Caught Up In A Fantasy World

Autorstwa ChinaKing6

48 2 1

On Alswald, a world where things beyond your wildest dreams exist. One would think there was nothing to worry... Więcej

Chapter 2 Who Is This Old Lady?
Chapter 3 Damn He Fine.....and Scary!
Chapter 4 What The Hell Is Going On?
Chapter 5 You're Mine!
Chapter 6 Run For Your Life!
Chapter 7 Is It A Curse?
Chapter 8 The Will Of A Dragon.
Chapter 9 No One Will Take Her From Me!
Chapter 10 Moved By The Moon.

Chapter 1 Not Another Camping Trip!

25 1 1
Autorstwa ChinaKing6


Why did I agree to go camping I wondered out loud as I walked through the woods, alone. Everything looked the same, spinning around all I saw were identical trees. At least they all looked the same to me. I was horrible with directions and here I was stuck in the middle of the woods.

Great just fucking great I thought looking up at the sky. Nighttime was approaching and the howling in the distance did nothing to help ease my paranoia. I was imagining all kinds of scenarios in my head. Seeing as though I was on the set of almost every damn slasher movie.

Every snap, crackle, or pop had me jumping and looking in that direction. It was dumb of me to even go out into the woods by myself let alone without anything to protect myself. With it getting dark everything looked like it could be somebody or something.

I didn't even bring a flashlight, not thinking I would be out here this long. A quick look around turned into me getting lost now here I am. Grabbing hold of myself I started walking, hoping I was going in the right direction. I had never been camping before nor did I know the first thing about surviving in the woods.

Snap, jumping I turned around looking to see if I could spot anything but there was nothing. Nothing my eyes were picking up. Blinking quickly I strained my eyes to make sure I wasn't missing anything. I didn't see anyone or anything that stood out. I was starting to get scared. Everybody warned us not to come into the woods, especially with what's been happening recently. So many young girls have been going missing lately from these very same woods.

None of them have been found, it's like they disappeared without a trace.

Of course, I would be out here in the woods without even thinking twice. I've always wanted to go camping this however is not what I imagined. Just try new things they said, it'll be fun they said. Now look at me lost as hell in the middle of nowhere with the sun going down. Scanning the woods once again having an eerie feeling come over me I turned to leave only to feel a splitting pain in my head before everything went blank.

Waking up I had a banging headache. Groaning I reached up to touch my head instinctively flinching as my hand landed on a tender spot on my head. Dropping my hand it bounced back. What the...was I in a bed? What the fuck was it all a dream I thought opening my eyes. Looking around I knew something wasn't right. Hell, everything wasn't right. I was in a room when I know the last place I remember being was in the woods.

What happened? Sitting up, the last thing I remembered was trying to find my way back to our cabin then nothing. Everything goes blank after that. Looking around the room I was in again trying to recognize anything. I definitely didn't recognize this place, I damn sure wasn't in our cabin or the woods for that matter. I didn't hear or see anything familiar. How the hell did I get here? Better yet how long have I been out? I questioned still scanning the room I was in. My arms and legs were free so that set me at ease, but only a little though.

I still had no idea what happened to me and I definitely didn't know where I was. This room gave me an old feel. It looked like I stepped back into medieval times or an era close to it. Everything looked as if it had been here for ages yet nothing looked aged a bit. Even the drapes still had that like new shine to them. Where the hell am I? I thought just as I heard the locks on the door turn. They were big so they made a loud sound as it opened.

My eyes grew as big as golf balls as the door started to open. They came to kill me, what do I do now? I thought as I panicked. My eyes raced around the room, realizing there was no where to go and I was out of time. Laying back I closed my eyes and tried to fake as if I was still asleep. That's the only thing I could think of, my mind seem to have gone blank in the escape department. I tried to relax because at the moment my body was shaking like a leaf, I didn't know what was about to happen. It seem to take forever for the door to fully open, it was as if time stood still. I could hear footsteps approaching, but I didn't have the balls to take a look.

I could hear every step as whoever this was approached until they were right at the foot of the bed. I tried to get my breathing in check as I waited for my death. After a few minutes I started to calm down, did they decide not to kill me? I tried to listen as best as I could, I didn't hear a thing but my own heart beating. Taking a chance I opened my eyes.

"AHHH" I screamed moving back in the bed.

This guy was leaning over the bed, right above me. I didn't hear him move not one bit after he stopped walking yet he was right there. Our faces were so close if I would've moved wrong our lips would've touched. He just barely got out the way of my quick movement as he stared at me, our heads were very close to crashing into each other.

His honey brown eyes followed my every move as he studied me and I watched him back. Scrambling back I tucked myself in a corner of the bed far away from him. My eyes never leaving him. I wonder who the hell he was and what did he want? I'm broke so I hope he's not after money, if so jokes on him. Standing up straight, he was looking down on me frowning with a disapproving look on his face. From this angle I could get a better look at him.

He looked a lot like Jason Momoa, the resemblance was uncanny. From the long hair to the beard only difference between them was that he was much bigger and had a more muscular build than Jason Momoa. There were muscles popping from everywhere but it didn't look bad on him. Quickly scanning his whole body. His facial expression unmoving as we locked eyes again. We stayed like that until I broke eye contact. Unable to stop myself my head instinctively turned back to him

I didn't know what he was thinking as his eyes began to scan my whole body, from head to toe. Taking his time before looking back in my eyes. I watched him the whole time, afraid that if I blinked I would miss something. It was giving me goosebumps the way he was just standing there, staring. At the same time, I did the same. I kind of felt at ease something about him made me This was bizarre, he was my kidnapper yet I felt scared and safe?

"Are you scared?" a deep voice bellowed from the strangers mouth. It was smooth however you could hear the danger lurking behind every word spoken.

"Y-y-yes" I stuttered his eyes making me weak, as I cowered away. The intense stare he was giving me scared me, yet I was drawn to him. Who was this and what in the world did he want?

"Please don't kill me" I pled as tears ran down my face. Having him stand there was so unnerving. I couldn't tell what he was thinking especially with that blank expression on his face. Hopefully I could talk my way out of this.

"Mmm"he scoffed moving with speed quicker than my eyes could catch.

Within a blink of an eye he was right in my face bending down getting eye level with me again, placing his knee on the bed for balance. His weight making the bed dip low where he was positioned. Pulling me by my leg he moved me closer to him. Unable to find any words I shook my head no as I moved back, closing my eyes. I didn't know what he plan to do and I didn't want to see. I could feel his breath on my face and the heat from his body, he was that close.

My heart was practically beating out of my chest. Feeling something on my face I flinched back. Opening my eyes only to see his finger on my face wiping my tears, he had a caring look on his face. As if he didn't want me to cry. Why? He was looking at me as if he knew me confusing me even more.  Noticing me looking at him he dropped his hand to his side. His hand was big enough to grip my whole head if he really wanted to, making me shudder at the thought.

"Kill you? I just found you and I WILL NEVER LET YOU GO HUMAN" he said as he exhaled out of his nose, sending a rush of air to my face.

Human? What the hell is going on here? Just found me? Why was he looking for me in the first place? I had so many questions as I watched as he stood back to his full height. Now that he was closer he looked much bigger than I thought. He had to be at least 6'6-6'7, he was huge compared to me.

"Human? I just want to go home can I please just go home? I promise I won't tell" I begged.

I just wanted to go back home and pack for college. It was going to be my first year out on my own with no parents there to block my grove. My mom was very overprotective this would be my first time having full freedom. Then here he come with this, being kidnapped was not in the plans of my life.

"Home? You are home." He said with finality moving back taking a seat in a chair I just noticed was there.

He moved so quickly, I was starting to think I was imagining things. Maybe that bump on the head had me tripping, no way anybody can move that fast.

"Noo, home like with my mom, dad and family not here please. I-I-I won't tell the police please just let me go" I said trying my best to get out of here, wherever here was. I could not stay here.

Everything in me was telling me if I didn't get out now I never will.

"No human you will never leave EVER. Even if you tried you will be caught and brought back to me." He said resting his chin on his thumb as his index finger tapped his temple.

Seeming to be loosing patience. I didn't know how though, I was the one brought here. All his problems could be solved by just letting me go.

"Why, what did I do to you? Please I don't even know you" I said, in all the 19 years of my life I never ran into this man or anybody who look like this man. This had to be a mistake. I would've noticed him without a doubt.

"What did you do? What did you do?? You left me with a weak mate. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO MAKE A HEIR WITH A WEAK HUMAN? Your wombs are so weak my child wouldn't stand a chance yet I'm stuck with you. How pathetic. " he said scolding me for what I don't know. His eyes getting darker as he looked at me.

I didn't even know his mate, and what's this about a Heir? What the hell did he kidnap me to make him some children? Was this some type of sex cult?

"Get used to it Human. You are never going anywhere, if I have to be stuck with you then you'll be stuck with me. Whatever home you thought you had that isn't with me is no longer your home. I am your home and you will stay with me for eternity." he said.

His personality going from cold to hot back to cold just like that. As if I was annoying him by being there, yet he's telling me I can't leave. He said eternity, I don't know how long eternity is but the way he said it sounds as if it's longer than forever. Will I really be stuck here forever? I thought fighting back tears as the thought of the last time I seen my family popped in my head.

Standing to his feet I watched his every move scared he was going do something. Just because he said he wouldn't don't mean he won't. Taking one last look at me he was gone. I didn't see him leave but he was no longer there. Looking left and right I didn't see a soul in the room with me. I suddenly felt scared again, the safe feeling completely leaving me. He wanted a heir, and he wanted me to give it to him. I couldn't do that, I refuse to do that. What am I going to do?

Getting up I rushed to the door only to find it locked. How in the world did he leave and lock the door with out me seeing or hearing him? Plus all this talk about human this and human that, where the hell am I? Lord please don't let this being no weird freaky fetish shit. Shaking the door one more time I released it before I rushed to the window.

Looking out I could tell I definitely wasn't in America anymore. Leaning out the window as far as my short legs would allow I looked up noticing there was three moons in the sky, all progressing from small to large. It was something amazing and scary all the same. Why the hell were there three moons? None were alike in size, color or brightness. Looking to my left then to my right I didn't notice anything that could help me escape. The air felt different, it even smelled different.

I could see I was in what looked to be a castle that was surrounded by nothing but dark woods. Miles and miles of nothing but trees. No way I could use this window as an exit unless I wanted to die, it was a long way to the ground. My eyes scanned the ground to double check my hypothesis. It looked pitch black as if it was nothing but a black hole waiting to swallow you up. 

Where the hell am I? Trying to look as far as my eyes can see which was far. These woods looked much different than the ones I last remember, these trees were more higher and much more sinister looking.
It looked like the type of woods that you just knew a monster was hiding in. Especially with it being dark.

Still looking in the woods I thought I seen a pair of eyes looking back at me but as quick as I seen them they were gone. I'm starting to get delusional I thought looking around the woods again.

"I gotta get out of here" I thought out loud as I backed away from the window. There was something wrong here and I didn't want to find out what. This is exactly what I get for going in the woods despite everyone telling us not to. I wonder if anybody was looking for me or if they were kidnapped too?

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