Hermione's Little Sister

By CrystalRose2022

2.7K 54 5

Hermione's little sister, Marie, is joining Hogwarts. She is just a year below her sister. She can't wait to... More



221 3 0
By CrystalRose2022

In Class.

Marie enters the classroom and sees Draco already there. She goes and sits beside him. "Morning, Draco...." Draco looks and sees Marie. "Morning." She sees him turn his head and he's talking to the same girl he was talking to yesterday. Marie opens a book and starts reading. 

She feels a lump in her throat and closes the book. She grabs her books and quickly leaves. She sees the students looking at her but she keeps her head down. She goes into the girl's washroom and goes into a stall. She puts her books in her bag and puts them on the ground. 

She sits there and brushes her hair back with her hand. She feels two hot tears run down her cheeks.

There's a knock on the outside of the washroom. Marie stays quiet. "Marie?" She hears Draco and remains silent. "Marie, students saw you walk in here..." Marie sighs and grabs her book bag. She leaves the stall and goes over to a skin. She quickly splashes some water on her face and then leaves. 

She sees Draco and in one swift motion, she pushes past him and walks down the hall. "Marie?" Marie ignores him and starts heading to Gryffindor. Draco follows her and sees her walking. He goes over and the portrait looks at him. "If she comes out... tell her I need to talk to her..." 

The portrait nods and Draco leaves. 


Marie lies in her bed and hears the door open. "Marie?" She looks up and sees Harry. She sits up. "Hey." Marie smiles at him. "Everything okay? You weren't at dinner... " Marie nods. "I know." Harry goes over and sits beside her. 

"I've only just started and everything is a mess... I'm friends with Dr-Malfoy and the three of you absolutely despise him..." Harry looks at her. "If you're calling him Malfoy, are you truly friends with him...." Marie looks at him and gets up. "I-i have to go... "

She quickly leaves and sees Hermione and Ron watch as she leaves. She heads towards the Slytherin common room. When she gets there, she looks at the portrait. "Mudblood..." Marie groans. "I just need to talk to Draco..." "Just this once... password next time...." 

The portrait moves and Marie walks in. The Slytherins all turn to her. Marie stands there with wide eyes. She swallows thickly and slowly walks further into the room. "What's the mudblood doing here?" Marie stops and turns around. She starts heading towards the door. "Marie?" 

She stops and squeezes her thumb in her fist. A nervous habit. She turns and sees Draco. "W-We need to talk..." Draco nods and goes over. "Let's talk in my dorm..." Marie smiles and follows him.


"I-I'm sorry I left potions today..." Draco smiles. "It's fine, Professor Snape's brewing Amortentia tomorrow and wants to class to smell it...." Marie nods. "Why can't we brew it?" "Doesn't trust us... he wants to see if what we're attracted to, changes over the years..." Marie nods. 

"You ignored me this morning..." Draco looks at her. "I was busy... my friend Pansy was helping me with something..." Marie smiles. "Can I help?" "It's about the Yule Ball, they're letting all years go..." Marie smiles just enough to show her top teeth just slightly. Draco smiles. "Really?" 

Draco nods and looks away. "Marie?" She looks at him with big doe eyes. He looks at her and bites his lip. A nervous habit of his. "Draco?" "Come to the Yule Ball with me?" Marie smiles. "As?" 

Draco doesn't want to mess anything up. "As friends..." Marie smiles. "Of course..." Draco wraps his arms around her. Marie smiles and hugs back. "It's late, I should go..." Draco nods and watches as Marie leaves. She has enough time to get back to Gryffindor. 

She enters and sees Harry sitting in the common room. She smiles. "Hi, Harry..." "Hi... you're happy... " Marie smiles and nods. "Professor Dumbledore has opened the Yule Ball up to all years...." Harry smiles. "That's good, are you going?" "Yeah." Harry smiles. 

"You wanna go with us, we might be going as friends..." Marie smiles. "Actually, I have someone to go to the Yule Ball with..." Harry nods. "It's weeks away..." Marie nods. "I know... night...." Marie walks to the girl's dorm and gets ready for bed. "Marie?" She turns and sees Hermione.

"Yeah?" "How's the friendship with you and Malfoy?" Marie smiles. "We're great friends..." Hermione smiles and they each fall asleep.

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