[DIA] (BFDI x II) A Black Hol...

By DiamondDragon2002

270K 6.3K 23.6K

An Object heads High School AU featuring characters from the BFDI and Inanimate Insanity series(s). Our main... More

First day of School #1
First Day of School #2
First Day at School #3
Meeting Pen #1
ABHLOE Character Heights
Meeting Pen #2
Chapter EIGHT!
There's harmless jokes and then spaghettification
How to outwit your Snowball Pt 1
How to outwit your Snowball Pt 2
A new Member
Field Trip
ABHLOE Character Heights #2
About Iance
The truth about Freesmart
Rebuilding Friendships
Investigation 2
Picture Day
Discovered #1
Discovered #2
A new Member Again.
About Fall
Righting the Wrong
Home Security
Movie (date)
~New Friend~
Winner & Loser
Investigation 3
BIG problem, dumb solution
Found Out
Investigation 4
Halloween Prep
The Wingman
Tricks & Treats
Party Time
Exchange of Info
Supernatural Encounter
Vengeance pt 1
Vengeance pt 2
Vengeance pt 3
Halloween Dance
Truth or Dare
Culinary Catastrophe
Study session
Black Out
Power Restored
Back to work
The Science Fair
Finally in!
The Reveal
Run Away
Lift Off
Back to Earth
Fall Break
Fun and Games
Arcade Anarchy
Housing problems
Out with the old
This chapter is about Brains
Date Night pt1
Date Night pt 2
Snow Day
Snowball Showdown
Wonders of Winter
Carol of the bells
Gift Preparation
Ruby's Christmas Party Pt 1
Ruby's Christmas Party Pt 2
Ruby's Christmas Party Pt3
Ruby's Christmas Party Pt 4
Ruby's Christmas Party Pt 5
Ruby's Christmas Party Pt6
Merry Christmas!
The Child
A day at the Park
She returns?!?
Supernatural Visit
Double Trouble
Common Ground
Fair Prep
Questions & Prizes
School Festival
The Losers! Concert
Fortunes and Readings
To The Zoo!
To the Zoo 2!
Mudai no bubun
Casual lunch chat
Pet Play
Uneggpected Visitor
Three is a threat
Candle's Warning
Back Together
Even black holes need therapy
Zodiac Companions
Zodiac Companions 2
Double time
Night out with a friend
Bad Branch Day
Self Conscious
The Yoyle Zone: Like you
The Yoyle Zone: Swapped
The Yoyle Zone: New opportunities
The Yoyle Zone: Hanging out with friends.
The Yoyle Zone: Mishaps
The Yoyle Zone: Understanding
Eggellent Easter
Bring your pet to school day
Mouse, Cat and Dog
Fans and Allergies
Back up
Welcome to The Jungle
Mi Casa, Tu Casa
Grievous error with a side of Heroics (Pt. 1)
Grievous error with a side of heroics (Pt. 2)
Operation: Storm the Empire Phase 1
Operation: Storm the Empire; Break in
Operation: Storm the Empire. Escape!
Black Hole the guardian
Friendships Pt 1
Friendships Pt 2
Taking your friend to play golf
Legends of the Cosmic Serpents
Don't leave your phone at home.
Rare Occuence
Black Hole the Cosmic Serpent
Camping Out
Bunk with the sis
Beach Day
Pen's epic wipeout!!
Shrunk n Drunk
Size Shenanigans
Guess who's back
Preparation for a Secret Surprise
Party Presents
Back to School
A Black Hole at Gym class
Play attention
Detention's Tensions
Clash of Eldritch Horrors (plot B)
Aires the guardian of dreams
Fall play auditions
Spooky Night 1
Spooky Night 2
The Play: Act I
The Play: Act 2
The Play: Final Act
Holiday shopping
Seasons Fearing's
Two Teams, One danger!
Frozen Diversion and Not yourself
Pi(e) Day
Post trauma tensions
Death Itself

Sleep over

1.5K 30 140
By DiamondDragon2002

Ruby's P.O.V: 

I talk with my some of my sisters about the new Freesmart and that my friends Pencil and Match are better now so they don't have to worry so much about me anymore.

Ruby: So, can they come for my slumber party now?

Garnet: Ok sure. (But I'm keeping my eye on them)


Ruby: OOH That's the others!

I rush down the flight of stairs to the door and open it to let in Pencil, Match, Bubble Book and Icy.

Ruby: Hiya guys!

Book: Hey Ruby, thanks for inviting us. It'll be nice to spend this kind of time with you guys again.

Ice Cube: Yup!

Bubble: Wow Ruby, your mansion is much bigger than I thought!

Book: Of course her house is super large, she from a very wealthy family.


Ice Cube: Hm? Who could that be??

My other older sister Pearl goes to the door to open and find

Vortex: Uh Hey, Is this where Ruby lives?

Peral: big man..   : >


Pencil: WAT? What is he doing here?!

Vortex: Actually yeah, why you invite me to your uh "slumber party"?

Ruby: Well you've been working so hard saving lives and all, you should have a little more fun in your life.

Vortex: Oh, that's real nice of you. 

Gruff voice: AHEM!

Vortex: Oh, and I brought Fanny along to.

Fanny: Don't be so proud, I only came because you said Bubble was going- HYUP!

Bubble swiftly picked up Fanny and started spinning her around with a hug, I soon joined in the hug when she stopped twirling.

Bubble: FANNY! I'm so glad you decided to join us!

Fanny: I HATE TH- uugh Y'know what never mind. 

Match: Hey Ruby, are there any other surprise guests that we should know about?

Ruby: Well just Flower and Snowball.

Book: Ok Flower I get but.. why Snowball?

Ruby: Uh because he's my friend to! Yeah, he can be somewhat mean but when you get to know him he actually a pretty chill guy to play with. Eh? Eh?

Vortex: You know, Pen said that exact thing me and I still don't get it...


I break from the group hug with Bubble and Fanny and go back to the door yet again.

Ruby: Flower, SB! Glad you two came!

Flower: Anything to have fun with my bestie!

Snowball: I hope you don't mind, I invited Lightning.

Ruby: Not at all, the more the merrier I say.

Lightning: Vortex, you came to Ruby's sleep over to? Awesome.

SB: You? UGH, Why were you of all people invited?

Vortex: Gee I don't know, maybe I'm actually likable for reasons you can't comprehend?

Ruby, Lightning and Fanny: *various forms of laughter*

Pencil: *snirk* Ok, that was a good one.

SB: grrrr! You've made me a laughing stalk with the other tough guys!

Vortex: You still look like an orb of precipitation to me.

Flower: *whispers to Vortex*

Vortex: [to flower] oh thank you for filling me in. [back to SB] You're still one about that? bro that was ages ago! Listen, we're both friends with the same 3 people; Ruby, Lightning (I suppose) and Pen, why don't we just be mature young men and let bygones be bygones. 

Ruby: Oh I like that idea.

Vortex: See Ruby agrees. What do you say, truce?

Vortex holds his hand out waiting for Snowball to take it, only for him to roll his eyes and walk to the kitchen, he still held his hand out.

SB: When do we get the snacks?

Vortex: Ok.. I'll.. let you think about it.

Garnet: Well you and your friends have fun little sister, me and the rest are going to be at the other side of the house if you ever need us. Come one Pearl.

Ruby: Bye bye sisters! Come one guys let's-


Before I finish my sentence a person 'flies' through the window in the living room and nearly crashes into Book.



Icy: what!?

Book: Ruby, why didn't you tell us you invited Bracelety too!?

Ruby: Because I didn't! How'd you know I was having a slumber party with Ice cube?

Bracelety: Don't ask questions you won't be ready to have answered....


Bracelety: Hey, I'm not a stalker! :C

Flower: Well you can't stay here!

Vortex: Wait, why can't she join us?

Match: She's just so annoying.

Vortex: I mean, if she's just here to have a good time with us I don't any issues here. Plus she seems rather close with Icy.

Vortex guestures us to them, Bracelety hugging Ice Cube and Icy just sits silent with an unamused look to her.

Ruby: I did say the more the merrier... Okay Bracelety.. come upstairs with us.

Bracelety: HORAAAAY!!

~To be Continued~

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