Married for his business.

By Gabie_lyon18

27.4K 924 48

Dylan Walker is one of New York city's richest business men. He has the reputation of being a ruthless busine... More

chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Happy New Year!
Chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 29

354 12 1
By Gabie_lyon18

Sunday morning.

Lorraine moaned

They had spent the night in the cabin and made sweet love, Dylan was scared of the possibility at first. According to him he didn't want to poke the baby's head or something.

But when Lorraine looked into his eyes and kissed him, he lost all sense of reasoning.

He had gently caressed evey inch of her and made passionate and slow love to her sideways that it sent her head spinning.

She loved him even more every second of their time together.

"Raine" Dylan called her again "we should have breakfast and get ready" he explained

"I don't wanna get up" she whined "just cuddle me some more"

"I know baby," he kissed her cheek "but we have to" he smiled

Lorraine moaned "Five more minutes" and that was all it took for Dylan to hold her in his arms even more.

They eventually started getting ready close to noon and were on the road by noon.

Eliza had delayed them a bit as she was  saying goodbye to the French guy she met the night before.

It didn't take Lorraine long to fall asleep but as soon as she smelt the chicken Dylan had bought for her she stirred awake.

Chicken was her new favorite craving and Dylan made sure she got it. He had paired it with her favorite mango juice and chuckled as she ate still sleepy.

"You're gonna make me fat, Dylan" she pouted "but this chicken is so delicious" she mused.

He just smiled, content at his life with her.

They got home earlier than expected and as they walked into the house, the smell of delicious home food stirred her insides.

They walked in, past the living room as the maids took their bags upstairs.

"Welcome, Mr and Mrs Walker" Rosa greeted "dinner is ready, it'll be served as soon as you're ready"

Lorraine gave a big smile as she smelt roast lamb. "We'll shower and come right down" she pulled Dylan and they both went up the stairs and into their room to shower.

As they ate dinner, a brief flash of Dylan cupping her breasts in his large hands few minutes ago as they showered came to her mind and she flushed. He had said with his eyes cloudy and all of him alert to her that he loved how full they were getting.

It was crazy that a year ago she didn't think of marriage and now she was enjoying it too much.


Five months later.

They both sat at the veranda talking as they always do.

"Isn't it weird that we don't have a baby name" Lorraine said

"I'm not good with names so you name him" Dylan declared

"I'm in the same hole that's why I asked you" Lorraine said

"You're his Mum, mothers always know what they want to call their child"

"And you're his Dad, fathers always know what they want to call their child" Lorraine smirked

Dylan groaned "You're his mother and I'm his father," Dylan said and Lorraine nodded knowing what he's saying

"If we add my name with yours then,"

"let's name him," Lorraine's eyes glittered with excitement

"Dane" they both said at the same time and a roar of laughter escaped their mouths.

Lorraine felt movement in her, the unmistakable feeling of a baby moving
"I think he likes it" she put her hand over her stomach

"He does?" Dylan put his hand on top of hers and they both felt him move again

"A lot"

Dylan only smiled as he continued to stroke her belly.

The wet sensation of fluid being released from the body of a pregnant woman can only mean one thing.

She gasped softly "I think I just peed myself"

The look of concern spread all over Dylan's face "What?"

"I think my water just broke" she said sitting up

She felt the baby moving but it was more stronger, like he wanted to crawl his way out of her.

"The baby is coming?" Dylan helped Lorraine up leading her into the room

"I guess it just took deciding on his name to show him we're ready for him"

"And he's ready to see us clearly" Dylan walked Lorraine out of their room and down the stairs

"Dylan he's coming" Lorraine winced when she felt the worst pain ever shoot from her abdomen

"Almost there love"

"Tell that to him if he'll listen. He's your son after all and he's trying to tear me open!" Lorraine yelled as Rosa and Marie assisted them with the door and calling family and friends.

"Stay still kiddo, you'll be out soon" Dylan touched Lorraine belly and he helped her on the seat

They already packed all the baby things in the car so it was easy for them to go straight to the hospital.

"This is impressive," Lorraine sighed

"What is?" Dylan was driving like a crazed person as he sped through the road

"He actually listened to you" she said "The contractions already lessened" Lorraine added

"I need a doctor. My wife is in labour" Dylan yelled to the nurses and on cue a wheelchair was given to Lorraine and she was immediately wheeled to the delivery room.

"ma'am you gotta push harder" a female voice spoke from below Lorraine

She groaned in pain right before a figure dressed in blue dress and head cap walked into the room.

"it's okay darling. I'm here" he grabbed hold of her hand and kissed it softly. His strong masculine smell filled her senses before she nodded

"Maybe if you tell him to just come out already he'll listen to you" Lorraine groaned as she rested her head on the pillow after another effort to let him out.

"C'mon buddie we're awaiting your presence. It's okay to come out" Dylan put his other hand on Lorraine's belly making the doctor and nurses smile

"He's close" the doctor announced

"Again" Lorraine tugged at Dylan's shirt

He put her hand on her belly and placed his hand on top of hers "Dane your mom and I are ready for you" Dylan said

"He's close," the doctor said right before the cry of a newly born sang through out the room "And out" she carefully brought him out and raised him up right after she detached him from his mother.

"You have an handsome son" she smiled as she handed him over to Dylan.

"He's precious " Lorraine sighed as Dylan handed him over to her

"He's got my blue eyes" Dylan said

"And my hair" Lorraine chucked down a sob "He's so small. Like a doll"

"He's not. He looks like boss baby" Dylan said making both of them laugh "I love both of you so much" Dylan kissed Lorraine forehead

"He reminds me of Dylan when he was a baby" Sadie said looking into the baby's bed.

The hospital room was filled with family. Beatrice, Eliza, Sadie. Kyle who was at the far end of the hospital with Xander who was some how making her flush red every second.

"So, what did you name him?" Eliza asked

"Dane!" the new parents chorused

"That's cool. I like it" Kyle said smiling. Lorraine's eyes wondered to her waist where Xander's hand rested and she shot an accusing look at Kyle who just shrugged with a smile.

Kyle got one last 'you've got some explaining to do' look from Lorraine before her and every one else left the room for her to rest.

"I know I shouldn't ask, but I have to" Lorraine said as Dylan shut the door

"About what?" Dylan sat next to her on the bed

"I want to know about George's case" the words came out of her mouth slowly leaving a bitter taste at the end.

"Lorraine" Dylan called in a slow manner

"I'm no more pregnant Dylan. I want to know"

He heaved a sigh muttering something about her being stubborn and the baby better not get that from her. "Already took care of him. No need to worry yourself about that issue"

It was her turn to draw his name out in a slow and much demanding manner

"Fine," he shook his head "let's Just say he won't be getting out from the hell hole he's in anything soon..."

"And?" Lorraine asked

"With the help of my lawyers and concerned business partners and, investors, he won't have a good time there. And If he does come out, he'll be out on the streets like a dog that he his"

"And his family?" Lorraine found herself asking, concerned about the man who almost killed her.

"His wife is an independent woman, she has her own business so she'll take care of their children. They are really not affected by what happened though, because he was never around for them, he was always with my father destroying lives. And now it makes no difference that he's in jail"

"I'll feel bad for him if he wasn't so wicked and manipulative" Lorraine sighed

"Don't think about that right now. Think about our baby and our new life together" Dylan said holding her hand

"Who could have thought that I a bartender would end up with a billionaire" Lorraine smiled

"And I a billionaire playboy married" they both laughed "I love you Lorraine Walker"

"And I love you Dylan Walker"

Their lips were just inches away when a cry tore them apart, the look of fear was evident on both their faces before they realized it was coming from the room few inches away from the bed.

Dylan carried him carefully "What do you think he wants?" he asked a terrified look on his face

"Put your hand behind his neck and hold him properly or he'll break that way" Lorraine scolded sending fear into Dylan's heart "Well, I don't know. What else do babies want apart from food and attention" Lorraine shrugged

"He just ate" Dylan widened his eyes

"So what. He's a baby" Lorraine laughed at the look on Dylan's face as he placed him in her hands.


"Dylan your baby is crying!" Lorraine yelled pushing Dylan to get up from their bed

"I know. I can't sleep. And did you just say my baby, he's your son too"

Lorraine pushed him once more "I just fed him so maybe he needs to be cleaned up"

"What are you implying?" Dylan asked already knowing where she's driving at

"Do you want to sleep?" she asked and he nodded

"Good, go clean him up"

"Why can't you do it?" Dylan asked with the look of horror in his eyes

"Because I'm tired and besides he's your son" Lorraine smiled at Dylan as he walked over to the baby's bed

"Gosh" Dylan chocked down his vomit "If I keep seeing a load of shit each time I check his bottom I'll pass out" he groaned even more when Lorraine laughed.

She watched as he delicately changed him and wore him new clothes before her eyes couldn't take it anymore. They felt heavy and on cue she closed them.

"For God's sake it's one in the morning... " Dylan kept on protesting till he noticed Lorraine was asleep.

He put Dane to bed gently, walked back to theirs and switched off the lamp.

Kissing his wife on the head was the only thing he could do before he himself fell into a much deserved sleep.

* * *

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