Epic Love [Elijah Mikaelson]

By Lilithishere24

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The Academy of Unseen Arts presents a unique and challenging environment for those pursuing the path of witch... More

Epic Love
Aesthetic 🔮⚜️
Chapter 1. Pilot
Chapter 2. Loyal Test
Chapter 3. The Doppelgänger
Chapter 4. Rose
Chapter 5. Familiar
Chapter 6. The Negotiation
Chapter 7. The Dinner Party
Chapter 8. Death Of Warlock
Chapter 9. The Elixir
Chapter 10. The Sacrifice
Chapter 11. The Body
Chapter 12. Riverdale
Chapter 13. That Night
Chapter 14. The Tale
Chapter 15. Olivia
Chapter 16. New Terms
Chapter 17. Blood
Chapter 18. All My Children
Chapter 19. Esther
Chapter 20. Accident
Chapter 21. Spirit
Chapter 22. Recovery
Chapter 24. Joe's Bar
Chapter 25. McSteamy
Chapter 26. Gun Shoot
Chapter 27. McNoble
Chapter 28. The Hospital Prom
Chapter 29. Shivah
Chapter 30. Attempt To Return
Chapter 31. M&M
Chapter 32. Commitment
Chapter 33. Fix It
Chapter 34. Wait
Chapter 35. Another Elena
Chapter 36. Trick Death
Chapter 37. Anger
Chapter 38. Changes
Chapter 39. Scenarios
Chapter 40. Not A Good Day
Chapter 41. On-Call Room
Chapter 42. Bridesmaids
Chapter 43. Happy Ending?!
Chapter 44. The Cure
Chapter 45. France
Chapter 46. The Proposal
Chapter 47. House Party
Chapter 48. Admit
Chapter 49. Feeling Awful
Chapter 50. Life
Chapter 51. Milkshake
Chapter 52. New Orleans
Chapter 53. The Originals
Chapter 54. Cloaked
Chapter 55. I Know What You Did Last Summer
Chapter 56. Alone
Chapter 57. Girls In New Orleans
Chapter 58. Fruit of the Poisoned Tree
Chapter 59. Bloodletting
Chapter 60. The River in Reverse
Chapter 61. Lay Your Hands On Me
Chapter 62. Where the Wild Things Are
Chapter 63. Reigning Pain In New Orleans
Chapter 64. The Casket Girl
Chapter 65. Après Moi, Le Déluge
Chapter 66. Dance Back from the Grave
Chapter 67. Crescent City
Chapter 68. Long Way Back From Hell
Chapter 69. Le Grand Guignol
Chapter 70. Farewell to Storyville
Chapter 71. Dream a Little Dream Of Me

Chapter 23. First Shift

165 13 0
By Lilithishere24

In my new cozy apartment in Seattle, I put my mug of coffee picking up the phone as Fred calls me, I answer "Hey, Dad"

Fred on the phone "Lydia, I was checking on you"

I grab my bag "I am fine"

"Well the kids miss you here"

I close the apartment "Hell yeah, I just need to be away, I couldn't realize it's been an actual year"

"Lydia, your siblings have been alone for a year and they asked Archie and Betty if you showed up"

I open my Impala and get in "Dad, seriously I do my best to be comfortable when I see them"

"I need you to know you are not alone"

I sigh "I know, Dad"

♡ Epic Love ♡

I park my car in the parking lot of the hospital look at it and take a deep breath, new competition.

♡ Epic Love ♡

I get in the operating room late but it is filled with other interns. Dr. Webber talks to them "Each of you comes here hopeful. Wanting in on the game. A month ago you were in med school being taught by doctors" I look at Dr. Richard Webber "Today, you are the doctors. The seven years you spend here as a surgical resident will be the best and worst of your life. You will be pushed to the breaking point."

I gaze upon the operating room with hope, aspiring to become the best surgeon.

"Look around you. Say hello to your competition. Eight of you will switch to an easier specialty. Five of you will crack under the pressure. Two of you will be asked to leave. This is your starting line. This is your arena. How well you play? That's up to you."

♡ Epic Love ♡

In the intern locker room. I am changing my clothes into the scrub, I am confused a little. The nurse calls out "Okay. Martin, Robinson, Bond, Parkins."

A hot blonde, I saw yesterday called Meredith, she turns to us "Only six women out of twenty."

A female Korean intern looks at her "Yeah. I hear one of them's a model. Seriously, like that's going to help with the respect thing?"

"I hear there is a queen bee"

I close my locker looking at them "I guess I'm the queen bee"

Korean female laughs nervously "I thought you were the model"

I raise my eyebrow at her.

Meredith guessing us "You're Cristina, right? And you are Lydia"

I nod shaking her hand "Lydia Blossom"

Cristina asks "Which resident you assigned to? I got Bailey."

"Also me"

Meredith says "The nazi? Yeah, me too."

A male intern (George O'Malley) says "You got the nazi? So did I. At least we'll be tortured together, right? I'm George O'Malley, uh, we met at the mixer, you had a black dress with a slit up the side, strappy sandals..." Cristina, I, and Meredith exchange looks "Now you think I'm gay."

I tie my sneakers "Don't confuse yourself, I am Bi"

Cristina walking away nods at George "Uh-huh."

George says "No, I'm not gay" I raise my eyebrow "No offense, you are cute but it's, ah, it's just that, you know, you were, I mean" looking at Meredith "you were very, unforgettable."

Meredith and I share a look.

A doctor comes over calling for us "O'Malley, Yang, Blossom, Grey, Stevens."

I stand patting George's shoulder with a smile and head outside.

George mutters "And I'm totally forgettable"

Cristina to doctor "Bailey?"

The doctor points at the nurse station "End of the hall."

We look at the end of the hall, Cristina turns to us wondering "That's the nazi?"

Dr. Miranda Bailey is a short African American woman who appears non-threatening despite her weight.

George says "I thought the nazi would be a guy."

Meredith says "I thought the nazi would be...the nazi."

I say "I thought she would scare us"

A pretty female intern (Izzie Stevens) comes over us "Maybe it's professional jealousy. Maybe she's brilliant, and they call her nazi because they're jealous. Maybe she's nice."

Cristina looks at her "Let me guess. You're the model."

I roll my eyes at Cristina "She thought I was the model"

Izzie gives Cristina a look and turns to Dr. Bailey, smiling and extending a hand "Hi, I'm Isabel Stevens, but everyone calls me Izzie."

Bailey looks her up and down, doesn't respond or shake her hand "I have five rules. Memorize them. Rule number one, don't bother sucking up, I already hate you, that's not gonna change" Indicates stuff on the bench and we run take it "Trauma protocol, phone lists, pagers. Nurses will page you, you answer every page at a run. A run, that's rule number two."

Hour 1.

"Your first shift starts now and lasts forty-eight hours. You're interns, grunts, nobodies, bottom of the surgical food chain, you run labs, write orders, work every second night till you drop, and don't complain!" Bailey opens the door to a room with a couple of bunk beds "On-call rooms. Attendings hog them, sleep when you can, where you can, which brings me to rule number three, if I'm sleeping, don't wake me, unless your patient is actually dying. Rule number four, the dying patient better not be dead when I get there, not only would you have kill someone, you would have also woke me for no good reason, we clear?"

I take a deep breath with Wow look on my face and under my breath "I like this woman"

Izzie and Cristina look at me like I'm an alien. Meredith raises a hand.

Bailey answers "Yes."

Meredith says "You said five rules. That was only four."

Bailey's pager beeps "Rule number five. When I move, you move." She runs down the corridor, followed by us, and she yells at a few doctors blocking the hallway "Get out of my way!"

♡ Epic Love ♡

A helicopter over the city and Bailey moving a stretcher over to it, on the roof of the hospital. Bailey asks "What've we got?"

The paramedic answers as Katie's put on the stretcher and taken into the hospital "Katie Bryce, fifteen-year-old female, new onset seizures, intermittent for the past week, ID lost en route, started grand mal seizing as we descended."

♡ Epic Love ♡

In the ER, Bailey to the paramedic "All right, get her on her side, Izzie, ten milligrams Diazepam" Izzie looks lost through the drawers "No, no, the white lead is on the right, righty whitey, smoke over fire, a large bore I.V. don't let the blood haemolyse, let's go!"

Izzie injects her and she stops seizing.

A doctor named Preston Burke approaches us. He is African, tall, and young "So I heard we got a wet fish on dry land?"

Bailey looks at us "Absolutely Dr. Burke."

"Dr. Bailey, I'm gonna gun her."

"That means every test in the book, CT, CBC, chem. seven, tux screen, Cristina, you're on labs, George, patient workups, Meredith and Lydia get Katie for a CT, she's your responsibility now"

Izzie wonders "Wait, what about me?"

"You - honey, you get to do rectal exams."

Meredith and I share a look

♡ Epic Love ♡

In the elevator, Meredith and I with Katie who was on a bed leading her to the CT room "You're lost."

I give her a look "No we are not"

Meredith asks "How are you feeling?"

Katie says "How do you think I'm feeling? I'm missing my pageant."

Meredith says "You're missing your pageant."

We wheel her out of the elevator and around a corner. Katie says "The Spokane Teen Miss? I was in the top ten after the first two rounds. This is my year. I could've won." I give Meredith a look meaning we really lost, Meredith sighs, Katie sitting up, being wheeled back around the same way "Hello? You're so lost. What are you, like, new?"

I give her a fake smile "Honey, I appreciate what are you going through because when I was your age, I fell before my play" I under my breath "For lord's sake, shut up"

Katie nods "I twisted my ankle. I do rhythmic gymnastics, which is like, really cool. Nobody else does it. And I tripped over my ribbon, and I didn't get stuck with someone this clueless. And that was like, a nurse."

♡ Epic Love ♡

Hour 7.

In the cafeteria, George sits down as Izzie stares at the food with some horror. Cristina sitting with them. Meredith and I come over and sit down with our tray, Meredith says "Katie Bryce is a pain in the ass."

I open my salad "She never stops talking"

"If I hadn't taken the Hippocratic oath, I'd Kevorkian her with my bare hand"

"I would do worse than that, that easy way"

Everybody stares at us, Meredith and I wonders "What?"

Burke comes to our table "Good afternoon interns. It's posted, but I thought I'd share the good news personally. As you know, the honour of performing the first surgery is reserved for the intern that shows the most promise. As I'm running the OR today, I get to make that choice." he claps George on the back "George O'Malley. You'll scrub in for an adipectomy this afternoon. Congratulations."

George stares at his food "Me?"

"Enjoy." Burke leaves.

No one speaks. George asks us "Did he say me?"

I give them a look "I feel this surgery like rat trape" George stares at me "No offense, George"

♡ Epic Love ♡

As I step out of the cafeteria, I realize that the elevator isn't working. So, I decided to take the stairs to reach Katie's room. While walking, I take out my phone to read the text message that Jade had sent me. However, I don't pay much attention to my surroundings. That's when I accidentally bump into someone. I quickly apologize and look up to see who it is. To my surprise "No way, are you following me?"

Dr. Derek Shepherd a renowned neurosurgeon smiles "Well, you are the one following me"

I laugh hugging him "Say it you can't stay away from your best student, Derek"

Derek laughs "Yes, of course" he smiles "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in New York"

"No, after the accident, I couldn't stay, I need a new beginning"

"It's a miracle, you survived, I thought you wouldn't make it after the coma"

"They say good doctors take care of me" I smile "One of them has your same hair"

"Funny" smirks "I am attending and I will continue to teach you"

"I feel amazed now. Wait, Addison here"

Derek's smiles disappear "No, just me"

"I am glad to have you here. Excuse me, I have a girl to save her life"

"Fine, see you around"

I smile "See you"

"It's good day to save alive"

I shout "Lord, how much I missed these words before starting my day"

♡ Epic Love ♡

In Katie's room, Meredith and I are with Katie, A woman runs inside over Katie "Katie, honey, Mom, and Dad are here."

Meredith talks to her "They gave her a sedative for the CT scan, so she's a little groggy."

"Will she be all right?"

Katie's father asks "Our doctor at home said she might need an operation, is that true?"

"What kind of operation?"

Meredith says "She's, um, well, you know what, We're not, We're not the doctor"

I say "Uh, We are doctors, but we're not Katie's doctor, so we'll go get him for you" Meredith and I walk out of the room heading to find Bailey "You can't say that, Meredith"

"I just froze, Lydia". 

Bailey sees us as she sits at the nurse station "What?" 

Meredith says "Katie's parents have questions. Do you talk to them, or do I ask Burke?" 

"No, Burke's off the case, Katie belongs to the new attending now, Dr. Shepherd, he's over there" she looks at me "Blossom checks the lap tests"

I nod "Right away"

♡ Epic Love ♡

While George was in his surgery, I decided to stay in on-call room and talk with Jackson "My leg hurts so much"

"I told you to take your scholarship next year"

"No, here great but lord, I hate the weather"

"Well moving to England was a bad idea"

I sigh "Jade in New Orleans, I miss you guys"

"Me too but it's the job"

"Jackson Whittemore is trying to remind me that I didn't take my job in church like both of you"

Jackson laughs "No no"

"my brain working like a clock, I have been working for eighteen hours"

"You know, why are you tired?"


Jackson looks at his watch "Crap, Oh lord I'm late, I see you" he sends me a blown kiss "I call you later"

I smile "Okay, see you" I hung up.

♡ Epic Love ♡

Hour 19.

We sit on spare beds along an empty corridor. George says "007. They're calling me 007, aren't they?"

I say "Ye__" Izzie and Meredith glare at me "No one's calling you 007."

"I was on the elevator and Murphy whispered 007."

Cristina says "Oh, how many times do we have go through this, George, five, ten? Give me a number or else I'm going to hit you."

"Murphy whispered 007 and everyone laughed."

Izzie says "He wasn't talking about you."

"You sure?"

Meredith says "Would we lie to you?"


I say "007 is a state of mind."

"So says the girl who finished top of her class in New York" 

"Trust me" Meredith and I pagers beep. I groan looking at Meredith "My pain in the ass"

Meredith says "Oh man. It's 911 for Katie Bryce. we gotta go." We take off for a run.

♡ Epic Love ♡

Meredith and I run into Katie's hospital room. 

Katie's reading a magazine, and she lifts her head up "Took you long enough." 

Meredith giver her a look "You're okay? The nurse paged me 911." 

"I had to go all Exorcist to get her to even pick up the phone." 

I raise my finger to stop her "Wait. There's nothing wrong with you?"

"I'm bored."

"You little___"

Meredith interrupts me "We're not a cruise director." 

"You don't have to wig out. The pageant's supposed to be on cable, but this crappy hospital doesn't get the channel. If that cow Kylie Wood is gonna walk off with my crown, I have to see it. Can you call someone?"

"Okay. This is an actual hospital. There are sick people here."

I say "Go to sleep, and stop wasting our time."

Katie says "But I can't sleep. My head's all full."

Meredith says "That's called thinking. Go with it."

♡ Epic Love ♡

It's dawn, I rest my head on the desk at the nurse station hugging the charts next to me Cristina, Meredith, George, and Izzie look overworked. Alex Karev, a male intern talking to the nurse "4B's got post-op pneumonia. Let's start antibiotics."

The nurse asks "Are you sure that's the right diagnosis?" 

"Well I don't know, I'm only an intern. Here's an idea, why don't you go spend four years in med school and let me know if it's the right diagnosis. She's short of breath, she's got fever, she's post-op. Start the antibiotics" I raise my head after listening and he walks over to me "God I hate nurses. I'm Alex. I'm with Jeremy, you're with the nazi, right?"

I turn to him "She may not have pneumonia, you know. She could be splinting, or have a PE."

"Like I said, I hate nurses."

I raise my eyebrow "What did you just say? Did you just call me a nurse?"

"Well, if the white cap fits..."

"You are an ass" My pager beeps and I walk to Meredith "Meredith"

Meredith groans "Damnit, Katie..." 

We are not running this time "If she is not dying, I will kill her myself"

Narrator POV

Alex smirks watching Lydia heading to Meredith asking around "She seeing anybody?"

George answers "I don't know." 

Alex whistles "She's hot." 

"I'm friends with her. I mean, kinda friends, I mean, not, you know, actually friends, not exactly, but we're tight. We hang out. I mean, really only just today__"



"Dude. Stop talking."

♡ Epic Love ♡

Meredith and I walk up the stairs to Katie. We're not in a hurry. We see nurses rushing into the room and starting to run. 

Tyler the nurse asks us "What took you so long?" 

Another nurse says "She's having multiple grand mal seizures, now how do you want to proceed? Dr. Blossom? Are you listening to me? She's got Diazepam, 2mg Diazepam, I just gave her a second ago, Dr. Grey, Dr. Blossom, you need to tell us what you want to do. Dr Blossom!"

Meredith is panicking. She picks up the chart and voices stop sounding echoey "Okay, she's full on Prazepam?" 

Tyler says "She's had 4mg." 

I ask "Did you page Dr. Bailey and Dr Shepherd?" 

The other nurse says "The Prazepam's not working."

"Phenobarbital, load her with Phenobarbital." 

"Pheno's in." 

Tyler says "No change." 

Meredith wonders "You paged Dr. Shepherd?"

"I just told you." 

I snap "Well page him again! Stat." 

The other nurse asks "What do you want to do?" Meredith and I share a look "Doctors, you need to tell us what you want to do!" The monitor beeping "Heart's stopped!"

I order them "Code blue" 

"Code blue, code blue! Code blue, code blue!" Tyler pulls out the defibrillators. 

I take them as her brain's working again "Charge pulse of two hundred." 


"Clear." I defib

The other nurse says "Still defib. Nothing." 

Tyler says "Charging. 19 seconds." 

Meredith says "Charge to 300."  

"300. Anything? 27 seconds." 

I say "Charge to 360" still nothing "Come on, Katie." 

"49 seconds." 

The other nurse says "At 60 seconds you're supposed to admit her__" 

I snap at her "Charge again!"The other nurse doesn't "I said Charge again." The nurse does, and we see Katie's BP register "Anything?" 

Tyler says "I see sinus rhythm." 

The other nurse says "Blood pressure's coming up." 

"All right now. Pressure's returning. Grid's coming back..." 

Derek runs in the room "What the hell happened?" 

Meredith explains "She had a seizure, and__" 

"A seizure?" 

I explain "Her heart stopped." 

"You were supposed to be monitoring her." 

Meredith says "I checked on her and she_" 

"I got it. Just - just - both of you go!!" We turn away "Someone give me her chart, please?"

We walk out of the room towards Bailey. Bailey glares at us "You get a 911, you page me immediately, not in the five minutes it takes both of you to get to the emergency, immediately, you are on my team and if somebody dies it's my ass" Meredith's walking away "you hear me, Grey?"

I wonder at Meredith's pale face "Meredith?" 

Cristina looks at her too "Meredith?"

I nod at Bailey "Dr. Bailey, it won't happen again" 

Meredith walks outside into the rain as Cristina and I follow. Meredith throws up on the grass; Cristina and I have to stop at the door. Meredith turns to us "If you tell anyone, ever..."

♡ Epic Love ♡

Hour 24.

We re-enter the hospital sitting in the locker room, Cristina, me, and Meredith. I lay on the bench "What are you doing?" 

Cristina answers "I'm suturing a banana, with the vain hope that it wakes up my brain" George laughs "What're you smiling at, 007?" George stops laughing "I'm sorry, I get mean when I'm tired."

George says "You know what? I don't care. I comforted a family, and I get to hang out in the OR today. All is well." 

Cristina asks "Does anybody know why we're here?" 

Lots of interns pack into one room and I sit as Derek walks in "Well good morning. I'm going to do something pretty rare for a surgeon, I'm going to ask interns for help. I've got this kid, Katie Bryce. Right now, she's a mystery. She doesn't respond to her meds" Alex and I exchange glances "Labs are clean, scans are pure, but she's having seizures. Grand mal seizures with no visible cause. She's a ticking clock. She's going to die, if I don't make a diagnosis. Which is where you come in. I can't do it alone. I need your extra minds, extra eyes, I need you to play detective, I need you to find out why Katie is having seizures. I know you're tired, you're busy, you've got more work than you could possibly handle. I understand."

I smirk looking at Alex.

Derek claps "So, I'm going to give you an incentive. Whoever finds the answer rides with me. Katie needs surgery. You get to do what no interns get to do. Scrub in to assist on an advanced procedure. Dr Bailey's going to hand you Katie's chart. The clock is ticking fast, people. If we're going to save Katie's life, we have to do it soon." All interns grab copies of her chart. 

♡ Epic Love ♡

I walk into the hallway as Cristina grabs my arm "Come with me" We walk to Meredith "Hey, I want in on Shepherd's surgery. You've been the intern on Katie since the start. You want to work together? We find the answer, we have a fifty-fifty chance of scrubbing in." 

Meredith says "I'll work with you, but I don't want in on the surgery. Both of you can have it."

I ask "Are you kidding me?"

Cristina nods "It's the biggest opportunity any intern will ever get." 

Meredith says "I don't want to spend any more time with Shepherd than I have to."

"What do you have against Shepherd?" 

I say "It's not about shouting at us earlier, right"

Meredith says "If we find the answer, the surgery's yours. Do you want to work together or not?"

Cristina grins and shake her head "Deal."

♡ Epic Love ♡

In the library, Three of us sitting on the floor reading from the books, Cristina says "Well, she doesn't have anoxia, chronic renal failure"

I say "Or acidosis. It's not a tumour because her CT's clean."

"Are you seriously not going to tell us why you won't work with Shepherd?" 

Meredith says "No. What about infection?" 


I say "There's no white count, she has no ceteal lesions"

Cristina nods "No fevers, nothing in her spinal tap, just tell us." 

Meredith says "You can't comment, make a face, or react in any way." We nod "We had sex."

I widen my eyes "Fuck"

"Oh I know, thank you" 

Cristina opens her mouth and closes it "What about an aneurysm?" 

Meredith says "No blood on the CT, and no headaches." 

I say "Okay. There's no drug use, uh, no pregnancy"

Cristina says "No trauma...was he good? I mean, he looks like he would be, was it any good?"

"What are the answers? What if no one comes up with anything?"

"You mean if she dies?"


"This is gonna sound really bad, but I really wanted that surgery."

Meredith says "She's just never going to get the chance to turn into a person. The sum total of her existence will be almost winning Miss Teen whatever. You know what her pageant talent is?"

"They have talent?"

"Rhythmic gymnastics." 

We laugh and Cristina says "Oh, come on."

"What is rhythmic gymnastics? I don't know - I can't even say it, I don't know what it is."

Cristina says "Isn't it like something with a ball, and a" Meredith goes still "...what?"

I ask "Meredith, what?"

Meredith says "Get up! Come on!"

♡ Epic Love ♡

We are running I put my hand stopping the elevator "- the only thing she could possibly need is a - Oh, oh, Dr. Sheppard! Just one moment"

Cristina says "Um, uh, Katie competes in beauty pageants"

Derek says "I know that, but we have to save her life anyway."

"Okay, she has no headaches, no neck pain, her CT's clean, there's no medical proof of an aneurysm"


I say "But what if she has an aneurysm anyway?"

"There are no indicators."

Cristina says "Ah, but she twisted her ankle, a few weeks ago when she was practising for the pageant"

"Look, I appreciate you're trying to help, but"

Another doctor in the elevator saying "This is not helping!"

Meredith says "She fell. When she twisted her ankle, she fell."

I say "It was no big deal, not even a bump on the head, you know she got right back up, iced her ankle"

Cristina says "and everything was fine, it was a fall so minor her doctor didn't even think to mention it when I was taking her history, but she did fall."

Derek says "Well, you know the chances that a minor fall could burst an aneurysm, one in a million! Literally" The elevator door is finally allowed to close. Meredith, I, and Cristina sigh and turn away. The elevator dings and Derek steps out. We turn back. Derek smiles "Let's go."

I smile making a yes wave.

Cristina asks "Where?"

Derek says "To find out if Katie's one in a million."

♡ Epic Love ♡

Derek Cristina, Meredith, and I looking at a scan. Derek says "I'll be damned."

Tech operating scan indicating dark spots "There it is"

"It's minor, but it's there. It's a cerebachnoid hemorrhage. She's bleeding into her brain."

♡ Epic Love ♡

Derek, Meredith, I, and Cristina walking along. Derek says "She could've gone her entire life without it ever being a problem. One tap in the right spot"

Cristina says "And explode."

"Exactly. Now I have to fix it. You three did great work. Love to stay and kiss your asses, but I gotta tell Katie's parents she's having surgery." To the receptionist at the nurse station "Katie Bryce's chart, please."

The receptionist gives him the chart "Here you go."

Cristina says "Oh, and Dr. Sheppard, you said that you'd pick someone to scrub in if we helped."

Derek says "Oh, yes, right. Um, I'm sorry I can't take you trio, it's going to be a full house. Meredith, I'll see you in OR" We stand there for a moment or two. Cristina looks at Meredith, who's flustered. I try not to laugh and he notices that "Good. Thank you." Derek leaves.

Cristina looks back at Meredith and walks off, clearly pissed.

Meredith calls after her "Cristina..." I still watch after Derek "Lydia?"

I laugh "I just remember something"

"You aren't upset"

"No, oh"

Meredith shakes her head and walks away.

Derek approaches me "I fixed your head wrong, stop laughing"

"That was Mark's attitude, not you"

Derek shakes his head and leave me alone.

♡ Epic Love ♡

Dr. Richard Webber talking to Alex. Richard loudly "Can anybody name the common causes of post-op fever?"

Everybody stops turning to him and one girl pulls out her notebook.

I answer "Wind, water, wound, walking, wonder drugs. The five Ws. Most of the time it's wind, splinting or pneumonia. Pneumonia's easy to assume, especially if you're too busy to do the tests."

Richard gives Alex a pointed look, then asks me "What do you think's wrong with 4B?"

"The fourth W, walking. I think she's a prime candidate for a pulmonary ambulus."

"How would you diagnose?"

"Spiral CT, VQ scan, provide O2, dose with Heparin, and consult for an IVC filter."

Richard to Alex "Do exactly as she says, then tell your resident that I want you off this case." to me "And you are?"

"Lydia Blossom, Sir"

"I'd know you anywhere, the first student in your class NYC Grossman med school, Welcome to the gang."

I smile.

♡ Epic Love ♡

In the hallway, I walk down stretch my muscles, and open one of the on-call rooms as Alex waiting for me. Alex stands approaching me "Are you trying to steal my cases"

I put my hand on his chest "You should learn more"

Alex pulls me to him "Really"

I smirk as we start kissing and I wrap my leg around his waist and he pushes me to the wall kissing my neck touches my body.

♡ Epic Love ♡

Hour 48.

In the locker room, Cristina sits with a sigh "We don't have to do that thing where I say something, and then you say something, and then somebody cries, and there's like a moment..."

Meredith turns to her "Yuck."

"Good. You should get some sleep."

I sit with them "I need a wheelchair"

"You look like crap."

"I look better than you."

"It's not possible." Cristina walks out followed by Meredith.

I smile and walk outside again to find Derek so I grab him by the arm who is in the nurse station to an on-call room and I close the door "I am sorry to tell you that was Mark's attitude it wasn't my business"

Derek nods "But it was"

I sigh "I am sorry again, Are we good"

"Don't tell Meredith, I am married"

"It's not my business but you should tell her" I tease him "before I love her"

Derek smiles "I will but at the right time" I nod heading to the door to open it "Mark slept with Addison"

I stare at the door confused and then turn to him "Addison slept with Mark"


"I am so sorry for that"

"He didn't tell you, you were together"

"No, he just called and___ never mind, you're okay?"

Derek smiles "Great"

♡ Epic Love ♡

Outside the hospital, Izzie, I, George, Cristina, and Meredith walk to the parking lot. I open my beautiful Impala and get inside talking on the phone "So. I made it through my first shift. We all did. The other interns are all good people, you'd like them. I think. I don't know."

Fred on the phone "You don't like them"

"Maybe. I like them."

"I am so proud of you, Lydia"

"Oh, and I changed my mind. I'm not going to sell the house. I'm going to keep it."

"I thought you wanted to move on"

"I need all my old stuff there to be in place, to remind me, I am over it" sigh "That I run from my darkness"

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