The Rogue Soldier (COMPLETED)

By janelovesbooks_

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You think your life sucks? Get a load of Lynn's. She's been a good girl her whole life, even thought her moth... More

Chapter 1- Old Friends
Chapter 2- My Wolf Loves Channing Tatum
Chapter 3- Nick
Chapter 4- I'm Your Mate
Chapter 5- This Means War
Chapter 6- A Few Flashbacks
Chapter 7- An Injured Doomsday Prepper
Chapter 9
Chapter 10- My Private Island Calls To Me
Chapter 11: Return of My Parental Unit
Chapter 12- Die Mother, Die
Chapter 13
Chapter 14- Motor Troubles
Chapter 15- Daddy's Here
Chapter 16- Alpha Jack Vex
Chapter 17- The Conclusion
Final A/N + Sequel Info

Chapter 8- Cheater, Cheater, Pumpkin Eater

20.6K 562 94
By janelovesbooks_

The cities a flood and our love turns to rust
We're beaten and blown by the wind, trampled in dust
I'll show you a place high on a desert plain
Where the streets have no name (3x)
We're still building, then burning down love
Burning down love

Where the Streets Have No Name -U2

Chapter 8- Cheater, Cheater, Pumpkin Eater

Tate comes himself instead of sending a car. He snarled really loudly when he saw the man I had captured, but I gave him a 'don't even think about killing him yet' look, and he just rolled his eyes.

I have the best mate ever! He brought me duct tape! I tape the wolf's mouth shut so Tate and I can talk without sarcastic remarks from the back seat.

When we got in the car Tate smiled and leaned in to kiss me but I turned so he got my cheek. "Later." I promised him. The rogue made gagging noises from the backseat. Without looking back, I threw him a slap. I smiled when I heard a quiet "Oof!" Escape his mouth.

We drove home in relative silence, not wanting to speak about anything in front of the rogue. When we finally arrived to Tate's mansion, my wolf had been making perverse remarks for a long time. Many involved jumping on Tate, and she was making me uncomfortable. From the was Tate was leaning away from me, I could tell his wolf was doing the same thing.

The border guards stopped our car and upon seeing Tate, bowed and we passed. The rogue was carried to the cellar and locked in a cell. I will deal with him later.

For now, Tate gives me a tour of the pack house. We walk through the kitchen and the game room. Through the dining hall, and the living room. We walk through the children's playroom. After we pass the playroom, there is a set of stairs leading to a long hallway. Throughout the hallway there are doors, the setup looks somewhat like a college dorm hall. We reach the end of the hallway, and Tate leads me up another floor. By now we have reached the third floor, not counting the basement.

"This floor is for my beta, third, peace keeper, and head pack warriors. All of their rooms are a bit bigger because of their ranks." Tate says.

He takes my hand and leads me up to the fourth floor. Here, he inserts a key into the doorknob and opens it slowly. "This is my room. I was wondering, my mate, if you would like to stay here with me?" Tate seems nervous to ask me but he gets it out none the less.

"Sure." I say with a shrug. His mouth instantly rearranges itself into a smile. He positively beams at me.

"Great!" He exclaims.

I shrug again. "Lemme just go grab my stuff."

I run outside to the car, and sit inside it for a minute. I debate moving to the drivers side and taking off, but I couldn't do that to my wolf. I really really like Tate. But... I feel like I'm endangering the pack by being here. I've told myself that I'm not a Luna that runs away, I want to stay and help the pack. But if I stay, there may be no pack left to help. My ex-mate isn't exactly famous for his mercy. I decide I need to talk to Tate before I even think of running away. I haul my stuff inside the house, where I'm greeted by a nice guy.

"Want help with that?" He asks.

"Sure. Thanks." He grabs two of my bags, and I grab the other three.

"I can get one of those if you want." He says, gesturing to the uneven amount of bags.

"I'm strong. I got it." I tell him. He just raises his eyebrows, silently challenging me. I almost snarl at his disrespect. I am stronger than him, mentally. I can beat his ass in a fight too, no doubt. We trudge up to the pack's dorm halls, and the man makes to put my bags down. "Actually it's upstairs farther." I tell him. He quirks his eyebrows again and I want to kill him.

"Really?" He asks in a mocking tone. "Are you the peace keeper or something weak?"

I have him pinned to the wall in a second with both hands wrapped around his neck. "Watch your tongue. I am not weak." I remove one hand from his neck, still pinning him. I lift my shirt to show him my scars. I smirk when his eyes widen in amazement, either from the lack of oxygen or from my scars. "I am anything but weak." I practically spit the last word. His eyes are starting to bug out of his head from the lack of air he is receiving. I drop him and he pants to fill his lungs. I grab all five of my bags and haul them up the remaining two floors.

Something interrupts me just as I am about to climb the last flight of stairs. A shirtless girl and a shirtless Tate are pressed against the outside of his door, kissing. Wow. What a POS. What a SOB. I am so used to betrayal, I hardly even feel it anymore. I know Tate can sense me, and he continues to kiss that girl. The first word that comes to mind, whatever. I've never needed a mate before, and I shouldn't need one now. I clear my throat, watching as the two break away. I notice the girl and Tate look at each other before turning to me. Probably mind linking their lie. I give a mental snort, even my second chance mate decides to cheat on me. Is there something wrong with me? No it's definitely them.

"Like, what do you, like, want?" The girl says in a high pitched, valley girl voice.

"Just coming to tell Tate that I was leaving." I say, looking at Tate. The only thing I see in his eyes is a wall. His face is completely emotionless. Why did I always get the dickhead mate? So unfair.

"And why would we, like, care, like, at all, likeeeee?" She says.

I sneer at her. "Because the rogue in the basement is coming with me." I announce. Turning to Tate I say, "I'm not asking for permission. I'm telling you."

He turns to the valley girl and says, "Babe can we continue this later?"

She nods and walks down the stairs, but no before she tries to knock my shoulder so hers. I remain motionless, and I hear her bones clicking as she rebounds off of me. Pathetic.

Tate smiles at me. "Isn't she sweet?"

"Yeah. Just as sweet as salt." I tell him. "I'm taking the rogue. And I, Rogue Lynn Decri, reject you, Alpha Tate."

As I speak the words, something seems to click in his head. "What? No!"

I just smile, wave, and try to walk away. I feel Tate's hand connect with my shoulder and turn me around.

"What did you do?" He asks me, his voice contains his pain.

"I dunno. What did you do?" I ask him. He seems to realize what he had just done, and how he had betrayed me.

His voice is exasperated. "She's my ex fiancé Lynn! I was in the room and she kissed me and I thought it was you."

"I'm sure that's true." I say. Under my breath I mumble, "Bitch isn't even smart enough to tie her shoe. No way she's that conniving."

Tate heard me, and says with a heartbroken voice, "I'm so sorry Lynn."

"You know what sucks?" I asks him. "Being rejected. But you know what sucks more? Being rejected twice, having a shitty mother, a shittier father. Having no friends, and the ones you do have are fake. Being blown up. Waking up in a hospital. Saying I love you, and not having the other person say it back. I've had a pretty shitty life Tate. And you're not making it any easier." I tell him. "Goodbye Tate."



I know you guys hate me! Sorry! It just had to happen for the rest of the plot to work.

Btw Tate is telling the truth! Lynn just had bad trust issues.


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