Arrogant Mafia and Baby Boss

By sweetkitten17

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this story revolves around two individuals...who are very different from each other one who believe in kindne... More

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chapter - 5
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chapter - 12
chapter - 13
chapter - 14
chapter - 15
chapter - 17
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chapter - 19
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chapter - 21
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chapter - 26
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chapter - 42
chapter - 43
chapter - 44 ๐Ÿ”ž

chapter - 16

1.5K 91 9
By sweetkitten17

Inside the mew's room


"I don't know why you reacted in that way gulf, i know there is something which was bothering you for a long time, which led to you in this situation, which triggered you, baby i can't see you like this I don't know what you going through but atleast trust me little and tell me what's the problem, why are you living in fear, what making you scare off just trust me open your heart to me and i promise you to take care of everything nothing in the this world can make you weak, i will fight for you if whole world get against you but please tell me what is your problem..."

In the middle of the night gulf wake up look around and find himself sleeping peacefully in mew's arm, first he was shock how he came here but relax because he knew mew was the one who brought him here, gulf was feeling guilty for his action it's not like that he don't like violence and all as he also the part of mafia he very well understand but he was scared of his past what if his past effect his present and most importantly now mew and others are also his part...


"I know i behaved like an asshole due to my panic attack but that time it was a sudden shock for me as i come to know mew is also the part of mafia move over the strongest group in the mafia world, at that time many thinking are going in mind which triggered my panic attack, i think now it's time for me to open up myself to mew, i trust him on my life and i have make ready myself to face reality"

Gulf stare are mew face while adoring his features, he make himself comfortable and put his head on mew chest while listening his heartbeat which is music for gulf, where mew have smile on his face and soon both draft in their dreamworld...

In the morning everyone has their breakfast in peace but is suddenly ruined by a voice who was shouting and enough to be annoyed and spoil someone's mood...

Lady :- mewwwww....

"Why the hell she is here... Mew in his mind "

"Who the fucker allow here in... Zee in his mind"

"Bitch can't leave my phi for fuck sake... Bright in his mind"

Mew :- what are you doing here... 'in cold tone'

Lady :- i came to know about your accident so here I come to look how are you doing... 'in sweet tone'

Zee/bright :- bitch...

Win saint looks at zee bright for who she is while gulf continuously looking at the girl if looks can kill someone then surely that girl was dead by now where others gulp by seeing gulf dangerous look...

Saint :- who is she... 'whispering'

Zee :- bitch...

Saint :- idiot why she is here look at gulf...

Zee :- don't know...

On the other side

Win :- what she want... 'whispering'

Bright :- sure a death wish...

Win :- p'bai what she meant to p'mew...

Bright :- nothing...

Where with MewGulf

Mew :- get out of my house eye...

"Hot!! serve you right girl!! Smirking... Gulf inside his mind"

Eye :- but i came to meet you mew, I'm worried for you... 'with fake innocent face'

Mew :- who the hell gives you permission to enter my house without knowing me... 'in cold stren voice'

Eye :- did i need someone permission to meet you...

Bright :- yes Miss you need plus you are not welcome to our house...

Zee :- please leave before we forget our manners...

Eye :- 'ignore them' mew this is the way to treat your girlfriend...

Gulf/win/saint :- what??? 'shockingly'

They were three enjoying the show as they saw how pissed off mew, bright and zee was with the presence of the girl but chocked when that girl said the word girlfriend where now gulf was completely out of his control and ready to attack the girl but before anyone says something girl notice the boys...

Eye :- ohhh i didn't notice you all, who are you guys and what are you doing here...

Mew :- don't answer her "look at the gulf" and listen, who are you to question them you are nothing to me not even close to me so shut your mouth and get out...

Eye :- but

Gulf :- miss whoever you are just leave them alone, are you that dumb to understand the meaning of get out, you can't see they are not very fond of your presence here, so i suggest you to leave before they lose their minds... 'in sweet but stren voice which saint and win knows very well what that tone means'

Eye :- mew...

Mew :- security...

Eye :- fine but you have to pay for this mew...

After she left all eyes are on mew for answers like 'what the hell she was doing here', 'who the hell she is', why the hell she says girlfriend', where mew was just looking at gulf straight in his eye to find trust where gulf sweetly smiles at mew like saying 'i trust you' ...

Mew :- she was an eye, the daughter of one of my business partners...

Bright :- she tried to seduce phi many times but failed all the time... 'boringly'

Zee :- she even tries to spread the rumour that she is mew's girlfriend... 'with an irritated face'

Mew :- don't worry about her she means nothing to me plus i already cancelled my partner with her dad...

Gulf :- and what about your baby boss then, who is he/she... 'while borrowing his eyes'

"Damn baby you still stuck on that but not know let me tease you more na... Said mew in his mind"

Mew :- ohh that's secret...

With that mew go to his room where others are trying to control their laughter while seeing gulf dumbfounded face but before gulf could react everyone goes from there...

Saint :- let me check on p'mew, it's time for his walk...

Win :- i will help you...

Zee :- bright let's go...

Bright :- yaa!! bye p'gulf...

Gulf :- what the hell just happened here, ahhhaaa!!! mew don't worry i will also find out who the hell is your so called baby boss and then i will bite the shit out of them, huh... 'while sulking where mew was watching him secretly'

"Soon you are going to know who my baby boss is, just wait... Mew said with evil smirk"

Gulf :- whatever first i want to talk about with a win saint plus i still have to apologise and explain to them why i reacted that way but have to wait for dinner as zee bright are not at home, hmmm i can do this...

At gulf's gang house

Gun :- are you sure...

ABC :- yes Mr Suppasit is the 'devil king' leader of the 'knight hunters'

Gun :- did they know anything about our leader...

ABC :- no, hmm, boss there is something more, our informer just informed me now, miky gang is going to attack Suppasit mansion but we don't know when they are planning to attack...

Gun :- damn it, increase the security around Suppasit mansion and tell our men's to be alert we can't take any risk...

ABC :- copied...

Gun :- fuck, i need to tell gulf and miky you are dead for sure now, you don't know who are you going to face...

Gun took out his phone to call his boyfriend and ask him to meet ASAP where his boyfriend agreed to meet him near by...

After 30 min gun reached the location and waiting for his boyfriend in the restaurant...

Gun :- you late...

Off :- sorry something came up...

Gun :- babe i need your help...

Off :- tell me what happened...

Gun explain everything to off without skipping anything, offgun are boyfriends where off work for knight hunters and gun work for red fox, they both know everything about their work but except the leader true identity, know gun told him everything but still not told him gulf's true identity...

Off :- that bastard, he already attacked our boss now again he is planning to attack him...

Gun :- babe i know he was playing evil, he also attacked us and we already warned him but still he nor ready to give up...

Off :- how do you know about that...

Gun :- we have our ways but still this is serious and important, we just got this information few hours back so here I'm sharing with you...

Off :- don't worry babe now i will see to it, ok i have to go plus i have to inform the boss about it, take care bye love you...

Gun :- love you too babe see you at home...

First thing done now p'off will take care of the situation, now i have to inform the gulf about everything...


Hope you all like this chapter....

See you next chapter...

Bye take care...

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Love you all 💕💕

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