A Warrior From Another World...

By amberwolf89

328K 11.2K 6.5K

Your from another world; a world where you and your three friends Maynard, Ayame, and Lola are the most power... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
A Surprise For Levi

Chapter 12

10.8K 414 150
By amberwolf89

____________________________Your POV____________________________

You open your heavy eyelids, only to be greeted by a white ceiling. You look around and see a figures You blink a few times trying to clear the blurriness out of your eyes. Once you can see again, you look at the figures again and see the its Levi, Ayame, Erwin, Maynard, Hanji, Lola, and Mike. You try to get up but, your body feels like lead. When you tried to move again, everyone turns their attention to you.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, brat." Levi says bluntly.

"And why is that?" You ask.

Your three friends starts laughing and that was when everything snaps into place.

"Oh, don't tell me-" you began only to be interrupted by Lola.

"Yep, your sick. You have a fever and you are to be stuck in bed in the infirmary for the whole day today." She says while trying to hold back her laughter.

"This.is.not.funny." you say threateningly. This only cause them to snicker some more.

"You have to admit it kinda is. I mean the last time you got sick like this was what 200 years ago." Maynard says trying to stifle his laughter.

"Yeah,yeah laugh it up now but, remember this, I have to get better at some point right." When you said this all three of them stopped laughing and said "Well, good luck Levi." Levi tried to respond but, it was already too late everyone left.

"Tch, how troublesome." Levi says and gives a small sigh.

"Sorry about this." you say.

"I wasn't talking about you." Levi states bluntly.

"Besides I think of this as repayment for letting me see those annoying brats again." Levi says

"Hey, that's not very nice Levi." Isabel pouts.

"Tch, whatever." Levi replies.

"Admit it you would miss us too much if we left." Farlen then states while hiding a small chuckle.

Levi just responds with a "Tch."

"Anyway I think its time for you guys to leave. You just gonna bother (F/N) some more." Levi says

"Aw, you guys just want some alone time." Gunther replies with and the rest chuckle before leaving the room.

"Do you need anything before I head back to my office to finish some paperwork I have." Levi asks but you just shake your head giving him a small 'no.'

"Well then I'll see you later." Levi says before leaving.

After a while you fall back asleep.

_____________________________Levi's POV__________________________

After I finished my paperwork its already a little bit past dinner time.

'Tch, I wonder if that brat got anything to eat.' I thought to myself

'Wait, why the hell am I even worried about that brat.' I thought. Then the memory of her crying over the fact that I was worried about her.

'I wonder what kind of life she had before coming here?' I thought to myself once more before making my way towards the infirmary.

After I open the door I see (F/N) sleeping there. I walk up to her bed and press my hand to her forehead.

'What the hell, she's burning up.' I thought.

When I removed my hand she opened her eyes and grabbed my wrist. In one swift movement she was above me with her hands and legs on either side of me.

"I have a question for you." She says. "And what might that be?" I asked calmly.

"Are you afraid of me?" She asks.

"Tch, why would I be afraid of a stupid brat like you." I said rather harshly.

"Heh, why you ask. Its quite simple really, I'm nothing but a monster." she says and brings her hand towards my throat. "You know, I can kill you right now and no one would ever know until it was too late." She continues.

"You wouldn't do that." I said confidently.

"And what makes you so sure?" She asks

"Its because you are a kind person. Like you said before you won't leave someone alone when they are in trouble." When I said this her eyes widen before she starts laughing.

"I guess your right about that. But, ya know I'm really glad that your not afraid of me." She whispers before getting off of me and laying beside me. I then realize that she fell asleep. When I got up to leave she grabs me around the stomach and pulls me closer. I then hear her mumble "So warm." Before she starts running her fingers in my hair. When she does this she smiles in her sleep.

However, at this time I'm trying to struggle out of her iron grip.

'What the hell, she has one hell of a grip on me.' I thought.

Soon enough I give up and succumb to sleep.

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