Opposites Yet One

By Harli40

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They where twins. Yet they were opposite in more ways then one. He was the sun. She was the moon. He was l... More

Chapter One - The Twins Monkey. D. Luffy & Lilith the Future Ruler of the Seas
Chapter two - syrup village, Ussop the liar, Sanji the cook, & Gin
Chapter three - Lauge Town, Smoker, and Bounty Reaction
Chapter Four - Entering the Grand Line, Alabasta, and An Admiral
Chapter Five - After Water Seven and the Archipelago
Chapter Six - Argument With Shanks, Why Lilith has her Mask, and Rescue Ace
Chapter eight - Aftermath of the War and Training
Chapter Nine - The Return of the Straw Hat Pirates

Chapter Seven - The War Of the Best

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By Harli40

Lilith kept her face blank as she watched the battles from above. The female stayed silent. Her head looked to the side. And a bit up. She looked at Orse Junior. Then to the direction Ace kneeled. The female closed her eyes. Debating. Then. She remembered. She'll fight who ever gets in her way of her brother.her eyes again looking to little Orse. The female looked to her brother. "Stay there Luffy. Don't move yet." The female again looked at Orse. Speaking so only he could hear her. Lilith hovered right at his eye level. "I wouldn't go in quite yet if I where you." He only looked to her confused. The female spoke before he did. "There are two reasons. One. There hiding something. And two you'll surly die right before you reach Ace." He only nodded.
"I still wanna go." The female sighed.
"Very well then. I will not allow your death to be in vain. Good luck. Little Orse Junior." Lilith continued to watch the battle. Staying out of it for a bit longer. Waiting for the perfect moment to draw out the three admiral. Planning. Plotting.

The giant unit moved. Her right hand shot out. Shadows grabbed ahold of the red weapons. Throwing the away from there users. Bidding them some more time. The female then clicked her tongue. Opting to slightly help Odesa bit more. Her shadows turned into hands big enough to hold giants and threw about half of them as far as they eye could see.

It didn't help much...

Little Orse Junior still fell...

So many more fell...

They were about 50/50 now...

Lilith had at first deciding to wait and plan a bit longer...

She changed her mind...

Lilith joined the battle...

Luffy and the others he came with had already joined the battle...

Lilith flew up higher into the sky. As high as she could.

The three admiral cussed. All three meeting up. Getting ready fir what will be the hardest fight for them. It was no secret that not all of them got along. But. If they are to win this battle they'll need to work together.

Once Lilith reached a satisfying hight. She drew her swords. A purple one with three crescent moons on it. Laid in her right hand. A black purple and golden one rested in her left hand.

The female went into a dive. Her white wings disappearing. Her fall was faster. Not fast enough though...

Her silver wings disappeared. Her fall quickened. Not fast enough though...


Her black wings disappeared. Her drop quickened. And within seconds she hit the ground unfazed. But. There was a creator where she had landed. The female looked up. A smirk plastered on her face. Luffy was closer to Ace. She'll distract the Admirals.

All three admiral attacked her. She kicked Kizaru and Akainu away. Her shadows grabbing them. Making it harder for them to attack. Her head looking to Aokiji. He had made an ice sword. She put one of hers away. They broke out into a battle. There words meeting as they jumped back to dodge each other. She flipped over him there swords again meeting before bath jumping back. They lunged at each other. She easily broke his sword. After she did so she punched him as hard as she could nocking him unconscious.

Lilith put her other sword away. And released Kizaru. Her body moving quickly. The two broke out into a fist to fist fight. Lilith was quicker and stronger. Blocking and countering every attack. After a bit she nicked him unconscious with a hard under cut to the lower jaw. Sending him flying. He to hit the ground unconscious.

Lilith took a quick glance to see that her twin had successfully reached Ace. She then looked to Akainu. And. The two lunged. Breaking out in a fist to fist fight. Blocking and dodging each other's attacks. Barely dodging each other's attacks. This continued on for a bit. Before. Akainu's magma and hakki covered fist grazed the right side of her face and shoulder. Her arm instantly wrapping around his arm. Her skin burning. She only grunted. Her fist shot out and punched him in the guts. Both went flying. Akainu hit the wall.

Lilith hit the platform...

Her right eyes was closed and she was panting. She looked into direction that Akainu went flying. He two was unconscious.

The female went to stand. Pain shot through her right arm and face at the attempt. She opened her eye only to realize. She couldn't see out of it. She felt ashes fall out of the said eyes and instantly looked down. Slight fear in her eyes. Her right contact was burned out. Her left hand went up to her face where her eyes was. Warm liquid was now on her fingers. She froze. Her hand pulled back. Some of her hair from her right side also fell to the ground. The smell of burning skin and hair hit her. Her hand went down so she could see it. Her hand again reached up to her right ear. She sighed in slight relief. Her ear was saved.

There was a shack. The platform was falling apart. She rolled out of the way. A gasp and a groan of pain escaped her throat. The female didn't stop. She shot up and sprinted in the direction her brother would be in. Her right hand was not current,y strong enough to hold a weapon so she pulled out her silver pistol.

There was an explosion...

Lilith froze...

She felt something twist in her gut...

What was it...

She hasn't felt real emotions in years...


What was it...

Realization struck her...

It was fear...

Then the two reappeared. Lilith wanted to cry in relief. She didn't. She simple sprinted into there direction. She was a ways behind them. Her arm acted with the movement. She didn't care. She needed to get to them to make sure they make it out alive. She had to. She needed to. The marines and pirates both seemed to notice something. Aokiji just woke up. But. Kizaru and Akainu where both unconscious. While Lilith. Lilith was running in the direction of her brothers. Golden Ichor flowing from her right arm and the right side of her face. Her eyes was blinded. She closed it before anyone could notice what it really looked like. And. To avoid any blood getting into her eye.

The female moved quickly. Her right side hurt like hell. But... she needed to save and protect her brothers. Her left hand hi,ding her silver pistol. Her right grabbing her black one. She winced the moment her burnt skin touched it. She didn't stop. She ignored the pain. Drawing her other pistol. She jumped over the flames and landed next to her brothers. Her guns cocked. She painted at different people. And didn't hesitate. Shooting different people in the legs arms and other non fatal areas. Her sea stone bullets coated in hakki.

To lilith the battle girl was a lot of spinning. Bullets being shot and running Ace in the middle. Luffy to his left and Lilith to his right.

Lilith moved quickly. Putting her guns on safety and pulling out both of her daggers. She lunged at the ice coming her was. The red and black dagger instantly coated in flames. Flames instantly shot out of her dagger. Her flames melted... no... vaporized the ice. The female then jumped back. Dodging a kick from Kizaru. The female simple cussed. Her head snapped around to her brothers. "Get the fuck away. Don't stop for anything. Don't get baited. No. Matter. What. Go. Now." They both nodded and ran off. And. Lilith broke out into a fight.

The sun was once again out...

Lilith was weaker...

Much weaker...


She was starting to see stars...

She dodged another ice attack...

Then a light attack...

She countered with her shadows...

Lilith was dizzy...

Oh so dizzy...

She immobilized  the bath of then...

She heard the sounds of commotion...

She looked away from the two opponents she was fighting...

Cuts and scrapes on all over her body...

Golden ichor flowing out of ever wound she had...


That was all she was running off of right know...

Her wound and insomnia was kicking in...

When was the last time she actually got a good sleep...

Yeah she's sleeper aka napped every now and again...


She never really slept...

God she was tired...

She hurt to...

But her brothers needed her. Lilith looked up. Forcing her vision to clear up...

Her breath caught in her throat...

Ace was facing off against Akainu...

Lilith took of in a dead sprint...

She had to make it...

She had to...

She had...


Lilith's mothers voice rang in her ears...

A single word...







Lilith needed to protect her brothers.

She couldn't use shadow travel, hakki, or any of her other abilities...


She ran...

She ran as fast as her legs could carry her...

Her legs acted...

Ichor ran out of her wound like a River...

Akainu pulled his fist back aiming for Ace...

Lilith pushed her self to run faster...

It didn't work...

The world seemed to slow down...

Akainu punched forward...

Ace moved in front of Luffy...

Akainu punched straight through Ace at the same time Lilith lunged at him to push Ace out of the way...

Lilith was to slow...

She simple jumped up and rabbit kicked Akainu away with enough force to send him flying...

Lilith flipped around to see Luffy holding the dying form of Ace...

And three realizations stricken like a brick wall.


Her shadows couldn't heal him...


She was far to slow to save him...


Luffy was the next target...

Lilith lunged forward. Standing next to her twin...

Tears pricking at her signal working eye as she heard aces last words...

Luffy cried out and passed out Ace Ace fell. Lilith caught him before he could hit the ground...

She heard a weak and tired voice...

It was Ace...

"Sissy? You there?" She instantly replied.
"Always." Her voice quivered. Her mask was breaking.
"Your the best sister I could ever ask for..." his voice was fading. Lilith felt something twist in her gut... what was that... sadness... it was pure sadness and despair... "...I was... I was so blind... I'm a terrible big brother..." Ace was crying now... "I... I'm so sorry I never noticed... you've been hurting for so long and I... I didn't even notice until now... I'm sorry... I'm so so sorry Lilith." He took in a breath. "I don't know what you think... but... your not a monster... your a human being..." lilith couldn't help it. She was crying now. And. Ace laughed. "In all my years on knowing you I've only ever seen you show emotion twice. Once when he died... and now... my death... I'm sorry... I love you sissy." Lilith wanted to scream and yell at him to shut up... but her voice wasn't working. choked sobs was all that left her throat...

Everything after that seemed to happen so slowly...

Lilith's knees buckled...

She fell to the ground her brother cradled in her arms...

Lilith just stared for a second...

She was in utter and complete shock...

Ace wasn't breathing...

Luffy was being taken away for safely...

Lilith didn't notice...

Her grip tightened on her brother...

Her breaths became labored...

More tears flowed...

Lilith screamed...

The clouds darkened...

Her scream was...


Was so full of emotion...







Self loathing...

Thunder boomed...

Lightning colored the sky...

The earth shocked...

She continued to scream and cry...

The sky and earth continued to react to her...

The ocean slowly rose with her screams...

The world was morning with her...

Even when her voice could no longer scream she simple pulled Ace closer and rested her forehead against his...

She continued to cry...

Her body cradling him and shacking back and forth...

Rocking him like she would when she was younger...

She continued to cry...

A memory...

Her favorite one flashed in her mind...

"Sissy... I can't sleep." It was a ten year old Ace. Lilith may be younger. But. She was more mother like to him.
"Scared of the storm." She knew he didn't like storms. But. Lilith could always calm him down and get him to sleep.he only nodded at her reply. The female sighed. She opened up her arms and he ran over to them. She cradled him and rocked. Exactly like he liked it. And. Knowing what he wanted. She opened her mouth and sang a song...

It was storming...

Ace hated the storms...

He needed to be comforted...

He needed his song...


She sang it to him...
(Song is Lullaby for A Stormy Night)

Though she had been crying and screaming...

Her voice was calm and beautiful...

Truly like that of an Angel...

Little child,

Be not afraid

The rain ponds harsh against the glass

Like an unwanted stranger

There is no danger

I am here tonight~

Little child

Be not afraid

Though Thunder explodes and lightning flash

Illuminates your tearstained face

I am here tonight

And someday you'll know

That nature is so

This same rain that draw you near me

Falls in rivers and land

And forests and sands

Makes the beautiful world that you see

In the morning~

Little child

Be not afraid

The storm clouds masks your beloved moon

And it's candlelight beams

Still keep pleasant dreams

I am here tonight~

Little child

Be not afraid

The wind makes creatures of our trees

And the branches to hands

They're not real, understand

And I am here tonight

And someday you'll know

That nature is so

This same rain that draw you near me

Falls in rivers and land

And forests and sands

Makes the beautiful world that you see

In the morning~

For you know,

Once even



A little child

And I was afraid

But a gentle someone always came

To dry all my tears

Trade sweet sleep the fears

And to give a kiss goodnight

Well, now I am grown

And these days have shown 

The rains apart of how life goes

Buts it's dark and it's late so I'll hold you and wait

'Till your frightened eyes are close

And I hope that you'll know

That nature is so

This same rain that draw you near me

Falls in rivers and land

And forests and sands

Makes the beautiful world that you see

In the morning~

Everything's fine in the morning

The rain will be gone in the morning

But I'll still be here

In the morning~

Lilith ignored the shocked looks...

She hadn't notice that teach had arrived and caused more chaos...

Her grip only tightened on her brother as more tears fell...

She sensed him...

Luffy was farther away...

Near a submarine...


Shanks was on his way...

She didn't care...


Sakazuki was trying to kill her brother...

Lilith reached down with her right hand and plaid with Aces hair. Her shadows shot up and wrapped around him. When they faded back down there was a blanket. Her left hand reached out to the direction of Akainu. Shadows laced with Ice, Fire, Wind, Lightning, and Light shot at him. It grabbed onto him and through him to the other side of the battle filed...

Lilith was slowly losing control of herself...

Her hand shot out in the direction of Teach. He came flying into her direction. Floating in the air. She glared at him. Pure rage and hatred plastered on her face. It scared him. Everyone froze. Her fingers snapped. He screamed a writhed in pain.

Her face didn't falter...

Everyone froze at the sight of her power.

All looking at her confused.

"He's shadow... I can control all types of shadow. He ate a shadow logia type."

Lilith either didn't notice or didn't care that her abilities were making marines fly up in the air. All losing there weapons.

The female only stared at the man floating...

Her eyes only focused on the man screaming in pain...


Blood came from his ears...

From his nose...

From his ears...

From his eyes...

Yet he still lived...

She felt a hand on her shoulder. She glanced over it for a second. Her shadows sat down the marines. She didn't need to hold them back anymore. She looked back at Teach. And spoke to the red headed man. "I'm not stopping... not yet at least." Shanks sighed.
"Your slowly losing control."
"Don't care."
"Don't lie. Of corse you do."
"Not right now I don't."
"You should stop."
"Lilith of you don't you'll be outed to the world."
"So. Its bound to happen sooner or latter."
"You and I both know that you'd prefer latter rather then sooner." The female stayed silent for a minute.
"Find. I'll stop." With those words Teach stopped screaming and hit the ground with a thud.
"That was merciless."
"That's the point."
"Harsh as ever." Lilith's hand moved from Ace's hair. Laying it to her side to keep her balance. Stars appeared in her vision.
"Who else is going to give you sass if I don't." He only chuckled.
"No one else has the guts to." He again looked at her. "Your exhausted." Lilith glared at him. Full blown glared. It took him and his crew by surprise.
"I am not." He only laughed. Know he and his crew can see how the two twins are related.
"Yes you are."
"Stop lying. Your clearly are. You've lost a lot of blood. It's a wonder how your still conscious. It's a wonder how you can still use that arm. Your probably seeing stars now. Next your vision will be going black. Then you'll pass out." At that exact moment the female fell to the ground unconscious. With a loud thud. "Oh." Shanks eyes widened. "OH! SHIT! SHE PASSED OUT! YO DOC GET OVER HERE AND WIRK ON HER BEFOR SHE SHE DIES ON US!" He heard seven words that calmed him down instantly.
"Shut up... let me sleep. I'm exhausted"
"Oh. Never mind."
"Anyways I'm going. You keep care of this. I can't stand being here any longer. If I do I'll do something I'll regret. Plus. You. Owe. Me. A. Lot." Shanks yelped.
"Did you really need to bring that up."
"Yep." Her shadows begin to pull her in. Her eyes glanced at Blackbeard. Her face turned to one of hatred of one that promised pain. "Blackbeard. The next time I see you. I'll show no mercy. And I'll kill you my self." With those parting words Lilith vanished. And. She won't be seen for another two years.

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