Garden Of Hearts

By Geertwim

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It was a chilly autumn eve, the mildew dripping from the dying leaves - they burst in brilliant reds and oran... More

Chapter 1: Call to Adventure
Chapter 2: Utopia
Chapter 3: Untamed Beauty
Chapter 4:Wake at the Break of Dawn
Chap 5: New isn't Much different from Old
Tears go unheard but not Unseen
Trauma lingers like a Ghost
Homemaker, Home is with you
Some Things Simply Are
Make a Way
First Heartache
Is Love Fate or Choice
Unresolved Pressure
Another Affection
All Consuming Winter
Warmth of You
Sleep is nice but You're Better
Storm of Isolation
Blood for the storm Gods
Respect your Elders, unless...
In the Safety of These Walls (NSFW)
Slowly but Surely
JiΔ›jiΔ› is the Best
Communication is Key to wants
Mysteries of Self
Time Without
Comfort in Your Arms
Never Alone When you're Here
A way to A Cervitaur's Heart
Song of a Broken Soul
Dear Deer, A lesson in Alliteration
Growing Pains Comes In Spurts
Knowledge is the Key that unlocks all Doors
Make my Heart Grow Still
Inevitable Dread
The Obvious Choice
A Young Faun is full of Stamina
Tell me a Story
A Tale of You
Love Comes with Heartache
Evading Death when He Comes
When I'm Gone, Would I be Missed?
The Sound of Your voice
Escape into the Unknown
Epilogue: New Beginning (1/3)
Epilogue: New Beginnings (2/3)
Epilogue: New Beginnings (3/3)

Innocence is either a Blessing or a Curse

13 3 0
By Geertwim

Eddy watched the faun dive back into the hole, he wondered if he could help out with something else. He was pretty much done with the archway, but wasn't sure what else to do. Trimming was always a good option.

Brett was almost done anyway, only one or two more baskets full of moss and then he had to get off a little bit from the earthen walls, just in case. He looked around. And he definitely needed to make it bigger. He sighed. It was still a lot of work.

He got up with a full basket and looked at his entryway.

"Everytime I come up it's more and more pretty, like you," he grinned sheepishly and giggled.

Eddy blushed to that, "Well, I wouldn't have it any other way."

His big bubbly grin returned, all these compliments were amazing to hear. Eddy loved them.

"Good, good. I want to make it a little bit bigger so I have more room. I like to store things and yeah. Maybe when I have company over and such." His cheeks were colored in a soft pink and he avoided Eddy's eyes when he said that. No need to tell Eddy he hoped that the deer would be the person who was with him. And it was really a bit too small for them both.

"How big do you want to make it? Maybe I could help you dig it out a bit. If you want of course," Eddy wasn't sure if he could actually wiggle inside but he could try and hopefully get back out.

"I think if you want to come inside, we need to make the entrance bigger first. And then we can see if you can fit. Because you are very tall and the den is kinda small."

The faun looked at Eddy and rubbed his chin.

"Or you can dig a hole for the moss first while I make it bigger inside in the meantime."

"I can dig a hole for the moss. I don't want to risk getting stuck," If he were to get stuck in a hole, it would be like his early grave. What an awful way to go. Luckily it wasn't exactly a hole, more of an indent under the hedge. So he probably wouldn't suffocate. And Brett would definitely help him to get out so Eddy didn't need to worry too much but Brett was okay with the plan so he nodded.

"Sounds good. I will be down under again."

Brett skipped to the den and slipped inside, fully energized.

Eddy looked for a good spot to bury all the moss. It wasn't that hard, there was a lot of ground to do it at. He just needed it to be in an area they wouldn't trip over, "I will dig a hole then!"

"Thank you!"

While Eddy was busy digging stuff into the ground, Brett pulled the dirt up. For quite some time, nothing was said, they just worked, concentrating on their tasks. Brett was not finished by far when he noticed the time. He came out of the den, his face was dirty and his hair was full of soil. His coat was a mess and even the scarf was dirty. No wonder that his hands and hooves were dirty as well. But he had a big smile on his face.

"Hey Eddy, I think it's time for a lunch break, what do you think?"

"I think that sounds good, do you want to wash off?" Eddy looked at the stream close to them. They could get the dirt washed off before eating. Eddy wasn't a fan of eating dirt while enjoying his food.

"Oh yes. I enjoy being clean more." Brett went to the stream but stopped, looking at Eddy, "Don't you want to go back to the flock today? I can clean myself and you can go to the other deers if you want." Brett didn't want to monopolize Eddy, even if it was very tempting. Maybe he could reward the other with a butt massage for it - if Eddy would allow it that is. He was very quiet in the morning when he did it. Maybe he disliked it? But then again, Eddy would have told him, right?

"I can see them during dinner, it's fine," Eddy wanted to wash up too so he walked to the stream with Brett. He was having fun right now so he would push back his plans with the herd.

A warm, fuzzy feeling bloomed in Brett's tummy and he smiled brightly. Eddy was the most cute thing!

Together they wandered to the stream to wash up. The question of food was nagging at Brett, they still had the fruit from the morning, but was that good enough?

"Do you want the fruits or something else?" Brett had no idea what they could eat instead but he wanted to ask anyway.

"I was thinking we could get some oatmeal and cut the fruit into it. I think it would taste really good," Eddy watched the water move, there was something tempting about it that made him want to blow bubbles in it.

Brett was already with the legs and hooves in the water and rubbed himself clean. The water was cold as he expected so he tried to be thorough but fast. Because man, it was really really cold. Maybe he could use that and snuggle up to Eddy? It was worth a try at least.

"I don't really need that much but if you want, then sure. I would be happy with a couple of fruits."

He wasn't even hungry. He just thought of Eddy and how the deer was gone by the time yesterday.

"You should try it, even if a small portion. It's a really good combination." Eddy splashed in the water a bit, the splashes weren't as good as bubbles.

"I believe you that it's good. I just don't have that much hunger. I'm used to almost no food so I don't need a lot."

Brett lowered his dirty body into the cold stream and washed the face, arms and the head. He was shivering when he got out and shook himself to get rid of most of the water. He crossed his arms and rubbed them. He had no towel and the sun was not that strong in the middle of the forest.

"Really? That doesn't sound very nice. We'll get you really small portions then so you can get used to being fed," To live without meals wasn't the worst thing possible but it was still awful, especially with the addition of physical abuse. Eddy wouldn't be surprised if Brett was malnourished. If that were the case he would have to help Brett get what he needed.

The faun shrugged, not really grasping what Eddy thought. He simply thought it was normal to not eat a lot. He was used to it anyway. When he was a small tiny thing - yes even more tiny than now - he remembered begging for more food but after the beatings he took he stopped pretty quickly. He 'learned' his place fast. Otherwise he wouldn't have lived that long.

The small faun shivered with the cold and shook out the scarf. He couldn't wash it. Not now at least. The cold would damage the fibers and make it hard and scratchy. It was still dirty though and he didn't want to put it on. He shook it again, fine dust of dirt came off.

"You don't have any blankets now, do you?"

Brett didn't see something like that, but they had a lot of stuff so maybe they had something like that as well?

"I personally don't have blankets, but other creatures probably do," Eddy was used to air drying. Even if the water was cold and the air was chilly. Once he stepped out of the water, he shook off like a dog. Shaking always proved to be effey for him, or going to a sunny spot to help give him warmth and dry off. Such sunny spots were his napping place.

Well, it seems that nothing would help Brett better to get warm than staying with Eddy then. Brett was still a bit dirty but he had no intention of going into the stream one more time. He had clean hands and a clean face for the food but he would definitely go back shoveling dirty after lunch so he saw no merit in cleaning himself thoroughly only to get dirty again. He would make himself some warm water to wash completely before they went to sleep.

He slung his arm on Eddy's back and sighed.

"Do you need to get the oatmeal or do you have it ready?" Brett feared he would be left alone again.

"Technically it's made around this time but I still have to get it," Eddy looked down at Brett, trying to read him. Alas Eddy wasn't very good at reading other creatures. All he knew was that he shouldn't bring Brett to places with crowds or lots of lights and noise.

Yes, that would be no good for Brett. He still wasn't fit enough thanks to yesterday. The geep faun nodded and sighed.

"I will wait here? Or should I go to a different spot? One, which you like?"

He couldn't fully hide the light disappointment seeping into his voice. Brett didn't want to but he didn't feel good when being separated from Eddy. He really, really disliked it.

"I'll take you to a spot, it will also help you dry and stay warm," Eddy was of course talking about his napping spot. The spot that Brett had first seen him in. He loved the trees there, the long and soft grass but the main thing was the sun. That was the reason he loved it most.

"Thank you." So they could spend some more time together and Brett hoped Eddy wouldn't need aeons to get the food. It calmed him down a tiny bit. His hand wandered to Eddy's and he interlaced their fingers.

"Well, if you don't mind me holding your hand," he mumbled.

"I don't mind," It seemed to comfort Brett so Eddy would do it. For now he would be Brett's safety crutch until Brett was comfortable on his own. That was how Eddy saw this at least. He squeezed the faun's hand as he started to walk.

Brett was immensely grateful that Eddy didn't shake his hands off. He needed that now. A shiver ran over his back but he tried to suppress it and followed the deer. Finally he could allow himself to be weak and still be cared for. It was a luxury he didn't have before. Hopefully Eddy would never get tired of this because Brett was sure he would seek the deer out time and time again for this other kind of intimacy.

Eddy didn't say much as they walked, he glanced at him in silence to make sure he was holding up nicely. The faun seemed to be so Eddy allowed himself to relax and listen to their surroundings. The gentle breeze and soft chirps of the birds were really soothing to him.

If someone asked Brett if he knew the way back he would have told them no simply because he had really no clue. He was too busy staring at Eddy at that time. Now he looked around, took his time to actually try to remember the path and wanted to know his surroundings

Yes Eddy was as winsome as in the beginning if not even more so, but now the faun could look elsewhere as well. He smiled when a pair of birds chirped and flew off.

The forest was calming his frazzled nerves.

"It's really a sanctuary. It's wonderful here. The forest, I never have seen or heard a more relaxed one." It kind of reminded him of the slow days in the pasture when it was hot outside and he was sent to look over the sheep and goat in the burning sun.

"It really is calm," Eddy hunmed his answer. It wasn't like it didn't have its issues but they seemed to be lesser than the outside worlds, "That's why I chose to live in the forest, even on my own. It's quiet, warm and welcoming. It feels safe even if you're the only one around."

He smiled as he looked around, they were nearing his spot.

"Yes, but now you got a new neighbor. I hope he doesn't annoy you too much."

Brett chuckled and squeezed Eddy's hand. He kind of felt bad for intruding on the centaur's privacy but then again he felt safe and welcomed by him and for the first time in his life accepted. He didn't want to lose this and kept it close.

The scenery slowly changed and more and more trees with the bright yellow, orange and red leaves were coming into sight. Ah yes, he remembered. He liked the dull colors of mostly green and brown of the deep forest but the brilliant colors of the garden and now here was nice as well.

"You said you like this spot but it's so close near the entrance, don't you feel scared when a new predator comes in?"

"No, it doesn't scare me. I don't think I have a reason to be afraid. The lion's are around making sure that intruders don't breach the entrance and not many people know how to get here. So it is safe for the most part. " Eddy chose to believe so at least. Most accidents or deaths happened in one's very own home because they perceived it as the safest place when it often wasn't. Just because it hadn't happened, didn't mean it wouldn't happen, "So you just wait here, I'll get us oatmeal and fruit."

Brett nodded and slowly sat down, sighing as he did so.

"I will wait here for you to come back."

Their hands needed to be separated as well and Brett, now even smaller, looked up to Eddy.

"Don't forget me okay?"

Eddy tilted his head to the side, lips curling into a sickly sweet smile, "Don't fear, I won't forget you."
With that he turned away and started trotting away. It was time to get food. He would be back in the matter of minutes.

Brett watched as Eddy ran away to get them food. Hopefully no predator came and ate either him or the deer. The faun sighed and laid on the warm grass, letting the sun shine on his belly. He would dry quickly now. And all he could do was wait.

Not long after Eddy was gone, Ray appeared. He was on his way to have his daily lunch with Belle, but he did take notice of Brett from the corner of his eyes, "Fancy seeing you here, little faunling."

He didn't typically see anyone else in that spot except Eddy.

Brett had his eyes closed but shot up when he heard the voice of the predator he followed here. A big smile was on his face as he saw the panther.

"Hello Ray! Fancy to see you too! How have you been?"

It was good to see the panther alive and well. Not that he thought it would be otherwise to be honest, but Brett was still relieved. He flopped back down on the grass and looked up at the predator.

"What brings you here?"

"I was just walking by, I'm going to see Belle. We always eat together around this time. The better question is why are you sitting all by your lonesome?" Ray raised an eyebrow at him, he hadn't really seen the faun for three days so he had no clue what Brett was up to or if he was adapting well.

"Belle told me you guys eat together. Hopefully the deer will not be your meal because otherwise Eddy would be very sad," Brett giggled at that. He doubted Ray would do such a thing, "I am waiting for Eddy actually. He gets us food. He is a really nice guy. Since I don't have a den right now and the one he showed me needs a bit of work and love, he lets me sleep with him. He even got me to the garden where I can work in exchange for staying here. Eddy is wonderful!"

The faun could ramble like Eddy: Unstoppable and endless. Especially when the deer was the topic.

Ray didn't remember asking but he nodded and listened attentively to every word that Brett uttered, "He can be very hospitable. It's worrisome sometimes but on the bright side, you appear to be a good guest."

Ray swore that Eddy was going to get himself hurt one day by being all too accepting and welcoming to strangers. Luckily it hasn't come down to that with Brett. Still, the cervitaur needed to be more careful in Ray's humble opinion.

Brett had thought the same but right now he profited from it so he wouldn't bite the hand that literally fed him. He cocked his head to the side, "Well, do you have time to spare or do you want to go to Belle as quickly as possible? We can meet up if you want on a later date to chat. You know, the village was too much for me yesterday so that's why Eddy is not here. Otherwise he would."

The faun sighed and put his head in his hands and watched Ray, "Did you ever eat a deer? I mean, a deer centaur? Maybe from before the truce?"

Considering that Brett kept talking, Ray could figure that Brett wanted company until his deer friend came back. So he would make the time even if he didn't exactly have it, "No I haven't eaten a cervitaur. Eating anything part animal, part human is borderline cannibalism. Even if we're technically different species, I'm not into that. Then again that also probably depends on how hungry I am."
Ray shrugged as he sat down.

"Hm, I see. Well, then I'm very thankful for being part human, eh? So I'm not food for you ever"

The faun looked to the side and smiled when he saw that Ray was settling down. He was nearly dry now and in the sun one could say it was actually a bit warm.

"Tell me more about Eddy. I know his sister can be very strict but I only hear about everyone from him. I want to know more about him honestly. Only if you want though."

"Nope, you aren't my prey. I can't say that other predators feel the same way but the truce keeps them all at bay," Ray watched Brett, he wasn't exactly sure if he should tell Brett about Eddy. Everything he could say was all Eddy's story to tell. If he stayed vague it would probably be fine, "Well, I don't know what to really say about him. He's an odd one but close to me nonetheless. "

He had to figure out what to say because his mind just went blank.

That one sentence puzzled Brett. Eddy was not odd or was he? Not to him at least.

"Odd? I don't think he is odd. He is sweet, pure and cute. Also very generous, trusting and kind. Wonderful, gracious, friendly and so much more. I doubt I know enough flattering words to describe him. Yes he is pretty as well but his character is simply warm. I feel good when he is close and I feel unwell when he is not."

The faun sighed one more time and rubbed his cheek, "He helps me even when he doesn't need to. He not only offers me words but takes action. He is not shallow like others and he is really, really understanding and gentle. He even goes as far as helping me with my den and brings me here to his napping place. He offered me a temporary home when I didn't have one. Others would let me sleep outside, not caring about me or do more than offer empty words. But Eddy does. And I don't like the connotation with the word 'odd'. It's always a bad thing. And Eddy is not a 'bad thing'. He is the best."

"Well when I said odd I mean it in an affectionate way otherwise he wouldn't be my friend. And did a cupid shoot you," Ray glanced around to see if there was an offending cupid around that had possibly attacked Brett, "I will not withdraw my statement because there is no better way to describe him. Eddy is just Eddy, not like others and not caring about that matter. He is odd in the fact that he doesn't conform and that's okay. He is also never what anyone else expects, which is a partial definition of odd. He is oddly Eddy, and it's quite nice."

"If you word it like that then yes. I agree. He is simply Eddy. And he is good at that. And in my eyes he is perfect as one could be. And what is a 'cupid'? I never heard that creature. Is it something bad? Why would one shoot me? Do you see any wound? Will I be dead from that?"

Hastily and quite a bit panicked Brett hopped to his feet and looked at his body. He took off the scarf, exposing all the scars and old wounds to touch everything. Even in his wooly coat he touched but found nothing. Suspiciously he looked at Ray, "Tell me!"

"A cupid is like a fat baby with wings and it shoots people with arrows to make them fall in love. They're little pests, that's what they are. So you won't die unless from heart ache, which I doubt but yeah," Ray hummed as he watched Brett. He supposed he should be more careful with his wording.

"No, I didn't see a fat baby with wings. Should I have seen it? And getting shot with an arrow sounds like it hurts. I doubt something shot me and I didn't notice it." Brett wrapped the scarf around his neck again and lowered his fluffy butt into the warm grass. He had seen the master shooting with the arrows and when all were asleep he poked the sharp, pointy tip of it. Yes, that hurt. He surely would have noticed that! But then again, "What is 'heartache'? My chest hurts sometimes, when I run really fast or long, is that what you mean?"

Poor Brett. For all he loved to read, he still didn't read enough. Because he might be 'book-smart' but he was really not 'street-smart'.

"Well I suppose that is a form of heartache but the kind I'm talking about is more emotionally driven. It's like when you really like someone and they don't return those feelings or they just like you for a certain time then throw you out. That's what causes the heartache that I'm talking about." Ray was pretty sure this story may end in heartache if Brett pursued the kind deer.

Brett laid his head into his hands again and sighed. "So I will die of heartache, eh? Because no way in the seven hellfires will Eddy like me back. And he is not the type who will play with me and then kick me out."

That was a horrible and ugly truth but deep down Brett may have already known that. Eddy was not one who would like a stupid useless faun they picked up from the streets. He was like the ugly barn cat, tolerated because it was useful but certainly not loved. And while Brett thought Eddy wouldn't pack him in a bag and drown him when he got too old, it was still a huge difference 'liked' and 'tolerated'.

"There are no fauns here, right? Eddy didn't seem to know my breed. So I will die alone and in pain. Well, that sounds horrible but oddly fitting."

"I said I doubted that would happen, no one can be for certain. You know? And you haven't been mystically entranced or something so you'll probably be fine," Ray didn't know what to say, he never had to deal with such fragile sheep or goat creature, "I'm sure it's going to be okay."

"But if there is no other faun then I am doomed. My life will be in vain and I will suffer," Brett lamented, rightfully so. He just assumed he would die because he liked Eddy and that it was certain. Ray never specified that one could fall out of love. The poor faun never knew that and so he assumed that was how his life would end. His only options were: he found another faun to like or he would like Eddy for forever and die because of it. Sometimes Brett was too simple for his own good.

"I don't want to suffer! I want for Eddy to like me back. I don't wanna die!"

Brett sobbed and hid his face in his hands. Why was his life so dark? Couldn't he just enjoy it?

"You won't die because you like someone! Don't cry! Maybe he'll like you back, you never know. The universe works itself in mysterious ways." Ray felt very uncomfortable because he didn't know what to do to calm Brett down. How could the faun love Eddy already?

"Fuck the universe! I will die a horrible death and you can't take that back. Alone, probably in a pit, filled with dirt and turds. Ridiculed and then forgotten. All because of a stupid fat baby with a stupid arrow."

He slumped down, face first into the grass and wondered if the death the master would have bestowed upon him would have been more merciful. Maybe another predator would be so kind as to rip out his throat quick and easy? Or crush his head between two big rocks? Or maybe claw the heart out? That would probably be quicker than the death that awaited him now. Maybe the stupid baby would take his sharp arrow and ram it in his heart? Or the water creature would drown him? It was worth a try. Maybe he should ask him later.

His shoulders sagged and big tears were running down his face.

"Well cupid didn't shoot you, probably. So you should be all good and if cupid did shoot you to love Eddy, then a cupid would shoot him too to make romance blossom in the air." Ray glanced around awkwardly, maybe he could just run away. He didn't think of himself as a coward but when people cried it was just so awkward.

Brett pushed himself off the ground, glaring at Ray, "I don't want anyone to shoot Eddy! Getting shot hurts! You can die from it! And why would the fat angel shoot me and not him? Only to see me suffer? I hate those fat babies now. I will trample on them if I ever meet them!"

Fat tears were streaming down his face and he rubbed the snot off his nose, wiping it in the grass. He didn't want Eddy to get hurt! Why would he like that? Made no sense. He wanted Eddy to be happy, not fatally wounded.

"Where are they? I want to have a stern talk with them!"

"Their arrows aren't lethal and they disappear after hitting people! They're love arrows, not death arrows!" Ray didn't know how to explain this, maybe it was a good time to go to Belle and hide with her. He had made the geep cry and made the cupids a mortal enemy it seemed. Not a great conversation.

What Ray babbled made less and less sense.

"Are you stupid? Arrows don't simply vanish! That makes no sense, Ray!"

Exhausted, the faun sank to the ground again, leaning against Ray for a bit more stability.

"I just want Eddy to like me. I just want a tiny bit of happiness. Why do I destroy everything with my greed?"

He thought because he liked Eddy and wanted to be liked back that he was the problem. It wasn't far-fetched but he was seriously wrong about that. Not that Brett knew of course.

"I want him to be happy, but with me. Is that too much? Probably. A disgusting half breed like me doesn't get to be happy, huh? Not at the pasture and not here."

The tears were running now freely, dripping onto Ray as well.

"They're magical creatures, their magic doesn't need to follow the rules of the physical earth," Ray now couldn't run, Brett was leaning on him. Oh Gods, what was he supposed to do? Slowly he put a hand on Brett and patted him, as if to say 'there, there.' Ray was really bad at this. Then again, he never claimed to be good at it, "Do not fear the future, faunling. Life and fate is what you make of it. Your destiny is in your hands. So don't think so darkly on your future, otherwise it may become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Eddy is kind, he won't abandon you but he still lives with the strict rules of his herd so you should be cautious."

There was a reason Eddy lived away from his herd, basically like an outcast even if he still visited them. The visitation showed there was still a lot of sway on Eddy. There was a reason Belle didn't even really associate anymore, except with business or if her parents insisted on visiting. Ray didn't think heartbreak would come from Eddy but from the things that influenced him. So this was his warning, as was it his attempt to comfort Brett.

"He might not abandon me but he will never return my feelings. He will never like me. Because some stupid fat thing didn't shoot him. And I don't want to get him shot for obvious reasons! And fuck the herd if they oppress him. Why don't you skip your morale a bit and eat them? I just want to be liked. Just one time. Like in the mistress books. A burning love, everything will change and the couple is happy ever after. It's not too much to wish for, right? Right?"

He rubbed his wet cheek on Ray's upper arm and tried to stop sobbing but so far he had no luck with that. He was a mess, even more so than before.

"That would cause a war if I just ate them, not going to happen. Secondly, you don't need to be shot by cupid to fall in love with someone, it can happen naturally too. Like by spending time with them and being all touchy feely. Thirdly, most fairy tales are based on something so it may not be too much to ask," Ray kept his expression neutral although he was pretty sure it wasn't just tears wiped on him. That assumption would be correct. Because Brett would rather soil Ray than the scarf. Ray could just wash it off, the scarf would need time to dry and time they didn't have.

"You are not very helpful. And why is he not liking me then now? I touch him all the time, we even held hands and I touched his butt! Should I touch him more then? Because we spend so much time together. And why do cupids even exist if people can like each other without them. Then they are useless? I don't get it," he mumbled the last part and sighed. Why was life so hard? And why was he so damned? Damned at birth, damned at life and most probably damned in death as well.

"Cupids exist because some people need an arrow in the ass to be guided to their soulmate." Ray would have to talk to Eddy about not letting creatures he just met touch his butt. He felt like that should have been a given though. Apparently it wasn't, "And if there's already that much touching then I would say he's already fond of you."

Or very desperate, Ray noted to himself since it would probably make Brett cry more if he voiced it out loud.

Brett blinked in confusion and looked up at Ray. "So Eddy is not my soulmate? So that means someone out there is? And he can be taken away instantly? I need to talk to those fat babies, Ray. Immediately! I need one of those arrows. Maybe I can try to shoot him where he doesn't get hurt too much. Because I really like him, you know. And being fond is not being liked, there is a difference Ray!" Brett tuted and shook his head slowly. Sometimes he thought Ray was very smart and then he was spouting complete bogus!

"Okay, okay let's backtrack. I said some people need the nudge or the help to find their soulmate, just because not all people get shot by one doesn't mean the person you like isn't your soul mate. Maybe you don't need help finding your soulmate. Fondness can also turn into love though, you just need to show some interest and see how he reacts." Ray didn't expect Brett to be so emotional about a boy he met three days ago.

"How much more interest should I show then? I ...," Brett sniffled and leaned against Ray's arm again, "I have no clue. Can't you go out and look for another defect faun? Like me? Maybe that would be better. And if you don't find anyone then my fate is decided."

His ears flattened themselves against his skull. He was not even of Eddy's breed - quite obviously - so why did he think this could ever work out? He was stupid. Like his master said, stupid and useless.

"Well I think being subtle is the best way, start with sharing meals together, then make it your thing by having a meal with them everyday. After that you get all touchy by offering some kind of physical service so you can have that contact. Maybe like offering to clean their fur, oh no, not just brush it but clean it, in my case cleaning can involve some licking since I am like a big cat. That's when things get interesting. I don't think you would lick him though, but still could get interesting," Ray seemed to have experience with this and also seemed to be giving some sort of advice of getting into the mood. Not that Brett would realize.

"I already did that. Well, not licking him because no thank you, but I already massaged him. I told you! Where I touched his butt. I massage him to get all the tension out of his body. We stretch and I massage afterwards. And we sleep together. I lay on top of him sometimes. And we do eat meals together. Well, he eats and I keep him company otherwise I would explode from all the food. And on top of it, I groom him! I brush his fur as well. And he did mine. So I do all you say. But why doesn't he like me now?"

Brett pouted and wiped his face. He was done crying. Well, unless Ray said something horrible again.

"You gotta learn the magic touch, and cleaning is a bit different from massaging or brushing. A massage you're supposed to touch someone, it's a given but to clean someone is more intimate and takes more care. But it's also only been three days, so just continue with that and be good company," Ray hummed as he thought on his own cervitaur that he spent most of his time with.

"Can you show me the magic touch? What do you do to get them to like you? Did you try it with anyone? Probably yes, right?" Brett sighed again. How many days until Eddy liked him? It was clear that he had no idea what would follow to the 'like'. He had no experiences to speak of, so how could he? He was a clueless faun. That didn't deter him from trying to win Eddy's heart though.

"Um, well I probably shouldn't show you but I can say that cervitaurs bellies are very sensitive so if you do some massaging down there and go close to a risky area, like you did with his butt then yeah magic touch. And yes I have don't this with someone before, I have been known to cuddle with Belle quite often," Ray did like cuddles but cuddles had a double meaning and it was probably best to keep it at cuddles, "But yeah, I think if you just keep what's going for you now that it'll go smashingly."

The faun listened and raised his eyebrows. "The underbelly? Maybe I can get Eddy to lay down today in the den. I can say it's a new position for stretching. But he is very ticklish. And is Belle the reason why you don't eat deer? Well, centaur-deer? Do you like her? Does she like you? How will I ask for cuddles? Simply lay on top of him or ask beforehand?"

This was so complicated for Brett. He simply wanted to spend his time with Eddy and only Eddy.

Ray could also say he was the reason she wasn't with the herd, but some things weren't meant to be said out loud, such as his love life, "Yeah, you could say we like each other a lot. If you want cuddles you should always ask about it. You always want to be given verbal consent for things, not trick them. You're already massaging him, so ask if it's alright if you get his belly and legs. Then for cuddles, as I said before, ask for them."

That was very valuable information actually. So Brett nodded, mentally taking notes.

"I see. So ask if I do something to him? I see. Oh god," Brett gasped, remembering something horrible now, "I did something to him. I should have asked him!"

And now he felt not well again. He kissed Eddy in his sleep! Maybe if he asked him and when Eddy said yes he could tell him? Hopefully that would work.

"Just don't do it again okay? The only mistake you ever make is the one you make twice. So be careful, okay?" Ray didn't know what Brett did but he kinda thought that Brett wasn't capable of something too awful. The faun didn't give him those vibe, only very naive vibes.

"Okay. I understand. I will do that. I mean, not do that. Again." Did it count that he kissed him so many times as one or multiple? Brett didn't try to venture too deep into that. He would only cry again.

"If it doesn't work out between me and Eddy, can you do me a favor then? Pretty please?"

Time to work for his second plan. His first was Eddy - pretty obviously - but the second one was much, much darker.

"Depends on what that favor is?" Ray listened, trying to see if Eddy was approaching. He kinda hoped, because then he could go to Belle. That's what he wanted, he wanted lunch and some deer time.

"If it doesn't work out, can you please kill me? I mean, as quickly and painless as possible? Because I don't want to live anymore then." he meant it. The hard glance in his eyes, the rigid back and the tone told it all. He really didn't want to live when Eddy was not with him. At least he saw it like that now. Who knew what would happen in the future, but now he was certain it would kill him. And he prefered a quick and merciful death instead of the suffering of the 'heartache'.

"We'll see how it goes okay? But keep it in mind that you may find someone else. Keep your options open," Ray ruffled Brett's hair. He finally heard the familiar sound of Eddy's gallop. The cervitaur was returning and he would be free to go so soon.

"And if not, do you promise?" Brett's hand gripped tight on Ray's forearm. He wanted an answer and he wanted it now. If the consent was given before he was killed, Ray didn't have to face the consequences, right? Or maybe they would go outside and Ray could kill him there. Everything was possible. But he wanted the promise.

"I promise, now Eddy's almost back so enjoy your time with him," Ray was put in a very awkward situation but he would figure it out later. Now this was Brett's time to try to get Eddy's attention.

"Thank you."

Brett got up and wiped his face down one more time. His eyes were still bloodshot and swollen so it was obvious he was crying. The faun would still put a smile on his face and try to enjoy the time spent with Eddy. It was not hard to pretend that he liked it because he genuinely did.

However, he dreaded the food. His stomach was still full. Maybe he could get away with a few bites and give the rest to Eddy.

Ray moved away from Brett when Eddy came into view. A big grin was on the deer's face as he trotted over to them both, "Oh Ray! You're here, you're usually with Belle by now."
He smiled even more as he saw his mountain lion friend.

Brett looked at Eddy and said softly: "I forced him to keep me company. I was lonely and we wanted to chat. Well I wanted that. Anyway, Ray, thank you for all the advice and the time. I'm sorry I kept you away from your deer friend."

He petted the other arm, not the one full of snot and tears. He was careful like this.

Ray nodded slightly, "Well I'm off, you two enjoy your lunch together."

He was ready to get away and wash his arm, his poor poor arm. Maybe he deserved it though for making the faun cry in the first place.
Eddy watched the mountain lion run off and then looked at Brett, the face he was making made Eddy think that the lion might have bit him. He couldn't be too sure though. Slowly he walked over to Brett to sit down by him, "Ready to eat a bit?"

Brett was thankful that Eddy wasn't commenting on his ugly cry face and nodded

"A tiny bit yes." The faun sat down again and patted on the ground.

"Come and sit down Eddy. It's easier for the both of us. Thank you for getting the food. I think I was too much for poor Ray."

Not to mention he still hated the cupids. If they were not useful to him he would make them suffer.

"Are you hurt by any chance? Like anywhere on your body?"

Maybe Eddy already got shot?

"Oh I'm fine, nothing happened when I was out and about," Eddy sat down once he was by Brett, and he got himself comfortable, "Ray, isn't very social so don't take it personally. He's kinda like right between an introvert and an extrovert. I don't know the technical term for that though."

Brett shrugged and watched into the offered food bowl. It looked and smelled very tasty.

"Maybe a 'in-between-vert'? Sounds dumb but describes him pretty spot on. Anyway. Do you know where the fat babies live? I mean, cupids? Just by any chance?"

Eddy was a good friend. Eddy would tell him. Or so Brett hoped. If not he may have to ask Belle. Or the water creature. Because Ray wouldn't tell him anymore.

"In the clouds, kinda hard to get to," Eddy tilted his head to the side, exposing a bit of his long neck as he did. He was wondering why Brett was even asking about those. Maybe he didn't want to know though, "So I guess it's food time."

He passed Brett's tiny portion to him.

"Thank you." Brett accepted the bowl and sniffed. Yepp, smelled delicious.

"Do you have any idea how to get one of those? Like, when you don't have wings? Because I sure as heck don't have one."

The faun tried a spoonful and nodded. Yes it tasted good. The fruits were soft and rounded the taste perfectly. Sadly he didn't have a lot of hunger but he still tried his best to eat it. Eddy went to go get it specifically so he couldn't let the deer down.

"Maybe you could get one's attention or ask someone with wings to get you in contact with a cupid," Eddy spooned some food into his mouth.
"Hm, since I don't know anyone we will see about that." Maybe he needed to get a bow and arrow and get really good at shooting stuff? No, that was not good. The truce. No fights between creatures. He couldn't just simply shoot one from the sky and claim it was 'an accident'. So maybe he really needed more friends with wings. He would have to bide his time. Meanwhile he took another spoonful. His stomach was already protesting and expanding. Brett looked down and sure enough, he had a bulge where his tummy was. He gently pet it. So far nothing hurt but it would take long and he would have horrible stomach pains. He slowed down even more.

"You have time to make friends," Eddy just shoveled his food into his mouth, he really enjoyed his food. Given he had two stomachs and had to eat a certain percentage of his body weight everyday to function properly, so there was a reason to enjoy a lot of food yet still be slim. He glanced at Brett to see how he was doing.

The faun simply ate half a spoonful by now. His stomach was slowly starting to hurt and he ate maybe a third of his oatmeal and the fruits. He stopped and turned to Eddy as he noticed the look. Brett smiled and held the food out for Eddy to take.

"I'm sorry. You underwent so much trouble but I can't finish it."

"It's okay, you're not used to eating this much," Eddy finished his and then took Brett's. He had thought that Brett wouldn't finish so he saved room to eat it too. It was a simple sacrifice he could make for Brett.

Brett nodded and watched Eddy happily munching on it. Was this normal? To eat so much food? He looked at Eddy's still slim figure and blinked.

"You are very special Eddy. You are still very slim but you eat so much more than me. It's amazing."

The faun was just being nice - and maybe had a thought behind it or not, who knew? - as he reached out and petted Eddy's fur, right above where the butt began. Ray said touches were good, right? And he should increase that. And find the 'magical touch' so Brett would do that. That and maybe getting one of the cupids.

"I have two stomachs," Eddy chirped, basically, "That is why I can eat so much but stay slim.".

He giggled, if Brett wasn't basically starved to death Eddy would almost find it amusing the sheep was so amazed by his food intake. However, Brett had been basically starved so the amazement was not amusing. It was sad at best.

"Amazing," Brett repeated and scooted closer to pet Eddy's human stomach, "How does the food know where to go? Does it fill up one stomach and then wanders around to fill up the other? Because it's interesting to know how that works. And can you eat everything with your deer stomach? Even meat? Because that's not what a deer usually eats, right?"

He petted some more, not feeling the bulge he had.

"It's like a cow's stomach I suppose but with fewer stomachs and not the same function. They're harder to explain than I thought they would be. But since I have human parts and deer parts, I could technically eat meat. I just don't." Eddy's brow furrowed as he thought about it. Yeah, stomachs were weird.

That was pretty unexplained but Brett would take it. He shrugged and petted Eddy's stomach some more before he leaned on the deer, carefully not restraining his movements.

"I like you, you know. You are the kindest person I have ever met." The faun was sure Eddy didn't understand it the way he wanted to be understood but as long as Eddy was willing to be by his side for now it was good enough. Ray said to give it time and he would.

"I hope you get to meet a lot of kinder people, you deserve to feel happy and safe," Eddy watched Brett. He felt bad for the creature, but at least he was here now.

"Thank you, Eddy. I will be happy with just you and Belle. And occasionally Ray." He giggled and wrapped his arms around the deer to hug him. He wished for a lot of things and maybe he should remember he wasn't entitled to anything. So he rubbed his cheek against the soft fur. "Maybe we can try to talk to the water creature, the Nøkken. Can you tell me more about him?"

"He can turn into a horse, like an elegant white one. That's how he chooses to travel if he does but he's typically anxious when not around water so he doesn't travel much," Eddy reached out to pet Brett gently since the creature seemed to want attention.

"Oh, is he like a real horse then? Can I ride him?" And yes, Brett had no idea his sentence could be taken out of context very badly, "Like I rode you? I mean, if he lets me that is. But wow, that's wonderful." Brett stretched his head to the gentle hand and rubbed his cheek against it, effectively scenting Eddy. Not that he was aware of doing that. He just liked the rubs and the feel of his cheeks against the soft hand.

"Yeah like a real horse," Eddy nodded to the inquiry. Lucky for Brett, Eddy didn't pick up how that sentence could be used in a wrong way either. He got what Brett meant. Eddy stroked Brett's cheeks with his thumb. Brett's ears were relaxed and his tail started wagging like Eddy's did when Brett touched him in a pleasant way. His eyes fell close on their own accord and he lightly tightened his arms around Eddy. They were now pressed very close together and with each breath Brett took he smelled the cervitaur, the grass and the clean air. It was heavenly.

Seeing as nothing was said now, Eddy remained silent. To him it felt like nap times anyways. They worked in the morning, their tummies were filled and they were in a warm embrace. All in all it was cozy and set the perfect mood for a nap.

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