
By StrangerFR

61.9K 2.6K 9.7K

Basil begged his parents to let him move out of Faraway after his bullying got worse when the truth came out... More

Cut my palms, and make me put white gloves on.
I'm not "that guy" anymore, and I made damn well sure he's dead.
I'm gripping the grass, and I'm pulling up daisies
Tomorrow's too late, Amen.
While I tied my boots like a tightrope noose
I lack ambition from the side, monsters eaten me
Thank matter for mass and the comfort of gravity
Shields himself from reason with a kevlar baby blue tuxedo
I am the shadows cast aside by the gallows and you, the red-hot sky
Here comes the sun, am I falling up?
Auf wiedersehen, au revoir, he gripped his wits right by their ends
Can you heal me? Have I gained too much?
The atmosphere changing colours by sheer force of will
It's better to be laughed at than wrong.
Cry my name, remind my brain of my identity
I'm still picking up my molars, and putting them back in my face
You're trying to replace yourself
Am I really that bad?
And if I change can I still stay me
Will you lead me straight to paradise?
Well, if winter comes and takes my life
Good times on Front Street
Glass half full, I'd probably just drink that too
I'm the Main Character, and you have to like me.
Well this is my lysergide daydream
Sober, but still so much hangs over
I'm not a flower, not a solar-powered calculator
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, but something will eventually
Everyone will see it. Everything's connected.
Don't you make me waste my breath
Colour makes us hungry, hunger makes us human
It's awful out here, Socrates.
A place you've seen before you were born.
Cry a hymn out in Hungarian harmonic
I'll turn up the heat if it's too much
Bite your tongue and smile, stick around a while
Transcript C71096I5a
I'm done pounding my head against the kitchen floor
One more or one less, nobody's worried
Under a Monochrome Sky
Woke up smiling like I blacked out in Glasgow
Life is just okay out here, anyone can see
The overwhelming harmony, consuming the colony
This is a triumph
Delta Echo Alpha Delta
I'm only passing through (that was fun, goodbye!)
The one you could not have killed.
Damn that oxymoron...
This suit doesn't fit me, I made it myself counterfeit-ly
No I don't believe, there's a place I can call.
By your side
The circle rules your mind
How bad can I possibly be? Let's see.
And god damn it, we liked it.
Mortem Obire
Right by my side
I got Anubis on my back, and something in my shoe
Transcript B29070067SI1a
Well isn't it funny? But not "haha" funny, but, y'know, "funny"
Culture's not your friend.
Praying you might die before I fall in love with you.
I just like you a little more than me
Could you airbrush my scars?
Something glowing
To see how the fire side of us burns.
It might be heaven & it might be hell
Lost in my reverie
Tell me where I came from, what I will always be.
Live long and prosper while the winter melts away
Business as usual
Two's company, tea's a crowd
Don't mean to bug, but I thought I'd tell you that your shoes are untied
A picture of you, killing me, with deja vu
Neither of us will be missed
Now my body's on land but my heart will reside
Shame on a martyr claiming friends
Gone fission
Come back again to make things stand
I can tell it's there by the way it's not quite there
The limits of your mind
So don't apologize when you turn blue and cold
When you become untouchable you're unable to touch
Pianissimo, piΓΉ Pianissimo

To love one from too far to call

596 32 70
By StrangerFR

Basil flopped onto the couch, exhausted from the fighting. He rubbed the impact point from where the BB hit. He winced.

I hope I'm good enough to protect Sunny...

Basil shook his head to clear his mind, and turned on the TV.

Some random show was on that Basil didn't care about, but there was something unusual at the bottom of the screen.

"Violent criminal recently seen in East Nearburgh. Black hair, average build, 190cm tall, blue eyes. Do not approach."

Basil thought back to the picture from the hospital. Sounded like Yuri, which should've been obvious as he was pretty much the only violent criminal loose in all of Guangdong.

Then, the whole "eastern Nearburgh" thing clicked. Basil wished he had a map of Nearburgh right now.

Please let me be in west Nearburgh...

The sky outside began to darken with nightfall, and Basil ran to the door and locked it. Just in case.

Basil nervously returned to the couch, and changed the channel. A serial killer documentary. Great.

He changed the channel again, but after seeing a certain well known horror shower scene, he decided the serial killer documentary might be better.

Instead of getting scared, Basil got invested. The story of how this serial murderer constantly evaded capture showed that the man was evidently some sort of genius, only being caught after an equally genius detective trailed him.

Somehow using the humidity in a room to determine when the killer had left, and using that to piece together everything.

"Wow... hope they can pull that off sooner than later with that Yuri creep." Basil muttered to himself.

Wait. Yuri...

Basil frantically looked to the window behind him. Nobody outside, obviously.

A cellphone buzz made Basil jump. It was a call from Mikhael causing the vibrations.

"What's up, The Maverick?" Basil asked.

"Quiet, quiet. The Maverick is in the closet." The Maverick responded.

"Huh? Why?" Basil said a bit quieter.

"The Shadow Cabal sent their newest assassain after me... I just heard him break the window. Bastard."

Basil could hear his breath shaking.

"What? Is this for real, The Maverick?"

"Yes, The Synthesizer. Don't tell The Daybreak I said this, but I am scared. This assassain's spiritual energy is tough, I may die."

"Shouldn't you call the police?" Basil asked fearfully.

"No, some of them are corrupted by The Shadow Cabal, plus it may just put innocent lives in danger. If this assassain can beat me, they could beat those policemen too." The Maverick proclaimed.

An unintelligible voice was heard distantly in Mikhael's phone.

"He's coming upstairs Basil! Should I try The Maverick Style on him?"


"The Maverick Style! The KillerSprayᵗᵐ!"

Basil slapped his forehead in annoyance. "Just keep hiding!"

"You better not be hiding in your room." Yuri's voice echoed.

Mikhael's voice went unheard.

"Good, under the bed would be so lame." Yuri said emotionless.

"Where are you, Mr. Hero? Too scared to come fight me? Some powers. Hiding in the closet is pretty contrived too, by the way."

A door's creak followed by a loud slam was heard. A spray bottle's "psst" was heard, before a loud exclamation from Yuri was heard.

"You little shit! Fuck, augh..."

Mikhael's heavy breathing could be heard over the phone. "Basil, he- he fucking had an axe, Basil. I'm running over to your house, Basil."

"Wh- No! Don't come over here! What if he's following you?!" Basil asked urgently.

"I'm almost there, Basil. Basil I see your house." Mikhael said, ignoring Basil's inquiry.

"Mikhael, check behind you to see if he's following you!"

Mikhael pounding at the door followed this request.

Basil opened the door, looking over Mikhael's shoulder carefully. Just darkness.

Mikhael dashed inside. "Hey, Basil, I'm here, okay, alright."

"Basil... who's this?" Polly asked with concern.

"Mikhael... his house just got broken into... or his grandma's I guess."

"Grammy's out. 'Til tomorrow." Mikhael said, still in a daze.

"Should... did he call the police?" Polly asked with fear.

"No. You should... call..." Mikhael mumbled.

He shuffled towards the couch, as Polly dialed 911.

"What's the address?" Polly asked.

Mikhael appeared to suddenly enter a mania. "Ladies, ladies! There's enough of The Maverick to go around! Everyone can get their turn!"

He flipped his hair the same way he did when he had the wig.

"Mikhael, are you okay?" Polly worriedly.

"Holy moly! Would you look at that! Now that's a Maverick-level lady!" Mikhael said, staring at Polly, before he eagerly walked towards her, then walking into her breast and passing out on the floor.

"Uh..." Polly said, staring at Mikhael's smiling unconscious body, "is he usually like that?"

"It depends. Usually he doesn't pass out, though." Basil replied.

Polly continued to speak to the 911 operator, informing them of the event that had just transpired.

Basil, meanwhile, sat in a chair and began watching the front lawn like a hawk. Nothing ended up showing beyond the police and ambulance, thankfully.

"Do either of you know which house the breaking and entering happened in?" A policeman asked, as The Maverick's unconscious body popped a boner, to the paramedics' dismay.

Basil averted his eyes from Mikhael's unspecified sized bulge, and looked the policeman in the eyes. "Yeah, I can lead you there, as long as I'm not alone on the sidewalk."

Two policemen followed Basil to Mikhael's house. They soon arrived upon the scene. A broken window being the obvious sign of this being the right house.

"We can take it from here, buddy, thanks for the help." The policeman smiled at him.

Basil turned and ran home, terrified any shadow would suddenly reveal Yuri, standing and waiting for Basil with his axe raised.

Basil, fortunately, returned home unscathed, and went to bed very soon after.

I know Sunny should be sleeping fine, in spite of all this. He'd probably be thinking something like...

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