Vault-Tec saved her

By Kitten_Nibby_2018

98 41 0

A series of journal entries written by a woman out of time and her adventures in a strange new world This fan... More

Collage is hard
Trouble in paradise
Frozen Solid
What coping skills?
The world out there
So over it
A Job is a job
Mistakes make friends
Match made in hell
Too much too soon
Putting the past down
If you can't beat them, join them
You dun fucked up
Violence is the question & the answer is yes
Now or Never!
The past is after me
Chasing the Reaper
Harder to kill than that
The fun never lasts
Unhappiest place in the world
In Memory of
A forced friendship
Her luck ran out
The Harder She Falls
Is it beyond repair, or is there hope?
That was quick
I need a body
Life's a game
New set of skills
Getting harder to hide
Doesn't change who you are
Tin Can In Charge.
You should have left us alone
Christmas explosion
Is this recording?

20 Questions

3 0 0
By Kitten_Nibby_2018

Journal title: Sidetracked

January 15. Took a few extra days to get to Goodneighbor, as when we passed through Concord, I was stopped by that bother hood of steel chick who said

"We never thought you'd show up. Thank you come inside... wait can he, wait out here?"

Nope! Hancock comes with me. When we entered Dance, and that other dude who was hurt pulled their guns on Hancock and asked

"What is that thing doing here?"

"Dogmeat isn't a thing; he's just a lost puppy" is the first joke Hancock has made in a few days, so I laughed at that and told the BOS if they still wanted my help, he would come with me. If not, oh well. Danse said he would not work with

"That creature," so I flipped him off and said have a good life before turning heel and leaving. Hancock specifically (especially right now) is a dickwad, but there is nothing wrong with ghouls, and I refuse to work with a group that treats them as lesser. Why I hardly visit Diamond city nowadays. The ghouls in my settlement have been nothing but pleasant and helpful. That snide remark turkey bacon made to the BOS was the last joke he said during our trip. He didn't even make any sexual innuendos like I've come to expect from him. I tried telling him he could talk to me that if we were going to keep traveling together, we needed to talk about things, and all he said was

"Yea, talk because you know how to do that, miss. "I'm afraid of being underground" When you want to be honest, I'll be honest. Till then fuck right off."

Fucking man, child. I've no clue what he is talking about. But whatever, I assumed whatever stick was up his ass would go away on its own... It did not. As soon as we got to GoodNeighbor, he said

"Thanks for the escort, see you never."

I'm sorry, what? What the fuck is his problem? I've been nothing but nice since he saved my ass.

I gave him my office to use as he pleased after I got up. You know what? We're expecting a snowstorm, and I don't feel like walking through it alone. So I'm a be in town for a few days. We need to have a chat whether he likes it or not. He doesn't want to travel with me anymore? Fine, but I want to know the reason.

Audio Log 1/18/2288


Program running

Time: 9:10 AM

Detected voices: Hancock, John. Gibson, Callie. Error, Unknown

Unknown: He said no Callie

Callie: Fahrenheit, let me in

9:13 AM registered voice: Fahrenheit

Fahrenheit: The boss said no, so no

Callie: HANCOCK, you man child, get out here.

9:16 AM audio detected. Error sound is muffled unable to add to log

Callie: No, stop being a child, you dried up piece of turkey bacon. Things were fine till I woke up in Starlight

Fahrenheit: Will you just leave?

John: Buzz off

Callie: You don't want to travel with me, fine. But this overreaction to me having a fear response is bullshit. I know something is up, and there's a better reason than just "I'm Mayor Hancock, the biggest jackass in the wealth' "

9:25 AM Audio detected " loud yelp and the sound of clothing being ripped"

Callie: Don't touch me; you didn't have to throw me onto the couch...damnit thanks for ripping that

John: Shut the fuck up and listen. I don't give a shit; you were scared, Jesus Christ. I watched your back, gave you chems, always took first watch, and not once did you tell me shit about you. I won't keep watching the back of someone I can't trust

Callie: That's a lie; we chatted

John: See? You're doing it again, skating over stuff when you're the topic

Callie: And? Why is info about me your business? I've known you for what...not even a month? My "story" is my problem not some stranger

John: You really are new to the common wealth arn't you? 20 days out here is a life time. And for Christ's sake, you make it sound as if I wanted a novel. I asked 5 things. How old you were, why we always skipped caves and underground places, how long you've been in the commonwealth, if you have anyone back home and where'd you learn your skills, that's it.

Callie: And I answered, old enough, I just am, a while, no and a book.

John: If those are good answers, I'm fucking human. Look, the time I spent with you was fun, but it's over. I can't trust someone who won't talk to me. For all I know, you could be an ex-raider; you could wake up and kill me in my sleep. I've seen you on top of your game out there, and you are almost... almost as scary as me.

Callie: I wouldn't do that. And I'm not an ex-raider. I hate raiders.

John: How do I know that? You waltz into MY TOWN one day, try to steal from me, then what? Expect me to keep backing you up on a hunch that you're actually a decent person?

Callie: Hancock

John: Mayor Hancock to you

Callie: Fine, Mayor Hancock. What do you want from me? I told you all I was comfy with sharing. You are not owed info about me. Knowing I have your back in a fight like you had mine should be enough

John: What do I want? How about telling me that the metro scared you because you were a vault dweller? And that you're somehow prewar? That,apperantly the instute has it out for you, I mean they killed your husband and took your kid, sounds like a big ass fucking target to me. How about explaining all that? ANYTHING to do with the instute can get you killed out here.

Callie: who... told you all that. WHO... TOLD YOU ALL THAT?!?

Hancock, John: So all of that is true? Jesus.

Callie: John

John: Don't fucking call me that; you haven't earned the right  Ms."General of the Minuet Men"


John: Mayor Hancock, you bitch! And your "first in command," Preston

10:00 AM detected audio "Punching" , "glass breaking:"



John: Only if you swear to not hit me again. That fucking hurt

Callie: Oh fuck you

10:20 AM John: Calm yet? Not that I'm not enjoying the view but my knees arn't what they used to be

Callie: yes, now get off of me before I knee you in the nards.

John: Kinky

Fahrenheit: everything all right, boss?

John: Yes Fahr, Princess just has a temper, don't you? And here I thought I was short fused when tea is spilled Take her to the third rail to cool off. And we'll talk tomorrow, understand?

Recording process terminated

Ending log

Journal title: Fuck you fuck you fuck you!

How dare you, Preston! You swore up and down you wouldn't tell anyone. None of that info was yours to tell! You, me, and Codsworth were the only ones I wanted to know. And I only told you because I was still shell-shocked when I met you.

And that smug ass piece of bacon. "I deserved to know, traveling partners help each other" no, you didn't deserve to know. My history is my problem to deal with. Not anyone else's, just mine. And how does "he" getting killed and Shawn getting taken make me a target? The three of them are just assuming this "institute" did it. But I don't even believe that. Human traffickers, raiders, gunners, etc. are real, not some boogyman who takes people in the night. And even if they were real, what use would they have had for taking a prewar baby? How would they even know it was a prewar baby? Or that that vault was there?

The time for me wanting to talk is gone. I should just leave in the morning, go tell Preston to fuck himself, and go... I don't know. Fucking hell.

Mag's wouldn't even see me. Said

"I can see you're upset, dear; I don't want the time we spend together to be out of anger. So go cool off, and I'll be with you tomorrow". Whatever. I told her okay and goodbye for now.

I'm just going to leave tomorrow. Just make my way for the gate and keep walking. Sorry, Mag's but today was your last chance to spend some time with me because I probably won't be back here.

Audio Log 1/21/2288


Program running

Time: 6:00 AM

Detected voices: Hancock, John. Gibson, Callie.

John: Fahr said you tried to walk out of town; I said we were talking today

Callie: I changed my mind

John: Yea, I don't think so. Look, I did react like a child; I'm man enough to admit that. As I said, secrets like your's get people killed

6:20 AMJohn: You really want to play the quiet game again? Okay, I have all day and a cabinet full of booze and chems. We've known each other a month it's time we finally had an honest chat.

John: How old is the baby?

6:30 AMJohn: How are you prewar? They swore you're not a synth and you're not a ghoul so explain.

Callie: give me some whisky

John: She can speak! Okay, a glass of whisky for how you are prewar. 

 Callie: Thanks to vault tec, I was frozen, I only woke up recently and am just over 210 years old.

John: Damn, I knew vault tec was fucked up, but that's a new one. That's why you're always explaining prewar terms to me. You didn't read about them; you experienced them.

Callie: How did you become a ghoul

John: What? We're not playing 20 questions.

Callie: You want answers fine, but we're playing 20 questions then. How did you become a ghoul?

John: Fair enough, fine, I took some experimental chem. Best trip of my life; I passed out and woke up a few days later like this. So being frozen, you didn't get to experience the vault?

Callie: No, that counts as a question. I need a refill. How did you come up with the outfit and your name?

John: The outfit was there when I woke up. And I didn't want to share my brother's name anymore, so I put on the outfit and took on the last name the plack under the outfit said. How old is your kid?

Callie: I don't know. He was only about a month old when taken. I woke up at one point before I left the vault. He could be a kid or dead. How did you, of all people, become mayor?

John: Of all people? ...Fair enough. I killed the last guy for how he was acting. He was a tyrant. Why did the Institute take the kid and kill your husband?

Callie: technically, that's two questions. And I don't even know if it was them or if they are even real. What's your relationship with Mag's

John: I'm single if that's what you're asking. And they are very real. We're just friends with benefits... Like you and her. Why didn't you tell me, and did you try to find the kid?

Callie: Again, two questions

John: Just answer them

Callie: Fine, and no. I haven't tried. I never wanted him in the first place, and it wouldn't be right if he were older. If he's dead, what's the point of finding the body? And because it's my issue to deal with. I didn't feel people needed to know

John: As I said, the Institute is very real, so even slightly being tied to them is dangerous. That's why people need to know. Till I found all that out from Preston, I had fun traveling with you. You're a bad bitch. Last one. And the husband? Do you miss him?

John: Princess?

Callie: ... No. I should, but it wasn't... it wasn't a happy marriage. Or long... Happy now? Are we done?

John: Yes. I think I know enough now to feel safe traveling with you.

Callie: What?

John: I wanted answers, I got them now, so I'm coming witcha. Now that our little issue is settled, you're not getting rid of me.

Recording process terminated

Ending log

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