Kipo and the Age of Wonderbea...

Autorstwa tacomanatetoman

6.8K 152 85

(Book is discontinued) Y/n, A human who has lived on the surface for all of his life, finds a mole, err, a pi... Więcej

Burrow Girl and Surface Boy
Hop frogs
Exploding berries
Real Cats Wear Plaid
"Magic" Flapjacks
Cactus Town

Frogs vs Bunnies.

549 18 8
Autorstwa tacomanatetoman

A younger Y/n is seen in a snowy forest with a bow and a quiver full of arrows. Wearing a red scarf, a long sleeve black shirt, and a pair of black shorts.

The snow around him covered the entirety of the ground.

Three other kids his age all are near him. Two in a tree and one hiding in a bush.

And one final person, A man who had weird black markings from his eyes down to his chin and more going to the sides of his face. His bow is longer than y/ns by at least 2 times, and the quiver is filled with arrows.

The man was named Hunter. He was one of the many hunters that lived in and or around his home.

"Come on. There's a small herd of mini bucks up ahead." Hunter says as he starts walking forward softly.

Y/n and the other kids follow soundlessly. Following hunter as he walks to a cliff.

Stopping, hunter crouches on one knee and quickly motions the kids to come closer.

Once they do, they see a herd smaller than normal Deer. All are only one-half the size of a regular deer.

"These things are fast. And the only way any of you pass is by killing one. Get to it." Hunter says as he looks over the animals.

"Don't get too erratic. Treat them with respect. Happy hunting." Hunter says as he waves off the kids.

Two immediately go for trees and the last one quickly started running toward a large thorn-like bush.

Y/n instantly jumps off the hill and lands with a soft thump. Alerting the mini buck as they all look in his direction.

Meanwhile, Y/n lay underneath a bush, flat on the floor, an arrow he pulled from his quiver in his right hand.

The mini bucks stared at the bush for a few seconds before they started grazing once again. Except for this time, one kept a lookout out.

Y/n slowly sits up to not rattle the bush and puts the arrow on the bowstring. He pulled it back until it had hit the best placement.

Y/n stared silently as he tried to pick out which one would be his. He would have to be quick, however, seeing as how his companions would most likely also go for the best-looking one.

Finding the lookout to be the biggest, he slowly aims, pulling the arrow even farther back.

The crack of the bow is instantly heard by the buck as it turns its head y/n's way.

"Sorry pal. We need to eat." Y/n said softly as he let the arrow go and let it fly.

The arrow soared through the sky. Quickly getting closer to the buck, who tried to get out of the way.

The arrow went straight into the buck's chest, hopefully hitting something vital.

Suddenly, three more groans and arrows shot out, as his companions also shot their arrows at smaller bucks.

The buck y/n had shot turned and ran, along with the rest of the flock, in random directions.

Out of four arrows, only one found its mark. Y/ns.

"Come." Hunter says as he jumps down beside y/n.

"We need to track down the buck. The rest of you return to camp and wait until the next hunt." Hunter says as he walks past y/n, y/n following after him quietly.

"Great form. Could work on aim." Hunter says as he followed a blood trail.

Slowly, the pinkish blood reveals that it had made a single word.


We now see a bunch of Lilypads as the car slowly stops.

Once the car stops, red eyes immediately got out of the back seat.

"I'm telling you, she smells awful." Red-eyes says as he covered his nose.

Kipo and the gang are then thrown out of the car as red-eyes takes a step back. Soon after, buff frog steps out of the car as well.

"Humans have no sense of hygiene" buff frog says in disgust.

"No." Jamack lets out a short chuckle.

"That's just the smell of how stunning rich were all about to be because we have a burrow girl!" Jamack says as he shuts the car door and exclaims it to the rest of the mod frogs who stand around.

Buff frog walks over and drops kipo in front of jamack's feet. Kipo falls to her side.

"That's right. If you ever wanted to see one..." Jamack starts off as all of the other mod frogs gasp in surprise.

"... In person, now's your chance." Jamack says as kipo sets herself upright despite her restraints.

"We have a burrow girl!" Jamack tells everyone, the smugness in his voice able to be heard.

Kipo lets out a nervous chuckle when wolf is suddenly thrown into her.

"Uh, whoever said I'm from a burrow?" Kipo says as she lets out a nervous chuckle

"I hunt mega bunnies. Mh-hmm." Kipo says and jamack frowns deeply.

"I've been on the surface my whole life..." Kipo starts as she looks up at jamack who still frowns.

"Just surviving." Kipo said in a gruff voice, still trying to keep up the facade.

"Just don't." Wolf says in slight disappointment as she shakes her head.

"Huh. Yeah, it's obvious she's a burrow girl. But if rather have proof. If you two can confirm it, you both go free." Jamack says as he stares at have and Benson.

Dave and Benson share a quick look before looking over at jamack.

"She's a bu-" Dave starts off before Benson shuts him up by falling on him.

"She's a Bunny hunter! The badest mega bunny hunter ever." Benson says as Dave utters a quick "not cool man." From underneath him.

Kipo smiles slightly at the two and they smile back.

"Apology accepted." Benson says as wolf looked over at him.

"Does it look like either of us apologized?" Wolf asks as Benson and have just nodded.

Kipo and wolf's eyes suddenly shrink as they hear the sound of flys buzzing.

"Boss!" Jamack yells out as he looks over.

The mod frogs clear the way for mod boss, who has two flys under her feat carrying her forward.

"You're back. I have a--" jamack starts off before he's interrupted by mod boss.

"So, this is her?" Mod boss asks as she floats past jamack and one of her flies pushes him.

"A gift for you." Jamack says quietly.

Mod boss steps off her flys as the other two made her a staircase. One then gave her a pair of glasses as she inspected kipo.

"Skin untouched by the sun." Mod boss says as she reaches back and opens her hand for a pencil.

Using it, she opens kipo's mouth wide open.

"Not a single tooth missing." She says before she smiles and stands up.

"Well done, Jamack. This girl is from a burrow. Scarlemagne will pay handsomely for her."

"Wait, what now? Did she just say who I think she said? Dave asks slightly panicked.

" the human collecter?" Kipo questions as wolf nods.

A sudden thumping caught their attention as mod boss sniffed the air.

"Nothing out of the ordinary. What did you humans-"

An arrow suddenly hits her smack dab in the middle of the face and she quickly covers it with both her hands.

More arrows start to come down and bounce off effortlessly as the mod boss reaches down and inspects the arrow, her eyes widening as she noticed fur on the end of it.

"Oh, I hope you didn't think we were lying about that whole mega bunny hunters thing. Cause we weren't." Kipo and wolf had smug looks on their faces.

"And right before jamack grabbed us and led us to your base of operations..." Some of the mod frogs look over to jamack.

"We found a nest of babies. Their fur is so soft." Kipo says with a smile as they suddenly hear a bike coming towards them.

Y/n jumps off his bike and allows it to hit one of the mod frogs straight on. Sending them and the bike onto the floor.

Unluckily for the mod frog, they landed in one of the spaces and quickly slipped into the water.

"Mama bird has arrived." Y/n says as he stands to his full height, the mega bunny stood behind him and sniffing the air.

"Jamack!" Mod boss yells out angered as y/n quickly hit the frog with red eyes with a swipe of the blunt side of his spear.

"That was the signal!" Wolf yells out as y/n quickly vaults over the car and using that momentum drop kicks the buff frog.

"I'm trying here! Mandu!" Y/n yells out as Mandu finally jumps out of the water with wolf's death stick. Spinning it rapidly, mandu hits mod boss in the face, sending them to their side.

Mandu then throws the deathstalker stick to wolf who catches it and stabs it into the lily pad, quickly breaking her bonds and then kipo's.

Y/n had meanwhile kicked a mod frog away and spun his per around before walking another one of the mod frogs off the lily pads and into the water.

The mama Mega-bunny then steps into the pond, sending tadpoles away as they shrieked in terror.

The group all comes up and hangs onto a lily pad. Kipo is a little bit far away until y/n reaches out and grabs her bringing her in.

"Less admiring more escaping!" Y/n yells out as he gets onto the lily pad and quickly helps kipo onto it as well.

"To where!? And how!?" Dave questioned as he continued to stare at the mega bunny, who was easily taking out attacking mod frogs with ease.

"I'm working on that!" Y/n yells as he easily picks up dave and Mandu from the water, putting them on the lily pad.

The group starts to use their arms as paddles to get away from the mega bunny.

"You enraged a 100-foot-tall mom beast on purpose. What was your plan after that?" Dave asked as he looked over at kipo.

"To get you outta this mess! Now, help paddle!" Y/n exclaimed as he helped paddle as well.

"Know what? We'd have done the same." Benson says as he smiles over at kipo and y/n.

"Look out!" Benson yells as jamack comes closer riding atop the dragonfly that carries the car.

Y/n quickly went to push kipo down and did so.

"Human scum!" Jamack yells as he swings.

Kipo yelped slightly as y/n quickly sat himself back up and looked over, only to see a small wound on kipo, that was bleeding slightly.

Y/n eyes widened before he squinted them and looked over at jamack, who was approaching for a second attack.

"You played me! Actually, I'm impressed!" Jamack said, for some reason swinging even though he was way too far to hit anything.

Wolf spun her death stick when y/n jumped past her and punched jamack off of the dragonfly, sending the frog flying through the air.

Y/n took control of the dragonfly as the mega bunny caused another wave to send the group's lilypad forward.

Y/n comes back and floats near them, holding onto the back of its neck with his legs locked around them.

"Come on!" Y/n yells at the group as he extends a hand to them.

"How you-?" Dave's started to ask but y/n cut him off.

"Vigorous training! Now get on!" Y/n yells out as he grabs dave's hand and pulls him onto the dragonfly behind him.

The group quickly follows after and the dragonfly flies forward, hoping to get away from the mega bunny.

The group looks back as y/n faces forward, keeping the dragonfly steady as the mega bunny follows after them.

"Guys, what's faster, a bunny or a frog?" Kipo asks as she notices jamack in the car now being carried by the four flies of mod boss.

Jamack has a dark bruise on the left side of his face and his eyes are squinted tight.

The car starts getting faster and quickly starts to catch up with the group.

Y/n notices this as he turns towards the mega bunny.

"Why is he so fast!?" Y/n questions as he quickly tuned forward again.

"Go through skyscraper ridge! It's the only way we're gonna shake these guys!" Wolf yells out as y/n turns the dragonfly towards the ridge.

Y/n twists his body slightly and grabs dave, then spins back and puts him in front of himself.

"You better put your money where your mouth is bug boy!" Wolf says as she looks at the ridge that rapidly approaches.

Y/n suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder, and he looked back to see Benson.

"Yea?" Y/n questions as Benson points in front of him.

"Can you uh..." Benson questions as y/n nods and quickly picks Benson up with strain.

"Oh." Benson says as he is put down. "Ok."

Benson quickly goes to digging in his backpack as dave looks into it.

"Not that one. Let's do this old-school style." Dave tells Benson who then pulls out a cassette tape.

"Wait, this right here is where it's all at." Benson says with a smile.

Sliding it into the walkman, Benson presses play as a beat starts off.

"See, this right here is why we need experienced guides, ok?" Benson questions as the firefly turn slightly to go through a more comfortable part of the ridge.

"Well take the eastern spur."
"Well take the northern summit!" Dave and Benson say at the same time, pointing in two different directions.

"Eastern spur?" "North summit?" They ask each other at the same time.

"Uh, guys?" Kipo questioned as she noticed the car was now right behind the dragonfly.

The car rams into the back of the dragonfly sending it away faster and into the ridge.

The dragonfly spins itself and goes through a windowless window.

The car is now on the side of the dragonfly.

"Burrow girl!" Jamack says in a singsong voice.

Suddenly going up, Benson and Dave once again fight over directions.

"Go left!" "Go right!"

"Ok, go right again!" Benson yells out as the dragonfly goes through a large hole with a staircase that leads to an open door.

"Go up! Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go up, go up, go up!"  Benson yells out panicked.

"Right! Left! Uh, Up!"  Benson yells directions at random.

"How is he still on our tail!?" Benson questions, surprised at jamack's persistence.

After a few more turns, the loud sound of glass breaking is heard, as jamack steps onto the hood of the car.

Shooting out his tongue, kipo notices the slimy appendage.

"Ahh Incoming!" Kipo yells as the dragonfly dogges and jamack hits a wooden support beam instead. Launching himself past the group before coming back as the entire group yells.

Somehow, Jamack was able to catch kipo and land won't the hood of his car again.

"Kipo!" Y/n yells out as he instantly found they lacked a specific pink human he had grown to like.

"Huh?" Wolf asks as she looks back, but quickly notices kipo is in fact, not there.

"What!?" Wolf yells out as she looks back towards the car. Where the mega bunny is practically right behind.

Kipo suddenly raised her hand and jamack wrapped his hand around it.

"What are they...?" Y/n questions aloud as he watches kipo put something behind the jamack's back. The bunny losing over them.

Kipo pulls her arm back and the mega bunny bites down on the back of jamack's suit, him screaming.

The car suddenly crashes and kipo is sent flying from it.

The group suddenly comes from beneath her as y/n reaches up and grabs her. Pulling him down in front of himself.

"You ok?" Y/n asks with genuine concern as kipo turns to look up at him with shocked eyes.

Kipo blinks and smiles at y/n, causing the male to sigh in relief.

"Woo-hoo! That was cold, kipo. Respect!" Dave yells out as bumps his fist into the air.

They finally get out of the ridge and fly over it, kipo starting forward and leaning back slightly into y/n, who had his arms wrapped around her.

The clover-shaped highway soon comes into view and the group lands.

Y/n moved his arms back off from kipo as they all got off the dragonfly.

The group walked forward as y/n stopped and pet the dragonfly's head.

"Good girl... Good girl..." Y/n says soothingly, the dragonfly leaning into his touch before he pulled his hand away and it flew off.

Dave suddenly grunted and stopped moving as everyone looked over at him. 

Dave rapidly grows, his body having all pairs of arms, extremely muscular, and a horn on his head. His body much more purple than ever before

Dave remains in a flexing stance as everyone stares at his muscular taller form.

A pair of wings also come out of his back.

"That probably would have been helpful, like, five minutes ago." Benson says in minor annoyance

"Extremely." Y/n says as he squints his eyes at dave.

"Well NOW if anyone needs a jar opened? I got them." Dave says as he flexes more.

"Just so you know, no one in my burrow has ever seen a mute before... Besides a giant worm." Kipo says

Mandu snorts a few times and kipo reaches down and picks her up.

"But they'll get used to you pretty quick." Kipo says as she looks down at mandu

"Heh, wait a minute. You're inviting us down there?" Benson asks in surprise and points backward towards the burrow, clear confusion in his tone.

"Yeah. Don't you wanna come?" Kipo questions

"You always have a warm meal. You don't have to sleep with one eye open." Kipo lists reasons why they should join as y/n stands there awkwardly.

"Sign us up!" Dave exclaims as kipo starts walking.

"Bye-bye, surface! I won't miss you!" Benson yells out as he and dave follow after kipo.

"Everyone's probably still cleaning up from the attack. Wait until I tell my father about the mutes we saw!" Kipo exclaims as she walks off with the group.

Y/n slowly turns towards wolf, who also didn't follow after them.

"Guessing you aren't going with them?" Y/n asks as wolf looks over at him, no emotions present on her face.

"Nope." She simply says as she turns around and starts to walk off.

"Where are you going?!" Kipo asks as she uses her hands to amplify the sound of her voice.

" I promised to get you home. I never said I'd be your roommate." Wolf says as she stops walking.

Wolf then continues walking off.

Kipo then turns her attention to y/n, who looked away nervously.

"Are you also gonna...?" Kipo asks, her voice getting more silent near the end of the sentence.

" I don't know... Maybe? I mean, even if life is easier down there, I'm gonna miss all of this." Y/n says as he gestures around himself.

"..." Kipo says nothing, but sadness is evident on her face.

"I mean..." Y/n says once he notices the sad look on kipo's face. 

"Maybe I could check it out...?" Y/n questions as kipo's face instantly brighten up.

"Yes yes yes! You won't regret this!" Kipo yells out as she grabs y/n's arm and quickly pulls the boy along with her.

Kipo leads him to a bush, where the others quickly follow suit.

"Come on, we're almost there." Kipo says excitedly.

Coming out of the other side of the bush, kipo pulls y/n along with jer. Before she is forced to let go of him to move branches out of her way.

Going through another bush and two growing trees, kipo loses her smile and gasps.

The group come through and immediately notice the problem as well.

"Kipo... I'm sorry..." Y/n says softly as he puts a hand on the pink human's shoulder.

In front of them, a massive hole in the earth could be seen.

Kipo and the hand are now in the hole. Kipo pushes a standing pile of rubble before running off to a different one, pushing it as it broke and fell to the floor.

Kipo climbed a rock nearby and looked around as y/n, dave, mandu and Benson watched.

Mandu squealed Softley as Benson rubbed the back of his head.

"Man, I knew this was too good to be true." Dave says in disappointment.

"Uh, I see a lot of broken stuff, but no signs of people." Benson says as he puts a head to his forehead and looked around.

"Hu! No signs of any people." Kipo says as she suddenly turned around and ran off.

"Are you sure you didn't live alone kipo? I will not judge, ok?" Benson as he puts a hand up.

Kipo grunts as Benson looks down at dave.

"I feel like we should follow her." Benson says.

"Definitely. Let's go." Y/n says as he starts walking in the direction kipo went.

Kipo inputs a code and a giant sealed door suddenly opens.

Kipo stares at the large empty room and a smile forms on her face.

Kipo turns around as the group stopped walking behind her.

"Benson," kipo starts off as she walks over to Benson, grabbing both his arms.

"You rule." Kipo pulled Benson in and gave him a peck on the check.

Y/n Instantly felt a blossom of jealousy at the quick kiss kipo had given to dave. But he quickly pushed it down. Now was neither the time nor his place to be getting jealous over who kipo kissed.

"Oh, wh... What'd I do?" Benson asked confused.

"No people, not even in the bunker." Kipo says as she points over to the room.

"That's where we're supposed to hide when things get really bad." Kipo says

"If no one's there, they got away." She finishes explaining.

"My father my friends... They got away somewhere." Kipo says with a large smile. Slowly her smile leaves her as she looks over at the sky.

"And if they're somewhere... I can find them." Kipo says with determination.

Y/n looks up and stares directly at wolf, who seemed surprised at him noticing her.

"You're gonna need help." Wolf said as kipo and the rest of the gain turned towards her.

"I thought you were a lone wolf." Kipo says as she walked forward, her wrist on her hips.

"I'm home now. You did your job." Kipo says in slight frustration.

" you're not home yet. My job's not over yet." Wolf said statically as she started forward.

Kipo smiled and her shoulders sagged, and wolf also smiled.

"Well help you, too, kipo. We got your back." Dave says as he flies over to kipo and wraps one of his arms around her shoulder.

"Totally! What should we do it for, Dave?" Benson asks before mandu rams into his legs.

"Ow, ow, ow! Ok, well do it for... For like, food." Benson says as he stands up straight.

Mandu once again starts to ram into him.

"Ok, Ok, for free, for free." Benson says, hoping for the wrath of the pig to end.

"Pig, you need to be pet. Come here. Let me show you some love." Dave says as he starts to fly towards mandu.

Kipo then notices that only one member, besides the one who legitimately couldn't talk, has said they would join her.

Kipo looked over at y/n, who has a smile on his face.

"Will you also come with us?" Kipo questions, As y/n turns over towards her.

"I uh... Yeah... Yeah, I guess I can stick around. The surface doesn't have very much to do, and you're making it a lot more exciting, so uh... Thanks for that." Y/n says, a blush forming on his face at the end of his sentence.

Kipo let out a giggle.

Suddenly, they hear the sound of something hitting the floor, and they all look up.

Instantly y/n loses his smile as he sees a bunch of cats wielding axes starting down the hole. One reputedly hitting his axe against the floor.

"Oh come on..." Y/n says slightly frustrated at the new axe-wielding foes.  Sure he wanted something exciting, cats with axes weren't exactly in his definition of it.

"Uh, guys?" Kipo questions what to do as they all stare at the cats above them.

I'm so glad I finally finished this. I ran out of creative liberty at one point when I was creating the first scene. Remade it seven times before just sticking to the currently existing one. I'm so sorry it took so long for me to pump this thing out. I've just been so busy. Nothing can possibly excuse the fact that it just left y'all hanging like I did, so I'm sorry.

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