Their Love Life....

By Mrviber

135K 13.5K 2.9K

She: I wish I get Beautiful Love Life.... He: Love is not my cup of tea, I'm Very Much Happy in my Life witho... More

Meet Them...
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43 (21+)
Part 44 (21+)
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61 (18+)
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67

Part 33

2.3K 246 67
By Mrviber

Inline comments are welcomed, plz do if u loved this Part....


At Nanz's Restaurant,

In Nandini's Cabin,

Nandini was Hell worried on how to face Manik after the kiss, even if it was a quick peck but still, she broke the clause...,

Nandini: oh God, Why didn't I control myself, what will Manik think that I used him in the drunk state, what if he breaks our marriage, no no he won't do that but he will be very much angry..,

Navya comes in, Nandini sees her and hugs her tightly, Navya was surprised..,

Navya: aree, so tight hug, what happened Nandu..,

Nandini: Yaar Navya, I did a blunder and now I don't know what to do, I don't know how to face Manik..,

Navya: what the hell did u do that u are so tensed.,.

Nandini: Aree woh, Yesterday he was drunk and was getting very romantic so..,

Navya: then what's wrong in it, you are a couple (she remembers something) did u both really had a first night..

She speaks with a smile while Nandini frowns and hits her shoulder lightly..,

Nandini: shut up, it's not like that Manik was drunk and I was sober, I know how to control but still..,

Navya rolls her eyes..,

Navya: but what, Nandini don't pause in between, what happened..,

Nandini: woh, woh we kissed..,

Navya: okay and..,

Nandini: what and..,

Navya: what after kiss, I means hankie pankie..,

Nandini: shut up, just kiss but Navya we had deal about no intimacy in the marriage contract na, Manik was drunk but I was sober na, what will he think about me that i misused his drunk state..,

She makes an innocent face..,

Navya: calm down Nandini, don't over react, He's Manik, not a Monster who will eat u just for a kiss, I don't think he will be angry  yesterday even in drunk state, he was so concerned for u, He just wanted u, Nandini just calm down, Manik will be okay with kiss and if u ask me, even if u both had a wild makeout then also he won't mind..,

Nandini: shut up, we didn't do anything more than kiss, although he was asking for First night n all, still I somehow made him understand and plus u know what he did, He tore the contract Marriage papers..,

Navya was shocked..,

Navya(shouts): what, are u serious, (Laughs) that's so cool and amazing, I mean now no contract Marriage u both can stay like a real couple..,

Nandini frowns and slaps her shoulder..,

Nandini: chup, don't get high Hope's, Manik didn't even loves me and u are saying we will be a real couple..,

Navya: are u mad Nandu, then what is all that, his care and concern for u, He thinks of u before anything else, His possessiveness, His jealousy when Harshad is around u and especially u saw his facial expressions,  when Harshad's mom talked about your alliance, poor guy was about to cry..,

Nandini whines..,

Nandini: u are not understanding Navya, it's very complicated..,

She sits on couch and sits hugging a pillow while Navya looks on.....

At Malhotra Industries,

In Manik's Cabin,

Manik was hell nervous, He was drank five glass of lemonades to get out of his hangover..,

Cabir comes in with sixth lemonade, Manik takes it and gulps it in a go..,

Cabir: abe bas kar, u should thought of this before gulping those vodka shorts, that time u don't remember u have a wife at home, u are not a bachelor anymore..,

Manik: then what should I had done, that Harshad challenged me and The Manik Malhotra never losses a challenge..,

Cabir: but same Manik Malhotra is scared to face is wife now..,

Manik frowns hearing him...,

Manik: shut up, it's all your mistake cabir..,

Cabir was surprised hearing him..,

Cabir: how am I at fault in this, sharab piye  toh, Bacche ki Tarah harkate kare tu, Nandini se chipke tu, and u are blaming me, are u still drunk..,

Manik: then who's mistake is this, why u left me alone with Nandini, everytime u handle me, so I thought this time also..,

Cabir: abe woh, I guess u don't remember, let me tell what I said u yesterday, Bhai hun biwi nahi, that I'll take care of u all the time..,

Manik: oh please My Nandini is not rude like you, don't compare yourself with my Babygirl..,

Cabir: I don't even want too, u know u were just sticking me yesterday, and kissed my cheek, idiot Navya and Nandini were teasing me, I was so embarrassed, if I had Handled u whole night, then don't know about u and Nandini, but First Night would have definitely happened and this is for u..,

He speaks angrily and punches hard in Manik's stomach..,

Manik: aaah saale, Kamine..,

Cabir: Next time stay away from me..,

Manik frowns, He realizes something..,

Manik: one sec, how do u know that me and Nandini didn't had our first night, I never shared my bedroom secrets with u..,

Cabir laughs..,

Cabir: yesterday u were blurting everything,  in fact u were continuously saying to Nandini that Baby, let's do our first night..,

Manik was hell surprised and looks at him with open mouth..,

Manik: u are joking with me right, (Cabir look at him with serious face and nods no) I really said all this..,

Cabir: that's what u were talking about and I'm your bestfriend, teri tharak (lust) ka level jaanta hun tharki..,

Manik frowns at him..,

Manik: abe chup, Nandini is not like my past flings that I'll lust over her, she's different but I don't remember what I did, when I woke up whole room was a pure mess, clothes discarded on floor, all the papers tore and scattered, don't know what I did yesterday, get me one more glass of lemonade, My head is aching badly.,

He holds his head and sits on sofa, Cabir sits beside him and puts hand on his shoulder.,.

Cabir: chill bro, once this hangover ends u will remember everything and if something had happened between u and Nandini then she would have told u na, and even if something happens  what's wrong in it, I mean u are Husband and wife, if u guys had first night then..,

Manik: shut up yaar, we can't get intimate coz we had a deal...,

Cabir: so u don't want to get intimate with Nandini due to deal or u are not intrested in her..,

Manik: Right now Their's one girl in my life, with whom I can share everything, who's nonsense I'll tolerate easily, with whom I feel happy, with whom I love to spend my time and that's Nandini, My wife Mrs. Nandini Manik Malhotra..,

Cabir: so, u don't have any problem with intimacy..,

Manik: tu Baap hai kya mera, that like a typical old indian father u are asking your son to get intimate with his wife and give a heir, their are many things in a relationship except intimacy, u and Navya are relationship, what u both do, just fuck..,

Cabir: Bro, me and Navya are a normal couple, we met, we dated each other, spent time with each other, then after fell in love and later, much later we got intimate,.., we have a very normal relationship not like u and Nandini,  who had a contract Marriage, and remember, two weeks passed from 6 months, 5 months 2 weeks, then Nandini will be out of your life...,

Manik frowns at her and punches his stomach...,

Cabir: aaah, abe pagal, what are u doing..,

Manik: this for saying Nandini will be out of my life, Bhai tu ja leave me alone, my head will burst hearing your nonsense, please ja..,

Cabir: Fine, but reality won't change..,

He leaves while Manik leans his head on sofa..,

Manik: manik, don't listen to this Cabir, Nandini won't go anywhere, right now remember what happened yesterday..,

Manik closes his eyes and tries to remember, He sees some blurry flashes of them in car, He asking kisses on cheek, then at home in the garden, collecting Rose's, giving her the rose by sitting on knees, then I bedroom sitting in balcony, Nandini did sit ups, He tooks some promises from her by entwining their little fingers, he removed his clothes by standing on bed, then made paper planes, Nandini was scolding him and then they were on bed, He was snuggling and suddenly she pecked his lips...,

Manik opens his eyes in shock, as everything was blurry except the kiss moment, He didn't remember what they talked just the scene was moving in his head  like film which was muted..,

Manik: we kissed, no she kissed me, but why will she do that, but (smiles a little) still we kissed, That's amazing no but that clause, fuck that caluse..,

His phone starts ringing..,

Manik: Yes Navya..,

Navya was panicking on other side..,

Navya: Manik, Nandini come soon.,

Manik gets hell worried..,

Manik: wh, what happened to Nandini is she okay, I'm coming..,

He runs out of his cabin...

At Nanz's Restaurant,

In Nandini's Cabin,

Manik runs in the Cabin worriedly, Navya was standing their..,

Manik: Nandini..,

He was surprised seeing the sight, Nandini was eating all kind of junk food, Pizza, Burger, pasta, noodle, different types of cakes, ice creams along with the cola and other drinks, she didn't saw Manik and was busy in eating..,

Navya: Manik, please stop her..,

Manik: what's happening here..,

Navya: she's stressed about something and..,

Manik: and she started eating all this stuff, that's what she does in stress..,

Navya: but it's not good for health, she ate 10 pizza's fully loaded with cheese and now this different dishes, she will fell ill, I tried to stop her but she didn't listen and put the earphone with loud music to ignore me..,

Manik sees Nandini eating food like maniac and remembers their kiss..,

Manik: I know why she's stressed, I'll talk fo her, u go out and don't let anyone come in please..,

Navya nods and leaves while Manik looks the door, Nandini was still unaware of his presence, He walks towards her and snatches the burger from her hand which she was about to it..,

Nandini(shouts): Navya I told u na..,

She looks up and was surprised seeing Manik and glaring her, He removes her earphones..,

Manik: what the hell are u doing...,

Nandini: what are u doing, (she sees Navya was not thier) Navyaa, Ma, Manik tum..,

Manik takes the tissue and wipes her hands while talking to her and looking in her eyes..,

Manik(sternly): how many time should I tell u that eating junk food in such excessive manner is not good for your health, (starts cleaning her cheek which had sauce) can u please listen to me at least once..,

She gets scared by his stern voice and the intense gaze, she looks down..,

Nandini: woh, woh I was hungry..,

Manik: To be precise stressed, stressed about that kiss, last night..,

Nandini looks at him shocked..,

Nandini: u remember (Manik nods, she makes a sad face) sorry, sorry Manik, I, I didn't wanted to kiss, u were asking for kiss, I, I tried very hard to control but, woh woh..,

She was panicking and starts taking deep breath making him worried..,

Manik: hey, Hey Nandini don't panic baby, sssh calm down (He hugs her tightly and rubs her back) sssh Jaan, don't panic why are u scared, it's me your Manik, calm down..,

Nandini tightens the hug while he kisses her head and was rubbing her back, Her breath gets back to normal..,

Nandini(in low voice): Manik, please don't go away from me, please don't leave me..,

Manik was surprised hearing her, he breaks the hugs and looks at her..,

Manik: what nonsense, why do u think I'll go away from u or I'll leave u..,

Nandini: woh woh that kiss..,

Manik: Haan toh I should be the one to ask u this, Nandini I know the clause in contract broke, but please we can stay with each, i don't wanna  go away from u, I know I must have said something due to which the kiss happened, but please don't go away from, I don't know but I can't imagine my life without u..,

Nandini was surprised hearing him, she jumps on him and hugs him tightly, while he tightens the hug..,

Nandini: if I had to go then why would I have asked u the same question..,

Manik caresses her hairs while she hides her face in his neck, He sits on couch with she in her lap...,

Manik sees all the food mess on table..,

Manik: Jaan, if u don't wanted to leave me then why are u stressed about kiss..,

Nandini looks at him..,

Nandini: woh I thought u must be angry, as u were drunk and I kissed u so..,

Manik looks at her in disbelief..,

Manik: so u thought I'll break our marriage (Nandini nods cutely while he hits her head) dumbo, weirdo, why will I break the marriage for a kiss, u are my wife, u have full right on me, I wouldn't have mind even if u would have raped me..,

He speaks huskily while she blushes..,

Nandini: shut up..,

Manik kisses her forehead lovingly..,

Manik: Babe, our clause was that we won't get intimate until we both are ready or until our consent right, so I don't have any problem with kiss, do u have any problem in kissing me..,

Nandini get thinking while he was worried..,

Manik: u have problem..,

Nandini stares him and suddenly pecks his lips shocking him...,

Nandini: got your answer..,

She winks at him, Manik suddenly pecks her lips...,

Manik: now I got it, fine now (he makes her sit properly in his lap) tell me, what blunder did I do yesterday, and how many times did I embarrassed u..,

Nandini remembers all his antics and most important, he tore the contract papers..,


Their First Passionate Kiss....


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