the door is my death | Roblox...

By isaac_cooked

3.8K 88 157

---o--- This story is hugely inspired by the Roblox game named Doors. Credits to LSPLAH for all characters... More



348 7 17
By isaac_cooked


   200 reads?! BRUHH y'all r gonna kill me 💔😭 tysmm for all the reads! it motivates me a lot to continue this godforsaken book LMAO 

anyways let's get onto the story :-) ft. mike wazowski but his villain arc


   Ignoring the ugly sight, I ran past the eye and made my way towards a closet hastily. I was ready to hop in as soon as the sound of shattering lightbulbs were audible. So, I waited . . . and waited . . . and waited . . . but it never came. I was getting a little skeptical as to whether or not it was coming and it was just being slow . . . or if it was just another false alarm. I got annoyed and continued onward. 

   As I went through Door 0032, the lights flickered yet again and more eyes began to appear on the walls, making a sound similar to that of slime. It sounded nauseating, and the way the eyes always stared at me wherever I went didn't help at all. The feeling was intense and pressuring. Knowing that a bunch of supernatural eyeballs randomly appearing with the presence of flickering lights gave me the biggest icks I've never felt. However, I wasn't about to jump into a closet and let the hands take me. Moreover, the eyes didn't necessarily harm me; they were just sorta there. 

   I was feeling a little curious, so I walked up the an eye that was next to the closet. I started at it intently as it stared me at back. They didn't seem to blink, which was a little strange, I will say. Taking out one of my lockpicks, I slowly inched it closer to the eye, but all it did was keep staring. So . . . I poked it. Almost immediately, it seemed to wince back in pain, shutting its eyelids. After a few seconds, it opened its eyes again and continued to stare at me. Not seeing this newfound information helpful in any way, I just continued onward. 

   The room I was had its room's perimeter covered in bookshelves with many books. Cobwebs infested the top corners and a nice carpet with yellow trim laid in the middle. A chandelier lit up the room, giving a nice, fancy-like aesthetic. As I studied the floor, I realized just how clean and shiny the wooden floor was. It wasn't creaking like how most wooden floors would, and the bottom of my shoes have stayed the same color since I woke up in the elevator. Anyways, I continued to walk forward, still heavily creeped out by the eyes watching my every move.

   Room 0033's lights flickered yet again, and even more eyes filled the room. By then, it was beginning to be way to overwhelming, and I quickly ran out of the room to avoid their stares. I don't recall the room's exact details, but all I know was that it was dark. And because it was dark, I was also scared of Screech manifesting and attacking me. But what was unsettling the most was the fact that the eyes were glowing in the dark, still watching my every move. It was also in that dark room that I realized the material that surrounds the eye is slimy and extends in veins . . . almost as though it was a living entity that was biologically connected to the wall. That thought creeped me out a ton because that would mean the "hotel" was probably an entity itself, and I was going through its digestive tract. I didn't want to think about it, so I continued; much slower this time. I will mention, by the way, that I constantly got hallucinations of eyes flashing in the corner of my eyes just for them to disappear as soon as I look at them. This only occurred once the eyes began to manifest on the walls.

   When I entered Room 0034, I was met with a rather long hallway, exact in looks regarding Door 0017. It was a long hallway with a door on the other end. Extremely high ceiling and a wide room width were the most notable things about this "room". Wooden pillars helped support the roofs, while drawers, tables, and closets decorated the walls periodically. Giant windows that curved at the top displayed heaving raining outside, flashing lightning at random intervals. It was too dark to see outside, not to my huge surprise. Plants in pots accompanied the corners of the hallway, exactly like how almost all rooms are decorated. A dark lime carpet led the way from Door 0034 to Door 0035. I was relieved when I saw that the lights no longer flickered and that the eyes from before no longer appeared on the walls. They were beginning to really get to me and I would've lost my mind if they followed me from there on out. I let out a sigh of relief . . .

. . . oh, naive I was then. 

   As I continued down the hallway, I was whistling a nice little tune from my childhood. However, a feeling of fear and anxiety suddenly washed over me like a powerful tide. My stomach dropped and twisted, and I couldn't help but feel like something bad was about to happen. And I was right. When I turned around, I could see from a distance that a black puddle made of an unknown substance began to form on the floor. It seemed to be . . . oil? Tar? Ink? Within seconds, an eyes popped out . . . followed by a head . . . arms . . . a body . . . and legs. It pushed itself out of the puddle using its hands and got up from its knees. The creature, which has the same black substance dripping down its arms and legs, was starting right at me with its giant eye . . . the only thing on its face. 

   I was completely frozen in shock, as I was directly face-to-face with a new entity whose only goal was to kill me. Within a moment's glance, it suddenly began to run . . . and it was running right towards me.

   My fight-or-flight reaction was activated, and all my instincts were telling me to run, that I was not going to fight that creature. So, I did. As the creature let out a bloodcurdling shriek, I quickly turned around and started to run away from it. Door 0035 swung right open for me, and I was shocked when the next room was a giant mess. Suddenly, bookshelves, desks, and furniture began to all topple down on one another, blocking my way. I started to panic, seeing that if I don't find a way through, the thing that's chasing me was going to catch up and . . . and . . . I don't know and I don't want to know. 

   Thankfully, a blue light emitting sparkling effects in the air highlighted a small area where I could slide through. With acceleration and adrenaline, I slid under the fallen furniture and continued to run. I saw that the room was falling apart, as pieces of wood were scattered across the floor, inflicting pain on me when I stepped on them. Bookshelves were pushed over and papers were flying in the air, challenging my sight. Shoving them out of my way and dodging the wood and fallen bookshelves, I continued running. However, more furniture fell over, blocking my way once again. Just like how the furniture toppled, the blue light from earlier was back, pointing at another crawl space. I safely slid under and ran under a bookshelf that was meant to fall but was caught by another bookshelf. The eyes were back on the walls, staring at me, probably spectating the whole chase.

   Door 0036 opened wide, slamming itself against the wall of the next room. I was met with a wall, splitting my paths to either the left or the right. I didn't know which way to take, and started to panic again. Suddenly, I could see the blue light illuminating up the door on my left. Assuming that that's the door where I needed to head to, I quickly turned and continued to run. Thankfully, the door, Door 0037, opened on its own, revealing more obstacles to pass through.

   Bookshelves were toppling over chairs and tables, sending drawers and books flying in all directions. More papers were gliding like dragonflies in the air, some posing as potential objects to slip on the floor. Speaking of the floor, more chunks of wood were there, and more were coming down from the walls and roofs. The whole room was in shambles, and all the flying debris made it very difficult to see where I was going. The blue light glowed up another crawl space for me, in which I slid under, got up on my feet, and continued running. I quickly dodged another bookshelf that was falling, saving myself from being crushed to death. 

   Door 0038, which was glowing a blue light, swung on its hinges, revealing another wall parting to the left and right. Except it wasn't a wall. Instead, it was a giant pile of sofas, couches, chairs, bookshelves, drawers, closets, and lamps all combined into a makeshift obstacle. The ceiling and floor of where the furniture pile laid had been broken, and giant pieces of sharp-edged wood covered the floor. I quickly looked to my left and right, but was terrified to see that both had been boarded up without a blue light. Panicking, I ran to my left again and tripped on a chair leg sticking out. As I collected myself, the roar of the creature and its heavy footsteps were getting louder and louder behind me. I began to sprint again, narrowly avoiding cuts on my ankles from the wood. As I made a half-circle around the furniture pile, I saw that there was another door behind the pile that was glowing blue. I ran as fast as I could towards it, and continued with the run from it.

   Door 0039 revealed a long hallway similar to that of Room 0034 and Room 0017 . . . except that it was in complete chaos and shambles. As soon as I entered the room, the whole hallway erupted in shatters as the windows fell apart in shards as giant, slimy hands, similar in texture as to that of the creature chasing me, sticking out, flailing around. I presumed that they were trying to grab me, so I avoided them as much as I could. I jumped over fallen chunks and pieces of wood and ran around the fallen chandeliers, which have now fallen down to the floor and were now giant groups of fire, ready to turn anything into charcoal. Bright red lights moved hastily around the hallway from an unknown source, similar to that of emergency services' vehicle alarm lights. The room was constantly shaking and vibrating, making it all the more harder to control my movement. It felt as though the room was shaking and rotating on its sides, causing me to involuntarily slide around, nearly making me lose my balance multiple times. The loud noises were beginning to hurt my ears, and my vision was starting to go blurry. Breathing became harder and harder, as I've been running a lot and the smoke was building up. Body coordination was getting difficult by the second, and I knew that if I didn't get out as soon as possible, I was going to die in here.

   With a big leap, I grabbed ahold of a wooden pillar and, although it hurt my palms because of its corners, swung around it, dodging the raging flames of the fallen chandeliers. I landed on my feet and kept running, sprinting around the other fallen chandeliers engulfed in flames. A wooden piece on the floor caused me to trip, slowing me down greatly. As I tried my best to collect myself has fast as possible, the shriek of the inky creature echoed across the hallway, and its footsteps got all the more louder. I saw that one of the pillars on my left had been snapped in half, and a big chunk of it was missing. To my right stood a tall bookshelf, unharmed, scratched, or burned. As Door 0040's golden plate shined like diamond in my eyes, I jumped forward with immense willpower. The door opened by itself, and I dove into the next room, accidentally hitting my head on a drawer. As I slowly got up, I realized that it was still coming. Out of breath and disorientated, I laid there on the floor, watching the door, waiting for my impending doom. I saw that the creature walked right through the flames and was ready to run right through the door, eye filled with a longing for human blood . . . when the door suddenly closed. It banged against the door three times, each bang with immense strength. However, it was all in vain, as the door wouldn't budge open, and I was now safe. 

   Because of what I saw, that led me to another theory . . . what if this "hotel" was actually an entity that was trying to help me get out, and just unfortunately so happened to house all these terrible, blood-thirsty, murderous monsters?


woohoo! I completed 31-40 in under two hours and in the middle of the night!! (also,  i accidentally published it while writing so my bad LOLOL 💀) i had to watch a video on youtube to confirm that everything I was writing about seek's chase scene was pretty accurate. I didn't know if the # of doors increased during the chase (which it did), so i went on yt and watched a video, trying to study the doors' numbers during the chase sequence. 

   all details are almost 100% in the game, with few changes, like flying papers and papers on the floor, also being added. in short, i put a lot of effort and consideration and attention to detail in this chapter! 😭 bc of this, it would mean the world if you could tell me ur thoughts n opinions in each chapter, as they're my form of validation for my works 🥲

tysm for reading the fourth chapter of my book, n i'll see y'all in the next one! :)) -val


me when seek fanart

((credits to Bread.#0005 on discord!! i LOVE your artworks 🙏🏽🧎‍♂️))


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