The Project- A Zouis Fanficti...

By NandosNation

153K 2.9K 712

**** Includes Lirry/Narry/Nosh**** Louis Tomlinson has never been popular. Zayn Malik is the school's most po... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Co-author announcement!
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Hey guys!
Chapter 13
Thank You
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
What you need to know about chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter Ten

7.6K 145 9
By NandosNation

Omg I'm such a bad person! I haven't updated in forever!!! Forgive me, you majestical unicorns! OKAI, I am so confused! Chaptah nine has more reads than chapter 8, 7, 6, and 5! Haha no complaining though! ANNOUNCEMENT: I HAVE STARTED MY NEW FANFIC! The first chapter won't be posted until school starts again, but please just take a little time to go read this: and then tell me what you think? THANKS BABES!!! Ok here is chaptah ten and it's really cute and fluffy at the beginning and then it gets really intense. So prepare yourselves. 0_0 Prepared? OKAI NOW READ! *Gives cookie* Vote/Comment/Follow


Louis' POV

We arrived at the restaurant after a very obnoxious car ride. I mean that in a good way though! Zayn was just as mischievous as I was and we soon declared that we were partners in crime. When we walked into the bowling alley, we took a seat and a young blonde waitress came up to ask us our order. The waitress smiled at the both of us and said 

"Hey, what would you like?"

I looked down at my menu and ordered a simple burger and fries and Zayn ordered the same.

"Copier." I muttered.

"I thought of it first!" Zayn retorted, playing with my hand under the table.

"Yeah right!" I teased.

"I'm glad you agree. I AM right." Zayn said, chuckling as I stuck out my tongue at him.

The girl giggled and said "If you don't mind me asking, are you two like... together?" 

I glanced at Zayn who smiled at me and said "Yes. Yes we are." The girl actually squealed and said 

"Ok you two are super adorable together! Just saying!" Then she skipped away happily.

I took Zayn's hand and said "Well this has started off great! So I can't wait 'till after, if you know what I'm sayin'." I wiggled my eyebrows and grinned at the horrified look on Zayn's face.

"Are you serious?" He asked hurriedly. I burst into laughter and said "No, Zayn! Jeesh, it's our first date... Unless you wanna." I added playfully. Zayn punched me in the arm and said "Shut up. Let's bowl."

"Yes Master." I teased as Zayn stood up to find a bowling ball. I followed behind him and pinched his butt making him jump.

"Lou! People are staring!" He hissed. I wrapped my arms around his waist and nuzzled into his neck.

"Good. Then they know you're mine." Just as Zayn started to lean into my chest, I pulled away and picked up a black bowling ball and sprinted back to our lane. Zayn came back with a blue one and grinned at me.

"You know, I have heard that the black balls tend to be bigger." He said, gesturing at my bowling ball. I snorted out a laugh and said "Have you now?"

Zayn nodded, faking being sincere. "It's true. The black ones are always the biggest!" I burst out laughing and pushed him playfully. "You little perv!" I teased.

"Oh please, you're a bigger perv than Harry! And that's saying something!" Zayn said, lining himself up to bowl. The bar raised, revealing the pins and Zayn took a couple steps before shooting the ball down the lane. I heard the crash of pins and my jaw dropped. A strike? On his first turn?

"How did you do that?" I asked, pointing at the screen that had the big words 'STRIKE' flashing on it.

"I'm just skilled I guess." Zayn said, shrugging. 

"Great, well now I'm gonna make a fool of myself!" I whined. "I suck at bowling! I thought you'd suck too!"

"Oh thanks there Lou!" Zayn said, laughing. "Here just line yourself up and I'll help you." I nodded and strode over to the lane.

"Now what?" I asked. Zayn walked over and put his hands on my waist, making tingles run throughout my body. 

"Just take a couple steps forward." He whispered and I did as I was told, with his hands still guiding me. "Now swing back and aim the ball at the arrows on the floor of the lane." Zayn continued, running his hand up my arm to help guide the bowling ball. I shivered and said

"Ok... And then?"

"Just let it go!" Zayn said and I released the ball. It shot down the lane so fast I barely saw it. The next thing I knew, pins were flying everywhere and the words 'STRIKE' lit up. 

"WHOOOO!!!!" I cheered, jumping up and down. People in other lanes looked at me, impressed. 

"That's right peasants! Louis Tomlinson is king!" I yelled, dancing around with the music playing. Zayn laughed and pulled me to him.

"I did most of the work!" He complained. I smiled at him and leaned in to press my lips to his. I felt him smile into the kiss and he lifted me up, making me laugh. 

"You certainly did do the work." I said, smiling. "So I shall take you off my list of peasants!" 

"Why was I even on the list in the first place?" Zayn fake cried. 

"Aww, Zaynie, everyone is on the list. But if you kiss me again, you'll be off it for good." I said cheekily. 

"Gladly." He whispered, pulling me forward and kissing me again. Butterflies still fluttered in my stomach, just like they did every time we kiss. I felt like I was on a cloud in heaven as I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into a hug. 

We broke our sweet embrace as the waitress brought our food, blushing slightly. "Here you guys go!" She said, setting everything down.

"Ah, thank you madam!" Zayn said in a snooty accent. "Could you possible point me toward the restrooms?" he asked the girl. I laughed at his silliness as she pointed him in the right direction. 

"I'll wait for you!" I called, sitting down and pulling out my phone.

"You better!" Zayn called back skipping away. God I loved that boy's goofiness. 

I beamed and texted Niall. I had left Zouis with him for the night just so she wasn't alone, plus he wanted to know everything that happened with Zayn and I. 

L: Hey Nialler! Date is going great, Zayn is perfect

N: Aw, Lou is in love ;D She's good. She cries a lot though, so I sang to her and now she is sleeping and I am eating pizza with Josh -Niall xx

L: You could invite Harry over if you're bored. I feel bad dumping Zouis w/ you -Lou xx

N: Actually, I don't know where Haz is... He hasn't answered his calls or texts but I don't wanna be clingy or anything. Plus Josh is entertaining -Niall xx

When I read that last text, I got a little nervous. Harry and Niall always were either with each other, or they knew where the other was. And Niall said Josh was "entertaining"? I mean, he was good friends with Josh and they hung out whenever I couldn't but I wonder where Harry could be? They had gotten so close with each other and now I felt even worse.

L: Aw Ni, I can go early & pick up Zouis if you want? -Lou xx

N: Nah mate i'm good with Josh and I ordered more pizza so that = happy. Have fun on your date! Dont worry bout me k? -Niall xxxx

L: Thanks Niall ur the best ;) xo -Lou xxxx

N: I know that xD -Niall xx

I smiled as I shut off my phone because I was lucky to have a best friend like Niall. Hopefully he would hear from Harry soon. 


Zayn's POV

As I was walking towards the bathrooms, I noticed some people were getting rowdier by the bar. It was getting pretty late so I wasn't surprised if some people got drunk. I was having the best time possible with Louis and every time we kiss I think I fall even more in love with him.

I strode toward a little hallway where the bathrooms were and turned the corner and- HOLY CRAP WHAT IS THIS???

Pinned against the wall was Liam, and pinning him there was Harry.

And they were kissing.

No, they weren't just kissing.

They were full on making out. 

"WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!" I yelled, making them jump apart. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" 

Harry stumbled towards me and I could tell he was drunk. "Zayn! Just the man I wanted to see, yeah? Wanna join the fun?" he asked, winking. I shoved him away from me and shouted

"How could you? Liam, what on earth were you thinking?!"

"S'not my fault!" Liam slightly slurred so I could tell he was tipsy, even though he barely ever drinks. "Harry is drunk. He pinned me up against the wall!" 

"Harry, you have a boyfriend! Niall? NIALL HORAN?! How could you do this to him?" I shouted at Harry. I saw his bloodshot eyes widen for a minute, but then they dropped again as he slumped forward and i had to catch him. 

"Great. Now he's passed out." I growled. "Liam get your ass over here and help me." Liam waddled over and took Harry's other arm. 

"Where are we takin' him?" He mumbled. 

"To your car, moron. You're in no state to drive him home either. I can't believe you two! Niall will be heartbroken!" I snapped. Liam's eyes were remorseful as he said

"We just came here to have a drink because Danielle and I aran't doing so well right now. Then one thing led to the other and- and..." 

"And nothing. Just stop! Tonight I was supposed to have fun with Louis and I was until this happened! Now I have to drag him into this!" I yelled. 

'Drag me into what?" Louis' voice said from behind me. "Wait.. what happened?!?! Oh my god Harry!"

He ran over and I said "Louis! I'm so sorry, this is totally ruining everything!"

"No, no it's ok! What happened?" Louis said loudly. I glared at Liam and he said 

"Harry cheated on Niall." 

Louis' mouth dropped and he yelled "WHAT?!? HOW COULD HE DO THAT TO MY BEST FRIEND? WITH WHO?!"

Liam shuffled his feet and muttered "Uh... With me." 

If looks could kill right now, Louis and I would have exploded Liam.

Louis grabbed Liam and pushed him against a wall and growled at him "What. Happened. Exactly."

"We were drunk! We didn't know what was going on! I swear I didn't want to hurt Niall or Harry but he pinned me up against the wall!" Liam cried, flinshing away from Louis' menacing face as I still supported Harry. 

"I can't believe you two?! How could you?" Louis cried, flinging Liam away from him.

"I'm sorry!" Liam cried. 

"SORRY ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH!!" Louis and I screamed in unison.

"We have to get him home." I groaned, supporting Harry. "And we're making him explain himself to Niall." 

"Damn right we are." Louis said, helping me pick up Harry.

We walked in tense silence outside and to Louis' car. 

"Liam, you're coming with us. You can pick up your car tomorrow. " I snapped at him. He nodded and got into Lou's car and we layed Harry in the back seat, where I climbed in to support him. Louis got in the front seat and we drove back to Harry's house, nobody saying a word.

"I'll get him inside." I said as Harry started to stir. I silently opened the door and snuck Harry up to his bedroom where I took off his shoes and threw his covers over him. He was going to have a hangover, but at the moment, I thought he deserved it. 

I headed quickly back outside to meet Lou in the car. 

"Where's Liam go?" I asked. Lous snorted. 

"He said he can walk home form here. He lives in the same neighborhood."

I sighed and said "Louis. I'm so sorry this had to happen tonight. I feel like if I hadn't found them it would've been better. I just am so so-" but I was cut off by Louis lips. I kissed him back and it slowly got more heated. I pulled him into my lap and his tongue slid along my bottom lip and I gave him entrance. Our tongues melded together and I let Louis have dominance. Eventually we were forced to break away, panting.

"Don't apologize Zayn." Louis said breathlessly. "I had the best time tonight. Besides the whole... you know.." 

"You know, I realized we never paid for our food..." I said guiltily.

"I have a feeling the waitress won't mind. Let me take you home now and we can work it all out tomorrow." Louis said softly, pressing his lips to mine quickly. 

"Okay." I whispered.

"You know what? How about you stay at mine tonight? We can put in a film and try to forget about ths for a while." Louis said, starting the car.

I beamed and said "Yeah Lou, I would love to." 

Maybe this night wasn't a complete disaster after all.


HOLY CRAP please don't hate me! It thickens the plot so well though! In real life though I love Harry and Liam and they'd never do something like this to poor Nialler :( REMEMBER to check out my new story 'Old Friends, New love' because you love me. You know you do ;D *gives cookie* Maybe I should actually do homework now? xD *Blows Kiss* MWAHHH!!!

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