Bughead || recovering

Autorstwa bugheadschildrens

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Betty cooper , a troubled teen in a picture perfect family , after a year hiatus from the real world , meets... Więcej



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Autorstwa bugheadschildrens

It was Monday , my mom kept trying to talk with me and I'd ignore her , they even tried having a family meeting but everything went in one ear and out the other,
       I was in school when Veronica walked up to me "where did you go Friday" "I walked home" "why I was looking all over for you I called you tons of times" "I was really out of it that night I'm sorry " "it's fine , did you see the fight" "what fight" "you haven't seen it" I shook my head , "during pe your boyfriend and some other rando went at it" "what happened after "well it was like 20 minutes ago so there probably in the office" "I'll talk to you later Veronica" I walked in the office and he was the only person in the waiting room with a ice pack and a black eye , witch I'd never seen in real life before so that must have hurt like crazy
He stared at me like he felt bad , I sat next to him "are you okay" "yeah I'm fine" "who'd you fight" "some guy on the football team" "why" "listen do you think we can talk later today or something " I nodded "ok I'll text you later"
I was at home watching something when he texted me asking to meet and his house , so I walked there and he led me to his backyard where he had a dining table I sat at ,
"I'm suspended" "for how long" "2 days" "what about football , what did your coach do" "I might get kicked off the team" "whyd you fight him" "i saw this video" I was confused at first , "what was the video of" "it was you" , and then I remembered , and I put my head down "how many people have seen it" "not a lot" "how'd you see it" "I overheard some guys in the locker room talking about how this guy recorded himself trying to do stuff with this drunk girl and how he beat her up and something told me it was you , and I pretended to be interested and they showed me, and I had just got so mad that something came over me" "oh my god"
"it's gonna be okay" "it's not though" "I know this sucks" "I feel so disgusting" "do you want to go shower" "I've showered 20 times since Friday , his hands were all over me , he made me a joke" "The videos gone" "thank you" "but it's not because of me" "what do you mean"
"The police saw it , and they know who you are" I put my hands in my face and stood up
"Are they going to tell my parents" "they already did , and it's not my business but I over heard that they want to send you somewhere" "whyd you do that" "what do you mean why"
"I'm gonna have court and my parents are gonna send me away to some rehab where they treat me like I'm a fucking baby , cause I was clearly using and they have proof of it now"
"I thought you were just drunk" "obviously not" "you're using" "don't act like you didn't know", and then walked back home , when I walked in my house I was greeted at the site of what looked like a drug addict intervention from there family by my parents sitting on the couch all formal , and dreaded knowing what I was about to have to talk about.
"I know you saw it" "can you sit" I did , "we're sorry , we wish you didn't have to go through that" "spare me it , what are you gonna do" "you just need to go upstairs and pack a bag" "I'm not going to rehab" "this isn't rehab" "I'm not stupid" "you're going to go either way but I can assure you this isn't rehab" "for how long" "only a couple of days" "do you promise" "I promise"
the promise wasn't met , Its a rehab / eating disorder / mental hospital ,
So a three in one , the first couple of days I called my mom hourly begging her to take me back home , but once I realized I wouldn't be home for probably months I'd become open to the idea of recovery , decided maybe it was for the best ,
So now I guess I'm recovered , I think I'll actually keep up with it when I get out,
it had been around 2 and a half months , I've hated it here , they shine a light in my face every couple of hours in my sleep.
My mom had been talking about how she wanted to take me out , but she'd been saying that for weeks , my brother went to rehab but he only stayed for a week and magically got "better"
it was random , and I was in the yard , when my nurse told me I had a call , and it was my mom , and she was driving , "whyd you call" "we are on the way to pick you up" "who died" "nobody , we'll talk when I get there" then the call ended , and I was hit with dread
a hour ish later I was in my moms car driving back home
"did you have fun" "do you think I had fun at the mental hospital"
"Don't look at this as something negative" "how many times are you going to decide that you can't deal with me and send me to some institution or just leave" "I know how hard you worked in there , I started therapy and your brother he's just great , and I'm gonna put you into aa and a extra curricular and I'll rebuild your trust in me and we'll be fine"
"Really" "how about tomorrow we go out and we go shopping and you can get all new clothes or makeup or anything you want" "okay mom"
It'd been a week , i had to start school again , I'd been caught up with all the work so I just had to go back in person , I felt like my parents were really trying , my brothers home a lot more , and my mom eats my meals with me , I just started aa, I got a chip and everything.
It was Friday , witch was a random day to start school again. Walking in was weird having to explain to my teachers why I went online for months then suddenly came back.
I don't really know any of the people in my classes so it didn't really matter.
I was walking to the library during lunch when a panting Veronica grabbed me , while trying to catch her breathe she said "I thought I saw you from all the way in the yard" "hey" "don't hit me with a hey after what the fuck you pulled to disappear for months" "my parents came home and sent me to rehab" "no way" "I know" "are you like , okay" "yeah I'm actually doing pretty well" "you've missed so much" "I know" "come to the football game tonight" "I don't know" "please i haven't seen you in forever" "ok fine" "promise" I nodded.
The entire game she talked to me about stuff , i like that I'm a good listener so I didn't actually have to watch the game , because I don't know a thing about sports
"Do you care that jughead has a girlfriend" "what are you talking about"
"Don't tell me you didn't know" I shook my head "you see his number on the field" "I don't know his number" "it's 77" "yeah I see it" "and do you see that girl on the cheerleading team that's cheering him on like her life depends on it" I nodded "there's that" "oh" "do you still talk" "we had a fight and then I got sent away so no" "you poor thing , she's a bitch" "I bet she's nice" "betty I've got to talk to you" "what about" " theres this video going around" I stood up and walked to the bathrooms , that were empty "how many people saw that video Veronica" she didn't say anything , "a lot huh" she nodded "oh my god" "I'm sorry" then the game ended and I was walking to my car crying and confused when I bumped into someone "I'm sorry" "betty?" I looked up and saw him , "are you okay" "I'm just fine" I said before walking away he grabbed my arm , "what's up" "don't grab my arm" "I didn't know you were back in town" "now you do" "what have you been up to" "spare me this conversation" "alright" I'd wiped my eye "did someone hurt you"
"If someone did you'd just make it worse for me" "do we have to start arguing already" "you grabbed my arm" "I'm concerned" "you don't even know me , why do you care" "you're my best friend" "because I cried to you for months does not make us best fucking friends" "I don't care what we are , or what you think of me , I just know that you're my best friend" "is that why there's a video of me going around because of you , and your bone to pick , because what ?, you got jealous or something" "I helped you" "you ruined my fucking life" "you weren't eating , you were being abused , and you were a drug addict " "that was my life1 , and it was horrible but it was mine" "I'm sorry that I knew that you deserved better" "you're so fucking boring , and your so fucking basic that you needed some body all fucked up to remind you how perfect your life is and how you'll never have to deal with what I do" "i know you're mad" "you just played in a football game , we're everybody cheered you on , while I'm hiding my face hoping nobody looks at me and recognizes me from a fucking video" "why are you saying this like I spread it" "why can't you just leave me alone" "I don't know" "you don't owe me anything so why" "do we have to talk about this right now" "well we are" "I called your parents to come back" "what" "you heard me" "why would you do that" "I didn't know how else I could help you" "so you snitched on me" "I thought you were going to kill your self" I didn't say anything "now look , your okay" "do you want me to thank you , like what , thanks for taking away all my independence and sticking me in a room where they treat you like a baby" "I've got to go" , I went back home and went straight upstairs and destroyed my drawer looking for a pill I'd put months ago there , and eventually after hesitant decision took it , and a hour later I was like walking downstairs and saw my mom , and it was like she knew
"Can you sit" I nodded , "are you high right now" I shook my head "are you open to taking a drug test" "I don't know" "if I'm unsure about your sobriety I'm sorry but I'm going to have to take you back" "okay then , I'll take a test" "okay I'll be right back then" once I saw her car leave the drive way I'd grabbed one of those hospital cups and ran over to his house
and he opened it and looked a bit nervous "I'm here for a really fucked up reason but I need your help" "with what" "I need a urine sample for a drug test" "why can't you use yours" "it won't come out clean" "I thought you were better" "I had a slip up" "I can't help you with this" "I wouldn't be here if this wasn't crucial" "I won't help your addiction" "I know what this looks like trust me I do , but I can't go back there" "i'm sorry" "if I go back to rehab I'll never speak to you again" "you need help" "after the game I'd just freaked out I felt so disgusting I didn't know how else to make my brain stop " "I'll do this , but I'm never doing this again" "thank you" I'd gotten it then walked back home before my mom got there , and taken it , and to her surprise it was clean "okay ,go to sleep"

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