Ben 10 Academia(Ben 10 X MHA)

By Fluffyplatypus25

271K 5K 3.6K

ahem.... It started when an alien device did what it did And stuck itself upon his wrist with secrets that it... More

2||The Exam
3||Results/Apprehension Test
4||Battle Trial
5||USJ Pt. 1
6||USJ pt. 2
7||Sports festival Begins
8||Sports Festival 2: Electric Boogaloo
9||Ben Tennyson Vs Mina Ashido
10||Ben vs Tokoyami
poll thing
11||Ben Vs Bakugo
12||Hero names
13||Work study
14||Ghosts of the Past
15||Exam prep
17||Rats Mall
Fanmade Alien Poll
18||Two Heroes pt. 1
19||Two heroes Pt. 2
20||Two Heroes pt.3
21||Two Heroes pt.4
24||Doctor's orders
25||Mutants! Mutant! Oh My!
27||All for one
28||The Symbol of Peace
29||The dorms
30||Super Moves
31||License Exam pt. 1
32||Licence Exam Pt. 2
33||License exam Pt. 3
34||License Exam Pt. 4
35||Mama Mirio here i go reusing jokes
37||Save the last dance
38||Work Study 2: Overused Joke Boogaloo
39||Unpleasant talk
42||Crazy bench
43||Echoes of Overhaul
44||Infinite Control
47||Tea Time
47.5||Late unfinished April fools ig
48||Starting to run outta titles
49||Bakualbum Gently weeps
50||Ben 10 VS Gentle criminal
51||Let it flow! School festival!
52||New Threats
53||Ben babysits Eri and nothing bad happens
54||The Imposter
55||The New Recruit
56||My Albedo Academia
57||Revival Party
58||Albedo: Origins
60||Old Enemies
61||Heroes rising pt. 1
62|| Heroes rising Pt. 2
63||Heroes rising pt. 3
64||All hands on deck
65||Joint Training
69||I swear if someone says a lewd joke--
70||a Very Ben 10 Christmas
73||Endeavour agency
74||One thing at a time
75||The hellish Todorokis
poll thing 2: Age of Ultron
77||THis Fffire
77.5||Wildmutt's secret
78||World's Mission Pt. 1
79||World's mission pt. 2
80||Worlds Mission pt.3
81||World's Mission Pt. 4
83||World's Mission Pt. 6
84||Freaks and Geeks
85||Albedo and the Beast
85.5||Trivia 2
86||The Future Speaks Pt.1
87||The Future speaks Pt. 2
88||The Future Speaks pt.3
89||The Future Speaks pt.4
90||The High, Deep Blue sky
91||Calm before the Storm
91.5||Future Playlists
92||A quiet Beginning
93||Mirko, The no. 5 Hero
94||One's Justice
95|| Kevin 11
96||He'll Never fade away
98||The Thrill of destruction
100||Disaster Walker
101||League of villains vs. UA students
102.5|| April fools 2023
102||Ben Vs Albedo
103||The lesser of two evils

82||World mission Pt.5

879 23 14
By Fluffyplatypus25

The boys get in a plane and fly towards Humarise's secret base.

"Don't worry." Rody consoles. "I know the basic controls."

Pino nervously chirps as Rody quickly silences her.

the boys suit up in their hero costumes for their mission to protect the heroes and the world.

(Oh yeah btw this is what Ben's costume looks like now, don't question what or who I cropped out of this picture, Ben is just very shocked and is looking up for no reason)

Todoroki informs HQ of the situation and their plan to stop the bombs remotely from Humarise's main HQ.

meanwhile the heroes around the globe manage to locate the trigger bombs but are resisted by Humarise troops, some possess quirks, while others are using Forever knight tech.

back with the boys they approach Humarise's HQ

"I hope it's okay..." Midoriya begins. "But I told them about Albedo and about how he's the one that committed all those crimes 6 years ago..."

"Um..." Ben nervously sweats. "About that..."

"We're in their airspace!" Rody calls out cutting Ben off.

meanwhile Humarise has noticed their presence

"Purge the gravely afflicted..." Flect turn orders three hooded individuals, along with Chadwick, the leader of the Forever knight faction allied with Humarise.

back in the plane Rody is about to land.

"Rody.... Turn back after this...." Ben orders opening the Plane door and activating the Omnitrix.

"Why?!" Rody questions.

"Commoner, like you should stay put..." Bakugou snarls.

"From this point on..." Todoroki mutters. "Is a heroes job..."

the 4 jump out of the plane as Ben presses down the Omnitrix.

"FINALLY!" Jetray exclaims. "I've been trying to get this guy all week..."

the Humarise disciples fire automatic rifles at the children as Forever knights join with their laser lances.

"Small fry should stay put!" Bakugou roars unleashing a volley of concussive blasts at the troops knocking them over.

some of the Humarise members start using their quirks as Forever knights add to it with cannons.

"Guess I shouldn't be too surprised the Forever Knobs are working with Humarise..." Jetray sighs as he shoots Neuroshock blasts at them.

a Forever Knight cannon fires at Bakugou throwing him off balance as Midoriya lands and knocks it over with an air force blast.

"Kacchan!" he calls out

"YEAH I KNOW!" Bakugou barks as he turns his onslaught onto the entrance opening it up for the boys.

Todoroki lands as well unleashing a wave of ice taking out several other Humarise and Forever knight members.

Jetray swoops in and catches Midoriya mid-air.

Jetray holds Midoriya with his feet as the green boi fires repeated air force blasts to continue clearing the way for himself, Jetray and Todoroki.

"Bakugou!" Todoroki calls out "we'll leave outside to you!"

"Don't tell me what to do!" Bakugou growls as he does exactly as he's told, bombarding the troops outside.

"Stop!" a forever knight calls out as Todoroki creates an ice barrier protecting both Midoriya and Jetray.

"We're taking a right at the end here!" Midoriya orders as Jetray makes a hard right.

as they fight through the halls a turret activates tearing through Todoroki's barrier like pelted stones through glass.

Todoroki quickly counter attacks with a fire wire destroying the turret.

"Todoroki!" Midoriya calls out.

"Ben, take Deku ahead!" Todoroki commands as Forever knights rush forward and begin to open fire. "There's no time!"

Todoroki quickly puts up an ice barrier to protect himself as Midoriya runs off, followed by Jetray.

the son of endeavour equips a battle stance ready to face his opponents.

as Jetray continues to fly he hears several loud explosions from behind signifying that Todoroki is far more occupied than he originally thought.

Jetray and Midoriya blitz through the Humarise members, both using supersonic speeds to beat the clock.

"We need to hurry!' Midoriya exclaims to himself as he kicks his way through a group of Knights.

"We need to get there in time!" Jetray remarks as he barrels through some Humarise cultists.

"DON'T GET IN OUR--" Midoriya begins before in a golden blur the hero-in-training is smashed against the wall, his face pressed further and further into the stone by a taloned gauntlet.

before them stands Chadwick in a power suit, armed with weapons made of pure energy.

(Never seen the reboot but I found a gif of this guy kicking Diamondhead's tuchus and thought he looked cool)

Jetray immediately attempts to fire at the figure with a neuroshock only for it to be blocked by an energy shield.

"Behold the Forever Templar!" Chadwick announces. "The Pinnacle of Forever knight engineering! Even if a few heroes manage to escape the trigger bombs this suit will be more than enough to exterminate them!"

"Go!" Midoriya grunts, even 25% of full cowling struggling against his attacker. "Go on without me!"

Jetray takes his friends advise and continues on his way toward the control room.

"No you don't!" Chadwick mutters as he aims a wrist cannon at Jetray.

Deku quickly reacts by firing an air blast at his wrist causing him to misfire into the wall.

using Chadwicks confusion Deku manages to push his attacker off of himself and takes a swing at him.

the Templar dodges the kick and counter attacks grappling Deku's leg overpowering full cowling and smashing him into the ground leaving a dent in the terrain.

"I hate people like you..." Chadwick scoffs. "You quirk holders never earned this power... But I earned mine... with this suit I will become a KING in a quirkless world...."

he grabs Deku by the collar of his costume and slams him into the wall.

"You don't stand a chance child..."

Jetray barges through the doors now in a sprawling empty library.

Jetray looks around, not reverting yet as to remain alert.

"This is the furthest room back..." Jetray thinks to himself. "So the control room must be beyond those doors."

Jetray prepares to blast off through the doors before a turret activates and shoots at Jetray causing him to reflexively back up.

"So the devil comes to my doorstep..." a voice begins. "How dare a vile unnatural thing like you enter this holiest of places..."

atop the Bannister overlooking the Library stand Flect turn himself.

"This is a sacred place that will bring about the salvation of humanity..."

metal sheets begin to rise up covering the bookshelves.

"This isn't the salvation of humanity!" Jetray growls. "Those hooky-pooky crackpot theories have no merit! lunatics like you just use that as an excuse to spread bigotry!"

"It makes sense that you would oppose me. And I should be the one to end you..." Flect remarks as he walks down the stairs. "Pure humans are being threatened by the disease of quirks. as time passes, they mix, evolve, and become out of control..."

"That's not true!" Jetray snarls. "Whether you're quirkless or not! We're all Humans!"

"But you are not..." Flect turn reveals. "Are you?..."

"What?" the confused Aerophibian questions.

"Just look at yourself..." Flect states. "Every time I see you, you've taken an even more repulsive form... One of my loyal activists injected you with Ideo-Trigger a few days ago... And yet you were unaffected...."

his tone appears to be that of pure unadulterated devotion to his beliefs.

"It is clear you are not a human... you are a devil... one only I can purge.... the gravely afflicted and beyond my help... but you are even beyond Gods..."

"Okay, Okay..." Jetray groans. "Villain speech as much as you want about how you're totally doing god's work or something, I'm going to go stop those bombs..."

Jetray fires a neuroshock at Flect turn.

the cult leader doesn't even flinch as the blast hits him square in the chest before energy manifests behind him and shoots forth hitting Jetray with his own attack.

the blast hits the Omnitrix forcing Ben back to human form as he's knocked into the wall.

our hero struggles to get up, powering through the paralyzing blast.

"Oh I get it..." Ben smirks rubbing his chest in pain. "Your quirk lets you reflect...."

"That is correct, I was born with a disease..." Flect turn mutters as he removes his cape, Mirror-like devices beginning to surround him and allow him to hover a few inches off the ground.

"A disease that won't go away, that reflects everything..."

spider-like arms shoot forth from Flect's back all having mirrors on them.

his body is adorned with mirrors.

"So it's a reflection quirk that's always active, huh..." Ben thinks to himself.

Ben activates the Omnitrix and transforms.

"KICKIN' HAWK!" the titular Alien screeches.

"Revolting..." Flect turn mutters.

"So ya got a quirk yourself, you hypocrite!" Kickin' hawk caws as he delivers a kick to Flects head.

the attack is reflected back as Kickin' hawk is smashed through the wall again.

"So physical attacks too?" Kickin' hawk grunts nursing his injured leg.

"I'm a hypocrite?!" Flect scoffs in anger. "You insolent thing... because of this disease, I was never once held by my parents. Even those I called friends and those i gave my heart to.... They all left me, the disgusting creature who reflected even their own emotions..."

he stares at Kickin' hawks as he stares at his fist.

"Since I reflect everything, I couldn't even end my own life... Power that cannot be controlled can only lead to pain..."

he turns back to Ben.

"People's bodies and hearts were being crushed by the evolving quirks!"

using his hover mirrors he blasts himself forward toward Kickin' Hawk.

"I'll just stop attacking..." Kickin' hawk thinks to himself charging toward the approaching Flect. "If i can just grapple him without inflicting damage..."

the two clash as Kickin' hawk grabs his arms.

"I reject myself..." Flect growls as laser turrets from each corner of the library begins to open fire upon Kickin' hawk, who is forced to evade the lasers.

"I will erradicate the disease called 'Quirks' from this world..." Flect announces. "And then, I will save the pure humans from destruction!"

Flect unleashes his mirror as they all position themselves around the room and reflect lasers.

"This is even tougher than Ultimate Chromastone!" Kickin' hawk exclaims as the very obvious solution to this problem reveals itself.

Kickin' hawk dives forward reverting to human form as a laser manages to pierce his thigh.

Ben grunts in agony as several other lasers are shot at him.

the lasers all hit Ben as the results are shrouded by a flash of green.

"Vile Devil...." Flect scoffs as he turns his back.

suddenly rainbow energy hits him.

the recoil of the attack manifesting in front of Flect as he turns to see the attack go right back to...

"CHROMASTONE Baby!" he laughs. "How's about we give you a taste of your own medicine?!"

"You dare taunt me?!" a frustrated Flect turn growls as he lunges at Ben.

Chromastone gets into a fighting stance before his heart skips a beat as he hears a familiar beeping.

the omnitrix is flashing red as he's moments from timing out.

"NO!" Chromastone exclaims as he builds up as much energy as he can before unleashing it upon Flect.

the attack doesn't even phase Humarise's leader as he blasts it right back.

Ben only just about managing to take the attack before timing out and being knocked to the ground.

Ben attempts to get up before a laser shoots him through the shoulder causing the hero of heroes to fall into a puddle of his own blood.

"As I thought..." Flect spits as he turns around again opening up multiple screens hovering in the air.

Ben is overcome with despair as he sees the timer for the bombs.

"In Five minutes..." Flect begins. "The first step toward the salvation of humanity will finally begin... Through the death of many heroes."

barely even 5 minutes left....

barely even enough time for the Omnitrix to recharge...

he can't help...

but he has to try...

Ben struggles to get up as he picks up a book, intending to use it as a blunt weapon.

"I won't let you...." he growls as blood drips from his wounds. "I-I'm definitely going to stop those bombs..."

Ben clutches the book ready to fight to his last breath for the world.

"Then... you'll die like the devil you are..." Flect mutters as another laser is shot through Ben's back, barely missing anything vital.

Ben looks at the monitors seeing his friends fight for their lives.

"Ochaco... Tsuyu...." he mutters.

several more lasers hit Ben, the hero already too weak to even move from where he's standing.

"Kaminari.... Sero... even Mineta..."

Ben wheezes as he chokes on his own blood.

"Kirishima... Shoji... Jiro..."

Ben falls over the pain pulsing through his body as laser pierce his flesh


Ben pushes his body to it's limit just to stand.

"They're all fighting desperately... to stop the trigger bombs... To protect everyone's smiles.... no matter what it costs them..."

Ben's legs cave as he begins to collapse.

before Rody catches him.

"R-Rody...." Ben struggles through blood-filled coughs. "Why...? "

"It's fine now, Ben 10." Rody consoles.

"I-It's dangerous..." Ben whimpers as blood flows from him like a faucet. "Get away... from here..."

Rody reaches into Ben's back pocket taking out the disarming key.

"I will, once I give this key to those guys."

Ben looks at his traitorous friend as Rody slowly puts him down.

"Wh-Why...? " Ben groans as his body begins to breakdown.

"I was told..." Rody begins. "That if I got them the key, they'd disarm only the Otheon bomb..."

"Rody, No! " Ben sputters trying to regain his strength. "We're gonna stop it so--"

"Look at yourself..." Rody snaps back. "You can't even stand on your own... there's no time, the bombs going off in 4 minutes.. It's game over for you..."

Rody looks back at ben while refusing to make eye contact. "So I'll just protect my little brother and sister..."

he begins walking towards Flect.

"Ben 10, I'm not like your friend Kevin... I don't have a heart of gold under all this filth... I can't protect everything, take on everything like you Heroes do..."

he approaches the humarise leader.

"If I have to choose between the world or my family..." Rody mutters. "It's my family all the way..."

he begins to talk to Flect.

"It was that way for my dad, too, wasn't it?" Rody asks.

"Yes..." Flect responds. "Your father, Eddie soul, helped develop the humanity's salvation bomb.

Ben realizes Eddie Soul is Rody's father.

"What do you mean by helped?" Rody questions. "You took us, his family, as hostages. To make him do what you wanted..."

"Thanks to that, he was able to make the correct choice." Flect responds. "And you're exactly the same as him, you've made the correct choice to protect the ones you love... I'd do the same in your situation. I chose this plan because I truly love humanity."

Ben struggle to get back onto his feet before slipping on his own blood and collapsing again.

"Rody.... No..." Ben calls out as he crawls toward him.

"It's time to give up, Hero..." Rody remarks as he stands in front of Flect turn.

"This is how people are betrayed... it happens to me too, all the time... It's nothing to cry about..."

"Rody...." Ben repeats.

but as he lies there thunderstruck by his friends face-turn he sees Pino seated in Rody's hoodie.

the little pink bird stares into Bens eyes with a serious look on her face as she shakes her head...

as Ben remembers what Rody shared with Ben that night when Ben had inquired what Rody's quirk was.

Pino raises her wing signalling Ben to get up as he realizes Rody slipped something into his pocket as he took the key.

Rody smirks as he flips the key between his fingers before flicking it into the air.

this causes Flect to become distracted as Rody ducks while Ben pulls out a stun gun and fires it at Flect.

(Sadly, It was either I draw Ben with a stun gun or I get this chapter out before Halloween....)

"Pino!" Rody calls out as the bird grabs the key out of the sky.

Flect is confused for a second before Ben hurls a book at Flect's head, the damage manifesting and firing back at Ben.

"All right!" Rody exclaims as he runs toward the control room door. "All according to my plan!"

"You fool!" Flect growls as he knocks Ben aside and activates the turrets.

Rody nimbly dodges the lasers as Ben continues to try and distract Flect with thrown books.

Rody almost makes it to the door before a turret manages to shoot him through the chest...

Ben stares in shock as Rody falls to the ground lying face first in his blood.

"RODY!" Ben Cries as he grabs a piece of sheet metal and lunges at Flect with it.

"Weak..." Flect mutters as he reflects the attack back at Ben.

each attempt to get to his friend is foiled by Flect....

 time is running out....

Flect Turn places his boot on Ben's back as he presses our heroes head into the concrete.

"Imprudent..." Flect growls.

Ben's eyes glance up to see Rody, still alive but clinging to life.

"Kick that damn bastard's ass!" Rody orders as he clutches his wound. "Go! I'll stop the bombs!"

"GO, HERO! GO....!"

Flect turn kicks Ben into the wall.

our hero violently coughs as he feels his lungs cave in for a second as he collapses on the ground.

even while Timed out Ben is giving it all against impossible odds.

Flect turn presses his foot into Ben's head.

"After I vanquish this Devil, I shall go deal with that brat..." he remarks as Ben's face is smooshed.

"Everyone....They're willing to save the world..." Ben mutters. "No matter what it costs them..."

it might be the head trauma... but another wave of despair envelops Ben as he finally recalls what Zs'Skayr talked to him about....


"You have nothing to offer me." Ben scoffs at Zs'Skayr's mere proposal of a proposition.

"Yes... I do..." Zs'Skayr hisses. "I can help you.... and all I need you to do.... is not be scared..."

"Of what?" Ben laughs. "Of you?!"

"Of Course not!...." Zs'Skayr responds. "Of..."

Zs'Skayr groans.


simply saying that names seems to have pained the ectonurite...

"I've been in that tiny brain of yours long enough to know you seem to have deluded yourself into believing each of your DNA samples are their own individuals, all worthy of equal respect or some disgusting hero thing like that.... what makes Ghostfreak so different?..."

"Maybe it was when he tried to kill me?" Ben snaps back.

"I tried to kill you...." Zs'Skayr corrects. "Ghostfreak is of my DNA, and while my consciousness may have tagged along, Ghostfreak is his own Ectonurite now..."

"So is that it?" an impatient Ben sighs. "You've been giving me nightmares so I'd stop excluding your DNA-son?"

"No..." Zs'Skayr hisses.

"I have enough power to help you if you simply ask.... I could even recharge the Omnitrix if you need it..."

"And whats the catch?" a hesitant Ben inquires.

"My intervention will also lock my DNA as your next transformation, no dialing off... You'll have to become Ghostfreak... who I can help you utilize..."

"Really?" Ben inquires.

"Really!..." Zs'Skayr confirms. "You've only tapped into a fraction of an ectonurites true power.... on top of that I'm far too weak to take control of ghostfreak.... for now..."

"Why are you helping me instead of trying to escape again?" Ben asks.

"Because I don't want to spend another 4 years regenerating from a speak again..." Zs'Skayr howls. "And you've proven you can keep me in this thing, so you're survival is currently in my best interest..."

"Because if I die.... You die too..." Ben figures.

"So what do you say Tennyson? " Zs'Skayr grins. "It never hurts to have a back-up plan in a tough situation..."

Ben steps back before looking Zs'Skayr in the eye...

"I'll consider it..." he mutters. "Now how do I wake up?"

"Like this!..." Zs'Skayr cackles as he turns into a Peacock dressed as a clown and lunges at Ben waking him up.


Back to Present day Ben struggles against Flect turns foot

"No... matter the cost..." Ben repeats as he looks at his timed out Omnitrix "Sometimes you have to make a wrong choice to do what's right!"

Ben invokes Zs'Skayr as the Omnitrix begins to glow purple before flashing green signalling a recharge.

"Hey, Flect!" Ben calls out.

Humarise's leader looks down at Ben.

"You keep calling me a Devil... but I'm just as human as you..."

Ben activates the Omnitrix, and just as Zs'Skayr said, Ghostfreak is the only option the Omnitrix will let him dial.

"But HE'S not... and he's DYING to meet you!" Ben exclaims as he slams his clenched fist into the Omnitrix.

before Flect can react he's blinded by the Omnitrix's green flash.

"GHOSTFREAK!!!" the apparition sadistically cackles.

the freak phases through Flect foot appearing before him.

"I won't let you go!.." he howls. "You're not getting past us!..."

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