
By Reinsjustvibing

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[COMPLETED] Please don't read this it's really bad and I don't even like countryhumans anymore to be honest... More

Quick A/N
Chapter 1: Enemies with a Mutual Friend
Chapter 2: A Slightly More Pleasant Duo
Chapter 3: A Strangely Named Restaurant
Chapter 4: Ghosts Don't Scare Me, But This One Does...
Chapter 5: Roses
Chapter 6: Secrets
Chapter 8: Memories
Chapter 9: Options
Chapter 10: Friends Or Just Allies?
Chapter 11: BRICS
Chapter 12: An Incorrect Assumption
Chapter 13: Love, Germany
Chapter 14: A-Marching We Go
Chapter 15: Messed Up
Chapter 16: A Desperate Attempt
Chapter 17: Your Sister
Chapter 18: Shut Up and Kiss Me Already!

Chapter 7: Jealousy

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By Reinsjustvibing

The car ride to EU headquarters was rather uneventful. Russia stared out the window and Germany mainly focused on driving. Russia occasionally mentioned something random, like the fact that he hadn't changed. Germany parked in his reserved CEO parking space which was right next to the entry. They walked in and Germany's actual bodyguards- Sweden and Denmark- accidentally pushed Russia to the ground. Germany held out his hand and Russia took it.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah I'm alright," Russia said, pulling himself back up.

"Denmark, Sweden, what do you have to say?" Germany looked at them, eyes full of disappointment. They both looked at Russia.

"We're sorry, sir," they said at the exact same time.

"Good. Now make room," Germany ordered. They stepped away from him and made space in between them for Russia to walk next to Germany. Just as they got to the elevator, somebody tapped Germany's shoulder.

"Oh, good morning, Italy," he said, turning around.

"Morning, boss! I see you've brought a friend with you?" Italy smiled and nodded his head at Russia. Russia wasn't quite sure what it meant, but he did it back anyways.

"Yes. Do you not have affairs to attend to?" Germany puffed out his chest. He was a bit taller than Italy, but a lot stronger too.

"Oh sorry sir, I should get on that..." Italy sighed.

"Best be on your way then," Germany smiled at Italy, almost menacingly. He scurried away, afraid of the far stronger country. Germany turned back around and walked into the elevator, relaxing a bit.

"Gee, why are you so rude to Italy?" Russia asked. Sweden was standing next to Russia, so Sweden grabbed Russia by the arm and held a knife to his neck.

"What the hell?!" Russia squirmed.

"Do not disrespect the boss," Sweden mumbled. Only Russia could hear him.

"Sweden," Germany ordered. He had a certain tone which he would use to say so many things in so little words. He only ever used it on his bodyguards- they were the only people who knew what it meant. Sweden let go of Russia, and Russia rubbed his neck.

The elevator finally stopped at floor twenty-seven, Germany's office.

"Boring office compared to your room," Russia said. Germany looked slightly flustered, however had a look of anger on his face. With all that emotion, he kept a small smile to distract himself from it.

"I realize now how weird that was," Russia said.

"You should have realized that before you said it," Germany said, his voice shaky. Denmark and Sweden looked at each other, almost communicating with their eyes.

"They're totally gay," Denmark communicated.

"Hell yeah they are," Sweden agreed.

"It's not what it sounds like, I promise," Germany said to Denmark and Sweden.

"It's okay boss, we support you," Sweden said.

"Yeah, I was one of the first countries to recognize same-sex partnerships! In a good way!"Denmark added, enthusiastically.

"I appreciate it, but Russia and I aren't together," Germany mumbled.

"Oh right. Sorry, we must have forgotten about your date with Poland," Sweden apologized.

"How do you know about that?" Germany asked.

"Everybody knows about it. America told us all," Denmark confessed.

"Ame is so dead..." Germany mumbled.

"I think he made an ad about it, put it on some YouTube videos..." Sweden smirked. The first thing Germany thought when he heard that was one word; murder.

"So that's what you were busy doing," Russia said.



"I thought you didn't care?" Germany sounded disappointed.

"I don't! I was just curious," Russia said.

"Do you have a clip of the ad you can show me?" Germany asked Sweden.

"Yeah, here," he said, showing a clip on his phone.

"So we all know Germany, right? Yeah, the guy who lost both world wars? Well look at this!" An image popped up, covering America's face. It was of him and Poland at her doorstep. Luckily he only had a picture of him giving her flowers. "Totally insane, right?! Well there you go! Breaking news, Germany and Poland are totally dating! Alright, you can go back to your video or whatever..." The clip cut off.

"Hey Russia, you hate America, right?" Germany asked.

"Of course I do, why?" Russia was completely lost.

"We're going to his house. Bring your stupid gun or whatever," Germany said, and he got into the elevator. There was his own personal elevator that only stopped in the lobby and his floor, floor twenty-seven. It went super fast, so he only used it when he was in a rush.

They were down in the lobby in a few seconds.

"Should we come with you?" Sweden asked.

"Do you want to see hands thrown?" Germany replied, implying that he didn't want them to come. They stayed behind and waited at the entrance.

Germany started his car and practically sped his way to America's house. They got there in around five minutes, compared to the usual seven. Germany pounded his fist on the door. He knew America was home, he always was unless they had a United Nations or NATO meeting. America opened the door.

"Surprising that you're here on a work day. What can I do for you?" America smiled.

"I know what you did," Germany responded, his voice shaking from anger.

"Woah there, calm down. Now what was it that I did?" America acted oblivious- he knew exactly what he did. Germany was about to respond, but held himself back and instead punched America in the face.

"What the hell?!" America screeched, rubbing his cheek. Russia put a hand on Germany's shoulder in an attempt to calm him down, but that only made America notice him.

"Why'd you bring that disgusting Ruski with you? Did he brainwash you?" America worried. Germany never acted like this, he was always the calm and professional one.

"No he did not brainwash me! If anything... you did," Germany no longer seemed mad, but rather sad.

"What do you mean?" America asked. His cheek still stung.

"You brainwashed me into thinking I could trust you... into thinking we were friends," Germany looked down and rubbed his tear-filled eyes. America had no response, he could only stand there. He thought about trying to hug Germany, but Russia beat him to it. It's not like he'd want a hug from America right now anyways.

"Come on, Ger. Let's go. He doesn't deserve to see you, let alone get tears from you," Russia said,  hugging Germany. "I hope you realize what you've done, States," Russia said.


Poland sat at her desk on the 3rd floor of the European Union building. She didn't bother doing her work- she never did it in the first place. She didn't see the purpose of doing work for NATO and the European Union at the same time. She decided she would just watch some videos, seeing she was so bored. She clicked on a random video and an ad popped up right before it. Everybody hates ads, but she hated this one specifically. It was America 'exposing' her and Germany for their date. She wondered how he even knew about it. Did Germany tell him? She thought they were keeping this a secret. Well, she couldn't blame him if he did tell. They would have found out sooner or later...

She thought about telling Czechia, but she probably already knew. Then, as if her mind had been read, Czechia called her.

"Bestie did you see what United States did?!" Czechia yelled as soon as Poland had picked up the phone.

"I just saw, I thought about calling your but I figured you already knew," she sighed.

"Hey, this is good! He has to like you now or everybody will think he's a total jerk!" Czechia squealed.

"I don't want him to be forced to love me if he doesn't..." Poland said. "Fake love isn't as good as the real thing."

"I guess you're right..." Czechia sighed. "You always have to rain on your own parade, don't you?"

"I just wanna keep my feet on the ground."


America's phone kept blowing up. All of the messages were about the ad, which he had also posted on his TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. He held an ice pack on his cheek, the one Germany had slapped. He didn't know why he made the ad. He didn't know why he had to tell the world that Poland and Germany were dating. Maybe he was just... jealous? No, he refused to think he, the best country in the entire world, was jealous because of a few lousy regional powers. But then again, his heart fluttered whenever he saw Germany, even if he was only walking down the street. If only he could be in Poland's shoes, for at least a day... that would make him happy.

He read one of the messages he had gotten. It was from his own brother, Canada.

"You're a jerk, you know. Germany was trying to keep it low-key. You could have- and probably did- ruin(ed) his life," it said. Those words struck him almost as hard and Germany's slap did. His own brother thought he was a jerk? But, it's fine, it's Canada. He and Canada never got along anyways...


"I-I just don't understand how he could do this to me!" Germany sobbed. Both Poland and Russia were at his side, trying their best to comfort him. Poland leaned into his left side, hugging him tightly. Russia kept an arm around him. Germany just sat there, elbows on his knees and hands on his face. They were on the couch in a secluded area of his office. Italy sat next to Russia and France next to Poland, Austria standing behind the couch.

"He's just a jerk. He's the worst person to ever be born, he doesn't even deserve to be allies with you, let alone friends," Russia said.

"Yeah, and you have a lot of other people too! Everybody in the United Nations- besides America- is on your side!" Poland reassured him. Germany sat back and hugged Poland with one arm. She felt a sense of security, even if he was barely holding on to her. She leaned in closer to him and rested her head on his chest. Everybody in the room ignored it as best they could, but France was staring  at Poland, fury in her eyes. She was almost shaking from anger, and she reached into her pocket. Denmark stepped in and grabbed her arm before she could pull anything out.

"What exactly do you think you're doing?" he asked.

"N-nothing!" France responded. Denmark pulled France's hand out of her pocket and revealed a Swiss Army knife, the blade already out. Germany looked over.

"Why do you have a Swiss Army knife... with the blade out?" he asked, his voice shaking. His voice was mostly shaking because of sadness and a being stabbed in the back, but partially because France was starting to scare him a little more than usual.

"No reason, I-I just always keep it like that, just in case. Some tourists are crazy, y-you know?" France stuttered.

"We all know that isn't the reason, France," Sweden said, stepping forward. Denmark grabbed the knife out of France's hand and gave it to Germany, who put it in his pocket.

"Can I speak to Poland... privately?" France asked.

"I'll have to search you to ensure her safety," Sweden mumbled, his voice deep. She stood up and he patted her down, confiscating weapon after weapon. By the time he was done, there were three knives on the table and two bottles of pills, which he assumed must have been cyanide or something of the sort. France rolled her eyes and took Poland into the other room to talk.

"I hope Poland will be alright... France is... different," Germany mumbled.

"I'm sure she'll be just fine," Austria said, smiling at him. He patted Germany on the shoulder and  turned towards the door.

"I best be going, I have work to do," he said.

"Me too!" Italy said, remembering what Germany had told him that morning.

"Bye guys..." Germany mumbled. Italy and Austria left, closing the door that led to this little sitting room behind them.

"She'll be just fine..."

Sorry about any grammatical or dumb mistakes, I barely proofread this. Anyways, s do you guys enjoy the POV switches? Just wondering. <3

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