Forever mine (Kohnnie)

By endlessgoodbyes

21.3K 879 135

~~~collab with~~~ Walking_horror_stories After a family death johnnie is forced to move to a new town. Movin... More

Coming soon
❤️Chapter 1❤️
❤️ Chapter 2 ❤️
❤️chapter 3 ❤️
❤️Chapter 4 ❤️
❤️ Chapter 5 ❤️
❤️ Chapter 6 ❤️
❤️ Chapter 7 ❤️
❤️ Chapter 8 ❤️
❤️ chapter 9 ❤️
❤️ Chapter 10 ❤️
❤ chapter 11 ❤
❤ Chapter 12 ❤
❤ Chapter 13 ❤
❤ Chapter 14 ❤
❤ Chapter 15 ❤
❤️ Chapter 17 ❤️
❤️ Chapter 18 ❤️
❤️ Chapter 19❤️
❤️Chapter 20 ❤️
❤️ Chapter 21 ❤️
❤️ chapter 22❤️
❤️ Chapter 23 ❤️ (Final Chapter)

❤ Chapter 16 ❤

819 33 1
By endlessgoodbyes

Perviously on Forever Mine: New Character Jordan gets turned, loses his mother, now living with Kay and them.
Kyle and Johnnie know share a room.
Sharing a room with your mate, or whatever you wanna call it can be hard at some points. Seeing johnnie sleep and have nightmares is hard even worse sharing a room. I felt he stirs in his sleep, which I think he is asleep.

"J-johnnie?" He groaned

"I can't! I just can't" my heart dropped at his words.

I can't stand see him like this. "Was it another nightmare?" I asked.

"Y-yes" he cried into his pillow

"Are you okay?" I asked, I got off my bed and walked over to Johnnies bed.

"He won't leave me alone" he looked at me.

"Who won't leave you alone?" I climbed into the bed beside him.

"Drake, he won't leave my dreams."

"W-what's he's doing?"

"Dying" he laid his head on me

"It's just a dream." I said

"Why does it keep happening."

"You just keep repeating memories, they can't hurt you." I pulled him close to me.

"It feels so real every thing though."

"What all happened?"

~Johnnie's Flashblack~
I walk down the steps and call for drake.


"Drake?" I can't find him anywhere in the house.

I go to check the back yard and I see him. He's hanging from our tree house.

"Drake!" I scream running towards him. I can tell he already lost consciousness.

"Help! Help! Save him" I screamed trying to hold him up enough to breath.
"Omg that's terrible." I pulled him into a hug.

"I wanna see him" he whispered

"Then let's go see him tomorrow, as of right now let get some sleep."

"I'm scared kyle, what if he hates me still. What if he's not even there anymore."

"Why did he hate you? What happened?" I asked.

"Cause I saved him." He looked down letting tears fall

"From suicide?"

"Yea, he didn't want to be here"

"Why not?"

"Can we just not kyle, I just wanna sleep" he buired his face in my shoulder

"Yeah." I kissed his head.

I was gonna be able to sleep tonight, not with Johnnie like this.

Once I knew Johnnie, was asleep I climbed out of his bed and headed to Kays offices.

I knocked on the door.

"Kay?" I whispered

"Yes kyle."

"C-can I talk to you?"

"Have a seat." She pulled her papers off the chair beside her

I took a seat, I didn't know what or why I did, but I busted out crying. I usually don't cry, it worries them when I do.

"Oh kyle" she walked over and pulled me into a hug.

"What's wrong hun" she felt like a mother would to their child.

"I-i don't know." I kept repeating.

"Shhh, calm down tell me what it is." She patted my back

"J-johnnie." I whispered.

"Oh boy" she whispered and sighed.

"I knew this was gonna happen."

"W-what do you mean?"

"His dreams"

"Why does he keeps having them?"

"I think its because he doesn't have closure."

"I-i tried to talk about it with him, but he shuts me out." I brought my hand to my face

"He will, he's lived with me for 4 almost 5 years now. He's never even opened that part of his life up to me." Johnnies been here 4 years now..I thought he was her for a couple months before me not years...

"He's my mate, I wish he'll open up to me." I whispered. "I wanna be there for him, but if he don't open up, I don't think I'll be able to.

"Well maybe give him time." Time? 4 years is to much time, how much time will it take?!

"We don't have time."

"Well, the consul said its a 3-4 week wait for an answer. If you can get him to open up before than they may give your answer before." She went to her desk

I wasn't gonna wait no 3-4 week, I'm playing on charging Johnnie this week. "He won't open up to me, I'm gonna do what needs to be done. With it without the consul."

"You don't want to start something you cant handle Kyle." She said fermly

"I'm not starting nothing, I'm just saying. If I don't get an answer within this week I'm gonna do it."

"Kyle David." She huffed

"You already said I could, and I'm not gonna let the stupid consul desire, because they always have some type of twist."

"But that 'twist' protects you and Johnnie, are you even sure he wants this now!" She air quoted twist.

"He's the one that wants this, I don't. He won't stop asking me about it, I never got the chance to choose, what I didn't want to be this. Now I'm this fucking monster, I know the pain he's going no to be going through, and I don't want that. He has a choose, and he choosing the wrong chose." I ran my fingers through my hair "he already made up his mind, and I'm doing it this week."

"Than don't, explain to him that he has a choice. He thought Alex biting him hurt, he didn't even go through the whole process Kyle. He's going to scream for it to stop but you can't stop it, he will be crying from the pain he'll go through. What if it doesn't take on his body? We didn't give it enough time when Alex bit him to see if it'll kill or change him. Have you thought about his mental state of mind? He wants to die on a daily base's once he's turned he can't die." She was red faced and angry.

"Don't change him, he has so much stuff he can do with his life. We got our futures ripped away, you can save his." She calmed down.

"The decision has been made, it want it. He's reason is so that we can be together forever, but what is forever? I'm a vampire, and I believe I'm not gonna make it to forever. In slowly dying as it is."

"You can hate me all you want, I'm sorry. Maybe if I wasn't here, he wouldn't want this."

"He needs to know that, how long have you been a vampire?'

"I was changed around 9 or 10, now I'm 16 about to be 17. So for a while, what does this have to do with anything?"

"Vampires only live 200 years past the day we are changed, you'll die years before him Kyle. He'll be alone again."

"That's no true, I don't know what myth you're living." I scoff.

"It's what he wants, I don't want to there nothing I can do. If I leave that'll just break him apart, if I don't change him he'll think I don't want him. I want him, but yet no--- omfg shut the fuck up!!" I smacked myself in the head repeatedly.

"You and I both know he only wanted changed because of you, what if he gets tiered of you? Of life? He can't leave until he dies of old age or is killed by the clan"

"Because of me! Everything's because of me. I won't let no clan get to him, I'll will die protecting him."

"Exactly!" She screamed.

"You will DIE because of him, he will let you die too!" She was in my face

"You'll get him killed, he doesn't know what power is."

I wasn't gonna sit there and have her yell in my face. I pushed her back and got up.

"Don't act all tough now" she shoved me hard causing me to knock over a lamp.

"They will do more damage to you and johnnie than you can imagine!" She shoved me again.

"I've seen it happen." She pushed me back onto the book shelve.

I was starting to get mad, but I wasn't about to hit a girl. "You don't think I know this!" I shoved her hard "I know this!!! I'm not dumb!!" I yelled.

"Clearly you are! Your going to get yourself killed, and johnnies gonna get killed by being in the way!"

"Kyle" johnnie and jeydon walked in, we must have woken them.

"Johnnie won't get in the way- you know what fuck it I'm done. You can't get anything through your thick ass head." I didn't care if Jeydon and Johnnie was there, they could watch.

"Oh so now your done cause you didn't get your way! News flash child, if you get mad over us arguing how are you going to protect him!" She shoved me.

I shoved her back but when she shoved me back, it wasn't me. Johnnie went flying across the room hitting the glass and wall.

I ran over to Johnnie, anger boils within me. "Look what you did!!!!" She walked toward us "Stay the fuck away, this is all your fault. What kind of foster mother are you!!!!" I yelled.

"Kyle b-blood" jeydon brought me back and I urged for johnnies blood.

"Johnnie?". I looked and seen johnnie smiling at the scene

I ignore the curving of his blood. I took my shirt off, wrapping it around the wound. Thank god, it wasn't to serious.

"Here let me" jeydon came behind me and helped johnnie.

"G-guys?" Jordan was at the door

I looked over at Jordan, to see his eyes are locked on Johnnie. I growled, and stepped in front of him.

"I don't wanna hurt him, but i-i really want to" he was trying to control it

"Jordan, I believe it best if you just go back to your room for now." thanks to Kay blood, was all over me and the floor. I myself was started to crave the blood more.

"Kyle you don't look so good yourself." Jeydon took johnnie into his arms weakly.

"I-I got it."

"Don't leave me" he whispered into my shoulder.

"I swear I'll never let you go, come on let's get you to the room." I took on last look at Kay. She was died to me, I couldn't believe everything that happened.

(Kyle- endless
Johnnie- Madi
Kay- Madi
Jordan- Madi
Jeydon- Madi)

Stay happy
Not crappy
Life's a bitch
Don't quit

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