Summer Love That Blossomed in...

By phoebesmith25

608 157 5

Eric Wilson and his siblings Michelle (older sister), James (younger brother), Micheal but everyone calls him... More

First Day Of Summer (Edited)
Continuation from Last Part (Edited)
First Date? (Edited)
Beach Day (Edited)
My Dad's Back? (Edited)
Tryouts For Football (Edited)
First Day Of Senior Year (Edited)
Halloween and Halloween Party (Edited)
Thanksgiving Week (Edited)
Thanksgiving Week Part 2 (Edited)
Basketball Tryouts (Edited)
Christmas Cruise Day 1 (Edited)
Last Full Day On Cruise (Edited)
New Years Eve Party (Edited)
Eric's 18th Birthday (Edited)
Valentine's Day (Edited)
Back Home, With Wheelchair (Edited)
First Day Back at School, Since Accident (Edited)
Prom (Edited)
Finally Done! (Edited)
Graduation Party (Edited)
August 2020 (Edited)
College Halloween Party (Edited)
Nice To Be Back Home For Thanksgiving (Edited)
Planning Ellie and Arthur's Wedding (Edited)
Physical Therapy (Edited)
End Of Semester/Christmas Break (Edited)
Cruise Round 2 - Couple Edition (Edited)
New Years Eve Party Round 2 (Edited)
New Year, Eric's 22nd Birthday (Edited)
Surprise! (Edited)
Eric's Family Finds Out (Edited)
What We are Having... (Edited)
Gender Reveal (Edited)
Graduation of Undergrad College (Edited)
Welcome To The World EJ (Edited)
EJ's First Thanksgiving (Edited)
Arthur and Ellie's Wedding Weekend Part 1 (Edited)
Ellie and Arthur's Wedding Weekend Part 2 (Edited)
Tessa's Bully (Edited)
EJ's First Christmas (Edited)
New Years Eve Party (Edited)
Baby Number 4? (Edited)
Caric Wedding Weekend Part 1 (Edited)
Caric Wedding Weekend Part 2 (Edited)
Start of Summer 2026 (Edited)
Welcome To The World Baby #4 (Edited)
Halloween/EJ's Birthday (Edited)
Thanksgiving 2026 (Edited)
New Years Eve 2026 (Edited)
Eric's 28th Birthday (Edited)
Skylar and Emma's 3rd Birthday (Edited)
1 Year Anniversary (Edited)
Carley's 28th Birthday (Edited)
Ten Year High School Reunion (Edited)
Summer 2027 (Edited)
EJ's First Day of Kindergarten (Edited)
Halloween 2027/ EJ's 6th Birthday (Edited)
Thanksgiving 2027 (Edited)
New Years Eve/Twins Are Here (Edited)
Author's Note
Sequel Is Out

Last Month before School, Let's Have Some Fun! (Edited)

9 3 1
By phoebesmith25

(Eric's POV)

So it is now August. And today is yet another pool party. But this time it's for a birthday party. And the birthday girl is Lauren since she is turning 17 today. Josh (Lauren's boyfriend now) He called up Arthur, Alex and I and asked if we could do a birthday party for her. Since our place is big and has a big pool. We agreed because Lauren is cool and nice.

So it is currently 10 in the morning. Josh slept over so when we all woke up we could start on the party stuff. Aunt Evie already called in the food. Alex and I have to get it at 11 or 12. The latest 12. But right now, Alex, Arthur, James, Josh and i are all blowing up balloons but also doing water balloons because we wanted to do water balloons. Yes we are 16/17 years old but i mean you're never too old for balloon fights. No matter the age.

Ellie, Carley, and Gabby all slept over as well. But Gabby slept with Alex. They are now dating which is good news because it was starting to get sad

James still talks to Taylor. I think he really likes her. Like a lot. He's always looking at his phone. And one time he left it to help Michelle with something. And I saw Taylor texted him something. But her name was surrounded by hearts. So I'm thinking he either has a girlfriend who is Taylor or he is crushing on her. Either way I am a great match marker!

The girls are currently in the house. I'm pretty sure they are gossiping like always.

"Bro did you hear Santana is seeing someone" Arthur said to Alex

"I didn't know you still kept in contact with her coz" I said to him

"I don't really, but we're still friends on Instagram and snapchat" He said

"Do you talk to her?" Alex asked his brother

"Not really" He said

"It's either yes or no Arthur. You do remember that you have a girlfriend who i thought you love" I said going up to my cousin

"Hey now....I love Ellie. I would never do anything to hurt her" He said standing up to me

"Then why talk to Santana?" I asked him. "Cause I know she's trying to get every single one of us guys who are dating the girls to break up with them. I wasn't even dating Carley but she almost ruined my chances with Carley earlier this summer remember?" I asked him pointing his chest

"Yeah I know that. Ellie and I are in love. And i never had feelings for Santana at all" He said poking my chest

"Alright you two stop it" Alex said separating us

"Delete her account Arthur before Ellie finds out about this. And if she finds out you are in contact with Santana still. She will probably end up thinking the worse then the real reason" I said then walked inside annoyed.

I go to the fridge and get water. It's the one where you just walk up and put the cup up against the thing and the water streams out. Its really cool. I love it

"Eric? Are you ok?" Ellie asked me

"Yeah. Just Arthur being annoying as always" I said sighing

"I get that" She said laughing

I turn back around to the girls and saw them with coffee.

"You girls are obsessed with coffee" I said with a smile

"Hey we are just like any other normal american teenager" Gabby said

"Whatever you say Gabs" I said laughing

"Eric just go back outside. We are talking" Ellie said

"Whatever. But first. Carley can I have a kiss?" I asked closing my eyes and puckering my lips

I heard her come over and kissed me. I kissed her back for longer than necessary. The girls complain

"Whatever. Thank you baby for the kiss. I'll be outside" I said kissing Carley's cheek then walked back outside.

I sat near the fire pit it's not on obviously because it's the beginning of the day

"I deleted her accounts" Arthur said after he walked over to me

I nod my head.

"You had no right to say I didn't love Ellie though" He said to me

"I didn't say that Arthur. I said Ellie will get the wrong Idea if she found out you were still friends with her on those apps" I said to him

"I know I thought about it when you went inside. Thats why I deleted her accounts" He said

"I'm gonna go put more water in the balloons. I love ya coz but I need a break from you" I said from Arthur

He nods and stays where he was standing while I walked over to the hose and started to fill more water balloons.

" Are two better now?" Alex asked helping me fill the water balloons

"I love Arthur he's my closest cousin and you know that Alex. Cause you know Arthur and i have always been the closest. But ever since I moved in with you guys. Arthur and I get on each others nerves very easily. And i mean I get it it's family but we're not immediate family you know?" I asked my cousin

"I understand Eric. And I know you and Arthur are the closest. Cause I was/am still jealous. I mean Arthur and I are twins but it seems more like you and Arthur are more of brothers then him and I" He said upset

I look sad. "Alex I didn't know you felt that way" I said to my cousin

"How were you supposed to know?" He asked sadly

I pull him into a hug and hold him tight. After a minute I pull away.

"I'm sorry Alex. I won't try to be that way with Arthur anymore" I said to him

"I've learned to dealt with it Eric. You two are best friends/cousin. And maybe....we can make you our brother. If our parents adopt you and the other cousins" He said

"Alex like I would let Aunt Evie or Uncle Matt do that" I said to him

"Well it's not up to you. It's up to them. They love you and your siblings. I mean my dad is your mom's brother" He said

"Yeah well I would be surprised if Aunt Evie and Uncle Matt adopted us" I said to him

He looks and sees his brother.

"You two should talk. Not fight" He said

"Not now Alex alright" I said to him

"Fine but before the party you got to. Cause it's Lauren's day" He said

I nod agreeing with him. I filled up about 20 more water balloons. I feel better and I am ready to talk to Arthur and not fight with him this time

I sigh and walked over to Arthur

"Yo" I said to him

"Yo" He said to me nodding

"Arth I'm sorry" I said to him

"Nah coz I'm sorry. You were right. I should have deleted Santana's accounts once she left the group. And I should have thought more about what Ellie would say if she found out. I actually told her that I was still friends with her on snapchat and Instagram. Ellie wasn't happy about that. She um......she said she wants to think for awhile" He said sadly

"Like, a break?" I asked him

He nods and nervous laughs. "Man I am so stupid! Ellie is the best thing that walked into my life!" He yelled

I sat with him. "Well try to get her to change her mind" I said to him

"Ellie is convinced that I would leave her for Santana" He said and laughs and shakes his head as well.

"Well you wouldn't" I said to him

"I wouldn't, no" He said. "How do I show her I love her. I mean we already did the next step" He said

"Well maybe you two just need this break. I mean she needs to trust you again" I said to him

"Yeah but how do I not fear that she may never trust me again?" He asked heartbroken

"You don't" I said to him

"Wow thanks coz" He chuckle

"What I mean Arthur is that girls have a lot of insecurities. And we are meant to show them that we are never gonna  leave them. No matter what" I said to him

"I know Ellie has insecurities but we talk about them" He said

"I told you Santana is a bitch. And if she finds out you and Ellie are on a break she will come after you" I said to him

"She already tried" He said giving me his phone. I saw 4 calls from the person named the bitch witch I think is Santana. "Ellie put on her story we are taking a break" He said upset

I shake my head. "I will be right back" I said and walked into the kitchen to the girls. Ellie is with tears in her eyes

"Eric if you are here to talk about Arthur and i, just don't. I'm not in the mood" Ellie said

"How could you throw your relationship with him away Ellie?" I asked her

"He was texting Santana!" She screamed at him

I hand her his phone that I still had by accident. "Look at his messages Ellie. He never replied to her stuff. Arthur is not a guy who would cheat. I would know" I said to her while she reads the messages

"Why are you helping him?" She asked putting Arthur's phone down after reading all those things

"Because Arthur is my family. And he's heartbroken. So if there's a way I can help him I will do it" I said determined

"I'm not getting back with him right now Eric" She said shaking her head

"I'm not asking right now. I'm just saying don't throw your relationship away just because of some slut" I said then walked to my room

(Carley's POV)

After Eric's little rant of why Ellie should get back with Arthur. Gabby and i stay with her.

"Do you girls think I should forgive Arthur?" Ellie asked us

"I think if Eric is right. I think you and Arthur should talk" I said to her

"Santana is a slut who ruins everyone's life" Gabby said

We all agree

"I just.....I don't like how Arthur was still friends with her on those sites" She said

"Yes he shouldn't have been friends with her after we all agreed not to be friends with her. But he never talked to her" I said

"I do still love Arthur" She said thinking

"Then go talk to him" Gabby said

I nod my head in agreement with her. "You really should. Not fight but talk" I said to her

"If I talk now. We are just gonna end up fighting in the end" She said shaking her head

"Well then wait a little but do it today" I said to her. Gabby nods in agreeing with me

"Well what are you and Eric gonna do?" She asked me

"About what?" I asked confused

"Well Eric's gonna be new to the school. And you know how the school is with new meat" Ellie said

"Ell he's my boyfriend" I said

"Yeah but there are a lot of girls like Santana at our school. Plus the actual Santana" She said

"Eric and I will be fine" I said

"You should talk about that tonight" She said

"There's nothing to talk bout" I said to her annoyed

"Hey I'm trying to help you Carley!" She yelled in announce

"Look I'm sorry your boyfriend was still friends with an ex friend on apps but he didn't text her or anything. So don't bring Eric and I up when you and him are fighting" I said then walked upstairs to Eric's room. I knock on the door.

He said come in so I walked in. He was watching Originals again. I smile

"You really love this show huh?" I asked him

"Just for Kolvina" He said looking at me with a smile

I go in his bed and lay with him

"Today is not gonna be a fun day anymore" He said wrapping his arm around my waist

"No it won't be" I said

"We have to pretend everything is ok. For Lauren's birthday at least" He said

"I agree" I said. Then think of what Ellie said. "What are we gonna do about school?" I asked him

He turns off the tv and looks at me. "What do you mean?" He asked

"I mean. You are gonna be a new student for senior year. And like the girls at our school are pretty much like Santana if not then more so Santana" I said

"Carley I choose you and I will keep choosing you until you get tired of me" He said kissing my hand

"Why?" I asked him

"Why what?" He asked me

"Why me? Why not Santana?" I asked him

He sits up and plays with his hair. "When I first met you girls earlier this summer. I was attracted to Santana. I was but I didn't know her. But then I also had a attraction to you Carley. I mean I walked up to you. And i spent that whole day with you. And only you. Because once we got to know each other playing that 20 questions game. I was hooked on you. I wanted no needed to be with you. And I didn't really care if it was friends or not. Up until the kissing game. When I kissed you first that night.....I felt fireworks. I know that's mostly for girls but I mean guys can get it too. Then the next day I went to your house to see another guy with you I was heartbroken. I punched my wheel" He said standing up now

"Then the other night everyone got together. Yes Santana kissed me but I wasn't attached to her anymore. If i was I would have showed it. But I didn't. Cause the one person I wanted to kiss was you. And it will be only you for as long as we are together. God Carley I love you so much and you're wondering if I'll cheat on you!" He said annoyed

"I don't think you will! It's just Ellie and Arthur...." i started

"So Ellie put this in your head? I will be right back" He said and walked downstairs

"Fuck" I said and ran after him. "Eric....Calm down" I said holding him back.

"No i need to talk to Ellie" He said angry

"Not until you calm down!" I yelled at him

"I'm not calm! Ellie thinks I'm gonna be like Arthur but I'm not!" He yelled annoyed

I sigh and kissed him trying to get him to calm down. After making out and I mean really making out I pull away

"Are you better?" I asked out of breath

He opens his eyes and looks at me softly. "Carley please believe me that we will be good in senior year. I only love you" He said softly

I nod and hug him. He hugs back softly

"I love you Eric. I do" i said hugging him still

"I love you Carley" He said hugging me back

(At the Party)

People were in the pool. And the gang were wondering whats wrong with Ellie and Arthur. They cant be near each other without being mad. I mean Ellie doesn't have a right to be mad neither does Arthur. They just need to talk.

"Eric!" I yelled since he's in the pool

He looks over at me then comes out. "Whats up" He asked me

"We need a way to get those two to talk" I said to him

"Yeah but how?" He asked

"We have to get them in a room together" I said

"Again how?" He asked

"I have an idea" I said with a smile. I turn off the music that was playing. People were groaning. "Alright guys we are gonna go play a game inside. Just the gang though no parents" I said pointing at the adults.

The adults nod and talk amongst themselves.

The gang and I went into the basement. Luckily theres a closet for them to talk.

"Alright so let's play 7 minutes in heaven. Ellie and Arthur your first" I said to them

"What?" They asked annoyed

"Yep your first" I said pushing Ellie into the closet. While Eric pushes Arthur in the closet

We locked the door from the outside

"Now you two talk it out! You're not allowed out until you do!" I yelled thru the door

(Ellie's POV)

Arthur and I sat on the floor and sat in silence. But i needed to know this answer

"Why?" I asked him

"Huh?" He asked confused

"Why were you still friends with her on those apps?" I asked him sadly

"I really don't go on them that much anymore Ellie. I only do snapchat and that is just to talk to you" He said

"How am I supposed to believe that! Santana is so pretty and stuff" I said

"God not again!" He said annoyed

"What?" I asked him annoyed

"You always do this. You always get insecure but I show you time after time that I'm not leaving you! I love you Ellie! I'm madly in love with you! And have been for 2 years. Ever since we started dating I've loved you!" He yelled

"Then why!" I yelled at him

"I told you I don't talk to her! If you want me to delete her again and block her I will! Cause I need you way more than I need her!" He yelled

I just let the tears down. He comes over and hugs me

"I've always loved you Ellie. Ever since we started talking in High school" He said hugging me

"I love you Arthur. Always have" I said looking at him in the eyes

He leans down and kisses me. I kiss back. We end up having the seven minutes in heaven after all

(Eric's POV)

Carley and i were listening to their conversation but stopped after hearing moaning and stuff. Carley and I high five each other in success

"Alright now we can go back to the party!" I yelled

We all go back outside. Some people go in the pool. Carley and I sit by the fire pit.

"Today was a crazy day" I said

"You have no idea" She said laughing

"But we got through it though" I said wrapping my arm around her

"Yeah" She said then looked down

I lift her head. "What's wrong?" I asked her

"I'm just worried, i guess" She said

"Still about the first day of school?" I asked her

"Not just the day Eric. Everyday. Once girls see you, they'll want you until they are yours" She said

"I told you its me and you forever. You just have to trust that nothing will tempt me" I said

"I do trust you....It's just there's gonna be guys after me too. And have been since i've developed" She said and pointed to her boobs

"Well I'll fight off a lot of guys for you" I said smiling at her

"Are you gonna do any sports?" She asked

I nod. "Gonna try out for football and basketball" I said to her

"Well I'm a cheerleader so we would go well together" She said smiling at me

"Oh so you'll be cheering me on?" I asked smirking. She laughs and playfully shoves me. "Are you gonna be my personal cheerleader?" I asked into her ear

"Eric!" She said laughing

I laugh too. "I'm sorry that was too much" I said still laughing

She smiles and holds my arm over her. "Its ok. It's you" She said

I kiss her forehead. For the night we put the fire pit on and everyone sat around talking about school.

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