Wonderland // Ned Stark // Pe...

By rissarosewrites

102K 3.8K 168

Ned Stark wanted Petyr's wife Alice Tully just as much as Petyr wanted Ned's wife, Catelyn. What a fucked up... More

1. Falling
2. Awkward Proposal
3. Loser
4. Actions and Consequences
5. Rebellion
6. Lyanna
7. Your Husband
8. Marry Me
9. Make it Official
10. Sandor
11. Capital
12. Wrong... Right
13. Falling
14. Seed is strong
15. Slay
16. Feel It
17. Oath
18. Late
19. Handsome Like Daddy
20. Crisis
21. Chasing Sunshine
22. Nonsense
24. To Be Your Last
25. Uniquely You
26. Maybe I am Mental
27. I'm Not Dying For You
28. I Saw It
29. A Loon
30. Truly
31. My Lovely Wife
32. Sanity
33. Trust
34. Gendry
35. Can You Keep A Secret?
36. Knock Knock
37. Flustered
38. Red Queen
39. Cheshire
40. Mind Your Head
41. Burden of Passion
42. Quite the Tizzy
43. I wish
45. White Queen
46. Trust Me
47. Traitor
48. Power Is Power
49. It Is Time

23. Steal a Kiss

2.1K 69 4
By rissarosewrites

"I thought I would find you out here." Ned remarked coming behind Alice in the woods. Alice blushed she couldn't help it the way Ned looked at her... made her heart flutter. Ned put his hand gently on her waist as she turned around and his face was very close to hers and she didn't know if her heart was beating a million miles a minute or it stopped all together as they breathed the same breath. His lips just barely grazed hers before she looked down to her feet.

"You can steal a kiss, I won't call you a thief..." Ned informed her gently bringing her face up to his. 'But take it from me." He begged.

"NED!" They heard Roberts voice echoing.

"You should, probably..." Alice said taking a step back but Ned moved with her kissing her cheek.

"Walk back with me?" Ned requested and offered Alice his hand she leaned into him. Ned couldn't help the smile on his face as he breathed her in.

'Rough night imp?' Sandor questioned fixing his boots.

'If I get through this without scratching one end or the other it will be a miracle.' Tyrion told him drunkenly, his head was spinning, he hated the north.

'Didn't pick you for a hunter.'

'I am the greatest in the land my spear never misses.' he said drunkenly, his words slurred.

'It's not hunting if you pay for it.' Sandor remarked getting up as Tyrion closed his eyes again leaning against the stables. "Alice." Sandor remarked as she let go of Ned.

"Have a good hunt." Alice told them all as she headed to the courtyard.

'I know what I'm putting you through. Thank you for saying yes. I only ask you because I need you. You're a loyal friend. You hear me? A loyal friend. The last one I've got." Robert remarked

'I hope I'll serve you well.' Ned told him.

'You will. And I'll make sure you don't look so fucking grim all the time. Come on, boys, let's go kill some boar!" Ned nodded goodbye to Bran as the riding party headed off, a smile crossed his face as Alice ran her fingers through Bran's hair.

"Auntie Alice!" Rickon declared running up to her.

' Come on, you.' Bran instructed summer as she ran away from Ned and towards Bran.

"I taught Shaggy dog a trick, you want to see it?" Rickon asked as Bran began climbing, summer was whining and crying at the bottom of the castle wall.

"Of course I do." Alice agreed, she looked around for Bran but didn't see him, she supposed he went inside.

"Shaggy dog. Dance.' Rickon shouted and shaggy dog rolled over on his back showing them his belly.

"That's some dancing." Alice remarked with a laugh.

"Come on you making me look bad." Rickon whispered. "Dance!"

As Bran neared the top, he heard a woman and man moaning. Confused he peered in the window, shocked and confused he stared at Cersei and Jaime.

'Stop. STOP.' Cersei demanded as Jaime pulled out of her. Jaime ran to the window and grabbed Bran holding him still. Bran started to breathe heavy confused and scared as his eyes flickered between the twins.

'Are you completely mad?' Jaime questioned

' He saw us.' Cersei reminded Jaime.

'It's all right. It's all right.' Jaime assured his grip still tight on Bran's shirt.

'He saw us!' Cersei shouted as she righted herself.

'I heard you the first time.' Jaime remarked he turned to a very nervous Bran. 'Quite the little climber, aren't you? How old are you, boy?'

'Ten .' Bran said nervously

'Ten.' Jaime repeated looking to Cersei.

"Summer whats wrong?" Alice asked but then she looked up. 'BRAN!"

"Ten, cersei...." Jaime repeated. But Cersei's stared was harsh. 'The things I do for love.' Jaime remarked shoving Bran out the window. Alice didn't have time to act he landed with a thud, a scream stuck on her lips as her hands flew to cover her gasp.

"Bran!" Alice dropped before him a sob on her tongue. 'Get a maester! Bran needs a maester! ' Alice demanded. "Rickon... are you.. alright?" she said through a heavy breath her get heaving as she touched Bran's head gently.

"I'm.... fine.' Rickon stared down at Bran, motionless before them.

'Get a maester! Bran needs a maester! Get a maester!" Alice screamed out and Jon came running up and saw a petrified look on her face as she stared down at Bran.


''Time for breakfast. Bread. And two of those little fish. And a mug of dark beer to wash it down. And bacon, burned black.' Tyrion remarked looking over the food.

'Little brother.' Jaime remarked

'Beloved siblings.' Tyrion said smirking back at them

'Is Bran going to die ?' Mycella questioned

'Apparently not.' Tyrion told her picking at his food.

'What do you mean?' Cersei questioned, her eyes darting to Jaime.

'The Maester says the boy may live.' Tyrion told them and Cersei sucked in a breath trying to remain calm.

'It's no mercy, letting a child linger in such pain.' Cersei told him.

'Only the gods know for certain. All the rest of us can do is pray. The charms of the north seem entirely lost on you.' Tyrion remarked.

'I still can't believe you're going to the wall. It's ridiculous even for you.' Cersei told him. 'what would mother say?'

'Where's your sense of wonder? The greatest structure ever built, the intrepid men of the Night's Watch, the wintry abode of the White Walkers.' Tyrion mused.

'Tell me you're not thinking of taking the black.' Jaime teased and Tyrion scoffed.

'And go celibate? The whores would go begging from Dorne to Casterly Rock. I just want to stand on top of the Wall and piss off the edge of the world.' Tyrion assured them.

'The children don't need to hear your filth. Come.' Cersei said leading her children away from the breakfast table, Tyrion's eyes followed them as he brought his cup to his lips.

'Even if the boy lives, he'll be a cripple, a grotesque. Give me a good clean death any day.' Jaime remarked.

'Speaking for the grotesques, I'd have to disagree. Death is so final, whereas life... Life is full of possibilities. I hope the boy does wake. I'd be very interested to hear what he has to say.' Tyrion remarked.

'My dear brother, there are times you make me wonder whose side you're on.' Jaime said down to him. Tyrion offered a coy smile.

'My dear brother, you wound me. You know how much I love my family.' Tyrion reminded him.


Alice tried to comfort Catelyn but she didn't want Alice. Alice tried to sit and talk with Bran tell him stories or sing songs, something, anything, as his body tried to heal but Catelyn hissed at her not wanting her anywhere near her son.

"Aunt Alice?" She turned around to see Robb and Theon coming up behind her.

"Hello boys..." Alice said softly.

"Bran is going to be alright, Auntie." Robb assured.

"Oh I know.' Alice said softly. 'I just... wish I could, I wish your mother would allow me to be there for him too." Alice told him forcing a small sad smile.

"He knows you love him." Robb assured. "When he wakes up... I think we should all take a trip to the capital for a while." Alice smiled up at him nodding. Robb and Theon knelt beside her and Summer.

"I would really love that."

Catelyn rose she looked a mess as Cersei entered.

'Please, sit.' Cersei assured as she looked over at Bran. Motionless on the bed.

'I would have dressed, your Grace.' Catelyn said trying to make herself look presentable

'This is your home. I'm your guest.' Cersei reminded her, still staring down at Bran. 'Handsome one, isn't he? I lost my first boy, a little black-haired beauty. He was a fighter too... tried to beat the fever that took him.' Cersei informed her. 'Forgive me. It's the last thing you need to hear right now.'

'I never knew.' Catelyn remarked softly.

'It was years ago. Robert was crazed, beat his hands bloody on the wall, all the things men do to show you how much they care. The boy looked just like him. Such a little thing... A bird without feathers. They came to take his body away and Robert held me. I screamed and I battled, but he held me. That little bundle. They took him away and I never saw him again.' Cersei remarked. 'Never have visited the crypt, never. I pray to the Mother every morning and night that she return your child to you.'

'I am grateful.' Catelyn said softly.

'Perhaps this time she'll listen.'

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