The Angel and The Billionaire

By thaliabecket

32K 819 139


Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59

chapter 53

346 9 2
By thaliabecket


The first punch lands on my stomach about .03 seconds after I enter the living room. The second one hits my side and I'm all but thrown into a wall. I half expected it, considering the tear filled voicemail Grace left for me explaining what happened and what Barton said. My head is throbbing, probably from the concussion FRIDAY just announced I sustained.

Despite the loud buzzing in my ears I can faintly hear Romanoff's voice, her and Carter are yelling on top of each other, both gesturing and pointing fingers at Rogers. I should be glad Barnes isn't here. There's some more shouting muffled in the distance, some is losing their shit and there's a lower, more scared voice, trying to calm things down.

- Stark? - Romanoff is becoming a little less blurry, crouched down next to me on the floor while analyzing the damage on the wall. Everyone else is standing on the sidelines, watching as Sharon yells at Steve. Something about a promise.

- How many fingers am I holding? - Natasha asks, holding two right in front of my face.

- It's a peace sign. Not really fitting to the situation at hand. - My voice comes out weak and my back is injured. Fuck, this hurts.

- Jokes are a good sign. - Fury sighs, offering a hand to help me up. - I'm afraid your little secret is out.

- Don't act like the two of you didn't already know. - I scoff, pointing to Wanda. - And so did you.

She shrugs, confirming my suspicion. When my ears stop ringing for good I realize Sharon stopped yelling and one of the other voices becomes clear: Barnes. He's the angry one.

- Don't even think about it...

Even though I'll regret it later, I ignore Romanoff's order and walk to the meeting room, pausing in front of the door. It's ajar and I have a clear view. Grace is crying. Copiously.

Steve followed me but he also stopped when he saw her. None of them realized they have an audience, Barnes is pacing furiously while Grace sheds a few silent tears. Gut wrenching, there's no other way to describe what it feels to see her crying.

- I can't fucking believe this. - Barnes continues to move around in a rather aggressive way. - How could you do that?

- You died! - She snaps, pointing a finger to his face. Her voice is trembling. I can't help but wonder how long she let him yell in before responding. Knowing her, it was too long. - Steve came back and told me you were gone. I spent a month refusing to leave my room, just crying non stop. I went to your funeral!

He pauses, the guilty silence palpable in the air from both him and Rogers. I know a few stories from her life after they died in the forties and things got really dark for her.

- Say whatever you want about me. Call me stupid for falling in love with Tony, an idiot for forgiving him. Fine, I'll take it. But don't you dare imply I didn't love you because you fucking know that's not true. - She takes a deep breath. - I knew you were proposing. I would've said yes.

Well, I could've lived without knowing that part.

- Why didn't you just tell me? - Barnes sighs, lowering his head like it's painful to look at her. He has an expression that clearly reads "you disgust me".

- I did. So many times, I said with every syllable that we weren't getting back together. - Grace gestures with her hands, marking the words. - You overheard me tell Steve I wasn't in love with you anymore. I told you but you didn't listen.

There's a small group of people behind me, Sharon, Natasha, Wanda, Barton and Steve. All of us hate watching this unfold but getting in the way is very likely the worst possible thing to do right now. What a shit show.

- See what you started? - Sharon turns to Clint, keeping her voice down with an enraged glare in her eyes. - I hope you're happy with yourself.

- Why him? - Barnes broken voice stops Clint from giving her a response.

- James...

- Just tell me! - He shouts, making her flinch. I try to walk in but Natasha holds my arm. The message is clear: wait. - After everything we've been through it's the least you own me.

She doesn't owe you a goddamn thing.

- Because he's a good guy. He takes care of me and makes me happy. - Grace wipes a few tears from her face. - Ever since waking up in this new century I felt so out of place, so fucking lost and Tony was there. Every single day for months, he was always there.

- Unbelievable. - Barnes lowers his head, resting his hands on the table.

- I love him, James. - Her voice doesn't shake, not even a little bit. - I'm sorry that this hurts you but it's the truth.

- Do you think he loves you? - His tone is carried with mockery.

- He does.

That's my girl.

- You have to be delusional or at least stupid to believe that, Grace. - There's a cruelty in his voice I've never heard before and it's quite unsettling. - He just wants to get in your pants, that's the only thing men like Stark care about.

I hold myself from barging into the room and shoving the truth in his face. Interfering will only make things worse and it would be a jerk move. Behind me, Sharon, Steve and Natasha hardly breath, dead silent as to not miss any details.

- Wow. - She laughs bitterly, crossing her arms. - I hate to break it to you but we're already past that.

That was hot. Really fucking hot. What the hell is wrong with me? I should be afraid for my life but all I can think about is how stunning she sounds while screaming in her ex's face.

- What did you just say? - His voice drops.

- You heard me. - She doesn't shy away. - Not that it's any of your fucking business but we've already had sex. Several times, basically every day for months now.

I have a feeling she didn't think it through with the "fucking business" but it's not the time to point that out.

- I can't even recognize you anymore. - Barnes clenches his metal hand and once again, she flinches a little.

- I told you in Wakanda, I am not that girl anymore.

- You're right. - He looks up, finally looking her in the eye with an exasperated look. - My Grace wouldn't be stupid to think a man like Stark actually loves her.

This is the last straw for me. Ignoring then silent pleas from both Rogers and Romanoff I push the door open, anger intensifying when I get a closer look at Grace's swollen eyes and red cheeks.

- I'm gonna stop you right there. - I stand in between them. The way she was flinching makes me want to be the next to throw a punch but even I am not that reckless.

- Stark, you shouldn't be here. - Steve walks in behind me and stands next to Barnes but I ignore him.

- Wanna say she deserves better? Fine. That I'm a horrible person? Go ahead. Maybe finish what your buddy started outside? Whatever, land a few punches, get it out of your system. - Grace turns to Steve and he lowers his head. - If that's what you need then I'll handle it. But I won't allow for you question my feelings for her, they just so happen to be the only thing in my life I'm sure of.

- You don't deserve her. - He scowls, looking down at me like I'm a bug he wants to step on.

- Trust me, I know. - I glance over at Grace, watching me with an intense look, then turn back to Barnes. - But I'm afraid she loves me anyway. I don't care if you like it, you'll just have to accept it because I'm not going anywhere.

She smiles, moving closer and taking one of my hands. Barnes rolls his eyes at the gesture and storms off, leaving me alone with Grace, Rogers and Sharon. Romanoff didn't bother entering the room earlier but I have a feeling she's listening to everything outside. Carter nudges Steve in the rips and he walks a little closer.

- I'm sorry about the punches. - He sighs, looking over at his fiancee like "there, I did it".

- Don't worry about it. - I shrug, even though I can feel my back on fire. - And for the record I meant what I said.

- What do you mean?

- I don't care if you don't like it. - Sharon widens her eyes but doesn't try to stop me. - You can either accept it or go be mad about it somewhere else. We're all adults and what happened today was fucking ridiculous.

- And if I don't? - He challenges, crossing his arms. - Accept it, I mean? What happens?

- You lose me. - Grace states, not letting go of my hand. - It's as simple as that.

A flash of hurt crosses his face but after a few moments, it turns into a reluctant nod. Then he extends his arm to his girl and they walk out, walking past Natasha on their way out.

- That went better than I expected. - I let out a breath. - Are you ok, angel?

- I'm fine. - She steps in front of me. - Are you? He actually punched you?

- Yes, but it's fine. - It really isn't. - I had that one coming for a while now. I'm glad we got it out of the way.

- Idiot. - She giggles, resting her hands on my shoulders. - I'm really sorry.

- None of this was your fault. - I caress her cheek, fixing a strand of loose hair and kissing her. There are people watching but I don't care - I'm ok. Seriously. I'm fine.


He wasn't fine. Two hours after the punches he started to feel pain (well, enough pain to say something instead of just brushing it off like he always does) and we had to go to a hospital. Steve broke four of his ribs. Four. With two punches. Thankfully it didn't require internation so after two hours in the emergency room we drove back to the compound with a prescription for painkillers and some other recommendations.

As soon as he gets to his room Tony falls asleep, probably because of whatever they gave him at the hospital. I make my way to the living room, knowing Sharon and Steve are waiting for me.

- Hey. - She stands up as soon as I walk in. - Are you ok?

- I'm fine. - I answer simply, starting to feel the mental drain of the day. It was a lot.

- How is he? - Steve steps in hesitantly and the impulse to break four of his ribs is strong. It would take more than two hits, maybe 6 or 7 considering I'm also a super soldier.

- Well, he broke 4 ribs. - There's no hiding the hatred in my voice. - And is now not only in a lot of pain but also a bunch of medication. Which is super healthy and indicated for a human body with no serums.

He looks guilty and that's the only reason why I don't keep talking. We sit on the couches, silent for a moment before I tell him everything about me and Tony. Our first kiss, first time, finding out he knew I was from the 40's, missing him while we were in Wakanda, the letter, the apology, sneaking around. I tell him everything, including details I don't think Sharon even knew. The panic attacks, how he told me about regretting Siberia, dancing after the party, what really happened between him and Pepper.

It takes over an hour for me to go over all the details and by the time I'm done, I'm absolutely exhausted.

- Wow. - Steve keeps his head low. - I .. I had no idea.

- We wanted to tell you but then you proposed and there was never a break after that. - I glance at Sharon's ring. - He was afraid you'd... well, hurt him. I told him several times you would never do that but I was clearly wrong.

- Fuck. - He curses under his breath and Sharon puts a hand on his shoulder, rubbing his back gently. His frown softens at her touch and it's really cute but I don't mention it. - I'm sorry. To both of you, I shouldn't have lost my temper like that.

- It's ok. - Sharon forces a small smile.

- No, it's not. - He lifts his head, looking right at her. - It won't happen again.

I'm aware of the way Steve's father used to be before he died and how his mom was too afraid to leave. This must be very complicated for him.

- Who wants a drink? - I ask and both of them shout 'me' in a heartbeat before we go to the kitchen. 

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