The Lost Child - Derek Hale x...

By mrsstruggles

128K 3.8K 513

Teen Wolf x Marvel AU Summary: Y/N Stark was taken from her family when she was three years old. It's fifteen... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Bonus Chapter [Smut]

Chapter 2

5.7K 164 73
By mrsstruggles

"That boy keeps staring at you," Derek mumbles to Y/N.

Y/N looked up from her meal to look around the diner to see who Derek was talking about, "I don't see anyone looking at me."

Stiles scoffs at her, "Yeah, because they aren't going to keep staring at you if you look up at them. That would make it too obvious that they're staring at you."

"I was talking about the boy in the large group in front of us," Derek states.

Y/N looks up to lock eyes with a young, brunette boy sitting in the middle of a large group of adults. The boy quickly looks away and tries to casually pretend he wasn't staring.

"Told you."

She rolls her eyes at Derek, "He probably just thinks I'm cute or something."

Derek grumbles in annoyance at someone else staring at his girlfriend. He slowly moves his arm to rest on the seat behind Y/N's back in an attempt to show that she's taken.

Stiles laughs at Derek's lack of subtlety, "Jealous, Sourwolf? Scared someone will help her break free from the Stockholm syndrome she seems to have with you?"

Derek stops midway through biting into his burger to give Stiles a murderous glare. At his look, Stiles gives him a big, teasing smile.

"C'mon, Stiles," Scott says while nudging his arm, "You know they'd never be able to break her free. He keeps too many locks on the basement door."

Y/N gives him an unamused look, "You are both complete idiots."

"So, who was staring at you again," Stiles asks while looking around.

"The boy sitting in the group behind you. I'm sure it's nothing."

Stiles turns to look at who she's talking about before quickly turning back around with a shocked look on his face, "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god."

"What," Scott asks before turning around to see who has Stiles so stunned.

"The Avengers are sitting right behind us. The fucking Avengers are sitting right behind us!"

"Who are the Avengers? Are they some kind of band?" Derek asks.

"Who are the–," Stiles was flabbergasted at the statement, "The Avengers are the greatest superheroes of all time. While you're here dealing with the supernatural, they're everywhere dealing with everything else."

"I still don't know who they are."

"Yeah, he doesn't go online much or watch any TV." Y/N takes a long look at the table of Avengers. "Now that you say that I'm starting to recognize them now. Well, at least I recognize Captain America from the anti-drug video we had to watch freshman year."

"The boy who was staring at you is Peter Stark. He's Tony Stark's son," Stiles informs her.

"Who's Tony Stark? The name sounds familiar, but I'm not sure from where."

"Do you live under a rock?" Stiles asks as he shakes his head at her. "He's like the richest man in the world. He's got a net worth of about $100 billion."

"I wish I had that kind of money," Scott grumbles.

"So, what does he do? What makes him a superhero?" Y/N questions Stiles.

"That's the thing," Stiles states excitedly, "he doesn't technically have any superpowers. He's a guy who's rich and smart and who made himself a suit that has superpowers. I have heard though that he may have given himself some super abilities, but it's never been confirmed."

"So, he's basically the guy in that movie you like. What was his name?" Y/N pauses to think for a moment. "Oh, Batman!"

Stiles grips his chest in disgust, "First of all, he is nothing like Batman. Second of all, how dare you compare the two!"

Y/N threw her hands up in defense, "I'm sorry I said anything. I didn't realize it was going to trigger you."

Scott chuckles at their antics, "You should know by now that he takes these things way too seriously."

"Thank you!" Stiles exclaims.

"I knew I should've said I was busy," Derek mumbles.

"C'mon, babe," Y/N says while smiling up at him, "You know you love spending time with us."

"I love spending time with you. I tolerate the other two," Derek states while smirking back at her.

"Ugh, get a room," Stiles scoffs in disgust, looking at the pair staring into each other's eyes.

Derek cups Y/N's face and pulls her into a long kiss. After they part, he turns toward Stiles with a smirk still on his face. Y/N laughs as Stiles pretends to start gagging.

"So, if Tony Stark is an Avenger, is his son one as well? He looks a bit too young to be one," Y/N questions.

"I'm pretty sure he's older than you. He's like 19, 20 years old," Stiles answered, "He works for his dad at one of his companies. There's also a conspiracy theory that he's behind the mask of Spiderman, but it's never been proven, and he's always denied it."

"I get why he'd want to keep it a secret if he is. I mean, if the world knew about us, I don't know if I could stand the pressure of being in the limelight like that. Plus, I'm sure people hold them to an unrealistic standard considering who they are," Y/N states.

"I don't think I could deal with all the enemies and bad guys they have to deal with," Scott adds, "We are constantly dealing with different people and creatures, and we haven't left Beacon Hills. It feels like every week someone else wants to kill us."

"Yeah, they definitely don't have the greatest of lives," Stiles informs them while shoveling his mouth full of food, "Some of them only have powers because they've been experimented on. Tony Stark's daughter was kidnapped when she was three years old. Her remains were found ten years later at a Hydra facility."

"Who's Hydra?" Scott asks.

"A terrorist group who wants world domination. They're the reason the Winter Soldier and Scarlet Witch exist."

"That must have been awful finding his daughter's remains," Y/N sighs sadly.

"He wasn't the one to find them," Stiles began, "It was some other team that found her. They've never said who did, but it has been said that he didn't."

"Can we please change the subject?" Derek asks as he rubs his temple. "You haven't shut up about the Avengers for the last ten minutes."

"Well, now that I know it annoys you, I want to talk about them more," Stiles smirks at the annoyed werewolf.

"If you don't stop talking, I'm going to ri–"

"Rip my throat with your teeth. I get it," Stiles interrupts, "If anyone should be the jealous one in the relationship, it should be Y/N. Why are you constantly talking about putting your lips on my neck?"

"He's got you there," Scott quips.

Derek glares at the both of them, "I wish you were dead."

"If that were true, you would've killed us a long time ago," Stiles states with a grin on his face, "I think you're keeping us around because you secretly have a crush on me. And you can't kill Scott because you know I'd never get with you if you've killed my best friend."

Derek looks to Y/N for help, "I can't help you. You started this so you have to deal with it."

He huffs, leaning back in his seat, "I hate all of you."

"C'mon, grumps. You know you lov–," Stiles is interrupted by his phone ringing. He quickly answers his phone when he sees that it's Lydia calling. The group stays silent as they watch him speak with her in concern.

Scott's the first one to speak when he hangs up, "What's going on?"

"She was on her way to get her nails done, and now she's standing in front of some random building. She thinks someone's body might be there, but she doesn't want to be the one to find it." Stiles answers.

"Let's go then!"

Derek throws some cash on the table as the group stands to leave. As they walk towards the front door, Y/N can sense that Peter is watching them. She turns and gives him a small smile and waves as she leaves.


Peter waves back at the girl as she leaves, but he's not sure if she noticed or not. She was already halfway out the door when he decided to wave back.

"Are you finally going to finish your food now that she's not here to distract you?"

Peter gives Sam an annoyed look, "She wasn't distracting me. I'm just a slow eater."

"Please," Natasha interjects, "her boyfriend was practically glaring at you the whole time because you wouldn't stop staring at her."

"I told you there's something about her that seems familiar. She doesn't seem familiar to the Peter side of me, but she seems familiar to the Spidey side of me."

"Maybe you should tell Spidey that you have a girlfriend and to stop staring at other girls. Especially with ones that have murderous-looking boyfriends," Bucky adds.

"He was pretty hot," Wanda states, "I get why she's with him."

"Yeah," Steve agrees.

"Hey!" Bucky exclaims while giving Steve an offended look. "I'm right here."

"Am I wrong?"

"No," Bucky sighs in defeat.

"If you're all done discussing how hot some guy is, let's get back to the house. I hate to say it, but I'm tired and ready to sleep for as long as possible," Tony declares.

They all quickly agree that they're ready to leave. After Tony pays the bill, they head toward the car. Peter is forced to sit in the back, squished between Thor and Sam.

When they arrived at the house, Peter's right leg was numb from how he was sitting. Thor climbs out first before he stumbles his way out.

"Thor, can you stop getting bigger muscles? They're eventually going to need their own seat at this rate."

"You're jealous, Spider-Boy," Thor quips, "I cannot help how powerful I am."

"I'm not jealous," Peter huffs, "I just like being able to feel my legs."

As they walk inside, the group departs and heads to their rooms. As Peter enters his room, he grabs his toiletries from his suitcase before heading toward the bathroom down the hall. When he re-enters his room, he slowly strips himself of his clothes before throwing them into a pile in the corner of the room.

Staring at the bed, Peter decides he won't be able to sleep with it in the corner. He moves the bed so that it's now underneath the skylight. Once he climbs into bed, he stares up at the stars, and his mind runs with thoughts about the girl at the diner.

He can't help but wonder why his spider-senses seemed to be drawn to her. It felt as if they knew her, but he'd never seen her before. Maybe he has but he can't remember. She didn't seem to know who he was, so it was unlikely that they knew each other.

He tossed and turned for an hour, unable to sleep. It felt weird being back in the room without Y/N. He caught himself staring at the ground multiple times as if she'd be there sleeping on the pull-out. He huffs in frustration before realizing there's only one way he will be able to sleep tonight.

He slides off the bed and pulls out the bed underneath it. It still has the same blue sheets it had fifteen years ago. Y/N insisted that the sheets matched the color of Steve's Captain America uniform.

Pulling down his pillows and comforter, Peter settled onto the bed. He also let the overwhelming emotions of being back at the lake house finally settle over him.

That's how Peter fell asleep—laying on the pull-out with his head full of thoughts and memories and his cheeks stained with fallen tears.

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