Family ties

By _crazy_hooman_

510K 25K 10K

•[COMPLETED]• Leah Stevenson is her name. She lives a happy life unbeknownst of the things that had happened... More

(1) Flashback
(2) Kingstons & Stevensons
(3) Story
(4) Plan
(5) Attack
(6) Troy
(7) Dean & Chase
(8) Back to LA
(9) Reunited
(10) Home
(11) Old Mafia, New Don
(12) Hostages
(13) Almost caught
(14) News spread
(15) First Day
(16) Plan initiated
(17) A new face
(18) Plan sucessful
(19) Caught
(20) Finally!
(21) Reunited
(22) Reunited- part (2)
(23) Meeting her
(24) Revelations
(25) Revelations- part (2)
(26) Shocker
(27) Family huh?
(28) Meeting them again
(29) Official Mafia meet
(30) Dinner
(31) Date?
(32) School
(33) A Problem
(34) Threat
(35) Unexpected guest
(36) Mason's story
(37) Sunday
(38) Bye, mother
(39) Preparations
(40) Annual Mafia Gala
(41) Attack
(42) Truth
(43) Aftermath
(44) Talk
(45) Bad news
(46) Out in the open
(47) Living together
(48) Another attack
(50) London
(51) Barely escaped
(52) Goodbye
(53) Matter at hand
(54) Apologise
(55) Intruder
(56) H for Hostage
(57) New plan
(58) Apology
(59) Decisions
(60) Goodbyes
(61) Theo
(62) More problems
(63) Making things right
(64) Sneaking
(65) Anniversary dinner
(66) Anniversary dinner- 2
Thank you!

(49) Vacation?

4.4K 306 62
By _crazy_hooman_

Leah's POV:

It was almost dinner time now and Theo and Wes still hadn't come back.

Papa and Uncle returned home from the base as soon as they heard about the school incident. They weren't too happy about it as well.

Brody was still in the mood to be alone. Charlie was in his room for almost an hour before he came back downstairs. No one knows what exactly they talked about but Charlie assured us he's fine so we didn't discuss it.

I pace in the living room anxiously waiting for literally any news on my brothers or this gang that's targeted me on Luca's orders.

I didn't realise how long I've been pacing until my father interrupted my chain of thoughts.

"You've been walking back and forth like that for almost thirty minutes now. Calm down Leah", Papa sighs walking towards the couch and taking a seat.

I glance at him, not ceasing my pacing. "I can't. I'm nervous for them. Both left the house in pure rage and they won't pick up their stupid phones when I call", I said biting my lip.

I must have easily left a dozen missed calls and messages on both their phones.

"I know, but they're okay. If something was up they would have called", Papa assured me.

I shake my head pausing to look at him directly. "What about this gang that's been a pain in the ass for so long now? They always manage to cause damage and escape", I argued.

"That's frustrating me too. It's getting harder to catch them and surprisingly they have got close to us thrice", He said in an upset tone.

Exactly. This gang is either too strong or Luca's doing a good job helping them from all the way in Italy.

This gang doesn't seem to fear the fact that they are messing around with a mafia family. They either don't care about their lives or they're too confident on having another mafia family's support with them.

The front door was suddenly heard open and close grabbing both mine and my father's attention. I quickly walk towards the main door papa following me.

Weston and Theodore were back. They look at me, then Papa and take a deep breath.

"You two okay?", Papa asked them curiously.

They shrugged.

I noticed they seemed tired and unhappy. Tired I understand since they haven't been getting sufficient rest for couple days, but I'm not sure why they're unhappy.

I can guess..

"They got away", Weston said confirming my guess.

"What? Got away as in?", Papa questions them with a deep frown on his face.

Theo exhales before answering. "They have fled the country."


"Luca ordered them to return to Italy as a lot of their men got killed and also as they were unsuccessful three times in pulling off their job", Weston continued, looking at me while saying the last part.

Irritation filled me up. God I wanted to punch something so badly. Once again they freaking ran away before we got to them.

"Are you sure? How do you know this?", Papa asked.

"Owen's men managed to catch one of their people at the hideout we raided. We had put some of our men there to keep an eye out to see if they return. One of them did", Weston replied.

"We interrogated him and he confessed. He told us that we won't be able to find them now as Luca ordered them just two hours ago to go to Italy. This guy we captured was about to leave as well, but we caught him first", Theo continued.

"So while you were interrogating him his gang was escaping from here", Papa said in realisation.

They nodded.

"Yes, but still we ordered some of our men to sweep every hideout we had information on. They found no trace of the gang anywhere. There's a word in the underground that the gang's finally left America for good", Theo explains.

"Blaze and Kyle are contacting their links in Italy to confirm this news. See if the gang is indeed relocating there. We're yet to receive confirmation on that", Weston exhales.

None of us had anything to add to that. Silence filled between the four of us.

I stare at them for a long minute. After that I turn and walk back inside the house without a word.

"Leah.. Leah!", Papa called me, but I didn't stop.

I headed off to my room and shut the door close behind me. I lay down on my back on the bed and stare at the ceiling exhaling.

They're gone then. We don't know what will happen now. We certainly can't go ourselves or send our men to Italy in order to finish the gang. That place is not under our jurisdiction and it would be extremely risky.

I don't trust Luca and I'm sure he didn't back off. He's probably just called off the gang in order to make a better plan and strike again.

All we can do is be vigilant and keep our eyes and ears open for any sight or information of that gang in future. Near future possibly.

I should have done something today. They were in school for me and I found them beating up my brothers right in front of me. I should have killed them or atleast done something.

I don't carry gun to school now as it's too risky. If I get caught by some teacher or student with one it'll be hard to explain.

Frustratedly I picked up my pillow lying near my head and threw it across the room causing it to hit the wall opposite to the bed and fall down.

I sit up, my hands rub up and down my face.

What to do now?

I didn't know how and when will this end. It can't be another war between two whole mafias again. History cannot repeat itself, but if Luca keeps playing this way we may have to answer back aggressively.

I know how mafia politics work. Boss i.e, Uncle Rowan used to tell Owen, Lan and I stories during our gang days.

Whenever we got time we used to spend time with him and hear him talk about his past mafia experiences. It worked like a thriller bed time story for us. It always intrigued me to hear such things that happen in mafia business.

Uncle told us that since Massimo had taken over the title of our mafia he had received little bit of hatred from other mafias as well. Obviously it wasn't out and direct on his face. But there were whispers all around.

Since there was no provocation by my father or grandpa's side it was a very cheap trick for Massimo to attack our base unnecessarily and kill so many people including family.

But since he held the title of being the Don of two mafias people didn't want to mess with him and to some extent feared him. I heard some mafias silently made an alliance with each other in order to be ready if Massimo comes after them next.

That didn't happen. Apparently Massimo and his father had a problem with ours only. They wanted to rule this network my family owned.

If by any chance we attack Luca in today's date, it'll be as if we initiated an attack. There's no solid proof that Luca's the one who's behind the attacks on my family.

Though the mafia world doesn't work on morality it still looks down on unnecessary provocation. Mafia rivalry is a thing all over the world between various mafias existing and they all have some 'not so peaceful' encounters now and then, but none turn into a full blown mafia take over attack.

I don't think my brothers have any wish to take over any mafia let alone Massimo's. But they won't let Luca's provocation slip easily. As far as I'm concerned I won't sit back and let Luca do his shit.

A knock on my door snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Come in", I sigh.

The door opened and Weston's head peeked inside. He looked around before his eyes fell on me.

"You look creepy sitting alone like that doing nothing", He commented after staring at me for five seconds.

I sigh again not in the mood to send a witty reply to his teasing. Any other day I would have. Today I was bummed about this situation. I just wanted it to get over.

"Oooh someone's in dire need of chocolates I see", He grinned.

He walks in closing the door after him and taking a seat next to me. He nudges me making me look at him.

"I propose a secret plan to raid any one of our brother's rooms for hidden chocolates. Just one though. We can't be greedy and risk our lives", He said with a serious expression.

This guy.

"I'm sure Brody has a lot hidden now. He's at it again. I have confidential information that he is back to his childhood practices of stealing candies from everyone", Weston leaned forward and whispered secretly to me for effects.

I could see what he was doing and it made me smile.

"I think I know his hiding place", I whispered back with a smile.

His eyes brightens up. "You do?"

I nod. "He's not too creative. I'm sure it's hidden somewhere under his clothes."

"Rookie", Wes scoffs.

"I know right. Lazy dumbass", I roll my eyes.

"How do you know it's there though?", He asked curiously.

I smirked. "I sometimes steal his clothes."

"Oh really?", Wes asked in amusement.

I nod excitedly. "Open my closet and you'll see an impressive collection of some really comfy hoodies and shirts I have", I said proudly.

Weston chuckled softly shaking his head. "Now that I think about it even I'm missing few hoodies."

"You all are. I steal for two. Grace and I. It's a combined mission", I shrugged.

That made him laugh and pull my cheek in fondly. I whined when he pulled hard.

"Always stay like this Leah", Wes smiled.

I send a small smile his way before looking down at my fingers.

"Penny for your thoughts?", He asked looking at the side of my face.

"A million", I said.

"What?", He asked confused.

"I need a million not a penny if you wanna know what's on my mind", I smile in humour.

He shakes his head. "No need then. Keep your thoughts to yourself."

I gawk at him. "Wow meanie. You wouldn't give me one million? Your own blood sister?", I said dramatically.

"Do you know how many zeros follow the number one in 1 million?", He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Do you know sibling love is invaluable?", I counter back.

He smirked looking at me. "Smartass."

I flip my hair back haughtily.

"Still not getting one million. Penny? Maybe. Now tell me what were you thinking", He said.

I shrug looking ahead at the wall. "Just wondering when this will end. I'm tired, irritated, frustrated and done with this whole thing", I said honestly.

He nods in understanding. I continued speaking whatever comes in my mind.

"It's like nothing is going our way. Nothing we do is helpful or even worth it. It's all so freaking annoying when things work for other people at our cost", I grit angrily.

Suddenly my frustrations were coming out again.

"Who cares lives are being threatened or efforts are being wasted. Who gives a damn that people have 'the Great Wall of China' size egos. Who cares if they're unnecessarily ruining other people's day. Huh big deal right?", I said angrily.

He didn't say anything, but stared at me.

"It's so annoying dammit!", I said standing up and kicking my shoes laying on the ground across the wall.

"Leah", He said softly.

I lost it suddenly.

I face him and continued. "I'm so done Wes! I hate this! I can't live normally! Nothing good is happening around me now!", I almost yell.

"Luca's hell bent on getting revenge from me! Most of my family's already payed for my actions! My football team's getting kicked out of championship! School sucks more than usual! It's like I can't find happiness and peace anywhere", I yelled out.

He stared at me as I let my frustrations out.

"And the cherry on the top is that my fathers are dating and neither of them ever thought about telling me about this themselves even though everyone else knew and now it's an awkward forbidden subject!", I said with a big sarcastic smile.

I then shut up and take a walk around the room with my hands on my hips. Silence filled the room for a few minutes.

Finally Wes then stood up and walked towards the window sill and took a seat there. He then looked at me and patted the seat next to him.

I exhale deeply walking towards him. He opens the window and fresh cold night air blows inside the room hitting my face and doing the amazing job of calming me.

As soon as I sat down he began.

"You're not okay with Dad and David being together?", He asked softly.

"Of course I'm okay with it Wes", I said resting my head on the window.

"Then why is it an awkward forbidden subject?", He asked.

I sighed. "I don't know. Ever since they kissed in front of us and realised that they did it in front of me it's been weird. It's like it never happened."

"What do you mean?", He asked calmly.

I look at him. "Now whenever they're around me we conveniently talk about any other subject but this. It's like an avoided topic. Heck it's awkward now. Things used to be so easy between us. I mean..I'm pretty close to both of them and now I think twice before being in the same room as them because we three feel the awkwardness", I shrug.

"This is a big deal Wes. Them's big for me. But it's like they don't want to talk about it. I feel like they should right? I mean..I just..god you must think I'm a baby", I exasperated massaging my head.

Weston took my hand in his and patted it. "I'm not thinking that Leah. Your feeling regarding this is absolutely normal. You're right they should have spoken to you", He said.

I sigh in relief knowing that he understands.

"But Leah Dad hasn't addressed this topic with any of us, you know? Jamie, Brody or I. Apparently only Charlie talked to Dad. You think we don't think it's a topic he should talk to us about? Not that it's a rule or something, but even I felt he should have. Atleast when they knew their relationship is serious", Wes said softly.

I look at him with surprise.

"Leah we may not have an awesome relationship with Mom right now. It's a work in progress, but still. So we brothers for our majority life were close to Dad only as a parent. Now that he has one more person in his life who's so close to him I feel that he should have talked to us. We're not over Mom, you know", Weston smiled softly.

"But am I upset with him? No. I'm aware of the fact that Brody and Jamie are probably thinking along the same lines as you are. They're closer to Dad considering they spend majority of their childhood in that cell with us. Char and me..I think we're more mature handling emotions", Weston shrugged.

I look down realising just now that I'm not the only one who must feel all this. Shit am I blind or what.

"Leah I understand both of your parents are a part of this situation. Basically any parent you've known ever. I get it. But don't you think maybe they haven't addressed this with us is because of the situation in the house right now?", He asked with a calm smile.

"It's not the right time to possibly bring this up. I think they considered this. We four like David, but since the night he spoke about their relationship openly in front of us we brothers have had some awkward encounters with him too. Maybe he and Dad feel conscious now", He said.

I take a deep breath and exhale.

"Shit I'm so immature. You're right. We have more important things to deal with right now and I..god. I didn't even realise you guys must be going through the similar phase as me. Am I selfish or what? I didn't consider their situation as well", I said facepalming myself.

He chuckled. "No you're not. You're a teenager. It's called dealing with your emotions. I'm glad you expressed this to me instead of keeping it inside your head", He smiled.

I nod sighing.

"So.. basically we let Dad and Papa decide and approach us when they feel they're ready and it's the right time?", I ask curiously.

He grinned nodding. "See you're learning. I didn't have to say that for you to understand. You got it yourself."

I smile nodding.

"It's a big deal for them as well Leah just like it's for you and me. Give them time", He said patting my back.

I sigh nodding. I should have known better, but I'm glad he told me this and made me realise I'm not looking at the other side of the coin.

"So now that this problem is dealt with. Tell me what is your school problem", He said.

I tell him everything. Football, championship, getting no chance to play, talking to the principal everything.

"Hmm", He nods. "Don't worry about that. I'll think of something if your principal or coach can't do anything about this", He smiled confidently.

"Really? You will?", I ask.

"Of course. Anything for you", He smiled.

I immediately jump on him to hug him right.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you Wes! You're the best! The team will be so happy if we get to play! You just made my day", I said happy beyond bounds.

He laughs softly putting his arms around me and patting my back comfortingly.

I couldn't believe it. One good news today.

I trusted my brothers. If they made a commitment to me then I know I don't have to worry. If Wes says he'll take care of my situation then that means he will.

Ah yay!

He kissed the top of my head. "Finally you smile. I thought you forgot how to after these last couple days", He chuckled.

I pull back looking at him. "You made me! You're a magician. I have noticed you and Theo have these tricks under your sleeve that easily makes us happy", I grin.

He smirked smugly. "We're elder brothers for a reason."

"That is true. You love our brothers and me right?", I ask with a smile.

"I do."

"You would do anything for us right?", I ask smiling.

"I will."

"Then one million dollars?", I ask with a grin with my hand out.

His eyes narrowed down at me. "You cheeky little brat."

I laughed as I got off the window sill and looked at him. "You said you would give anything."

"Yeah anything, but money. Earn one million yourself and then do whatever you want. Okay?", He asked with a smug smile.

I rolled my eyes making him laugh.


I shout came from downstairs. Wes and I smile gratefully as we both headed down for dinner.

Everyone was home by now. Even Grace and Dad. We all were seated around our big dinning table chatting and eating food simultaneously.

Brody's mood seemed to have improved a lot. He was actually smiling making me wonder if Charlie gave him some pills or something. God knows that kid cannot smile.

He and Troy seemed to be in a better condition now. They had a painkiller so their pain is minimum. Other than that they have a couple bruises on their body which will heal in some days.

"Okay I have an announcement", Papa said suddenly grabbing everyone's attention.

Everyone looks at him.

"You getting married?", Dean joked.

"You pregnant?", Jamie smirked.

Dad choked on his drink. Uncle groaned loudly. Papa just sent a nasty glare at the two. Everyone else laughs.

"Shut up idiots", Uncle Rowan said disappointed.

We all chuckled as once again everyone looks at Papa letting him speak.

"Since the situation we were dealing with is somewhat stable at the moment. The threat is off the table for sometime so I have planned something", Papa said.

"What?", I ask curiously.

"You, your brothers and I are going to London", Papa said answering my question.


"What?", Jamie frowned.

"Excuse me?", Brody asked.

"For what joy?", I said in confusion.

Papa sighs shaking his head as if expecting this from us.

"You five have a mother there if you remember", Uncle Rowan smiled.

"So?", Brody asked confused.

"So we're going to go visit her", Papa shrugged.

"What? Why?", I ask not understanding this sudden plan.

"It's Christmas in a few days. You kids have a couple days off in school. Your mother's been telling me to come visit her for a while now with you all. So I figured why not make a vacation out of this holiday", Papa smiled sweetly.

Dead silence.

Really dead.

"Am I dreaming?", Brody muttered.

"No you're not", Charlie said.

"Did you all just hear what he said?", I asked pointing at Papa.

"Yes we did", Emmett nods repeatedly.

Grace chuckled. Dad shakes his head in amusement.

"Not Christmas! Come on!", Chase whines loudly.

"Seriously? The one holiday we all can spend together?", Dean said with a look.

"I ain't going anywhere", Brody scoffed.

"Why do you want to see your ex wife? You have a boyfriend now", Jamie frowned.

"This is insane. We can't spend Christmas vacation in a whole other country. What about gifts", I said seriously.

Everyone looks at me.

"She makes a good point", Brody nods.

"You kids are so dramatic", Papa rolled his eyes.

"What did you expect? Confetti? You drop a bomb on us and you say we're dramatic", I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Really Leah? Bomb? Visiting your mom is not that bad", Dad asked.

"Easy for you to say. You already spend your fair share of years with her in your school days", I argued.

He thought about it for a second and shrugged. "True."

"Come on guys. Don't act like that. Mom misses us", Charlie said looking at us.

"Then let's video call her. Why Christmas holidays?", Jamie whines.

Theo and Emmett laugh seeing that. Wes sighed.

"I thought you kids have forgiven her now. Then why the complains?", Papa asked with a sigh.

"Christmas Dad! London? Really? Flying all the way there! Why?", Brody questioned.

"Exactly. Christmas Brody. Don't you think your mother would be happy to spend it with you after years?", Papa asked.

"What about us? We haven't been waiting for years then?", Dean complained.

Uncle Rowan sighs. "Dean they're not going forever. They will be back within a few days and then we will celebrate Christmas here together all of us."

"You in on this?", Dean asked shocked.

"Yes. I booked their tickets", Uncle Rowan said.

"Traitor!", Chase yelled in shock.

Grace and Dad chuckled most likely enjoying this as they find it funny.

"Come on Chase. We will celebrate Christmas together this year, just a couple days late alright? Still a proper family Christmas right?", Theo smiled sadly.

"Oh come on", Dean and Chase groan loudly.

"Come on kids. Your mother's really eager to see you guys. She didn't tell me, but I'm sure she's already planning gifts and food for you all. She couldn't hold her excitement over the phone", Papa smiled softly.

I sigh feeling warm hearing that. I never have spent any quality time with Susan so this is new for me, but it felt nice to hear that.

"Alright. I'll go", Jamie smiled.

"I'm in", Wes shrugs.

"Me too", Charlie grinned.

Everyone looks at me. Grace and Dad had a small smile on their face. They nod encouragingly at me. I have spent all of my Christmas vacations with them so I know they won't mind me spending it with my full family for once.

"More gifts I guess. So I'm in", I shrug.

"Leah made her first buisness decision. Congratulations", Dad smiled sarcastically.

Everyone laughs while I grin. Then all eyes went to Brody.

"It's not like you're leaving my ass here while you all go. Obviously I'm coming", Brody said stuffing food in his mouth.

"Not true. I can leave your ass anywhere you want", Papa smiled sweetly.

"Ah our bond grows day by day Dad", Brody said sarcastically.

Everyone laughs.

"So it's final. We leave for London day after", Papa announced.

"Okay", We all said in unison.

"Yes and oh I almost forgot. Troy's visiting George in New Jersey while you'll be away", Uncle Rowan announced.

All my brothers and I turn to look at Troy who was surprisingly silent the whole time we were having the London discussion.

Troy looked at all of us sheepishly.

"Oh so that's why you were quiet all this while. You abandoning us on Christmas too?", Dean asked in shock.

"Not abandoning. Our Christmas is postponed. I figured I'll go visit George this time. I miss my friends there. I haven't been there since I came here", Troy said sheepishly.

"Wow. So many gifts this year. Betrayals taste good", Chase said dramatically.

"There we go again", Uncle Rowan muttered.

The entire dinner was now spent arguing with Troy about his vacation to New Jersey. My cousins were not happy about the house being half empty next couple days.

After dinner we all sat down in the living room watching tv.

"Don't forget to go gift shopping tomorrow boys and Leah", Papa reminded us.

Oh yeah.

"Now that's a headache. I don't know how to buy gifts for others", Brody frowned.

"Yeah you just know how to take gifts from others", Charlie smiled.

Brody smacked him with a pillow while everyone laughs. "I'm serious."

"We all will go to the mall tomorrow and get something together. I'll help you out, don't worry", Wes said.

"Thank you", Brody sighs.

"Yeah. Get three gifts", Papa said.

We look at him in confusion hearing that. I mute the tv.

"Three? Why?", Jamie asked.

"Susan has a new family now remember?", Grace said.

Our eyes went wide in realisation. Shit.

"Oh yeah!", Jamie said loudly.

"You five have a step brother now. You know that right?", Uncle Rowan asked curiously.

"Huh? Step brother!", Brody exclaimed.

"Another brother?!", I said in shock.

Grace, Theo and Emmett laugh loudly hearing me.

"Damn. They have one more", Dean muttered to Chase.

For some reason I didn't think of that possibility. How stupid. What is up with me? I'm getting stupid living with my brothers now.

"Yes. Your mother's husband has a child", Papa told us.

"Really? How old is he?", I asked.

"He's ten", Papa replied.

"We have a little step brother?", Brody said weirdly.

"Yeah", Uncle nods.

"This just got more difficult", James frowned.

"How come?", Grace asked.

"What do you gift a ten year old boy? I've never met one", James asked.

"Probably a ten year old girl would be nice. Just gift wrap it", Brody snorts.

That statement alone got Brody multiple pillow smacks on his face.

"Good one buddy", Dean nods appreciatively.

Emmett smacked his head making Chase and Troy laugh loudly.

"Seriously guys. Help me out here", Brody said looking nervous.

"You can gift him roses?", Dean suggested.

"Not trying to date the child man", Brody deadpanned.

Wes, Theo, Grace, Em and Char chuckled.

"Give him 10 gifts, you know, for each Christmas he's lived", Troy suggested.

"That's hard. I can't think of one gift Troy and you're telling me to buy him ten?!", Brody frowned.

"My bad", Troy sighs.

"Maybe a car?", Jamie suggested.

"He's ten! What good would a car be for him! He can't drive. Dumbass", Brody looked at him ridiculously.

"Not to mention that's too expensive", Troy reminded.

"Exactly and don't forget it's not easy to buy a car. I mean which model would you gift him? How do you know what functions and colour he likes?", Dean wondered.


"I was talking about a TOY CAR YOU IDIOTS!", James yelled.

"Oh", Brody mutters.

"Ohhhh", Troy nods.

"That makes sense. But still which model?", Dean asked curiously.

Jamie smacked his own head while everyone laughs their ass off.

It was genuinely amusing to see my brothers discuss what to buy a ten year old for Christmas. I see Papa, Dad, Uncle Rowan enjoying the most. They had this big smile on their face all the time.

I didn't know what I was going to buy either, but I was just thinking about a Christmas with my mom and her family. That will be something.

For the first time I will spend a holiday with my father, mother and brothers.

"What about a gun?", Brody asked.

"Toy or real?", Dean asked.

Everyone stared at him. A serious disbelief stare.

"Just confirming this time! Jeez", Dean rolled his eyes.


"Oh god. Theo, Wes, Grace, Em, Char, you five are going with these idiots tomorrow please. Keep an eye on them and their gifts", Papa said pleadingly.

"Sure Uncle Seb", Theo chuckled.

"Goes without saying. They need us", Grave laughs.

My younger older brothers roll their eyes as if offended.

"There goes my plan to buy a pack of condoms for mom", I joke.

"LEAH!", Dad almost shouts in bafflement.

"What? She gave birth to five kids Dad! Five was more that enough and now we have a step brother even though she didn't give him birth. What if one more comes along? Can't risk it", I said shrugging.

That statement got me smacked with multiple pillows.

"Jeez these kids have no shame. Good luck there Seb. They're gonna make a good impression there", Uncle Rowan said.

"Oh man. You all better behave", Papa warned us.

My cousins snickered.

"Seriously Leah? Had to say that?", Dad frowned.

"Dad I have four brothers, five cousin brothers, one step brother and one sister. You think I want more? My worry is genuine", I said with a straight face.

"Got a point there", Troy said with a nod.

Everyone bursts into a laughter.

Am I right or am I right?

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