Married to the Drummer, for B...

By Mrs_Fuentes

61.9K 1K 240


Married to the Drummer, for Better or for Worse. (Mike Fuentes fanfic)
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Authors note
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen Part One
Chapter eighteen Part Two
Authors Note :
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Authors Note.
Authors Note

Chapter twelve

2.1K 40 6
By Mrs_Fuentes

Nikki's P.O.V**

"Mike! Can you get Cassadee changed and dressed please!?" I yelled upstairs, without waiting for a response I went back to cooking. 

I felt arms wrap around my waist and a breath against my neck. I smiled and closed me eyes. "I just asked you to get Cass ready." I whispered. 

"I know, but she's sleeping. And so is Xaiver." Mike whispered into my neck. i turned off the stove and wiped my hands and turned around.

Mike lifted me onto the counter , our tongues moving in sync. I felt Mike tugging at my sweatpants. I smiled and bit his lip, wrapping my legs tighter around his waist. 

"Ding!" The oven timer went off. Mike graoned as I hopped off the counter giggling. I bent over and pulled the cake out of the oven. I placed the chocolate cake on the counter and closed the oven. 

I smiled as Mike was playfully glaring at me. "Babe!" He said sitting on a barstool. "It's Tony's Birthday! We gotta get this house like perfect. " I said smiling. 

"Nikki, the house is completely decorated. Nikolett's got Tony completely distracted, he doesn't even know about it. You've already made everything he loves.!" Mike said looking at me with puppy eyes. I smiled and looked around. Star wars decorations all over the house. 

Tony was both Mine and Mikes best friend. I wanted this to be more than perfect. 

I walked over and sat on his lap. "Don't worry baby. I'll make it up to you later, I promise." I said kissing him. "Good." He whispered before i heard Cassadee crying over the baby moniter. 

"Baby duty!" I said pushing Mike off the stool. He sighed and kissed me again before running upstairs.

After the cake cooled down, I stacked the few layers together,  bulding its shape. I smiled at my craftsmenship. I started putting on all the icing until i only had a few touches left for when I finish getting ready. 

"Holy shit Nikki." Mike gasped walking into the kitchen with Cassadee in his arms. I smiled at my R2D2 cake. "Nik, he's gonna love it!" Mike said hugging me with his free arm. I looked at my phone.

"Shit Mike! Watch the kids I gotta get ready! You get dressed too!" I said running upstairs and into the shower.

 I quickly washed over my body and threw my hair. I hopped out and blew dried it. I ran a brush through it and walked over it my closet to find a tight maroon dress. I took it off the hanger and set it on the bed. I  walked over to the drawers looking for underwhere and I felt a long pair of arms wrap around my body. 

"Mikeeee. i gotta get dresssed." I whined. He kissed my neck lightly. "I know baby. I'm just gonna sit here and watch. Than i'll go take care of the kids." He whispered into my neck, sending shivers down my spine. I smiled and walked over to the bed as he plopped oon it, watching me drop the towel, his eyes growing wide. I laughed as I pulled on my panties and strapped a strapless bra on. 

"Babyyyy." He whined, as I slipped on the dress. I winked and walked over. "Zip it please?" I said smiling. He groaned, slowly pulling the zipper up. "Thank you." I kissed him and pushed him out the door so i could finish getting ready. 

I straitened my hair and pulled my bangs back with a white bow. I rimmed my eyes with black and put my plugs in. I smiled and slippped on my vans. 

As i walked down the stairs I heard people talking, guests arrived already. I smiled as Xavier came running to me, his vans tied, wearing a beanie over his shaggy hair . He was getting big. He hugged my leg as I wandered into the living room where everybody was. 

Alex Gaskarth came running to me, hugging me. "Nikki, this looks like a 5 year olds party. You're the best." He said laughing at my decoration. I laughed too. "Just wanted what tony likes." I said greeting everyone else. 

I found Mike holding Cassadee in his arms, boy did he look good. He was wearing his skinny jeans and a lovebeforeglory shirt. His beanie pulled over his hair, looking like Xavier's. 

I walked over to him. "Hey." He smiled and handed me Cassadee. I smiled and put her on my hip. Than I felt my phone buzz , I looked at the text from Nikolett saying there were almost here.

"Guys! He's almost here! Crouch down, hide behind a couch. Jaxin! Get the lights!" I yelled as we all crouched behind the couches. 

"Nikolett, are you sure they told you to come here? The house is completely dark." I heard Tony say. I giggled and threw something at Jaxin when I saw their silouettes in the doorway.

"SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TONY!" We all shouted. I handed Mike Cassadaee again and ran to Tony. I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him.

"Nikki, you did this all? All this star was stuff." He said letting go and touching a streamer. "You're my best friend Tones. I had to! Wait till you see the cake I made." I said hugging him again before joining the party. 

Tony was interacting with everyone, Mike and I stood by the minibar holding Cassadee and talking with Vic and Drew. I heard the doorbell ring and looked at Mike confused. I looked around the room, everyone I invited was here. Weird. 

Mike handed Vic Cassadee and we walked to the front door. I opened it to reveal a upset looking Shane.

I froze but hid behind Mike. "What are you doing here?" He growled. Obviously still upset that Shane kissed me the other day. Shane stepped back a few steps and put his hands up defensively. "Mike, I just wanted to apologize. And I had to see Nikki again." He stuttered. I felt like I was gonna throw up. 

"What ? You're little visit with my wife wasn't enough? You need more than just that fucking kiss. MY WIFE?" By now we were outside and Mike was in his face. 

"Mike stop!" I yelled pulling on his shirt. "Nikki, back away baby." He said calmy looking at me. He looked into my eyes with pain . Pain i caused. "Please Nikki. " Shane said again. Mike snapped out of it and turned around, swinging his fist, colliding it with Shanes nose. I heard the bone crunch. He fell to the ground, before getting back up. Blood flowing down his face. 

"Nikki what's going on!?" Tony said running out and grabbing me away from the fight. 

"You go away! You stay out ! Go fa away from my wife and if I ever hear anything about it again i'll kill you Shane! I'll kill you. " Mike said before pushing Shane again. I looked at Shanes face. 

Pained. Him too. "Wait." He said hoarsly. "Nikki i came by to say goodbye forever. I have to place on this planet anymore. I love you." He said quickly, but at the last three words Mike ran for him. Shane jumped in his car and sped down the street. Mike came running back to me, hugging me in his arms.

He didn't have a place on this planet anymore? 

"Nikki? " I heard Tony ask. I shook my head. "Huh? What? Oh Tony i'm so sorry. I ruined your birthday"I said leaning into his chest. he hugged me. "Oh Nikki! This has been the best birthday ever. No ones even noticed we're gone. Let's just go inside and do cake and presents. " He said giving me back to Mike as we all walked back in . 

"I'm so sorry Mike, I didn't know." I said leaning into his body. He kissed the top of my head. "It's okay Nikki. We'll talk bout it later okay baby? I love you." he said as we walked into the kitchen. I smiled and put a 27 candle on the top of the cake. Mike went to get everyone. 

I lit the candles and put the cake on the table. Xavier came running, Tony close behind. Tony stopped in his tracks when he saw the cake. 

"Nikki! You made that!? " He asked . I smiled and Nodded as he squeezed me tight. "I love yyou so much." He laughed. Everyone gasped at my cake. I smiled with pride as they all took pictures. We all sang happy birthday to Tony. 

"Make a wish!" I said, he leaned over and blew out his candles. He stuck his finger on the botttom of R2D2 and wiped the icing on Nikoeltt's nose. I turned around to see Mikes finger full of icing, He wiped it on my lips and smiled. "Oh you ass." I said leaning up on my tippy toes and kissing him with my icing filled lips. He licked my lip and smiled. "Soo sweet." he laughed. 


"Thanks for coming!" I said to the last people . I looked around my house, I had a lot of cleaning tomorrow. 

"Thanks for letting us stay bubby!" I heard Tony slur. He was a little tipsy. "Wait I wanna give you a present!" I said reaching into the closet. "Nikoletts waiting to give me my present if you know what i mean!" He laughed at his own joke. Silly tony. 

Mike was upstairs waiting for me, the kids all asleep . 

I grabbed the guitar case out of the closet and handed it to him, suddenly, both of us very sober, 

"Nikki?" He said pulling the ribbon off it. I shook my head. "Open it tutrle," I said smiling. 

He opened the case to find a dark blue Les Paul,  with Yoda holding a lightsaber on it. We both teared up. "Oh Nikki. I loveit ! Thank you so much." He said hugging me. "I'd test it out, but neither of us are in a state to enjoy it. Let's get to bed." He said smiling. 

We walked upstairs, me having to climb up another set of stairs to get to my room . Mike was waiting on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. 

"Mike." I whispered. But he pulled me down and kissed me. I tasted the alcohol, but didn't care. I hungirly kissed him back, both of us taking off or clothes and throwing it on the floor. He ripped off the comforter and we crwled under it, not breaking the kiss. 

"Nikki , you're mine and only mine." He whispered and smiled as he came into me. I dug my nails into his back , barily audible, "Only yours." I replied. Closing my eyes and smiling. 


Hey guys! I'm so tired so sorry for any mistakes!

Dedication for Tony Perry's birthday tomorrow, Happy 27th Birthday Tone! (: 

Feedback would be great guys (: It's what keeps me writing !


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