungrily. "P-please, Lord Orochimaru, I-I'll get the Uchiha next time! Just please have mercy!" he begged.

Orochimaru and his snake stared at each other for a long time. "Okay, I'll be merciful," he said finally. The shinobi's eyes widened and looked up at his lord. "Really!? Thank you, my lord!" he said gratefully. "On one condition," the snake Sannin added. "My lord?" the shinobi asked fearfully. "If you can out run my friend here, you'll be spared. But if you don't...well, I'll leave that to your imagination," Orochimaru hissed.

The shinobi stood up shakily and fearfully took a step backwards. "You have a five second head start, so don't waste it by idly standing around," Orochimaru advised. The shinobi turned around and ran into the darkened halls of the underground base.


He ran as if his life depended on it. Which it pretty much did.


The shinobi turned a corner, only to be met with a dead end.


The man ran out of the dead end and hurried down a new hall.


The man ran faster. "I want to live, I WANT TO LIVE!" the man thought as he sped up.


Was it just him, or was this hallway longer then before?


The sound of hissing was heard behind him and the man knew that he was now a goner. He sped up and turned a corner...only to be met with a another dead end. The shinobi back against the wall and started to look around frantically.

Suddenly, the man caught sight of two icy blue snake eyes. The shinobi started to quake in fear. He had known a few people who had failed to please the Sannin and were given this little opportunity of mercy. None of them were ever seen again. This small opportunity of mercy was dubbed the Death Run.

The shinobi started doing hand signs, but his hands were shacking too badly. The sound of a hissed laughter filled the air and the snake advanced. "S-s-stay b-b-back, I-I'm w-w-warning y-you," the shinobi warned as he point a kunai, not so threateningly, towards the snake.

The hissed laughter sounded again, and the man felt something wet run down his leg. The man made the mistake of blinking, and the snake lashed out and bit the side of his neck. The man screamed and his kunai fell to the ground. Poison filled his lungs and traveled through his veins and into his heart.

With a sharp in take of breath, the shinobi's life ended. The snake backed away as it unhinged its jaw and slid the man's still warm body into its mouth.

After a few seconds, the snake spit up the man's skeleton, clothing, and equipment. The snake spit up a little and hinged its jaw back up. "Kukukukuku, nice work as always," Orochimaru praised as the lights flashed on. The snake looked towards its master and bowed its head.

"Come, let's head back," Orochimaru said as he motioned his snake toward him. His pet nodded and wrapped around its master. Orochimaru laughed and stroked his pet's head. "How was your meal?" he asked. The snake's forked tongue flicked out in disgust.

"Kukukukukuku, I take it that it was gross?" the Sannin guessed sounding rather amused. His snake shot him a "no shit, Sherlock" type of look as they entered the throne room. Orochimaru laughed as he stroked the snake's smooth scaly skin. "What was so bad about it? I thought you liked the taste of fear," he said.

His snake slithered down from his master's person and onto the warm ground. The snake's form started to glow with a purple aura and it changed into a twelve year old boy. Naruto stood up and straightened his clothing.

The boy that Orochimaru recused seven year ago had changed a lot. instead of the rags that he wore when the Sannin found him seven years ago, Naruto now donned an elegant white robe, with a dark purple, rope-like belt tied in an inverted bow around his waist.

"I do, but that guy soiled himself before I ate him," Naruto said in a disgusted tone of voice. Orochimaru laughed, "You're the one that insisted on sending him on the Dearth Run," he pointed out. "I know, but I didn't think he would piss himself before I ate him," Naruto pouted.

Orochimaru laughed again as he sat down in his chair. "You seemed troubled. Is it because of the Uchiha?" Naruto asked as he sat down on the arm of the throne. "Yes, I can't get anywhere near Konoha without being sensed, and everyone I send to retrieve him ends up failing. So I'm not sure how I would get my hands on him," the Sannin replied.

"I could do it," Naruto suggested. Orochimaru thought for a moment, before laughing. "Why didn't I not think of that earlier? Your blood clone's still posing as you," he said. "Yep! And he probably already took the graduation exam for me already too," Naruto said.

"Kukukukukuku. Naruto, you're as devious as I am," Orochimaru laughed. Naruto smirked, "Like father, like son," he replied. Orochimaru laughed in agreement, "Indeed, go get dressed in something that wouldn't draw suspicion," he said.

Naruto jumped up from his perch and bowed. "Of course, father," he said as he shifted back into his snake form and slithered out of the room.

~Konoha Academy, a few days later~

The classroom was buzzing with excitement. Today, they would be assigned to their Jonin senseis. The classroom door slid open and all eyes turned towards the front door, only to see Naruto walk in. The room went silent as the grave at the sight of the boy.

Naruto looked around and started to walk towards the back of the room. As he walked, Naruto started to hear little snared comments whispered around his peers.

"How did he pass?"

"He's the dead last. I think the teachers felt sorry for him."

"He really shouldn't have passed, he'll just slow us down."

"I feel sorry for who ever gets him as a squad member."

"What the heck was my blood clone doing these last seven years?" Naruto thought as he sat down. The door opened and the teacher, who Naruto remembered his name was Iruka something, walked into the classroom.

"Okay, everyone, have a seat and settle down!" Iruka yelled. Everyone sat down and after a few shushing, here and there, the class settled down.

Iruka looked around and nodded. "Let me start off by saying congrats on making it through the academy. But I have to warn you, if you thought the academy was hard, then the shinobi world is whole lot tougher. Anything is possible in the Shinobi World, so be alert," he lectured.

A few of his students nodded in acknowledgement. Iruka nodded back and he held up a clipboard. "I will now call out squads. Please listen for your name, squad number, and sensei. Squad One..." Iruka said.

Naruto zoned out. "I wonder how Kabuto's doing. Damn it! I should asked father before I started my mission!" he thought.

"Squad Seven. Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki, and Sakura Haruno. You're Jonin sensei is Kakashi Hatake," Iruka announced.

Naruto's eyes narrowed into icy blue slits. "Yay. Now I get to keep an eye on my target, while restraining myself from throttling that pick haired bitch," he thought bitterly.

A few minutes later, Iruka finished up calling the squad. "Your senseis will come by and pick you up. In the meantime, use this time to get acquainted with your squad mates," he said as he walked out of the room.

Once the door closed, chatter broke out like the plead. "Idiots, the whole lot of them," Naruto thought as he started to play with a ring on his index finger. The ring was shaped like a snake wrapped around his finger.

Naruto remembered his father's words clearly.

"If you're ever in a live or death situation, smear your blood on this ring and then channel your chakra into it."

A small smile graced the twelve year old's lips at the thought of his father. He shook his head and stood up. The room feel silent when he stood.

Naruto frowned and walked out of the room. "I really need to figure out what my clone did. Hopefully, it made them fear me," he thought as he walked down the hall and disappeared around a corner.

~Hours later~

All the squads were picked up by their senseis and the only ones left was two thirds of the newly formed Squad Seven. Sasuke sat on the windowsill staring outside, while Sakura watched Sasuke in all his coolness. This was the sight that Naruto walked onto, when he entered the room.

The twelve year old rolled his eyes and sat down in the back of the room. "I don't see why father wants to waste his precious time on that lousy excuse of an Uchiha. Sure he wants to learn all the jutsus in the world, but with my father's power, he could take him easy," the twelve year old thought as he sat down.

Naruto sighed and started to tap his fingers on the desk's surface. At times like these, the twelve year old would be in his snake form being petted by his father/master. It was gave him a sense of security in a way.

"Hey, dope," a voice sounded. Naruto blinked and looked up. "What do you want, Uchiha," he asked bored. Sasuke looked down on Naruto and slammed his hands on the desk. "Don't get in my way, dope, or I wouldn't be saving your sorry ass," he growled.

Naruto looked up at the Uchiha, and a a hint of amusement danced through his celestial blue eyes. The twelve year old smirked, showing off one of his fangs. "You know what, Uchiha, you're a disgrace to you're precious clan," he said.

"What did you say?" Sasuke growled. "You're a disgrace and you're deaf? Wow, you're clan members must be rolling over in their graves right now," Naruto teased. Sasuke glared at his new squad mate. "You're so dead!" he growled as he went to grab him.

The next second, Naruto was behind Sasuke smirking victoriously at the armlock, he somehow got the Uchiha in. "Well, Uchiha, how does it feel to be powerless?" Naruto asked. Sasuke grunted in pain. "Go fuck yourself," he growled. Naruto frowned and tightened the armlock. "Quite the foul mouth you have there," he said.

Sasuke didn't say anything and continued to glare at his teammate.

~Kakashi Hatake~

The slivered haired Jonin stood in front of the Memorial Stone. "Obito," he muttered sadly. "Kakashi, you really should get going and meet your new squad," an aged voice advised. Kakashi sighed, "I know, Lord Hokage," he muttered.

Sarutobi nodded, "At least you get to train one of Obito's clan members," he commented. "You know that wouldn't erase my demons," Kakashi replied bitterly. "I know, Kakashi, but you're not the only one with demons," the Hokage pointed out.

"I take it you're talking about Naruto," Kakashi guessed. Sarutobi hummed, "Yes, I really messed up on that day. I've tried to make amends with him, but he became so distant and cold ever since. He always pushes me away," he replied. "I have a history with him too, but you don't see me mopping about it about it," Kakashi pointed out.

"But after Itachi defected, I put you in charge of guarding him," Sarutobi pointed out. Kakashi frowned under his mask. "Well, thanks a lot. Now I'm feeling depressed," he muttered. "That's exactly why I put him on your team," Sarutobi said. "What? You think that I'll be able to mend both of our mistakes?" Kakashi asked.

"Not necessarily," Sarutobi answered. Kakashi looked at the Hokage questioningly. "If you get Naruto to communicate with the others, maybe he'll open up at least a little bit more," Sarutobi reasoned. "Okay, I understand that, but don't you think that it would be a little bit more logical to put him on a team with people more...oh I don't know...sociable?" Kakashi asked.

A blank look crossed the Hokage's face. "Come again?" he asked. Kakashi sweat dropped at his leader's attitude. "Well, if the reports are correct, Sasuke is rather antisocial ever since the massacre of his clan. Whereas, Sakura has a creepy fascination with Sasuke." Therefore..." Kakashi trailed off.




"Oh for the love of God, why didn't I think of that before?" Sarutobi groaned. Kakashi chuckled, "Well, while you pound your head on the wall, I'm going to go meet my students," he said as he disappeared in a swirl of leaves.

~Konoha Academy~

When Kakashi reappeared, he was standing in front of the the classroom door. He was about to slid the door open, but stopped when he heard a loud crashing sound from inside the classroom.

The sliver haired Jonin sighed. "Well, it sounds like they're getting along well," he thought as he slid the door open.

What he saw kinda shocked him. It looked like a tornado had came through the classroom. Sasuke and Sakura, who looked kinda blue in the face, were restrained in the air by a visible purple chakra. Naruto sat on the desk idly playing with a ring.

Kakashi observed Naruto from where he was standing. The boy was wearing a purple battle kimono, regular shinobi sandals, his forehead protector was tried to his waist like a belt, and he had a rather thin looking sword, wrapped in bandages, strapped to his waist.

(A/N: If you can't imagine Naruto's sword, think of Samehada wrapped in bandages, in a katana form. But there's not a sharp tip on it like a normal katana.)

Upon farther observation, Kakashi noticed that one of Naruto's hand was glowing the same dark shade of purple as the chakra that was restraining his new teammates.

" can I put this? My first impression of this three hate each other," Kakashi said. Naruto looked towards his new sensei and raised an eyebrow. "Seriously?" he asked.

Kakashi hummed and walked towards the back of the classroom to join his students. "Do I want to know what happened here?" he asked as he neared his student. Naruto laughed, "No, not really," he replied.

"I'll take your word for it, now could you please let down your teammates," Kakashi suggested. "If you saw so," Naruto said as his chakra uncurled from around its hostages and the two fell to the ground. "Fuck you, dope," Sasuke panted.

Naruto frowned, "Does anyone have soup?" he asked. No one answered. "No one? Shame," Naruto muttered as he crossed his arms into his sleeves.

"Are you two okay?" Kakashi asked curiously. Both Sasuke and Sakura gave a panted answer. Kakashi frowned under his mask and went to inspect the two.

Naruto smirked and started to recall what happened.


When Sasuke didn't say anything, Naruto laughed a little. "Pathetic, truly pathetic," he mused. "NARUTO, LEAVE SASUKE-KUN ALONE!" Sakura yelled as she ran at her teammate with a fist raised.

Naruto glanced over his shoulder and his body started to glow with an ominous purple chakra. When Sakura was a few inches away from her target, Naruto's body disintegrate into the chakra and disappear.

Sakura tried to stop, but she ended up sending Sasuke face first into the wall. "OH NO! SASUKE-KUN, ARE YOU OKAY!?" she yelled as she moved to run towards her "beloved," but stopped when the purple chakra reappeared and wrapped around her like a snake.

Near Sakura's face, two icy blue eyes formed within the chakra. "Don't tempt me from strangling you to death, Haruno. I can, and I will," a voice hissed into her ears. As if to prove its point, the purple chakra seemed to tighten a little around Sakura's body.

The pinkette groaned painfully. "T-too tight," she whimpered. The voice hissed in laughter and released her from its grasp. Sakura fell to the ground holding her sides.

The dark purple chakra moved across the ground and up onto a desk. The chakra flared and Naruto reappeared, inspecting his nails. "You know what? You two aren't worth my time. Granted, it's fun messing with you two, but it would probably get a bit boring," he said bored as he blew on his nails.

Sasuke stood up as he rubbed his throbbing face. "Damn it, dope, fight me!" he yelled as he launched at the kid that insulted his pride. Naruto yawned bored and disappeared into his chakra again. Sasuke flew through the chakra and into the wall.

"You must really love walls," Naruto observed as he reappeared behind the Uchiha. Sasuke looked behind him and growled. "Fight me, you dope!" he growled.

Naruto shrugged, "Why don't we have a battle? Me against you two. If you two win, I'll resign as a ninja and never bother you two ever again. If I win, I wouldn't quit being a ninja. Deal?" He asked. Sasuke and Sakura looked at each other and nodded.

A sadistic smirk spread across Naruto lips. "Very well, you asked for it," he said as he spread his arms out in a welcoming gesture. Sakura and Sasuke glared at their teammate and attacked.

Naruto jumped out of the way and his teammates followed him. The three kinda played tag, with Naruto winning, for a few minutes, before Naruto stopped when his teammates were out of breathe. "Too slow, you idiots, way too slow," he commented as his purple chakra appeared again. Sasuke and Sakura got ready for what their teammate was going to do.

The room seemed to grow colder and this seemed to cause Naruto's chakra spike. Once he was satisfied with the amount of power, Naruto leaped at his teammates. Sasuke and Sakura got ready. When Naruto was a few inches away from his targets, he vanished.

Sakura and Sasuke blinked in confusion, till they felt a chill run down their spines. "Phantom Force, complete," a voice said behind them. Sakura and Sasuke slowly turned around, but felt Naruto's purple chakra wrap around them and they were lifted up into the air.

"That was fun and all, but I grow bored of this game," Naruto said as he reappeared. "Let us down, dope," Sasuke growled. "Hmm...nope! I don't think I will," Naruto replied as he sat down on a desk.

Sasuke and Sakura glared at their teammate. "What's up with you people and glaring?" Naruto asked and nether one answered.

~End of Flashback~

Naruto snickered at the memory as he watched his so called teammates stand up. "Well, I'm going to go to the roof. See ya later," he said as he disintegrate into his purple chakra and slithered out the window and up to the roof.

"Well, seems like he got the message. Once you two find your shattered pride, meet us up there," Kakashi said as he disappeared into a swirl of leafs.

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