Bullying turns to Love?

By Colvinnnk

988 82 12


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Last a/n

Chapter 11

44 4 0
By Colvinnnk

Jasmines POV

Wait why do I even care. He's the one that is with my bullies!

I can't believe I was worried. Whatever. Idgaf!!!

I started walking down the road again. I honestly could care less what happens with that boy at this point.

Then this car pulled up next to me. I reached into my purse and wrapped my fingers around my gun.

Hey don't judge! I live in e city anything could happen. Especially at night without anyone with you and you're walking.

I'm a skinny girl alone and walking in the dark. Anything can happen. I need to protect myself somehow.

I heard the car shut off. I just kept walking tightening my grip on my gun.

"Yo, Jasmine!" Someone called. I knew that voice. At least I think I did.

I stopped walking and turned around on my heel.

I saw Calum. He's a kid that goes to my school. He's a lot more popular than I am. Wait who am I kidding. I'm not even popular.

I mean yes I'm friends with almost everybody. But that's onto getting along. I don't hang out with anybody but Justin.

Yeah I know my life sucks.

"Hey." I said. Why is he talking to me? Not to be rude or anything of course.

"Hy!" He said happily. Why is he so happy? Oh wait his life is better than mine. He probably has a reason.


"What are you um doing out here?" He asked nervously.

"Well I was walking. Then I saw Luke's car crashed into a pole. So I stood there wondering what happened. Then I realized oh wait I don't give a crap what happened. And then at that point it was super dark out. And well, I don't feel like going back to an empty house since my parents are on a business trip so I started walking again. Then you pulled up."

I explained to him. He nodded taking it all in. "Well um, do you uh wanna go to a party?"

A party? Did Calum just ask me to go to a party with him?

Like a date? Wait I have a boyfriend. Oh well we are just friends anyway.

Right? Yeah.

"I'm not dressed for a party."

"Well then get in. We'll run home to your house."

He smiled at me.

Well, yeah I guess I can. "Okay." I said with a smile. I got in the passenger seat.

He got in the drivers seat. "Where to?"

"You won't stalk me if I tell you my address will you?" I teased. He laughed.

He raised an eyebrow. "Well if I was going to would I tell you?"

I laughed. He had a point there. "Good point."

I told him my address and we arrived there like 5 minutes later. I ran in then ran back out. "What do I wear to a party?"

I asked shyly. He laughed and got out. He took my hand in his. He pulled me inside.

He pulled me upstairs. "Which room?" I pointed to mine and he pulled me in it. I laughed as he told me to sit on the bed.

I did as I was told. He went inside my closet and came back out. He had a black strapless dress. He lifted an eyebrow.

"I've never ever seen you wear anything like this."

"I know. That's for weekends when my girl Emily comes up. We go to the clubs and party."

"Emily who?"

"Emily Rose. You heard of her?"

"Are you kidding?! I have the biggest crush on her!" I laughed.

"Yeah well she's my cousin." He nodded and then smiled.

"Hey Jas-"

"I'll hook you up on a date." His face lit up like a five year olds on Christmas.

"Really?!" I nodded. He smiled and hugged me. He handed me the dress.

"Put it on. Now!"

I laughed and went into my bathroom. I changed and made it to where I thought it looked good. I walked back into my bedroom and Calum's jaw dropped.

"Damn! You still single?" I threw my head back laughing.

"Yeah right!"

"Yeah.." He mumbled.

I laughed. "No but I do have a boyfriend."

He looked up. "Who?"



"Yeah, Justin."

"But he is at the party with Chelsea." He stated confused.

"He's what?" I mumbled.

"Yeah. I saw him on my way there. He was pulling in. I was picking up some more food."

That mother fucker. "Calum make me look hot. That bitch is gonna realize what he just lost." Calum nodded and made me look hot.

When he was done I looked the same but different. In other words I was fine as hell.

"You ready to go?" I stopped looking at myself and turned to Calum.

"Yep. Wanna be my date tonight?"

He nodded fast. "Hell yeah. Baby girl you're fine as hell. The boys gonna be jealous!" I laughed and linked our arms. We walked out to the car. I got in and he got in and started the car.

Off we were.

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