Whitesides sister (5sos+magco...

By AjDagger

23.4K 542 52

'People change, things go wrong. Shit happens, but life goes on' More

Intro/HELLO IM...
It Begins.
Lifes about to change.
L.A here we come
L.A Here We Are.
Meeting the boys
Unpacking and basket ball chats.
тaylor. Мaтт. Ѕaммy
ғιrѕт ѕнow
Unexpected call.
Meeting the girlfriends.
Sorry Taylor. Saving someones life.
Im over you.
I miss you guys. Tour with me?
Friends and heat
"No please say this is a joke"
New couple❤️
"I broke the promise..."
Funeral time.
Shawns Girlfriend
Fights and flights
Harry Styles
Ally cheats
Cameron and Nash
Cameron and Nash pt.2
Youmnas surprise pt.1
Youmnas actual surprise
Ill or dying?
You can't guys.
Who was it?
Don't leave me
Getting out of hospital.
About Zack
Double date.
Haters (video)
Night times
End of Magcon.
3 months later...
Thank you!!!
The end!!

They loved you.

1.1K 23 1
By AjDagger

⭐️Want to want me-Jason Derulo⭐️
*Y/Ns POV*

🙈Emotional alert🙈

Theres 4 more days till I go to Magcon with Jacob and I'm so excited. Mahogany has come over to come shopping with us. I wanted the whole JOX thing to be real but my brother likes Bea Miller well i kind of like her too but id rather Mahogany but oh well.

At the mall we go to Primark, red herring,Victoria secret 😉 and super-drug to by loads of make up perfume and nail polish. Jacob went off by himself 5 hours ago probably met up with a mate or Bea but we were finally finished and we think £500 is enough spent for one day.

We go back home and order pizza bbq chicken yum my favourite 😋 Mahogany ends up leaving at 1am and i was super tired but i needed to talk to my brother quickly he went outside after we finished the pizza he missed his favourite movie as well. I knew exactly where he would be sitting, on the bench covered with leaves that has a tree hovering above it with guitar in hand and strings being played. I walk outside and I was right there he was but his guitar wasn't being played he was head down pulling his hair while his hands went through it.

"You ok Jacob?"
"Kind of" i went to sit by him and we both looked up at the diamond like stars.
"Im sorry"
"What for Y/N?"
"Mum and Dad"
"What do you mean?"
"They loved you. I caused problems. Maybe they would still be here if I-"
"Stop. Y/N enough. Lets talk about it another time yeah? Right bye I'm done. Going to bed. See you in the morning"
"Night" Jacob gets up and leaves i stay there for a while wondering if that was stupid to say. Oh well. I have to go to bed and stop worrying.

*2 days later*

Theres 2 more days until I leave with Jacob to go to L.A Im packing all my things. All my bright coloured clothes. ALL my shoes and of course my skinny jeans along with my 2 4 pairs of high waisted jean shorts.

My dress sense is a lot like a toned down less cray cray Mahogany wardrobe apparently. I like that. To have or even be anything like her is amazing to me! I love her i met her about 2 years ago she helped me through a lot of hard times. Still does. Were like sisters but she goes on tour too so I don't see her a lot I miss her like crazy though!!

I also met Shawn Mendes about 3 months ago he came to see Jacob here. We got on very well he's a inspiration to me. He's such a good singer with powerful words. He's great!

I can't wait to meet more of these lovely people my brother knows. We'll see!
"Y/N have you packed we need to get a early night because we have a lot of saying goodbye tomorrow."
"Okay" I say will a happy expression. Jacob is about to leave.

"They'd be proud of you. Jacob"
"Mum and dad. They loved you a lot"
"Mum abandoned you and put you in a druggies home and-"
"A nice druggies home."
Jacob sighs and carries on with a smile but i could see tears forming in his eyes.
"And. Dad left us. Not just you. Me too. They loved you but they didn't show it. I love you sis so thats okay. We don't have anyone to ruin our lives anymore okay?"
I made a slight smile and looked up to Jacob the tears were now slowly rolling down his cheek
"Okay. I love you too". I stood up with a jump and hugged him.
"thank you for everything. You and me against the world Jacob. Just us. With our soon to be new friends!! Yayyy!!"
"MY friends. YOUR soon to be new friends. Go to bed now will see you tomorrow"
"Night Jacob"
"Night Y/N"
Jacob leaves and I think about the conversation we just had.

He's never spoken about our parents since dad left. We were to angry because he left. We couldn't never talk about them though. Could we. I loved my brother and he loves me. Our parents loved him. I cant hate him for that can I. Just because he's more lovable than me. I don't blame him. I blame our parents. But i guess its cause I'm a reject. But anyway Im about to meet new people who are gonna see the happiness in me and going to make myself some new friends. Hopefully. Tomorrows gonna be good. I get to say bye to my family i know thats sad but i also say bye to this me. I believe I'm going to become a new me while away. Lets do it.

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