Beautiful people don't lie

Od Vaiironica

34 28 48

Hazel Coker. Meet your typical wallflower, Nene had dedicatedKainene her entire life being a backdrop, not to... Více

The first bloom
New Beginnings
New student
The new boy
Pain is art

New beginning

3 1 0
Od Vaiironica


The end is only the new beginning. Mum keeps singing that saying all the time. We moved again and it didn't sit well with me in any way. I still couldn't believe that I was changing schools in my final year.

I guess it should be rather exciting to move to a new environment. Right? That's total crap. The only reason why anyone would want to change environment is when he or she doesn't like his or her environment at all or running away from something.

Trust me I was never happy about the idea of relocating, like why? I was settled in Abuja, I had friends and 'family' there, I had a beautiful reputation and fame of being the handsome half caste  senior prefect with the British accent .

Perfect! Not until mother said she had to move to Lagos because she wanted to expand the company business blah blah! I argued with her alot on this issue. I could've just stayed with Dad. I even tried to convince Dad, but he refused vehemently, that I should listen to mother and all that long talk of obedience to parents.

He pulled the parent card. The expressionless face of  'it's final', leaving no room for arguments, trust mum to leave her arguments for Dad to give them finishing touches and cement them even when she was being unreasonable. It was Final year for crying out loud!

"Sean! Breakfast is ready, you don't want to be late for school!" Mum's voice rang.

"Coming!" I grumbled as I fumbled and fought with the tie. I had also had a tie as part of the dress code for my former school back at Abuja, but  Mama Titi our housekeeper always helped me knot it, or even Tolani, my friend at school.

"Arghhhh!" The first day of school already sucked starting with the damn tie that I couldn't even fix properly, I couldn't afford creating a wrong impression and leaving a bad image on the new school mates. Whatever it was, First impression mattered; if the first impression was perfect, all you had to do was work on keeping up with the first impression and all will go smoothly.

"I will not call you down again!" Mum's thick accent was evident as she scolded. I guessed she was on the stairway,her hand akimbo with a creased forehead and a frown etched on her face.

I grabbed my bag and sighed. "Mum I can't fix this tie, it's just too hard!" I closed my room door behind me and made for the stairway.

"Big baby" I could imagine that point where my mother rolled her eyes.

"Mum" I groaned for the nth time "you know this is not my thing"

I hopped the stairs, skipping two or more steps till I reached the last stair.

"You are going to fall from the stairs, and probably have a concussion and then spend the rest of the week in the hospital if you don't stop running down the staircases everytime" Mum chided.

She hated when I jumped the stairs or ran on it, she always told me tales of how she fell off the stairs, practically rolled down the stairs and had a concussion. She must have had a trauma from that. Trust me to laugh my head off when she told me that sob story.

"Come and have breakfast, I don't want you to be late on your first day, I also have an appointment at noon, don't dilly dally" she snapped her fingers while she sashayed towards the dining room.

Her outfit was a stunner. She never grew older. Her suit skirt hugging her at the right places, highlighting her long fair legs. My mum always pulled off any cloth with utter perfection.

"And my mother is sure looking ... What's the word?" I tsked as I followed her pretending to think " Hot? Beautiful?pretty?"

"Come on" Mum swatted my head. "As much as I'd love you to feed my ego, I'd have you informed that I'm married and taken" She flashed her infamous smile while waving her ring finger at me.

"Oh, my bad. I must say that my heart has been pierced and punctured by your words, my fair lady, but it is not my wish to pursue a wedded woman,I do sincerely apologize" I feigned a mock pain as I clutched my chest with a scowl on my face, my accent getting thicker.

My mother laughed good naturedly "you do flatter me, young scholar, but if you do not sit for your breakfast, I might have to resort to ass whopping" my mother wiggled her brows, her bright grey eyes dancing.

"Mum you don't have to spoil the fun, we could actually feature at an opera back at England" I laughed as I sat down, I was totally joking, that idea was so absurd!

"Not really, we suck at acting.Remind me to fix that tie of yours, you're just as clumsy as your father" mom scoffed as she placed the food on my plate.

We did this all the time, trying to act like the people in the movies we watched. No let's rephrase that; the movies she  coerced me to watch with her. I mean, she made me stay up all night to watch the Bridgerton series with her!

This didn't happen all the time, the peaceful air at the dining table with laughter filled in the air, it was not rare, but it just didn't happen all the time.

I was really starting to lean towards the idea that moving in being a good one.


BHS? Sounded more like BTS. Mum had reminded me that the name of my new school was Booklyn High school. Well the name sounded normal compared to those schools with crappy names like Training the child School or Hope of the future generations:in Christ we trust primary and secondary schools. Nigerians just had funny ways of naming things, although I'm a Nigerian but that's not the point.

I was sitting beside my mum in Mr Amir's office, thinking about life and how much I wanted the old man to cut the crap about the school's mission and goal, and how much great heights the school had achieved because I didn't need him to give me and my mum who was listening with rapt attention that talk, I could already see it with my eyes. The trophies and awards arranged ever so neatly around the office, I couldn't even count them, they covered the walls in a very extravagant and exaggerated manner. There was no need to take us down the history lane of the school's greatness because it was boring and unimportant.

"So madam, I have gone through the academic report of your ward, and he seems promising and extremely bright. We apologise for the stress of the transfer registrations and the rest other procedures, we just want to ensure that he can cope as a transfer student into the exam class of the final year" Mr Amir said.

"Yes, totally understandable. It's really a conducive school for learning, I can tell" Mum flashed an ever so polite smile.

"It's our duty, madam" Mr Amir said with undiluted pride laced his voice.

He straightened up, taping his long and properly manicured fingers on the table.

"I will contact the bursar to take it from here, give him necessary things he will need, and he can find his way here when he is done, and I will show him to his new class"

"That will be very kind of you, Sir." Mum nodded.

I watched him make a call, which was probably to the bursar while hearing the distant chatters of students as well as shuffles of feet. My guess was that the morning assembly was over and the students were going to their various classes.

"Ok, he is on the way, so I will take it from here, your ward is in safe hands ma'am" He stood up followed by I and my Mum who shook his hand.


Mum walked along side me while the principal was leading the way. " Be a good boy hmmm?" She patted my back softly .

"Ma, I'm always a good boy" I grinned softly earning a scowl from her.

After she left, the bursar who was nice had handed me my necessary receipts after I had sat there for like thirty minutes listening to the calm clattering sound of her fingers against the keyboard.

"You may now head to the principal's office with these receipts and he will direct you on what you will do next" she glanced away from the screen of the laptop she was working with.

"I'm sure you know your way,right?" She quirked her brows up with a polite smile playing on her lips.

"Yes of course, thank you ma'am" I nodded flashing my billion dollar smile before turning to leave.

I walked towards the administrative block as the bursar had called it, to finish up my business with the Principal while subtly taking note of my environment. I heard the automatic bell go off and I wondered whether it was a probably the signal for the second period of the day.

I had walked for how long? I figured that I had somehow lost my way to the Principal's office. I looked around and spotted a female student who's hands where akimbo facing another direction.

Grateful that I found someone who could probably direct me to the Principal's office, I walked towards her.

"Sorry, excuse me?" I politely spoke up behind her.

I must have startled her because she jerked and sharply turned. I was worried that she would snap her head with how fast she snapped her head back.

"I'm sorry, I startled you, I guess"

Heyyy! I'm really sorry for the overly late and brief update, I'm really sorry. I promise to make it up, for my new reader AmaPriscilla7  thank you very much for your votes and sweet, encouraging comments. I appreciate every reader, thank you.

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