Drunk Yet Sober

By IceKohei

8.7K 289 142

a bully and bullied relationship in highschool, Diana Raven who is bullied constantly by the queen bee of hig... More

(un)pleasant surprise
Chapter 2: Curiosity?
Chapter 3 - Rival?
Chapter 4 - First day as P.A
Chapter 5 - a genius or a clown
Chapter 6 - The unplanned plan was a sucess
Chapter 7 - Drink, drunk and dicks
Chapter 8 - Almost
Chapter 9 - Slip up
Chapter 10 - Discovery
Chapter 11 - Screwing up
Not A new Chapter ✌
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 - Unsure on what's real
Chapter 15 - What just happened?
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 14 - Events and a new face

244 8 8
By IceKohei

Diana's POV:

I went out and buy something since I got hungry after my check up and thank goodness it was just a bump and it will just heal after a few days

I walk out and saw fruits on sale so I went and buy some for myself and I'll give the remaining ones to my sister

"Hey, have you heard? That the masked killer is on a killing spree last night? But was wondering the killer seems to only kill criminals" a random buyer talked to another buyer in the fruit stall

"Yeah? I wondered about that too? And I have never even seen any female victims, maybe the killer only prefer to kill the males and not the female" The random lady shrugged her shoulders

"I have two ideas, maybe the killer hates men or loves men" she chuckled awkwardly and the others follow suit

I continued walking and arrived at the park and sat down enjoying my sweet alone time

I peeled two oranges and enjoyed eating them and saw kids play around the park some are running and some are spending time with their pets

My phone pinged and saw a message from my boss and I then opened it because it might be important

"Come back here in an 2 hours we have somewhere to go and I need you as my date, a fake lover if you would" my jaw drop on the floor and my eyes widen seeing the message

I felt my self stop for a moment and hold my phone close to my forehead and sigh

I then send my response and put my phone back on my pocket and let out a long sigh

I was about to walk when I bump into someone and she was about to fell down but I managed to hold to her arm and balanced her

"Thank you, I wasn't looking so I'm deeply sorry for bumping into you" a woman who's in her 20's said

I wave it off and smiled at her and go on my way but before I could take a step she patted my back making me stop on my track

"Um, we can go like have some cup of coffee if you want? My treat as an apology?" I look at her and sigh then nodded softly

"Alright, I have time to spare so why not" The girl smiled and we start to walk to a cafe nearby

We went inside to a moderate sized cafe and ordered our drinks and food

"So, my name's Bianca what's yours?" She reach for her hand for a handshake and I took it and shake it

"You can call me Diana, and nice to meet you Ms. Bianca" she chuckled and playfully smack my hand

"Don't be so formal, I'm pretty sure we're around the same age and don't sound so stiff, it's not like I will eat you" she smiled flirtatiously and I just shrugged it off

"My bad, I will refrain from sounding too stiff" I smiled at her and she let out a hearty chuckle but not loud enough to disturb the other customers

"You're one funny girl, say~ are you seeing someone? If not, I'm down for some fun but if you do then I'll just stick to us being friends, I may be chill but not that chill to get in someone's property I don't wanna get killed you know" she chuckled again while smacking the table to make her point

"I'm not really seeing someone and I'm not really into that fun of yours, I'm boring as a log so don't get your hopes on me" I shrugged and took a sip of my drink since it arrived not too long

"I see, well if you need a friend you can find one in me" she then slid her what seems to be a business card on the table

I look up and read the contents saying that Bianca is a therapist of some sort

"A therapist huh? Well, maybe I can put my sister in your sessions since she's crazy" I said it in a joking manner which she laughed it off

"Oh, I was going to accept it if it were real, I mean I can gain money from it since it's my Job right? And I'm pretty sure your sister's hot considering you're one" I smirked at her and let out a chuckle

"Oh? So, you find me hot? Well, that's a first considering that I'm plain looking" I shrugged and she let out a flirty smile

"Well, I have somewhere to be so I hope we will get to see each other again hmm" she then stood up and place a peck on my cheek then left

She's one quirky girl and definitely Elem's type, she loves feisty girls, who's personalities mirrors a cat

I walk out and head to our house to give them to her

I arrived and saw that Elem is laying on the sofa while watching the television seeing the news last night

"Hey, I bought some oranges, I hope you will like them" I put them in a bowl and place them on the coffee table

"Oh! Hey dude, and did you see the news last night was nasty as hell, can't believe someone can do that thing" she then pick up one and start peeling

"Yeah? Got smacked because of a misunderstanding just thankful she didn't outstraight kill me right there" I sighed and Elem patted my back and chuckled softly

"Yeah? I'm thankful too that she didn't kill you, also I visited mom and she's doing fine, maybe she'll be out in a few days" I look at her and smiled and nodded

"That's good news, I miss mom and we will be able to spend time with her again" we talked and watch tv and ate the oranges in one sitting

I then clean up myself and took a shower since I'll be accompanying my boss in a charity event and seeing that she doesn't wanna look lonely she asked me to be her date

Sofia's POV:

I sighed a long one after sending her the text because of two reasons

1. I'm still afraid of her because she might turn out the killer or maybe I'm going crazy because of me being paranoid or 2. she might think I'm so lonely that I can't find a date on my own and asked her for her help

After waiting and just eating some small size portion just to distract me from it I then open up the news and still saw the news about last night's killing outbreak

I then went to the shower room and took a long bath and afterwards I then pick out my clothes for the night, formal casual look is my style for today and so I finished picking up after 30 minutes of tossing and throwing it picking which ones look the best

I have 30 minutes left till we head to the event and I'm waiting for Diana

After waiting for 10 minutes she then arrived looking clean and good

"I'm sorry I hope I'm not too late Ma'am" she bow and I sighed and she look up at me staring at me so intense

"Umm, you're not late so you have nothing to worry about" I look away from her because the way she stares at me is dangerous

"Okay, thank goodness then" she let out a sigh of relief and then went to get the keys and open the door for me

I walk inside the car and just waited for her and as she seated she then start the engine and drove off to our destination

The event wasn't that big but most investors and business man are here to help with the event and the host of this event is one of the multi-billionaire that is known to help and donate to charities such as the orphanage, cancer patients, animal shelter and etc. She have pale blonde hair and grey eyes but some say she's wearing contacts so no one really saw her real eye color and stand around 6'4 she's huge for a woman in her mid 30's

A woman then went upstage and spoke into the mic

"Hello, greetings to everyone present here and I thank you for coming to the event, I'm Lucian but most people call me Luci, and I'm the one who hosted this event and this event is going to fund 50 students and the benefits of this funding that every one who participated and help out one of the students will be rewarded with a 24 months vacation in 5 different 5-star hotel and restaurant with 60% discount for the first 6 months and completely free for the remaining months! So if you invest on one student you will be able to get the specialized ticket" people around us started murmuring and talking if whether this is a scam or not

"But, if there's a hundred more participants and all of us wanted to avail it? How can we do so if there's only 50 students?" The lady smiled and nodded

"That's a great question, simple you just need to share one student, let's say there's 4 of you and the tuition is 200,000 for a year then you guys divide it into 4, and don't try to do anything funny to the kids or there will be consequences" and you need to cover it for 4 years of their education

Another wave of talking is heard around here and I raised my hand because I'm also curious about something

"Oh, yes dearie? Do you have any questions" she look at me from upstage

"If the education is 4 years and the rewards only last for 24 months isn't it a bit unfair?" I shouldn't have opened my mouth because the atmosphere becomes awkard

She just chuckled and nodded

"Yes, 4 years vs 2 is quite unfair, but you don't have to go and use your vacation ticket everyday? Just think of it as a passport, The ticket doesn't need to be stamped everyday so you can relax and don't be paranoid, but it will expire and be no longer valid in 8 years, now is that plausible for you?" I nodded and it seems to be fine, since I can and everyone can still use it in another 4 years

Then everyone claps their hands indicating that she got their interest in and mine as well so everyone starts to write their names and get their students while I look at the list and pick a girl who want's to be a chef but can't afford the tuition and other fees and I then got stamped and got my ticket and lovely how I can invite up to 7 people with this ticket

But one thing still bothers me on how she looks familiar and her aura reminds me of someone just can't put words to describe it

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