The Queen they needed- The vo...

By purple2495

228K 5.5K 699

Roselia Monroe has and always will be the best friend of Bella Swan, when violet and Bella were Five years ol... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24

Chapter 23

5.2K 145 15
By purple2495

Telling her mates about the baby had been one of the most nerve wracking experiences for her.

A child is something she had never known she had wanted until the moment she met her three adoring male mates, and now with four of them she could not decide who's child she wished to be pregnant with first.

In the days after killing the old queens she had been with each and everyone one of her mates which could have landed her in this position, in truth she had absolutely no idea who's child she was currently carrying.

As she sat next to her sister she could not help but what as the child in which her sister was carrying was slowly killing her, it was only a matter of time before Sabrina would be one of them and that child would be welcomed into the world.

Rose looked up and watched as her three kings walked into the room and she could not help but smile, since calling them she no longer felt the sickness or pain in which this pregnancy brought around, it seemed her child also liked having all its parents around.

Caius the seemingly most angry and scary man in the world melted at the sight of his mate, since telling him she was pregnant, she had seen his hesitance to the situation but each and every day he put away his own reservations and made sure she and the baby were well taken care of.

"Amore" he smiled as he kneeled next to her, his hand coming to rest of the slight bump of her stomach, it had only been a matter of weeks since she left volterra which meant her child was growing quickly, just like Sabrina's only her child was not killing her. Though she brought that down to not being able to kill something that was already dead.

She smiled at him and rested her hand on top of his "I'm glad your back" she whispered as she kissed his head gently

"As are we amore" Aro spoke as he came to sit on her free side as Marcus sat at her feet.

She looked around the room and smiled as she spotted didyme, that smile instantly made the old queen walk over and stood behind her, all of her mates touching her in some made her feel incredible.

Sabrina chuckled as she looked at her sister "goodness I've not seen you this happy the entire time you have been here" she said softly as she laid her head on her shoulder

Rose smiled as she kissed her head gently "all of my family is in one place, how can I not be happy rina" she hummed as she placed her hand on her sisters bump and chuckled as she felt her niece of nephew move.

She frowned a little as he eyes flashed white causing everyone to look at her "sweetheart" didyme muttered as she squeezed her shoulder gently only to receive no answer from her mate.

Her eyes stayed their white colour as she looked down at her sisters bump "yes you are" she smiled a little confusing everyone in the room but Edward

"You can hear them too" he asked awe in his voice as he looked at the woman he once hated

She nodded "the child is sorry it's hurting you rina, it doenst like that it's hurting you, they promise they only need a little longer" she smiled as her eyes settled to their normal black and silver colour.

Everyone looked at the vampire queen, the ruler of life and death itself and only as they watched colour return to Sabrina's face did they realise just how powerful the woman actually was.

Marcus smiled a little "I can already see your bond with that child, it is truly amazing how you can make everyone adore you" he muttered as he looked up at his mate

She gently dropped her hand into his hair and smiled "well i have to have people like me darling, they hate you all too much" she chuckled softly

Before anyone could say anything Marcus' eyes grew wider as he stared at his mates bump confusing everyone, yet again.

Aro being the idiot he was just had to see what his brother was seeing so instantly took his hand and gasped before staring down at his mates bump too.

The looks of two of her mates face made her and caius grow concerned while didyme frowned choosing to keep quite for the moment.

Caius growled lowly "if one of you do not tell us what you are gasping and staring at then I will not no concerns about throwing you both of the window" he muttered darkly

Rose gently rested her hand on top of his and kissed his cheek "calm yourself" she whispered softly before she looked down at her

"Marcus will you please tell me what you see, is the baby okay" she spoke softly though they could all hear the confusion and even the anxiousness that rested in her tone

"Babies" Marcus whispered causing her to freeze slightly

She blinked before she looked at him "excuse me" she mumbled as she tilted her head

Aro cleared his throat making everyone turn to face him "Marcus can see three ties tying themselves to you in the bond of a mother and child, he can see three ties tying didyme to them as mother and child, he can see three ties tying each of us to the children currently in you" he said the small smile on his face very noticeable

Her mouth dropped open as she stared down at her bump "your telling me that there are three babies in me" she asked as she stared at her mates with her eyes wide

Marcus nodded "yes" he smiled as he looked at her "I can also tell you each one of them is biologically related to a different one of us" he mumbled

She looked at him "I know you can hide bonds so if your comfortable with it, I would like you to hide who is biologically who's, all of our children shouty be treated the same, regardless of biology, when they are older I have no doubt we will all see who is related to who but for now I'd like it this way"

All four of her mates nodded and smiled as they each kissed her gently.

In that moment all of them knew they would absolutely love all three of those children. But Roselia could only think of that dream she had once long ago, where she had two boys a little girl, she hoped that would come true, she knew they would all be protective of all of their children but she also knew that all of her mates would spoil their children with everything in the world.

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