The Grand Narrative: Aftermath

By Chaotic_Nights

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[Sequel to Adventure Forward: The Grand Narrative] The narrative is over, peace and reality restored in Everi... More

A little note before you read
Their past life
Shard's Past
The visit
Memories that linger
Sky Emporium
Creator and his creation
Middle of the night
Old habits
Star Sanctuary
The Light Coliseum
A long forgotten melody
The Star and its Darkness
Father and son
A rose untouched by flames
A day in the emporium
forest home
The lost data
The third house
Frog child
Flower Garden
Sword fighting
Trail of petals
Family meeting
Confrontation (The End)


29 0 1
By Chaotic_Nights

The day Celesteal had planned about had arrived, and he seemed nervous as he puts on his usual clothing and glasses. He looks at the mirror and for a moment, it seemed he had seen his younger self, a young and naive little boy who wanted nothing but approval from his fathers.

"So much has happened ever since I left, what would they even think of me?"

He sighs and goes outside the room he was in, seeing Floffon sitting by the kitchen table, eating an apple while having a conversation with Forg, he smiles at the sight. He walks up to them, the frog hops onto his shoulder before picking up Floffon.

"Hey! Why are you picking me up?"

"Nothing, I've just felt like doing this"

"... Don't put me down"

"I wasn't planning to, let's get your brothers and Yawgate okay?"

Floffon nodded as Celesteal walks into a portal to Stat Sanctuary, Anshine and Stratosfear stood by the fountain as usual, having a conversation with Clark.

"What's with the getup? You going on a date or something?"

"Very funny. No, and I don't have any interest in romance, anyways, I'm going to see family"


"I'm going to meet my dad's... Dads!"

"Celesteal has parents? Two Dads?"

"More than that, they're a bunch of clouds"

"So like, sentient clouds?"


"Alright, I see, have fun with that"

"Hey, I think Celesteal is behind you, you should go to him now"

"Huh? Oh! Hey Dad"

Clark runs up to Celesteal, grinning.

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah! Where's Ixol?"

"We're going to get him, come on"

"To distortion paradise? No way"

"No, he's with Yawgate"


"Well, yeah, and Yawgate is coming with us too. If you don't mind"

"I don't mind it at all!"

Celesteal opens up a portal and lets Clark hop inside, before walking in. Ixol and Yawgate sat on the floor, he wore a flower crown on his head and the two seemed to be laughing.


"And so Morward was like- oh hey Celesteal, you're here"

"Oh hello Dad, I see you're prepared now"

"I'm still nervous"

"It's okay, we're going to be there"

"Should we go now?"

"Not yet, I would like to entertain a few questions if you have any"

"I have a question, how did you and Yawgate get to Everi, I've heard that you made him as a travelling buddy of some sort and to not be lonely. But how did you two stumble upon Everi?"

"Well, I wanted to find a place it is peaceful, though magic exists in it, a celestial kind. Through many dimensions, as beautiful as they are, they weren't what I wanted. That was until I stumbled upon this reality, it is far from where I came from, now travelling through places isn't that long, I usually spent years in some places to see what it's like. Anyways, I thought Everi felt like the perfect place and settled in quickly, though I've had questionable intentions here. The stars had intrigued me, I've sensed their magic and somehow they had brought me to Maytown, they had blessed that little town... I felt like, I could do something with it, that it was the beginning of something great, well now it isn't. But this reality feels like home to me, even after this visit, my heart belongs here"

"Fascinating, what is your old home like?"

"It is a place for all creatures of some high power, deities and celestial beings alike. I just got unfortunately born to such strict beings, I think they've changed since though, hopefully"

"What do you think they've been doing now?"

"I don't know, they may be spending their time contemplating or... Replaced me"

"let's not bombard Dad with too much questions now, do you think this is enough now?"

"I suppose I've answered enough questions, let's go"

Yawgate opens a portal, within in lay a path that went somewhere unknown.

"Is that-"

"No, that is simply a pathway that exists outside of realities- universes whichever, this may be a little long walk"

"How long has it been since we went here Celesteal?"

"It's been too long Yawgate, though you still remember the way?"

"Only as much as the day you've created me"

"Then I'll lead the way for the rest, I've still remembered where I came from"


They entered the portal and began walking, however it seemed a little dark. Ixol lit a fire on his hand and walked closely to Celesteal, letting him see the path clearly.

"How long is this walk exactly?"

"Not that long, we're halfway there"

"Okay- AH"

Forg hops onto Clark's hat, he tried not to flinch but felt wary of their presence above him, Celesteal let out a chuckle.

"I think they like you"

"I don't like frogs!"

"Scared of a little frog?"

"They just feel gross"

"Have you ever touched a frog?"

"... No"

"Then don't make such judgement to them, let them rest on your hat"


They continued walking, no one said anything, they were too focused on arriving at their destination. Eventually, Celesteal stopped to a halt, his expression unreadable.

"We're here, open the portal Yawgate"

"Of course Celesteal, will you be alright?"

"Hopefully, just do it before I have second thoughts"

Yawgate nodded and opened a portal, Celesteal put Floffon down and is the first to enter, it was a cloudy place. He looks around and spots a group of clouds, he seemed nervous.

'is this the place?' Clark whispered to Celesteal

'it is, now stay back and don't make a sound. I'll approach them first'

He silently took a few steps forward, careful to not make a sound, he seemed hesitant and soon he heard the clouds speak.

"So for our next agenda, we're going to meet up with the group of the wind element- whatever they want from us. I don't really care, you know they have really basic requests, why didn't they call the other elements nearer to them instead?"

"Yeah! They're so far away from us! It's just so tiring"

They continued on with their ranting, though one cloud didn't seem interested,  looking off at a distance, deep in their thoughts. Though, suddenly they sensed a presence, they didn't look yet but it felt oddly familiar, they think about it for a while.

"Cl- Claudin?!"

The cloud turned around and spotted Celesteal at the distance, floating towards him. The other clouds had heard them shout his name, surprised, they follow them.

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