RWBY Robots in Disguise

By Hadwinmarshall9

3.7K 94 36

Transformers and RWBY crossover based on The 1984 G1 series with the other shows like Beast Wars and The Unic... More

More Than Meets The Eye pt 1
More Than Meets The Eye pt 2
More Than Meets The Eye pt 3
Transport to Oblivion
Roll for it
Divide and Conquer, The Protectons join the fray
Fire in the Sky, Terrakors join the Fray
S.O.S Dinobots
Fire on the Mountain
War of the Dinobots
The Ultimate Doom Pt 1
The Ultimate Doom pt 2
The Ultimate Doom pt 3, Cybertron gets Yeeted
Countdown to Extinction, The Execution of Dr. Merlot
Plague of Insecticons
Heavy Metal War
Autobot Ruby
Changing Gears
City of Steel
Attack of the Autobots
The Immobilizer


70 3 0
By Hadwinmarshall9

We open to a Energy Research lab

Scientist 1: What a triumph for modern science! These electro cells will solve all of the Earth's energy problems!

Scientist 2: But, until we can stabilize them, they could explode at any moment!

The ceiling starts to break

Scientist 2: What the--?

Scientist 1: Decepticons!

Skywarp: I just love opening presents!

Starscream: And those electro cells will make a wonderful gift for Megatron!

Scientist 1: No! Stop! They could detonate without warning!

Then a Messerschmitt Me-262 A-1a/U4 transforms

Megatron: Stand back at once, Starscream!

Starscream: Megatron!

Megatron: The electro cells are too ticklish to withstand your heavy-handed mauling! I want to preserve these objects until I choose to use them to destroy the Autobots.

Scientist 2

But you don't understand the danger!

Scientist 1 AND 2: (Scream as they fall to the ground and utter a collective "Ooof!" as they land)

Scientist 1: If one of those cells explodes, it could set off a chain reaction that could devastate the Earth!

Megatron: You heard the human. Exercise extreme caution. Now, to ensure no more electro cells can be created.........Starscream, demolish this installation!

Then Starscream fires a cluster bomb, destroying the area

Starscream: It is as you ordered, mighty Megatron.

Megatron: Then let us return to headquarters and begin the first chapter in the book of Decepticon supremacy!

At the Autobot base

Cliffjumper: Good news, Prime! I've located the missing electro cells.

Optimus Prime

Good work, Cliffjumper. Where?

Cliffjumper: In the same area Mirage patrolled yesterday.

Mirage: Impossible! I'd have picked up a reading on them for sure!

Cliffjumper: Maybe you did, but decided to keep it quiet.

Optimus Prime: That'll do, Cliffjumper. We don't want bad feelings, just the electro cells. Autobots, transform!

Optimus Prime transforms into a Kenworth K100 Aerodyne with a trailer

Prowl transforms into a 2016 Dodge Charger Pursuit

Ironhide transforms into a INKAS Sentry APC

Mirage then transforms into a Tyrrell P34B with Citanes decal

Ratchet transforms into a Dodge WC-54 Ambulance

Sunstreaker transforms into a yellow 1999 Lamborghini Diablo GTR

Jazz transforms into a 2007 Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione with Martini decals

Bluestreak transforms into a 2005 Nissan 350Z

Hound transforms into a Radio Willys MB. with a Browning M1919 mounted onto the rear

Cliffjumper transforms into a 2011 Mini John Cooper Works Clubman

They then drive off

With the Decepticons

Starscream: Why do you delay, Megatron? The power in these cells would be transferred to the energon cubes by now and the Autobots if I were in charge!

Megatron: But I am in charge, Starscream, and until I ensure that this fail-safe monitor device works, I will not risk the electro cells exploding.

Starscream: Where is the courage your leadership demands, Megatron? To discover if something works, you must dare to test it!

Megatron: You fool! You'll destroy us all!

Starscream: (Mockingly) Destroy us all, oh, brave Megatron? Perhaps it's time the Decepticons looked elsewhere for direction, to someone prepared to make command decisions!

The transfer worked perfectly!

Megatron: Perfectly, you say? Look again!


Starscream: Aaaahh!

Megatron: This time you have dared too much, Starscream. You must pay the price for your insolence!

The Autobots drive up

Cliffjumper: There, Prime! In that valley, where Mirage found nothing!


Optimus Prime: Autobots, transform!

Cliffjumper: Decepticon at 12 o'clock!

They see Laserbeak

Optimus Prime: All right, Autobots! Retrieve the electro cells!

Laserbeak flies to Soundwave and reports the Autobots

Soundwave: Autobots attacking! Prepare to counter-attack!

Megatron: Excellent! I shall rid myself of those nuisances once and for all! The Insecticons are nearby. Order them to action!

Soundwave: Yes, Megatron.

Megatron:And Soundwave........Tell them there'll be a special reward in it for them. (Laughs)

Optimus Prime: This way, Autobots! Move in!

Cliffjumper: Try and remember which side you're on, Mirage!

Optimus Prime: Keep your mind on the Decepticons, Cliffjumper!

Cliffjumper: That's just what I'm doin'!

They engage with the Decepticons as Rumble shoots at Cliffjumper

Cliffjumper: An electro cell! Come to papa!

Starscream lands behind him

Starscream: Not so fast, "Papa."

Starscream shoots Cliffjumper, making him fall

Starscream: Didn't you ever learn not to touch things that don't belong to you?

Starscream aims his Null Ray at Cliffjumper

Cliffjumper: Okay, Optimus! Jump him! Now!

Starscream: (Timidly) Optimus Prime? Where?

Starscream turns around but is shot in the back by Cliffjumper

Starscream: Aaahh!

Cliffjumper: Poor Starscream. The oldest tricks only work on the biggest jerks!

Skywarp and Mirage clash

Skywarp: Aahh! Uahh, I didn't feel a thing!

Mirage: Then let's try again!

Mirage attempts to punch him but Skywarp dodges

Skywarp: Too fast for ya, huh, Auto-bum?

Skywarp grabs Mirage but is thrown down

Mirage Groans and grunts as he struggles with Skywarp then Shrapnel flies towards him

Shrapnel: May I be of some assistance assistance?

Shrapnel shoots at Mirage, knocking him down with something I'm his hand, which is Skywarp's Decepticon Insignia

Optimus Prime: Release the electro cells, Megatron! They don't belong to you.

Megatron: I possess them. Therefore I own them! You've lost, Optimus Prime. Your destruction is at hand!

Kickback shoots at Optimus, knocking him down

Megatron: Neither you nor your Autobot simpletons and your friends can prevent me from ruling the Universe!

Shrapnel shoots at Cliffjumper but misses as Cliffjumper shoots him out of the sky, Shrapnel transforms and shoots at Cliffjumper once again

Cliffjumper: Dah! Missed, beetle-breath!

Shrapnel shoots at Cliffjumper but hits the cells

Cinder Fall: Megatron, the cells.

Megatron: The cells! They'll all explode!!

We see the Decepticons try to stop the fire

Megatron: The electro cells! Forget the Autobots and save them! Stand back, you fools! Nitrogen will smother the flames!

Megatron extinguishes the flames as the Autobots check on Mirage

Optimus Prime: Mirage, can you still transform?

Mirage: I... I think so.

Optimus Prime: We can't risk further combat so close to the electro cells. Retreat to headquarters! Autobots, transform... and roll out!

Optimus Prime transforms into a Kenworth K100 Aerodyne with a trailer

Prowl transforms into a 2016 Dodge Charger Pursuit

Ironhide transforms into a INKAS Sentry APC

Mirage then transforms into a Tyrrell P34B with Citanes decal

Ratchet transforms into a Dodge WC-54 Ambulance

Sunstreaker transforms into a yellow 1999 Lamborghini Diablo GTR

Jazz transforms into a 2007 Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione with Martini decals

Bluestreak transforms into a 2005 Nissan 350Z

Hound transforms into a Radio Willys MB. with a Browning M1919 mounted onto the rear

Cliffjumper transforms into a 2011 Mini John Cooper Works Clubman

They drive off as Ruby yells at the Decepticons

Ruby: We'll be back, Megatron! Bank on that!

Megatron: (To himself) We'll be waiting!

At the Autobot base

Ratchet: Just a couple o' twists of the bolt-capper and you'll be as good as new, Mirage.

Yang: and some minor touches to your paint chips from battle

Cliffjumper: We'd have had those cells yesterday if Mirage had reported them in the first place!

Mirage: I already told you. They weren't there!

Weiss: so stop it Cliffjumper

Cliffjumper: I say they were, and you didn't report it!

Optimus Prime: Hold on, Cliffjumper. Until you can back your remarks with proof, I'll take Mirage's word. Now, I want you to go to the ridge and maintain surveillance of those electro cells. If the Decepticons try to move 'em, I want to know about it at once!

Cliffjumper:You can depend on me, Prime!

Ratchet: Put your axel up and rest a while, Mirage. I'll look in on you later.

Ratchet turns and leaves

Mirage: (To himself) I don't need rest.

Mirage reveals Skywarp's Decepticon Insignia and glares at it

With the Decepticons

We see a familiar Tyrrell P34B with Citanes decals drive up and transforms into robot mode and stealthily watches

Bombshell: Two measly energon cubes? Is that Megatron's idea of a reward??

Kickback: I'd say that's pretty good.

Shrapnel: Not when Megatron has so many more more!

Mirage turns invisible and waits for the Insecticons to leave as he steals the 2 cubes and plants Skywarp's Decepticon Insignia, he then exits and transforms into a Tyrrell P34B with Citanes decal and drives off with the 2 cubes

With the Autobots

Mirage drives up and transforms into robot mode and holds the two cubes

Cliffjumper: (To himself) Just what I suspected. Mirage is helping the Decepticons.

Mirage places the cubes down as Cliffjumper aims his gun at him

Cliffjumper: I could never fire on a fellow Autobot, but Mirage is no longer one of us!

Then the Insecticons appear and approach

Mirage: Perfect! My plan is working already!

Bombshell: First the Decepticons reward us, then they rob us!

Shrapnel: We'll take back our energon cubes and more-more!

Mirage: Time for me to reposition myself!

Mirage disappears again

Cliffjumper: (To himself) I'll report the Insecticon activity to Prime as soon as I take care of that traitor Mirage.

But where'd he go? Uh oh, sounds like I'm not alone.

Starscream: You're not--and this is one of those times when you really need a friend!

Cliffjumper looks to the side acting happy

Cliffjumper: What?

Starscream yelps in pain and surprise as Cliffjumper crashes into him in vehicular mode

Megatron: What were you firing at, Starscream?

Starscream: Uh, an Autobot spy!

Megatron: Obviously, you missed!

Starscream: (Noticing Mirage's presence) Well, I won't miss him!

The Decepticons fire upon Mirage but hit the Insecticons instead

Shrapnel: They're firing on us-us! It's a Decepticon ambush-ambush!

Bombshell: Attack!

Kickback: Attack!

Shrapnel: Fight back-back!

The Insecticons transform and attack

Mirage: (Laughs to himself) Time for me to disappear!

Megatron: You missed again!

Starscream: We both missed!

The Insecticons shoot at the Decepticons

Starscream: Don't worry about the Autobots--worry about them!

Megatron: Those greedy little Insecticons are trying to steal my electro cells! I will squash them like the bugs they are! Decepticons, attack!

Kickback: Hiiii-yaahh!

Kickback punts Megatron

One Decepticon down!

Skywarp: But not out!

The Insecticons shoot Mirage

Mirage: Aaah!

Shrapnel: Where did this one come from-from? I'll finish him off-off!

Bombshell: No! We can make use of him!

Bombshell transforms into a Japanese Rhinoceros Beetle and shoots a Cerebro Shell at Mirage's head

Bombshell: I've implanted a cerebro shell. It will compel him to obey only us.

Bombshell backs up and transforms into robot mode

Bombshell: Stand up, Autobot slave!

Mirage stands

Bombshell: Select a target!

Mirage aims at Skywarp

Bombshell: Now! Fire!

Mirage shoots Skywarp

Bombshell: (Laughs) I think this is going to be quite enjoyable!

At the Autobot base

Ratchet: And when I got back to the repair bay, Mirage was gone!

Cliffjumper drives up and transforms

Cliffjumper: I can tell ya all about Mirage! He's at the storage area helpin' his friends, the Decepticons!

Optimus Prime: I've warned you about making unfounded allegations, Cliffjumper.

Cliffjumper: I saw him with my own optics! He delivered two energon cubes to their storage area!

Ratchet: But where would Mirage get energon cubes?

Cliffjumper: I don't know, but it's clear he's a traitor, and we've gotta put him out of commission fast!

Ruby: WHAT!?

Optimus Prime: The only thing clear is that our first order of business is to go to the storage area and get those electro cells!

Cliffjumper: And then?

Optimus Prime: Then we will find Mirage and hear his side of the story. Autobots, transform... and roll for it!

Optimus Prime transforms into a Kenworth K100 Aerodyne with a trailer

Ratchet transforms into a Dodge WC-54 Ambulance

Cliffjumper transforms into a 2011 Mini John Cooper Works Clubman

With the Decepticons

We see a firefight erupt between the Decepticons and Insecticons occur

Bombshell: Fire, slave!

Mirage shoots Skywarp again

Skywarp: Aaahhh! Will you stop that

Bombshell: Good shot!

Then Megatron appears behind them

Megatron: A new toy, Bombshell? Too bad you're not going to have long to play with it! So, two energon cubes weren't enough for you. Now you want to steal our electro cells!

Bombshell: The cubes were enough, but you stole them from us!

Megatron: What gives you that absurd idea?

Bombshell: A Decepticon insignia lying right where our energon cubes had been!

Megatron pauses as Cinder facepalms that's what happened to--this Autobot ripped it off during the battle!


Cinder Fall: I know this will be difficult for you, Bombshell, but think! Put two and two together, and it will equal an Autobot trick!

Bombshell: You wouldn't cheat need us to get rid of the Autobots. Maybe after that you'd rob us blind, but not now!

Megatron: Decepticons! Put down your weapons!

Bombshell: Insecticons! Cease combat!

The Decepticons and Insecticons cease combat

Bombshell: We were deceived by this walking garbage can! You shall pay for it, Autobot!

Bombshell prepares to off Mirage but Megatron stops him

Megatron: No, Bombshell! Why destroy a perfectly good slave? I have a plan to use him to finish all the Autobots. Hear me out.

With the Autobot trio

The trio drive up and transform

Optimus Prime: This is very strange, Cliffjumper. You said the Insecticons were here with the Decepticons, but I see no one.

Ruby: Another wild theory

Cliffjumper: They were here, Prime! I'd swear to it!

Mirage: He is right. I got rid of them. Then their friends retreated.

The group turn to face Mirage

Cliffjumper: More lies! Traitor!

Optimus Prime: No! I want to hear him out. Mirage, Cliffjumper claims you took energon cubes to the Decepticons. Did you?

Mirage: Yes, I took them. Then brought them here so the Insecticons would think the Decepticons had stolen them.

Optimus Prime: And then?

Mirage: They began to fight each other. The Insecticons fled and the Decepticons chased them. Now we can get the electro cells, Prime!

Cliffjumper: Don't trust him, Prime. My cybro-polygraph is screamin' trap!

Optimus Prime: Perhaps, but we've got to check it out! Autobots, transform!

The group transform

Optimus Prime: Let's get the electro cells!

Mirage: Follow me!

They drive towards the Electro cells but fell for a trap as the Decepticons and Mirage open fire

Cliffjumper: I knew it was a trap!

Optimus Prime: Take cover! Take cover!

They take cover as Ratchet goes with Ruby

Cliffjumper: You traitor, I've been waitin' for this!

Cliffjumper punches Mirage, knocking him down

Bombshell: Stand up, Autobot, and destroy your comrade! Stand up! Stand up -- I command it! Very well, I'll do it myself, after I blast you to pieces! You've served your purpose!

Then Ratchet and Ruby shoot Bombshell, making him retreat

Ratchet: I can't believe any Autobot would turn against his own kind willingly! What's this?

Ruby: looks like a four legged bug

Mirage: (Groans)

Optimus Prime: No wonder Mirage set us up.

Ratchet: Right, Prime. This was controlling him. One of Bombshell's cerebro shells.

Ruby: I didn't know he can do that?

Optimus Prime: Neither did I

Cliffjumper: (To himself) Then Mirage isn't a traitor...wait Bombshell can do that?

Mirage: I....I never wanted to do anything against my fellow Autobots. I-it was because--

Ratchet: We know. All of us.

Optimus Prime: It's over, Mirage. Forget it. Get him back on his feet, Ratchet.

We cut to the Decepticons waiting for the Autobots

Optimus Prime: It looks like Megatron's ready for his final assault. I'm gonna make a run for the electro cells. Join the others and cover me!

Ratchet: But Mirage's wound!

Ruby: it's a big gapping hole

Optimus Prime: We'll care for it later! Let's go!

Optimus runs as the Decepticons fire, Megatron heads to the Electro cells but Optimus Prime intercepts him

Megatron: Don't move or you're vaporized!

Optimus Prime: You've lost, Megatron.

The others join Optimus

Megatron: So it appears....this time. But if I can't have the electro cells, no one can!

Then Megatron shoots the Electro cells, causing a explosion, the Autobots run away as Decepticons fly off

Shrapnel: Retreat! Retreat!

Optimus Prime: Autobots, transform and roll out!

Optimus Prime transforms into a Kenworth K100 Aerodyne with a trailer

Mirage then transforms into a Tyrrell P34B with Citanes decal

Ratchet transforms into a Dodge WC-54 Ambulance

Cliffjumper transforms into a 2011 Mini John Cooper Works Clubman

Ruby climbs into Mirage

The Autobots drive off

Megatron: My--my electro cells! They--they were meant for me! They were...! (Groans as he passes out)

With the Autobots

Optimus Prime: We're sorry. We know the loss of the electro cells was a serious blow to your research.

Scientist 1: You did what had to be done. At least the chain reaction did not harm the Earth.

Scientist 2: And, thanks to you and the others, the Decepticons failed to harvest the energy from the cells!

We cut to Mirage at the Med bay

Ratchet: There.....that should take care of that hole from the Decepticon cerebro shell.

Cliffjumper: He-he-hey, Mirage. I have just one thing to say to you!

Mirage: Yeah? Uh, what, Cliffjumper?

Cliffjumper: Move over!

Mirage: Hey! What's up?

Cliffjumper: (Bursts into laughter as he begins to speak) I... I think I have a hole in my head that needs repairing, too!

Mirage: (With laughter in his voice) You what?

Ratchet: (laughs)

Ruby: (Laughs)

Yang: [happily] another happy ending

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