The level 5's gets isekai'd

By unkownperson12345

5.9K 177 469

Around the world there are 5 people that get killed all by at the same time because of one's blunder and now... More

Let's stop this bitch before she ruins everything!!
Let's prepare our shield hero for the future!!
Dealing with the scum is harder than dealing with the waves!!
Fixing the problem's, the scum will make in the future
Wait so we are leaving now...
So, we're in a new fucking world now?
Becoming Adventurers!!
Tribute, R.I.P Maon Kurosaki
Ending this World's Overlord
Nabe: Finished
Nazarick's demise


1.7K 26 34
By unkownperson12345

|Sasaki Pov|

Sasaki: I am Sasaki I am 26 years old I have no last name due to just being disowned, why you may ask? because I failed my entire life, and it seems that my father has had enough and kicked me out. I was an otaku these past few years. Staying inside has now made my hair white. Currently I am about to be hit by a truck, why? let me explain.

*Flash back*

We see Sasaki walking on the side of the streets in the rain because he was just kicked out of his house.

Sasaki: (Sigh) It was inevitable I was a shut-in for 8 years

Sasaki then walks into an alley and is approached by 2 people.

Sasaki: Well, what do you guys want from a failure like me?

Thug 1: Hey there we were lost, and we are just wondering if you could give us some money to find our way around

Sasaki: Sorry but I don't have any money

Thug 2: Bullshit jump up and down

Sasaki then proceeds to jump up and down making no noise.

Thug 2: Tch she doesn't have any money

Thug 1: I see we only needed money guess you have nothing, let's get going

Thug 2 to kill him but Thug 1 stops him.

Thug 1: Go run!!

Sasaki then gets up and runs to the street.

Sasaki: (Huff) (Huff) I got away

Sasaki then looks forward and sees a girl shout at what seems like her brother and runs into the street while a truck is speeding. Sasaki then runs to save her; He then sees 3 other people get up to save her.

Sasaki: And that is how I am going to die by trying to be a damn hero and now it got me into this position (Sigh) welp I guess I had nothing coming for me anyway. Not like I could survive in the outside world in the first place. I wonder what the other people are thinking.

|Izumaki Pov|

Izumaki: I am Izumaki Kanaeda I am 17 Years old. I had just gotten into a fight with my sister, and she ran out into the street to get away from me, but a truck was coming and fast so, I leaped to save her as 3 other people did the same, but I don't think we will survive how did this happen I wonder.

*Flash back*

It was yesterday evening, and we see Izumaki in his room with his sister.

Asami: Oni-Chan are you listening!!

Izumaki: Oh yeah, I am I just got surprised

Asami: Yeah, I have a boyfriend now

Izumaki: Anyway, I am going to bed now bye Asami

Izumaki gets into his room and falls unto his bed and starts crying.

Izumaki: Why!! after we learned that Asami was adopted she started getting distant and now she even has a boyfriend...

Izumaki: Why am I even filling this way, we grew up as siblings so why!!

|Asami Pov|

Asami: Oh Oni-Chan only if you knew how much I cared for you, but our parents won't accept it

Asami then lays down on her bad after she removes her ear from the wall.

Asami: You may not understand those feelings Oni-Chan, but I do.

Asami then smiles and hugs her pillow.

Asami: It is love~

It is now the next day, and we see Asami and Izumaki going out of the school.

Asami: Hey Oni-Chan come under the umbrella it is raining

Izumaki: Don't worry Asami I am fine

Asami: Come on get under the umbrella you are going to get sick

Izumaki then stops and looks down.

Izumaki: Why...

Asami: Why what Oni-Chan?

Izumaki: Why did you have to get a boyfriend!!

Asami just kept quiet and looks down.

Izumaki: You haven't been close to me these past few days and now you get a boyfriend!!

Asami: Because I am in love with you Oni-Chan!!

Asami then kisses Izumaki on the lips, but Izumaki pushes her off.

Asami: Why Oni-Chan?

Izumaki: We are siblings you know that...

Asami just stands up and runs away into the street.

Asami: Onii-Chan you baka...

|Izumaki Pov|

Izumaki: I guess that brings us up to date. Thinking about it now I guess maybe I did love her well I won't be living long enough to tell her that I guess

|Kinzaki Pov|

Kinzaki: I am Kinzaki Sinuyashi I am a 15-year-old introvert. I don't really have any friends and I spend my time indoors, but I have run out of energy drinks but now I am going to die because of it how did it fucking get to this

*Flash back*

Kinzaki is seen inside of a dark room with the tv on and he was playing some doom eternal. Kinzaki then pauses the game and stands up.

Kinzaki: It seems I've ran out of energy drinks oh well

Kinzaki then wear a black hoodie and gets out of his house. We then see him going into the store.

Kinzaki: Hm? are those my classmates?

Kinzaki then looks to the counter and sees two girls.

Kinzaki: The beauty on the right is Manami. She is my classmate and is the queen of our class. The girl on the right is the delinquent Mugino she is often avoided by everyone since she gets mad every second you talk to her what are they buying?

Kinzaki then looks over the two girls and he saw that they were buying a bat.

Kinzaki: What are they buying that for? oh well not my problem

Kinzaki then walks to the beverages and pulls out a pack of red bull. He then pays for his things, and he walks out and hears a sound and walks to an alleyway and sees that Manami was beating Mugino with the bat they just bought.

Manami: How is that? you deserve this for kissing him!!

Mugino is just on the ground taking the beating.

Manami: Come on say something this won't be fun if you keep quiet!!

A boy with black hair and walks up to them and he starts laughing at Mugino and he kisses Manami while Mugino looks shocked and starts crying. Kinzaki then walks up to them.

Kinzaki: What the fuck are you guys doing?

Boy: Who are you? If you don't want to be in danger, then go away

Kinzaki: And just let this happen? As sadistic as I am this isn't something I can ignore

Manami: Just leave or else we will frame this on you!!

Kinzaki: Don't you ever shut the fuck up? And I don't care if you tell the class I did this as long as I stop you then I am fine with it

The boy then walks to him looking mad and throws a punch.

Kinzaki: What the fuck? Oh well since you attacked that gives me the right to attack you

Kinzaki then stands up and punches the kid in the face and it knocks him out immediately.

Manami: Wait I will do anything here I will stop!!

Manami then drops the bat and waves her arms in a back off fashion. Kinzaki doesn't say something as he picks Mugino up and walks her to a bus stop where siblings seem to be arguing.

Kinzaki: *She is kind of small like this*

Kinzaki then puts her down on the bench and tends to her wounds.

Mugino: Why?

Kinzaki: You're my classmate I couldn't just leave you

Mugino: But you have nothing to gain from this

Kinzaki: I may sound dumb for this, but I just wanted to act like a hero for once

Mugino just smiles at him until a girl then screams behind them and they see her run off into the street.

Kinzaki: What the fuck?

Kinzaki then runs to save her and sees the truck.

Mugino: wait-

Kinzaki: And that is where I am now, I guess I will die I couldn't even finish doom how about my energy drinks oh well at least Mugino is safe...

|Mugino Pov|

Mugino: I love you!!

Mugino: I had just confessed to a Kumagai but thinking back I was so dumb because now he was laughing in front of me while I was getting beaten. How did this happen well Let me explain.

*Flash back*

Mugino was seen on the stairs as she was stepping up, she falls down but was saved

Mugino: Ow hey there thanks

Kumagai: No problem

Mugino: *Oh who is this isn't this Kumagai from my class? he is kind of cute*

Mugino then walks to her classroom. the whole day Mugino had all these bad happenings happen to her only to be saved by Kumagai.

Mugino: *Oh gosh I need to confess he has saved me too many times today*

Mugino: Hey Kumagai can we talk a bit?

Kumagai: Yeah sure

They then walk to the back of the school.

Mugino: Kumagai I love you!!

Mugino then kisses him.

Kumagai smirked as Masami went out of the shadows.

Masami: What are you doing kissing my boyfriend!!

Mugino: Oh what!! sorry I didn't know!!

Masami: Grrr I already took a pic of you if you don't want this to leak to school then become my pet

Mugino: W-What!!

Masami: You heard me

Mugino: Tch fine

After that for the past week Masami has done every bad thing, you can do to Mugino for the past week and for the final thing Mugino and Masami go into a store, and they buy a bat.

Masami: I need this bat for baseball so buy it for me!!

Mugino said nothing as she paid for it. They then walk into an alley and Masami starts beating on Mugino. Mugino says nothing as she slumps down.

Masami: Come on you fuck stick say something to make this more fun!!

Kumagai then walks out and laughs at her. This broke Mugino as she starts crying. Suddenly she heard footsteps.

Kinzaki: What the fuck are you guys doing?

Mugino then looks up to see Kinzaki her brown tea like hair covering her eyes from fully seeing Kinzaki.

Mugino: w-who-

Kumagai: Who are you? Leave if you don't want to get hurt

Kinzaki: I am sorry I can't obey that. As fucked up as I am I can't leave my friend like this

Kumagai then punches him in that face.

Kinzaki: (Sigh) finally

Kinzaki then stands up and punches Kumagai knocking him out. He then approaches Masami.

Masami: Wait stop!!

Kinzaki then looks at me and picks me up bridal style gaining a small blush from me. He then carries me to a bus stop where two people seem to be arguing.

Kinzaki: Are you ok?

Mugino: Y-yeah

Mugino: * Goodness I am falling in love with him no!! I can't let this happen again*

Mugino: Why?

Kinzaki: No reason I just wanted to feel like a hero

They both then hear a scream, and they turn to see the girl running away from them, while there was a truck going right for her and Kinzaki then runs to them. Mugino then gets up to stop him.

Mugino: Wait!!

Mugino then runs after them seeing a white-haired person on the other side also run to them.

Mugino: Well, I guess this is how I die. I should have at least fallen in love one more time. Maybe Kinzaki would have been a good boyfriend

|Suzutani Pov|

Suzutani: I have nothing to live for anymore

Suzutani hears a scream and looks down and sees a girl almost about to get hit by a truck.

Suzutani: Just because I am going to die doesn't mean other people should

Suzutani then jumps off the roof of the build and tries gliding to push the girl before she gets hit by the truck but is just short by a few centimeters and is now about to hit the ground.

Suzutani: Fuck guess I will die but how did I get here?

*Flash back*

We then see Suzutani as a kid she goes to a park and sees a boy playing by himself.

Suzutani: Hi there I am Suzutani who are you?

Kirisami: I am Kirisami Anamomi!!

They then become friends and we see them having fun until elementary.

Kirisami: Don't be friends with me anymore!!

Suzutani: Why Kiri?

Kirisami: Because your ugly and you wear glasses

Suzutani becomes sad and doesn't become friends with anyone.

Suzutani then enters middle school and finds Kirisami but he has a girlfriend.

Suzutani: Oh he has a girlfriend now

Suzutani then gets sad and walks home as she gets to her neighborhood, she turns a corner and sees her house on fire.

Suzutani: Chihiro!!

Suzutani calls out for her sister to no avail the fire then dies down due to the rain, and she sees the dead and burnt up bodies of her parents and sister.

Suzutani: Why is my day like this!!

She then hears a meow and looks to her right.

Suzutani: A cat?

Suzutani then takes the cat and starts crying.

Suzutani: You are my new family now

For Suzutani this was her way of coping since she has no one else. She then walks away from the Firey remains but not before leaving some flowers.

We then see her walking with the cat as the cat then tries crossing the street but gets crushed by a motorcycle as it passes by.

Rider: Put you cat on a fucking leash next time HAHAHAHAHA

He then speeds off.


She then breaks down and walks on top of a building and so on.

Suzutani: Well I guess I tried...

|Everyone's Pov|

Everyone: I guess this is how I will die

The sound of the truck's sirens can be then heard ringing out until a crashing sound can be heard and everything turned black.

|3rd person Pov|

We see that there are 6 glowing bodies in darkness that starts waking up.

Sasaki: FUCK AHHHH!!!

Sasaki then looks around to see 5 more bodies.

Sasaki: What the fuck happened I was saving a girl then. Oh, right I died

We then see another person wake up.

Kinzaki: Where am I now? Oh well if this is hell at least Mugino is safe

Kinzaki turns around to see Sasaki

Kinzaki: Oh, are you the other person that died?

Sasaki: Seems so well are you the brother?

Kinzaki: No, I tried saving the sister, but it seems I died

Sasaki: I can see that. Well, what do we do?

Kinzaki: There is nothing around here it seems

Sasaki: Ugh, I am bored

Kinzaki: Me too 

Sasaki: Is this what heaven is supposed to be like?

Kinzaki: Well, it is very different from the bible

Another person then starts waking up.

Kinzaki: Look someone is waking up

Suzutani: Well, where am I?

Kizaki: Hey there

Suzutani: AHHHH!!

Sasaki: Shut the fuck up

Suzutani: Sorry

Suzutani then starts tearing up remembering what happened.

Sasaki: Oh, what is it now?

Suzutani: Oh, nothing sorry it's just that my family died today

Kinzaki then bumps Sasaki.

Sasaki: Ow- sorry for asking

Another person then wakes up

Kinzaki: Mugino!! Why are you here!!

Mugino: Quiet will you I tried saving you, but it seems like you died Baka

Sasaki: Oh? what relationship do you guys have?

Mugino: It's none of your business

Sasaki: What was that brat?

Mugino: It's none of your fucking business

Sasaki: OH, tough girl here want to go because I will mess you up

Mugino: Yeah come on get up I will beat the shit out of you old man

Sasaki: I am fucking 26!!

Kinzaki: Guys sit back down

Sasaki/Mugino: Tch

They then sit back down. And the last two people woke up.

Sasaki: HAHAHAH So then I was like "look ma no hand"


Suzatani: HAHAHAHAH it makes me miss my mom a little

Mugino: HAHAHAHAH you know what when I first woke up, I thought eternity here is going to be boring as fuck, but you know now, I guess it won't be as boring

Sasaki: Same here you little shit

Izumaki: Um hello?

Asami hides behind his back

Sasaki: Look at that the two shits that got us into this situation are finally awake

Kinzaki: Hey there

Suzutani just hides behind Sasaki as she feels safe behind him.

Mugino: Fucking finally

Izumaki: What are we doing here?

Sasaki: No idea we woke up like this as well

Kinzaki: I think we should start-

Kinzaki was cut off by the sound of a loud commanding voice.

???: It seems all of you are awake now

Sasaki/Mugino: Oh shit!!

Clapping can be heard the entire place lights up and they see that they were in a giant room of all white.

???: Let me introduce myself I am what you beings call god

Sasaki: So your god huh at least show us what you look like

God: Very well


Everyone: pfft HAHAHAHAHAHA

God: it seems you see me as a calculator

Sasaki: You're a fucking calculator HAHAHAHA

Suzutani: hahahahaha

Mugino: Look at this shit HAHAHAHAHA

God: Enough, now I will give you 2 choices

Sasaki: 2 choices huh?

Kinzaki: Does these choices affect all of us?

God: Yes

Izumaki: Should we get reincarnated?

Kinzaki/Sasaki: Like getting isekai'd?

Izumaki: Ummm yes

Kinzaki: Ok say the first isekai anime that comes to your mind

Sasaki: OK Ready?

Kinzaki: More than I have ever been

Sasaki: GO!

Mugino: Shield hero

Kinzaki: Shield hero

Asami: Shield hero

Izumaki: Sword art online

Suzutani: Shield hero

Sasaki: Shield hero- wait who the fuck said sword hero?

Izumaki: Me!!

Izumaki then gets punched in the face

Sasaki: Fuck Sword art online

God: Ok I guess for your first wish-

Sasaki: I want a different kind of isekai

God: Oh? This is new speak boy

Sasaki: I want it so that when we solve the problem of the anime, we will be sent to a new one

God: Interesting Wish granted

God: second wish?

Everyone: We want to be the level 5 espers of toaru that best represents our personality!!

God: Wish granted and to make this more fun you will have their powers from the light novel

Sasaki/Kinzaki: Yes!!

God: Now go heroes fix Naofumi's life and get reincarnated once more

A bright white light then enveloped them, and they get sent to the castle.

God: (Sigh) Do you think it will be fine?

Author: Sure, it is

God: This is your story anyway

Author: Yeah...

We then go back to our main characters. They then wake up in the castle looking like they're respective people.

Sasaki = Accelerator

Kinzaki = Kakine

Suzutani = Misaka

Mugino = Mugino

Asami = Misaki

Izumaki = Gunha

They then get into position.

Everyone: Get ready for the level 5's !!!

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