Jurassic World; Camp Cretaceo...

By andoriukun

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Tyrannosaurus Rex


65 1 0
By andoriukun


Name Meaning: Tooth that wounds.

Period: Upper Cretaceous (approximately 75 million years).

Length: 2 meters.

Height: 1 meters.

Weight: Between 27 to 45 kilograms.

Diet: Carnivore (Omnivore).

Troodon formosus is the only known species of the dubious extinct genus Troodon ("Tooth that wounds") of troodontid theropod dinosaur, which lived in the late Late Cretaceous period, approximately 75 million years ago, in the Campaniaense, in what is now North America.

Its name comes from the ancient Greek for "tooth that wounds", referring to the teeth of this dinosaur, which are different from those of other theropods. The teeth have prominent apically oriented serrations. These "wounding" teeth, however, are morphometrically more similar to those of herbivorous reptiles, and suggest an omnivorous diet.

It is considered to be one of the most intelligent non-avian dinosaurs. Its brain was so large that its marks were even found in the fossilized cranial cavity. These marks indicated a large number of cerebral convolutions, which would increase the brain surface too much, indicating greater intelligence. It had a well-developed occipital lobe, responsible for memory and vision, and had a trace of a frontal lobe, which some scientists speculate would have enabled complex communication and consciousness.

Its brain is proportionally larger than those found in living reptiles so the animal may have been as intelligent as modern birds, which are more similar in brain size.

Unfortunately, this dinosaur has not been fully studied because very few fossil remains of this animal have been found, the little that can be found of this species are the teeth and nothing else, which makes scientists doubt the validity of the genus Troodon. Which caused scientists to take it as a model for Stenonychosaurus.





~~~~~~<<<<< SHOW INFORMATION >>>>>~~~~~~

Length: 3 meters.

Height: 1 meters.

Weight: Between 27 to 45 kilograms.

Diet: Carnivore (Omnivore).

AggressivenessKiller Instincts.

The Troodon Pectinodon is one of the oldest dinosaurs in the history of the park, since this is a dinosaur cloned by InGen to be one of the dinosaurs that would be part of Jurassic Park, but since these are too unstable, "John Jammond" himself "(Father of Jurassic Park) ordered these dinosaurs to be put down, but instead it was decided to keep them a secret until the 1993 incident occurred and the Troodons were left free on the island.

The Troodon is a very dangerous dinosaur, too aggressive and too intelligent for a dinosaur (surpassing Velociraptor in intelligence), this being a very difficult dinosaur to contain due to its great aggressiveness and great intelligence, it is not planned to be an attraction for Jurassic World, due to being a very unpredictable dinosaur.

This dinosaur is a dinosaur that is not at all friendly with other species except for its own species, being this a small predator, it is a dinosaur that prefers to be with others of its kind and thus hunt the unfortunate victims that fall on its prowl, confirming that it is a predatory dinosaur that attacks in packs.

It has been confirmed that this dinosaur prefers to be in a group of more than 9 specimens, which makes it even more dangerous to be in such a large group.

Its behavior is very unpredictable, it has been seen wandering in its enclosure without signs of aggressiveness, but when it is bothered it does not hesitate to attack, and sometimes it just stays static and stares at a target (the prey), and sometimes it has been seen very upset and running around the enclosure to a point where he stands still and then hides in the small forest of his holding enclosure, these behaviors are highly abnormal and are under investigation.


The death of 3 workers who were in charge of feeding the Troodons has been reported, but a carelessness was enough for a couple of these dinosaurs to maim the workers in a matter of seconds, but that was not all, the enclosure was open in the part where the workers entered with the food, which used the escape of 3 specimens from the enclosure. The PCU (Product Containment Unit) did not take long to receive code 19 of the 3 loose species, so they went as quickly as possible to capture the specimens, during the capture a member of the team was injured, but the specimens were captured and sent back to his containment facility.

But minutes after that injured team member was taken to the infirmary, he began having seizures and foaming at the mouth and was totally paralyzed under anesthesia.

After some investigations it was possible to verify that all these symptoms are due to the fact that the specimen that attacked him had a type of paralyzing poison in his mouth, this has already been investigated and is mentioned in the lost file of "Henry Wu"

In Jurassic World, the Troodon is a species totally similar to its real counterpart, this means that its DNA is not altered at all, but that the genetic sequence of the cloned species is totally pure and natural which makes it nothing more and nothing less than the most natural, pure and realistic dinosaur in the park, but because its behavior is too abnormal, it was decided to keep it a secret so as not to have problems with the staff, much less with the visitors of the park, currently the species is still under investigation.

~~~~~~<<<<< Lost File of Dr. Henry Wu >>>>>~~~~~~


Species: Troodon Pectinodon

Research date: August 8, 2012

Species classification: Chordata,‭ ‬Reptilia,‭ ‬Dinosauria,‭ ‬Saurischia,‭ ‬Theropoda,‭ ‬Troodontidae,‭ ‬Troodontinae.

Diet: Carnivore (Omnivore).

The physical data of this dinosaur is as follows: 1 meter high, 3 meters long, between 27 to 45 kilograms in weight.

The Troodon Pectinodon is a nocturnal carnivorous theropod dinosaur that hunts its victims with ambushes in packs, the species is totally aggressive to any living being that is under its presence, which makes it a very dangerous dinosaur even for the most feared predator.

The physical appearance of this dinosaur is one of the strangest of all, surpassing all cloned dinosaurs, having its DNA chain completely complete and without any genetic alteration allowed us to see the natural appearance of this dinosaur as it looked in the past, This is a great advance because the rest of the dinosaurs on the island always have a genetic alteration to achieve their cloning, instead the Troodon is the cloned dinosaur with the purest DNA on the island.

This dinosaur has a pair of large eyes with Tapetum lucidum (a layer of tissue located at the back of the eye), which makes them have very well adapted vision in the dark, in simple words their eyes have excellent night vision and that same tissue located in the eyes makes them stand out as two yellow or white spheres in the dark very similar to the eyes of a cat, but this makes the animal too sensitive to light, which makes it limit itself to hunting in the dark or at night.

The physical aspect is basically that of having thin and quite strong legs with a raised claw, being similar to the famous Velociraptor's claw. It has a fairly slender neck, a stocky body, and a fairly thin tail, and on every part of the body (especially the neck, back, and tip of the tail) it has small hair-like protofeathers. This animal has a gray, white and black hue that runs through the entire body and a penetrating red color that expands from the lower part of the skull to the belly.


During the capture of 3 specimens that escaped from their containment enclosure, a member of the PCU team was seriously injured so he had to be taken to the infirmary, once he arrived he began to have convulsions and began to spit foam from the mouth, but within seconds a nurse injected an anesthetic that left the patient totally paralyzed. The investigations confirmed that all these symptoms were triggered by a kind of poison that came from a specimen that had attacked it, in fact the poison was investigated and the findings indicate that it originally came from an unknown plant that grows on the island, it is believed that the Troodon, being omnivorous, fed on this plant and obtained the poison in its jaw, the investigations confirmed that the Troodon is totally immune to the poison of the plant and thanks to that it obtained the ability to poison its prey.

According to studies, the patient had contracted the first phase of the poison.

During the analysis of this poison, it was found that the symptoms are as follows: the poison begins by attacking the victim with aggressive convulsions and begins to spit foam from the mouth, then generates severe headaches and even hallucinations and finally causes brain death which paralyzes the victim and renders them unable to move.

Security reports

During the observation of the specimens, it has been reported that when live food such as goats or pigs are placed on them, the Troodons prefer to take the animals to a separate area of the containment enclosure, specifically to the small forest. When scientists entered to investigate the behavior they found the corpse of a food animal but this had something in particular, the animal had an open belly and inside it there were Troodon eggs. Confirming that these dinosaurs kill their prey, open their belly and they lay their eggs inside it, and the most remarkable thing about this is that the prey is still alive when this happens.

But there is something very strange, how is it that they lay eggs if all the cloned specimens are female? The answer is totally uncertain, because the dinosaur is completely pure and does not contain frog DNA (frog DNA causes some cloned species to lay eggs), it is believed that the dinosaur has lay eggs asexually.


Currently, the Troodon is one of the poisonous dinosaurs on the island along with Compsognathus and Dilophosaurus, this dinosaur was classified and was never shown to the public because the park staff wants to avoid future problems, and before I finish I will give you a little advice: Don't go out at night...

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