The boy next door

By quinton19-

427 1 3

Vinnie was the boy next door More

Characters and stuff you own
Beach time
what happens in rosemary stays in rosemary
fun day
Beach and fun day
heading back
Christmas decorating

where here

33 0 0
By quinton19-

you wake up to your alarm let you set for 3:30 because y'all were leaving at 4 you grab some clothes and head to the bathroom and turn on the shower getting in you wash your hair, body an making sure to shave an wash your face you get out dry off put lotion on you blow dry your hair an you put chapstick an on put this on

an you do the same hair style that you did yesterday

you just do mascara for makeup then you brush your teeth an put chapstick on you put your toothbrush an toothpaste in your bag with all your chargers you grab your phone and go downstairs making sure to be quiet not wanting to wake anyone when you get downstairs you see your parents eating breakfast while vinnie is sleeping on the couch
mom-why did you make him sleep down here
mackenzie -you told me too
mom-well now i feel bad he could have sleep in your bed
mackenzie-well you should have told me
dad-okay mackenzie enough with the attitude wake your boy friend up
mackenzie-okay whatever yes sir
you put your phone on the counter and walk over to vinnie and kiss him on the cheek to wake him up
mackenzie-hey baby it's time to wake up we have to go
he gets up an goes to the bathroom to brush his teeth an change when he walks out your parents are already in the car
vinnie-are we all riding together
mackenzie-no me an you are taking my car
vinnie-okay baby
he grabs his stuff and y'all turn off all the lights leaves the house making sure to lock the door he putts his stuff in the back with your stuff and he gets in the passenger seat of the car while you get in the driver side he leans the chair back an goes back to sleep you back up then your parents back up they drive first making you follow them
vinnie grabs your hand
mackenzie-oh hey baby i thought you were going back to bed
vinnie-i am i just wana hold your hand
mackenzie-oh ok
he squeezes your hand
after about a 2 hour drive every one pulls over for gas an bathroom an to switch drives
you pull over an put gas in the car you go to the restroom while vinnie gets in the driver seat when you get out you walk over to the passenger seat vinnie then follows your parents out
vinnie-hey baby
vinnie-go to bed take a short little nap
mackenzie-no i'm okay i got a red bull for both of us in there so i'm okay for the next 5 hours
you give him a kiss on the cheek and put your hand on the back of his head playing with his hair he looks over at you smiling making you blush
vinnie-i love you so much kenz
mackenzie-i love you more vin
vinnie-i don't think that is possible
mackenzie-no it def is
vinnie-oh really
vinnie-don't think so
vinnie-yes really
mackenzie-okay then
you unbuckle an turn his face towards you making him kiss your lips you start to kiss his neck sucking leaving light but dark hickeys behind
vinnie-fuck kenz can you just wait till we get there
mackenzie-i don't think you want me to
you say slowly sliding his shorts down making sure to leave his boxers on
vinnie-don't do this now cause it won't be good for you when we get there
mackenzie-you say that then nothing happens
vinnie-well something will happen if you do this
mackenzie-yeah sure
you palm him through his boxers making him let out a groan
vinnie-mackenzie i'm not fucking playing
mackenzie-neither am i
vinnie-you thing i won't fuck you right here
mackenzie-you won't cause if you do my dads foot would go up your ass
vinnie-fuck you
mackenzie-you know you wish you could
you quit messing with him because he got hard an you buckle back up an at the next red light he pulls his shorts back up
vinnie -just fucking wait
mackenzie-i will
you give him one more kiss on the cheek making him let out a little laugh
so it's been about 4 hours an yall finally arrived at the place this is what it looks like

this is your an vinnies room

and bathroom

it was 10 in the morning so y'all had the whole day of the beach y'all get there open the door and you and vinnie go up to y'all room putting y'all stuff on the bed going back downstairs
mom-i say we go to sleep an wake up at 12 then go to the beach
you run upstairs an vinnie follows you throw your slides off and you put all the bags on the floor you get in the bed and so does vinnie y'all cuddle an end up going to sleep after about a 2 hour nap y'all wake you get up and get dressed into this

while vinnie get dressed into his swim trunks y'all walk downstairs and see your parents ready to leave but your mom packing a lunch for the beach
dad-let's go have fun and get drunk
mackenzie-really dad
dad-what you have no idea how bad i have been waiting to come to the beach
y'all all get in your moms jeep and head to the beach when y'all get there you get out of the jeep and grab vinnies hand running on the beach when you get in the water you jump on his back you kiss his neck you jump off his back an run out of the water laying out your towel you lay it down you lay down an tan
so after about 3 hours at the beach y'all are getting ready to leave an head back to the house to get ready for dinner when you get there you rinse off and get dressed into this

and your hair is the same and you just fix up your makeup you walk out of the bathroom an vinnie grabs your kissing your lips
vinnie-hey baby
he kisses you
vinnie-you look really pretty
vinnie-what you do
he places his hands on your face and kisses you making you let out a sigh he grab you making you wrap your legs around him y'all continue to make out until you hear a knock at the door so you jump down and fix your dress
mom-y'all ready to leave
mackenzie-yeah just doing some finishing touches
mom-oh my lord mackenzie your already burnt
mackenzie-yeah i laid out the whole time we were out
mom-okay maybe tomorrow don't lay out so much tomorrow don't want you to get sun poisoning
mackenzie-okay yes ma'am
mom-okay let's go
vinnie grabs your hand an y'all head down stairs getting in the car y'all head to dinner an eat an after dinner y'all head back to the house and get dressed into pajamas an everyone goes to bed around midnight

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