𓆩♑π“†ͺ My Angel (UN x Male CH...

By kimoco44

23.6K 828 1.3K

My very first world meeting was supposed to be something to remember for ages to come It was a symbol of my m... More

𓆩♑π“†ͺ Im Pregnant!
𓆩♑π“†ͺ My Son
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Letters
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Red lined
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Panic
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Beautiful
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Fantasy
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Interesting name
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Searching
𓆩♑π“†ͺBrush 3 Times
𓆩♑π“†ͺ His name
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Texting
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Girls or guys
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Hazy Memories
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Ballet
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Mature enough
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Origami
𓆩♑π“†ͺ The Hunt
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Confrontation
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Cold breath
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Animal
𓆩♑π“†ͺ The car
𓆩♑π“†ͺ It starts with a lie
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Teacher
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Watching
𓆩♑π“†ͺWelcome to (Y/n)
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Fragments of a past
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Fragments of a present
𓆩♑π“†ͺ Fragments of a...

𓆩♑π“†ͺ Thoughts

711 23 32
By kimoco44


"How are you feeling..."

Someone sat next to the younger teen and wrapped a comforting arm around his shoulder. "Im... okay" America said in a low tone, not really meaning his words. The other person quickly caught on and tightened their hold on the other. "You can tell me if your not, you know I'll always be here for you... I love you Ame"

At this, America felt the tears start to flow from his eyes and quickly went to hide them in the chest of the other, holding them as if he would die. "Shh its gonna be okay" They whispered while raking their hands through his messy and unkept hair. "Its not gonna be okay! It'll never be okay. M-My Mom... she..."
"I know, but we still have each other... and you still have him. Your both safe."

America smiled into his fiancés chest, a warm feeling washing over him, not really drowning out the sinking feeling of his freshly broken family, but letting him know that for now, in this very moment. Everything was okay...


Canada waved his hands in front of his younger brother face, getting no response from behind his glasses. "Uh... you good or?"
"Im fine" America said blankly, starting up his car and driving off in silence. Canada held a worried look on his face before deciding to drop it, knowing his brother wouldn't wanna talk about it. He never does.

As the two began driving, Canada glanced at his brother from time to time, eventually getting his attention. "Why the fuck do you keep looking at me"
"I'm just worried okay, am I not allowed to be?" The Canadian folded his arms and sat back in his seat while the silence continued.


"...Have you..." America attempted to start up a conversation he'd actually engage in. "Have you talked to mom lately..." He was almost afraid to ask but nonetheless waited for an answer. "Uh, yeah. Last meeting... she misses you ya know"
The younger stayed silent at this, something he was starting to get very good at. Truth be told, a part of him wanted to see her, or well, talk to her, but the bigger part of him just wouldn't allow it. She didn't deserve it.

In his eyes, she didn't even deserve to talk to any of his sibling for why she did to their family. "Ame?" Canada nearly whispered, "I think it's time to forgive her, you know she didn't- s-she couldn't-"
His words were halted when the car braked to a quick stop in the World building parking lot; America quickly turning it off and getting out without his keys.

"Ame?! Hey wait!" Canada called out, unsuccessfully getting his brother to stop walking. America on the other hand continued his pace towards the building to get his baby brother and leave as quickly as he could.


Getting to where he knew Peru would be around this time, the American waited outside of the ballet studio and checked the time. It was around the time everyone would start leaving which was proved when the first student, Jamaica ran through the doors screaming something about wanting food, her friend Kenya following after.

'Now just to wait for the pervert himself' America thought as he watched the rest of the countries and some humans make their exit. After a short while, Peru stepped foot outside, instantly being grabbed by the collar and pushed against the wall.
"Qué coño-"
"Where's (Y/n). And you better not have touched him or I swear to god I'll hurt you" America glared at the smaller country causing him to put his hands up in defense. "I didn't do anything I promise! Por qué tienes que ser tan agresivo!"

"What going on here"
Someone spoke up causing the two to look up at the tall figure that had just come from the ballet studio. Wearing a black hoodie and an intimidating expression, Russia stared at the two. "None of your fucking business comie. Move along" America said only to suddenly flinch when Russia placed a hand on his shoulder. "I think you should put him down now, he doesn't seem to like that very much"

America tightened his grip on Peru before slowly turning his head to look at the tall Russian. "You best your hand of off me before you lose it"
"Hey hey hey come on guys, we don't have to escalate anything-"
"Shut up" America interrupted Peru who was starting to feel uncomfortable at the tension the two held.

After a few second which felt like hours, Russia took his hand from Americas shoulder with a glare."Your turn" He muttered. The other scoffing and reluctantly letting go of Peru, never taking his eyes off of his unspoken enemy. "T-Thank Rus" The smaller of the three spoke getting a nod from said country; him walking off right after.

"I fuckin hate that guy" America spoke, turning his attention back to Peru who was slowly getting himself back together. "Where is he" America asked calmly this time, "With... Un" Perus words held a tone of malice spoken at the mention of the peace Unions name. America sighed and walked off in the direction of UNs office.

"Damn" Peru watched the other walk off. "The aggressive ones are always the hottest"


It was late in the night when UN finally got to the front door of his home, the large mansion hidden deep in a forest surrounded by lushes trees and wildlife, but more importantly, surrounded by silence. Just the way he liked it.
UN held his space colored work bag he liked to keep his papers in to be completed at home and softly landed out-front, getting out his keys to open the door.

After getting inside, he sat his bag down and took a small walk to the black sofa in the nearby living room. Laying down with a sigh he closed his eyes in thought of the day, 'oh right, the butterfly' He thought quickly getting it out of his pocket and taking a look at it.

It was a bit crumbled from the day's events but it still held its form of a perfectly crafted origami butterfly, a riddle if you will. UN felt a ping of excitement as he began to slowly take apart the butterfly, being careful as to not let it rip. When he was about to open the last fold, UN felt warm hands place themselves on his shoulders. "I missed you"

Someone whispered in his ear, placing a small kiss on his neck. The Union sighed in the comfort of his husband and smiled. "You saw me all day, how was I missed?" He asked, only getting more soft kisses as a response causing him to laugh.

Eu let go of the other and quickly jumped over the couch to plop down on UNs lap, slightly startling him in the process. "Did you at least have fun with that weird man's visit"
"Who? Mr Cho?" UN asked in response to EUs question, getting a slight hum back. "Yes I guess I did, though the meeting was quite boring" Eu chuckled and repositioned himself, now completely facing his husband. "I was the one doing most of the talking so be grateful all you had to do was sit and look pretty" He words trailed off as he went back to kissing UNs neck causing the older male to squirm in his seat.

"H-Hey I just got back, l-let me take a breath" At this, Eu smirked and bit down unexpectedly. "O-Okay that's enough" UN lightly pushed the man away while he  just giggled. "Your so cute when your embarrassed" Eu poked at the other male's cheek with a smile. "Yeah sure-
"What's this?" Eu picked up the origami butterfly which had fallen from the light banter the two had done.
"Its a game"
"A game?"

The younger man opened the last fold with less care than Un had and started reading the riddle. "Hm, yeah this seems right up your alley. Who gave it to you?"

At this, Eu froze.

"Uh... are you okay?" Un asked noticing the sudden change only to see a sneaky grin appear on his lovers face. "Hehe you know that kid likes you right"
"What?" Un tilted his head in slight confusion making Eu chuckle, "your so oblivious to these things" He put the paper down and started playing with UNs hair. "The way he was looking at you today; it the exact same way I used to before we properly met"

Un took in this information with a frown. It wasn't uncommon for people to like him in that way due to his appearance, but usually they got over it. (Y/n) however was quite young. "...Do you want me to stop talking to him?" The older male asked with hesitation, not really sure how he should go about this. Eu on the other hand just giggled, "of course not. He's just a hormonal teen with a crush. It wont last. Plus, I think he's looking for a friend in you. To stop talking to him would be sad"

Un sighed and looked up at his lover. "Alright, thanks for telling me that"
"No problem hun" EUs fingers found their way to the buttons of UNs military uniform. "But how about I take your mind off of that for a while"

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