Doomsday's Rabbit Essence

By brittanyk5496

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Huazhi is a rabbit spirit who has just cultivated into an adult. She was hacked into a post-apocalyptic novel... More



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By brittanyk5496

  Gu Su, who was still being entangled by the high-level ability users, burst out laughing, "Hahahahahaha!"

He looked at the corpse of Jing Huai on the ground, his eyes burst with great light, "Xing Huai is dead!"

Besser wiped the blood from his face, his eyes were full of anger, "If you die, you will die, you are so much nonsense!"

He charged up again with a weapon!


The Corpse Emperor turned his head and raised his hand gently, knocking Besser out!

The Corpse Emperor, who had his hands free, turned to look at them—

Gu Su looked back at Father An beside him, "Your son is still useful."

An father's ability dropped sharply because of the weakening of the gift. He was just sucked away by the corpse emperor, and was besieged by a group of ability users. He had only half a breath left.

He was lying in a pool of blood, his vision blurred, and he was gasping for breath. "High priest, save me, save me and my son."

"Our family has always been loyal, high priest—" An Fu supported his body and crawled towards Gusu, "High priest, save me..."

Gu Su looked down at him, a power condensed in his hand, covering his body.

An Fu instantly felt comfortable, he gasped, "Thank you High Priest!"

But the next second, Gu Su grabbed the energy and yanked it out! "When you die, I will personally turn you into zombies. Don't you want immortality? It will be realized soon."

Now that they have become zombies, they will only be low-level zombies. Low-level zombies are not even as good as animals.

"It would be irrational for me to become a zombie now, High Priest, let me live, High Priest—"

Gu Su stepped on his face, "Noisy."

He looked at Jing Huai's body again, "Isn't your son foreshadowing that I will be killed soon—"

King Huai was really eaten by the corpse emperor, so An Weijing's prediction came true.

Then he—, Gu Su's toes tightened a little more, "I'm going to die, don't you really follow me, then come with me."

Gu Su's tone was normal, but it sounded like a devil whispering in An Fu's ears.

"Then let me see, who is it that has the ability to kill me!"

An father just fell into a pool of blood, his vision blurred. I thought that for the sake of their loyalty, Gu Su would not treat them like this, An Weijing was right, how could one believe in zombies, how could they not be abandoned!

But Gu Su thought that he would be at his mercy like that idiot Huanglong.

"Pfft—" Father An spat out a mouthful of blood. Ha ha ha, how is that possible!

There is no one who has the skill to manage Anfu, and everyone's attention is once again focused on Gu Su!

And the other side.

At the same time when the scenery fell rapidly, Huazhi heard his voice clearly in his mind.

But in her eyes, it seems that the whole world has quieted down, and everything around has become static.

The flower branches are full of dazzling blood, and she has an indescribable coldness all over her body, her brain is blank, and her heart is beating violently. At this moment, she even lost control of her body.

Someone was shouting, something exploded around her, and a bullet flew past her clothes, but Huazhi ignored everything around and instinctively flew in the direction of the scenery Huai .

Huazhi desperately called out to him in her mind, but got no response, as if she had suddenly disconnected.

Little Gray Rabbit realized something was wrong, [Stop the flower branch! stop! 】

【Blossoms! Don't go there! 】

But its cries have been completely unable to enter Huazhi's brain. As the flower branches approached, the scenery became clearer and clearer in her eyes.

On the ground, Jing Huai's heart has been pulled out.

The bright red heart was beating in the hands of the corpse emperor, and there was a huge blood hole on his chest.

The Corpse Emperor ate his heart in one bite.


Flower branch's heart beat violently, and her brain made a "hum".

This picture, this picture is the picture predicted by An Weijing.

[Huazhi, don't go there! 】

The people around saw this scene and couldn't believe it.

"It ate the scenery?"

"Isn't Jing Huai the same level as the Corpse Emperor? Couldn't he beat the Corpse Emperor?"

"Then we, are we finished..."

Even Jing Huai died at the hands of the Corpse Emperor. To the Corpse Emperor, they were like ants on the ground, they could easily be run over by it!

Countless voices got into Huazhi's brain, making her brain a mess.

At this time, Qi Chaoyang finally arrived.

The people around Qi Chaoyang immediately helped, they stopped the flower branches together, Qi Chaoyang: "What happened? Calm down first!"

Flowers turned a deaf ear, just wanted to run in the direction of the scenery.

In desperation, the little gray rabbit hurriedly played the sentence that Jing Huai just said.

"I'm fine, don't come here."

Jiang Huai's voice reappeared in Huazhi's brain, and she stopped suddenly as if reactivated.

While persuading Huazhi to calm down, Qi Chaoyang looked in the direction Huazhi was running, and there was a scenery lying on the ground!

In an instant, Qi Chaoyang's brain also fell into a blank, "Is that—, Jing Huai?"

Little Gray Rabbit played that sentence on a loop in Huazhi's brain, it was too anxious and could not do anything.

【Huazhi, calm down first, the Corpse Emperor is too dangerous, don't go over! 】

The voice of Jing Huai kept playing in her mind in a loop, the flower branches gradually stopped, she turned her head, only to realize that the person who stopped her was Qi Chaoyang.

"Flower branch, Jing Huai he-"

"He's fine, he told me not to go over." Huazhi's brain finally cleared up completely, she took a few steps back, and her voice lost her usual softness, "He's not dead, he's dead on the ground It's not him."

Huazhi turned to look at Qi Chaoyang, "You take everyone out of here first."

Qi Chaoyang came here specially from the rear, just to meet the power users here.

After the corpse emperor was born, the surrounding energy fluctuated sharply, and it absorbed the abilities of the surrounding abilities, causing zombies dozens of kilometers away to be summoned.

In addition to the coastal city, there are also a large number of zombies pouring in from other places. The blood of the power users is also a huge attraction, so not only zombies, but also all kinds of zombie animals, mutant animals, the situation in the coastal city is getting more and more dangerous, they must let everyone evacuate here as soon as possible !

"But Jinghuai—"

"That's not him." Huazhi interrupted Qi Chaoyang seriously, "He's not dead, I won't make fun of his life, I'm pretty sure."

Seeing that Huazhi is so firm, Qi Chaoyang can only suppress his emotions first and turn his head to organize people to evacuate. Whether Huazhi pretends to be calm now, or is really calm, it is the best state for her. If you can't kill the corpse emperor, you can't let all the power users fold here!

Everyone has long received the news of the retreat, and everyone is moving towards their direction one after another, and the cornucopia is still absorbing zombies. Everyone had no supernatural powers in their bodies, and when they saw Qi Chaoyang, it was like seeing a savior. Under the corpse emperor's eyelids, everyone held hands, holding a low-level crystal nucleus in their hands, and soon they gathered into a dragon.



The Corpse King attacked the crowd again!

It was too late, Qi Chaoyang threw all the thousands of people into the planting space in one breath, and all the wounded and disabled near the factory disappeared into the open space in an instant.

Gu Su frowned, they actually brought a large space here!

No, they can't all hide in the space!

Gu Su looked at the surrounding zombies, and those zombies turned their heads and attacked Qi Chaoyang!

And Huazhi, after calming down, realized more and more clearly that it was not a scenery at all.

She just saw that Jing Huai's heart was hollowed out, and she panicked. But after calming down, I found that the person on the ground was not Jing Huai at all, because there was no golden light on that person.

The face is the face of Jing Huai, but the body is not him. The light on Jing Huai has always been there and has never disappeared. So this corpse must not be his!

The flower branches are calm, but the heart is not calm. While helping Qi Chaoyang to quickly put the ability users into the space, she tried to communicate with Jing Huai, but without exception, she did not get a response.

Blossoms pinched the bell, and the brain began to run fast. He will never give her any response like this, the only possibility is that he has no way to give her a response now.

He's in space, or, he's not here—

"Help!" Qi Chaoyang shouted loudly, narrowly avoiding the attack of the zombies behind him.

There are still a few residual ability users here, Qi Chaoyang can only keep people in while avoiding the zombies that rush up. There were also a lot of Bu Si bells hanging on him, but suddenly, all the high-level zombies surrounded him. In just a minute or two, the bells on his body were broken several times.

Huazhi heard Qi Chaoyang's voice and saw the high-level zombie rushing towards him, subconsciously wrapped him with a whip and threw him into the cornucopia.

Qi Chaoyang didn't have time to look at the question marks, when he saw the overwhelming zombies rushing towards him, and then the next second, they all disappeared!

Qi Chaoyang was shocked. Before he came, he heard what they were saying about the cornucopia. It turned out to be so amazing!

Those zombies were signaled by Gu Su, and under the control of the corpse emperor, all rushed towards him, and for a while, the pressure around them was much less.

Qi Chaoyang glanced at the flower branch and threw the jade pendant away!

Flower Branch instantly took over the jade pendant, "Go!"

As he spoke, he smashed several blood bags on himself.

The smell of blood attracted zombies, and countless zombies swarmed towards him! The scene was **** and terrifying for a while. Even though Qi Chaoyang had already prepared himself, he felt a lot of fear when the zombies rushed towards him.

He is Qi Chaoyang, and he is simply a good man!

Huazhi knew that this was not the time to waste time, so she took the jade pendant and quickly shuttled between the power users, taking them into the space together.

The corpse emperor at this time has long returned to the sky. The black air around the corpse emperor keeps expanding and expanding in the sky.

【Flower branch, it is absorbing the black energy of other zombies! 】

"Isn't it an eighth-order zombie, can it absorb so much energy?"

Whether it is a power user or a zombie, the energy that can be stored in the body is limited. Even a corpse emperor cannot store energy indefinitely, which is unreasonable.

Qi Chaoyang opened his clothes, and there was a whole row of bells inside. "Come on! Have the ability to kill me!"

Looking from a distance, countless zombies rushed towards the cornucopia one after another—

But they soon realized that it was in vain, and some zombies began to try to overthrow the cornucopia and get Qi Chaoyang out.

But this cornucopia, even if they simply touch, can feel the strong suction, and then be absorbed into it! This thing, imagine them even more evil!

The number of power users in the field decreased rapidly, and soon only the high-level power users who were still entangled with Gu Su remained.

Huazhi didn't talk nonsense with them, and directly threw them into her own healing space.

There are more and more zombies, and their location has no foothold.

Suddenly, someone grabbed her ankle.

Huazhi bowed her head, "Save me..."

It is An Weijing's father, they promised to save them.

The flower branch also took him into the space.

Abilities kept disappearing, Huazhi soon became the target of public criticism, Gu Su looked at Huazhi, "You are indeed very powerful."

He raised the long arrow in his hand and aimed at the flower branch, "But it's a pity, you are going to die!"


The Gusu earthquake.

At this time, the corpse emperor found that the wooden basin could not be burnt or destroyed. The ground actually shook, and the ground where the cornucopia was located was cracked with a deep opening!

Qi Chaoyang was lying in the wooden shed and didn't dare to move. Once he climbed out, he would definitely be swallowed alive by these zombies!

Huazhi glanced at Gu Su, it was too late, she had to save Qi Chaoyang first!

In the air, the energy of the Corpse Emperor is obviously more vigorous! In a short period of time, Huazhi even felt that its black energy was twice as strong as before.

The surrounding zombies are obviously more crazy and excited.




Gu Su also noticed something was wrong, Boon died, he could only use the abilities of the Corpse Emperor, but with so many zombies, he was not safe here, he turned around and hid in the Corpse Emperor under the shelter.

The ground shook wildly, and Qi Chaoyang's heart was beating violently. He was holding the wooden shed tightly, and his brain was tense to the extreme. At the critical moment, he was finally taken into the space by the flower branch!

Escape from death, Qi Chaoyang wanted to cry, he looked at the blue sky and clear water in the space, smelled the fragrance of the soil, "Fortunately you arrived in time, otherwise I-"

There is no flower branch around him, and the flower branch did not come in with him! !

The moment Huazhi took Qi Chaoyang in, in the air, where the corpse emperor was, suddenly a great explosion sounded!

Flower Branch immediately hid in her bell, only when she came in did she find that there were hundreds of people in her bell, and all of them were seriously injured.

She did not block the bell, so everyone in the bell can know the news outside.

The location where they are located is already full of zombies, and zombies are everywhere, densely packed, standing all over the ground.

I did a survey before coming here, but no one thought that apart from the zombies in Coast City, the Corpse Emperor could summon so many zombies from other places in a short period of time.

The dense number of zombies made everyone who hid in the space both happy and scared.

Besser was seriously injured, Huazhi looked for it, and fed him a Healing Element.

Besser looked at her silently, "Jiang Huai died?"

As soon as he said that, Si Hao who was beside him grabbed his flesh.

Huazhi saw their movements and shook her head gently, "He's not dead, that person is not him."

The scenery fell down, but they saw it with their own eyes. Everyone felt that Huazhi couldn't accept the fact that Jing Huai was dead, and they were silent for a while.

"There are so many zombies, how are we going to get out?" If the corpse emperor takes Coastal City as a permanent stronghold, do they have to stay in the space all the time?

Coupled with the effect of the crystal nucleus plugged on the wall of the bell, all the abilities of the body are rapidly recovering.

At this time—


Outside, the Corpse Emperor, who was still condensing energy in the sky just now, suddenly exploded!

Flower Branch suddenly stood up and looked at the sky outside.

The corpse emperor was covered in black gas and fell from the sky!

"Bang—" It fell to the ground and burst into flames!

Everyone was shocked by this change, and many people stood up like Huazhi!

"The Corpse Emperor, is the Corpse Emperor dead?"

"How did the corpse emperor die, what happened?"

"It's the scenery!" I don't know who called out first.

The next second, Huazhi ran out of the bell!

As soon as she appeared, zombies rushed towards her, but Huazhi threw the cornucopia and instantly killed a large number of zombies!

As soon as Huazhi appeared, Jing Huai found her, and he immediately fell to Huazhi's side.

Huazhi was just about to pass, but Jing Huai took a step back, "Don't come over, on me—"

Huazhi rushed over and hugged him tightly, the emotions that had been accumulated for a long time burst out in an instant, surrounded by zombies, but she had no time to care.

Huazhi hugged him tightly, crying with blurry eyes, "Woo woo woo, I knew you were all right, I knew the body was not yours!"

"I knew that your heart was not eaten by the Corpse Emperor!"

Jiang Huai was wet, mixed with an indescribable fermented taste, as if something had piled up and fermented.

Huazhi's eyes were full of tears, and she couldn't help but hiccup, "Why are you so stinky, were you not here just now?"

King Huai nodded, "Yes, I was taken into a special space by the Corpse Emperor."

Blossoms: ! !

King Huai looked at the corpse emperor on the ground again, "You're right, you didn't touch the corpse emperor."

They stood in the cornucopia, and the zombies around them did not dare to approach easily.

Flower Branch opened her eyes slightly, "Then what is it?!"

So strong, isn't it the Corpse Emperor? !

King Huai, "It can only be regarded as the puppet of the Corpse Emperor."


King Huai nodded. That zombie is just the puppet of the Corpse Emperor.

The corpse emperor controls this puppet, and the energy absorbed is stored in its space, but the damage it receives is all borne by the puppet, so it is not afraid of the siege of the power user. Even let Shen Guo directly gather a large number of ability users to come over.

Flower Branch nodded, so her copy ability failed.

But his body was sticky, "Is there water in the corpse emperor's space, why are you wet and sticky?"

"Its space is dirty."

Flower branch touched his body, he was injured! She immediately opened his clothes.

There used to be five bells on his body, but now they are all broken, and he is injured!

There are scars on her body, hands, and even her face.

"Your clothes are rotten." The sweater is rotten, and the coat is rotten.

into his mouth.

Jiang Huai swallowed the crystal core silently.

Gu Su looked at Jing Huai with a gloomy face, "You are the first person who can come out of this space alive."

"I've destroyed its space."

Huazhi turned to look at the corpse emperor on the ground, "The space for the corpse emperor is gone, will the corpse emperor die?"

"How could the Corpse Emperor be so easily killed by a waste like you."

Gu Su's excitement at the moment is somewhat unusual, even though he has wounds everywhere because of the attack of everyone.

Looking at the surroundings, the corpse emperor was indeed extraordinary. The moment he lost his strength, he directly threw a corpse in his place.

I turned around to hide my breath, but entered a very strange space.

This space is surrounded by thick liquid, which is different from any form of space, which is full of energy.

He can see everything that happens outside and hear all the sounds outside, but he cannot communicate with the outside world.

Gu Su looked at Jing Huai grimly, his expression was a little distorted at the moment, "How could the second world be destroyed by you!"

Although Gu Su said so, but he already had the answer in his heart, if the scenery Huai hadn't destroyed the second world, it would be impossible to get out of it. But the second world, that is the second world! Gu Su's heart is bleeding, why is Jing Huai not dead yet, why is he still alive!

The second realm, that space, can indeed be called this.

Jiang Huai took out a black bead from his pocket, "I used it."

Flower Branch looked at the bead, the one left by An Weijing.

While Huazhi was still thinking about the use of this bead, Gu Su's face changed instantly, "How can you have this thing?!"

The second world is the name of the corpse emperor's space. The reason why it is called this name is because the space of the Corpse Emperor is different from everyone else's. Its space stores abilities!

It can store the absorbed power in the second world for its own use. You can also ingest and control other zombies through the second world. The only weakness of the Second Realm is this black bead - pure natural obsidian.

This bead looks ordinary on the surface, but it can directly disrupt the order of the second world. Therefore, all zombies controlled by the corpse emperor will strictly prohibit them from approaching this kind of thing.

Huazhi immediately thought of those oil paintings, "Are those oil paintings also connected to its space?"

Xiang Huai nodded, the oil painting had been torn apart by him in the space.

He looked down at Gu Su, raised the Tang Saber in his hand, and the Tang Saber once again condensed a very high density of supernatural powers. The corpse emperor came out."

At first, he thought that they would besiege them in order to turn everyone into food for zombies. However, the upgrade of the corpse emperor was interrupted, and they even took the lead in launching the attack.

He has been thinking about why, even if he has got in touch with Father An and knows something about the Corpse Emperor, he still can't understand it. Until Huazhi said that she was not in contact with the Corpse Emperor.

In another corner, a figure slowly rose.

"You're amazing." His voice was a little hoarse, but the sentences he spoke were very complete. If you listen carefully, you will find that his tone is soft.

The Corpse Emperor rose into the air, and it looked down at them with a golden light in its eyes. His appearance was no different from a normal person, but his skin was slightly paler.

The golden light shrouded its whole body, and it seemed to have an unparalleled sense of holiness. The person in the bell looked at the corpse emperor and was speechless for a long time.

No wonder Gu Su called it a god, no wonder Gu Su said it was born a god, it was obviously a zombie, but it had a sense of salvation all over it. Yes, they actually realized what holiness is in the body of the zombies!

Just this look makes people feel that it is the only hope in the end times.

At the same time, all the zombies made a huge humming sound.





Like a pilgrimage, all the zombies made a surrender sound to the sky. This kind of voice filled the brains of all power users, causing them to surrender involuntarily.

The Corpse Emperor quietly looked at the scenery Huai, "We can cooperate and save the world together."

King Huai seemed to be attracted by it, and there was a faint smile on his face, "How to save and turn everyone into zombies?"

The Corpse Emperor shook his head, put his hand on his chest, and made a gesture that was very familiar to them, "Everything is for human beings."

After finishing, it said to Jing Huai: "You should know that my ability can make the ability user and the zombie coexist harmoniously."

Huazhi couldn't help but say behind Jing Huai: "You lie, those who have been infused with gifts will still become zombies in the end."

"I give them eternal life."

"You can be like me, you won't age, you don't have to face death, you will be respected and worshipped by countless zombies, and you can become a god-like existence."

Huazhi disagreed, "There are no gods in this world, and you have killed so many people, the sin is too heavy, and it is impossible to cultivate into a true fruit."

If this world can cultivate immortals, she must be the first to become immortals. She has been practicing for hundreds of years, and she must have won at the starting line.

Huazhi said that if there is something, the corpse will be stunned.

"I don't want to kill you."

"It's just a zombie." Jing Huai's voice clearly reached everyone's ears.

Contempt but full of power, as if stating a simple fact.

It's just a zombie, and it does things like any other zombie.

Eat humans, upgrade their abilities, and recruit humans just to fill their own space. But at the same time he does this, he has to put on a false positive halo.

It is ridiculous to say that you are for human beings.

Huazhi keep in mind what the purpose of listening and speaking is, not what is said.

Scenic Huai raised the Tang knife and chopped at the corpse emperor!

"Zheng—" Corpse Emperor jumped away, and at the same time, a great golden light erupted from his body.

"You can't kill me, my upgrade is complete."

Huazhi suddenly looked at the corpse emperor in the air, what does it mean when the upgrade is complete, has it risen to the ninth level!

"You can follow me, I don't care about you destroying my space and killing me."

King Huai looked at him, only to think that the Corpse Emperor probably really regarded himself as a god.

"I care."

"You killed so many power users and killed so many people, you should pay for them."

King Huai didn't say anything more to it, and soon became entangled in the air with the real corpse emperor! The city of the coast has been devastated, and everywhere is riddled with holes, and all the buildings have been blackened and burnt to pieces.

"Flower branch, let me out, I'm all right, I can help!"

"Yes, the mutant tiger and I have also recovered, we can come out to help, the Corpse Emperor is too strong!"

"I'm fine too!" was Zhao Guo's voice.


Blossoms let everyone out.

The best way for a power user to improve their abilities is to fight. Every high-level power user is acquired through countless crystal cores and countless battle experiences.

Danger is not scary, what is scary is weakness. And the weak in the apocalypse is the most deadly.

As soon as the ability user appeared, the zombies on the ground were about to move again, and they were all concentrated near the cornucopia.

Qi Chaoyang soon followed.

The feeling of looking at the corpse emperor inside and outside the bell is completely different, and everyone instantly fell into a deeper and wonderful feeling.

"Don't look at it." Jing Huai's voice came over.

In the next second, everyone's eyes will change! The holy light in front of him no longer existed, and the holy light turned into an extremely rich and dark purple-black in the blink of an eye, looking evil and gloomy.

And the corpse emperor is no longer a complete person. Its body is covered with thick skin. If you look closely, you will find that there are rough scales on it, and its lower body has actually evolved into countless poisonous snakes. The snake body is connected to its body, and the snake head is flying in the air.

Qi Chaoyang had goose bumps all over his body when he saw it, "How can it grow like this, it's disgusting!"

It's not the Medusa in Greek mythology, and she also has a snake head and a lower body.

Other power users who were just immersed in the holy atmosphere of the Corpse Emperor also suddenly broke away from the hallucination.

They have never seen such a zombie, no wonder it is the corpse emperor, which is completely out of the scope of normal zombies. Even if zombies can be alienated, I have never seen a zombie that can be alienated like this!

No wonder they dare to let so many people besiege Coast City.

If it weren't for the eighth-order landscape, they would all die here this time, and no one could compete with the Corpse Emperor! In this battle, they will all be here and become the rations of zombies!

But as soon as they saw the structure of the corpse emperor, they saw countless snake heads spread out from the corpse emperor. Those snake heads quickly grew longer and thicker, and burrowed into the ground.

"Bang!" The ground was instantly smashed by the snake's head!

The ground vibrated wildly, and the zombies and power users who had no time to dodge were soon eaten by the broken ground!

"Ah!" Countless zombies, countless people wailing on the ground—

The top priority is to eliminate the Corpse Emperor. If this is the Corpse Emperor, then her copying skills must be useful!

Huazhi glanced at Jinghuai, "I have to touch it to use the ability."

Jiang Huai disagreed, "The mucus on its body is extremely corrosive."

"It doesn't matter, if you don't go, it will be too late." The Corpse Emperor is so difficult to deal with, it only corrodes a little skin, it is nothing.

King Huai still found an opportunity for Huazhi, but just as Huazhi was about to approach, the Corpse Emperor was instantly alert, and several snake heads rushed out to attack Huazhi.

The snake head opened its mouth and bit the arm of Huazhi! But the flower branch has a bell to protect her body, and when the teeth of the snake head were about to bite her arm, she only heard a "click", and those teeth fell off instantly!

Huazhi never thought that the quality of her bell was so good.

"His!", the snake dripped blood, the python spit out snake letters frantically, and Huazhi took the opportunity to touch the snake head of a python!

The copy ability works instantly!

In an instant, Huazhi felt a strong energy filling her body.

This sense of energy is different from the scenery, his power is like an endless sea, the waves are quiet and peaceful.

This power is like something weird, ramming wildly in her body! In such a comparison, the bit of corrosion on the hand is nothing.

"How is it?!" Jing Huai immediately felt that something was wrong with Huazhi.

"It's fine." Huazhi smiled at him with all her might, "It's been copied successfully, I'm about to start."

She only has ten minutes!


As time passes by, the flowers quickly mobilize the energy in the body. Thanks to the blessing of copying the scenery Huai ability last time, this time, Huazhi already knows how to use it.

The Emperor can command and control those zombies, even if its energy space is destroyed by the scenery, but the control is still there.

The first thing Huazhi does is to **** the control of those zombies with it.

The two sides were pulling desperately, and the corpse emperor soon felt what Huazhi was doing, but the situation did not allow it to think, and Jing Huai and some ability users were desperately pestering it.

Scenic Huai separated a trace of spiritual power and gently covered the flower branch. Huazhi did not reject him in the slightest, and Jing Huai quickly entered Huazhi's body.

The will of Huazhi began to cover the corpse emperor!

But she is still a little unskilled, and there is always a sign of robbing her, and she is robbed again by the Corpse Emperor.


No, she must control these zombies as soon as possible! But her body... Huazhi felt a tickling in her head, and her bunny ears seemed to come out.

Huazhi turned around and ran to a place where no one was there. When it reappeared, only a snow-white rabbit the size of a palm was running in the wind!

After changing back to a rabbit, Huazhi can clearly feel that the energy of her body has been greatly buffered.

This energy buffered her, allowing her to instantly better control the power of the Corpse Emperor.

Blossoms cover those zombies with abilities. No, you can't bring all these zombies here.

Flower Branch turned around and ran in the other direction!

Behind her, a group of zombies began to turn around with her!

"That's a rabbit?!"

"Yes, wasn't that the rabbit raised before Jing Huai?"

"Didn't you say you lost it, and it's back now?!"

"She helped us lure those zombies away—"

Everyone stood up, supporting each other, looking at the rabbit with worried eyes.

"Stop talking nonsense, kill it! Can't you compare to a rabbit!"

"Eagle chirping—" A sharp voice roared, everyone looked up, and a few huge eagles circled from the sky above the flames of war!


"Wocao, where did the eagle come from."

Those eagles go straight to the zombies. The huge eagles are deeper than humans. Whether it is their claws or sharp beaks, they can easily penetrate the body of the zombies!

Their huge wings, every flap

 A hurricane can blow up, driving the surrounding zombies to be fanned out.

They screamed, turned and flew in the direction the flower branches left!

There is no time left!

Huazhi turned around and jumped onto Yingyi's back, the black and hard feathers protected her, she lay tightly on Yingyi's back, and let Yingyi lead her to another direction rushed out!

She can't stay in the bell now, after entering the bell, it is impossible to press the corpse emperor again!


6 minutes left!

As soon as the eagle flew very low, its feathers just blocked the strong wind for the flower branches, the eagle two and the three eagles saw this and flew beside them.

"Find an open place—", looking around, it's here!

The eagle swooped down!

The impact of the failure was too strong, the rabbit hair on the flower branch was blown backwards, and the ruby-like rabbit's eyes were hurt by the wind.

This space is just right!

Huazhi placed her cornucopia directly on this open space and began to control the zombies.


The ability will end soon!

The flower branch mobilized the strength of his whole body! Crazy exudes abilities to attract those zombies!

On the ground, at a certain time, all the black shadows suddenly turned their direction and rushed in the other direction!

Smoke billows in the distance, the ground is shaking, come, come closer!


Come here! Huazhi's whole body was swept in by that energy vortex! Even the rabbit fur on her body was fluttering at this moment.

A little rabbit with a big palm, at this time, a very strong ability broke out!

Countless zombies ran towards her, and when they were about to rush in front of her, they were attracted by the black hole!


What Huazhi didn't expect was that Gu Su actually followed!

Gu Su looked at the branch that made all the zombies turn around. This rabbit, they have looked for countless places, and asked countless people to find the rabbit, but it still appeared here!

Gu Su suddenly raised the long bow in his hand and aimed at the flower branch!


He fired five long arrows at the same time!

Gu Su, with a very fast speed, frantically launched long arrows at the flower branches, and the long arrows of various colors rushed towards the flower branches!

Those long arrows soon formed a rainforest of arrows and surrounded the flowers!

But those long arrows are all black energy, and Huazhi directly accepts those black energy.

At the same time, Bai Se and Qi Chaoyang followed Gu Su.

Their goal is always grain.

Qi Chaoyang saw that he was still shooting arrows at the little white rabbit, and said angrily, "Gu Su, today is your day of death!"

"Don't force him, kill him quickly!" Bai Se rushed towards Gu Su.

Huazhi turned around and found that Si Hao and the others were following.

She is a rabbit and can't speak now, but everyone knows what she is doing, and everyone quickly forms a human wall in front of her to protect her!

"Little White Rabbit, long time no see!"

Suddenly saw the little white rabbit again, Qi Chaoyang was not happy, even though his face was burnt black and there were many wounds on his body, he was still not happy.

"Don't worry, little white rabbit, you quickly absorb these zombies, we will help you!"

Qi Chaoyang knew the magic of the little white rabbit, it must be because there are too many zombies here, and the little white rabbit appeared again.

Just, "Why is this tub here?"

"It must be the flower branch, stop talking nonsense, kill him quickly!"

Flower branch stopped talking, and concentrated on exuding the energy of her body.

In an instant, the energy around her became several times stronger. The energy rushed the rabbit fur all over her body, and the white and supple rabbit fur fluttered in the wind, giving it an extremely stunning feeling.

The jade rabbit like Chang'e fell into the mortal world.

Qi Chaoyang couldn't help sighing, "Little White Rabbit, you're too good, you're actually eighth-order!"

Besser: "So you are trash, and you talk a lot."

"Okay, okay! I'm here!" Qi Chaoyang rushed towards Gusu!

Everyone rushed towards Gusu again!

Just listening to them, I would think that they are very relaxed, but in fact, everyone has a lot of wounds on their bodies, all their clothes are tattered, and rotten flesh can be seen everywhere. , but everyone suddenly didn't realize it, and rushed up with weapons!

Gu Su is a sixth-order, and there is a group of power users around to help. When Huazhi is controlling the zombies to run into the cornucopia, he tries his best to separate a little power, and let the surrounding zombies go to siege Gusu!

Gu Su was outnumbered, he wanted to escape, but the zombies around him were completely out of control. While entanglement, he was finally stabbed in the stomach by Qi Chaoyang!

"Pfft—" Gu Su spit out a large mouthful of blood. He never thought that it was Qi Chaoyang who killed him in the end!

Immediately biting what was in my mouth. Soon, he began to turn into a zombie.

Flower branch immediately jumped on Gu Su's body! Qi Chaoyang and others immediately trapped Gu Su with weapons. The black energy floated up and down in Gu Su's body, and was soon completely absorbed by Huazhi.

Until Gu Su died, he still had his eyes open, his face full of disbelief!

Everyone looked at the rabbit flower branch in surprise, "This, this rabbit can also cure zombies with abilities?"

Time is up!

At the last moment when the copying ability disappeared, Huazhi put all her strength and energy into that cornucopia!

The reason why the corpse emperor can attract so many zombies is not only because of its high level and restraint of these zombies, but also a very important reason. The corpse emperor is also the most important to those zombies. Top notch food!

Eat the corpse and become the corpse!

The Corpse Emperor has a very special physique! After the flower branch injected all the energy into the cornucopia, it suddenly collapsed to the ground!

"Are you alright? Little White Rabbit, wake up?!"


The countdown is over and the copy ability is gone. Huazhi completely lost control over the zombies.

But because the flower branch finally poured all its energy into the cornucopia, the cornucopia at this moment is extremely attractive to all zombies!

Huazhi is different from the corpse emperor. The energy she emits does not have any sense of danger, but only makes the zombies feel unparalleled abundant energy! All the zombies were still madly rushing towards the cornucopia.

The energy of Huazhi rose wildly at an extremely fast speed, Huazhi summoned Yingyi again, jumped on its back, and flew in the direction of the scenery!


The Corpse Emperor was smashed to the ground by Jing Huai!

Jiang Huai was already covered with wounds at this moment, and the poisonous snakes on the Corpse Emperor had already had their heads chopped off. At this moment, only the headless body can be twisted, and the cross section can be seen.

The scenery is beautiful, there are bells, but it is only better than the Corpse Emperor.

What they didn't expect was that the corpse emperor also had a bell. The ones Gu Su bought back before, and all those bells were hung on it.

He bought so many bells and gave them all to the Corpse Emperor.

Bu Si also ran out of the planting space at this time. He was holding a power stone in his hand, and the other hand was glowing. He didn't know what he was doing.

Soon, a magical scene appeared. The bell on the corpse emperor flew towards Bu Si as if it had received a call!

The Corpse Emperor found out immediately, and while resisting the attack of Jinghuai, it instantly split a tail and stabbed towards Bu Si!

Flower Branch immediately rushed over, blocking Bu Si!

Bu Si can use it normally even if the bell of the flower branch has been confessed to the master by a drop of blood, not to mention the bell specially made by him. As long as the weapons made by Si pass through his hands, he is the master of the weapons.

Without the defense of the bell, Jing Huai can clearly feel that the defense of the Corpse Emperor has become weaker!

His moves instantly became more aggressive, and Huazhi also joined in.

Sparks scattered in the air, the surrounding power users were slashing the zombies around them, and everyone was fighting in blood.

Suddenly, "Pfft—"

Suddenly, countless small black snakes spit out from the broken head of the Corpse Emperor.

The sky full of black snakes rushed towards them like rain, every snake opened its mouth, spit out snake letters, and there was a dim light on the tips of its teeth.

But the next second, the illusion was shattered by the scenery, it was not a snake at all, just the venom of the Corpse Emperor.

All the venom was blown back by the wind and dripped onto the zombies!

"Hooho—" The corpse emperor's poison is too strong, even zombies can't bear it!

There is also a snake head, Huazhi found the opportunity and directly inserted the whip into the mouth of the snake!

The whip was very short at the beginning, but after the flower branch inserted the whip, it instantly extended the whip to a length of two meters.

The corpse emperor seemed to know that he might not be able to fight, and began to retreat, but how could Jing Huai give it a chance to escape.

Flower branch extended the whip to the longest in an instant, and Jing Huai directly controlled the whip with mental power, encircling the corpse emperor!

"Let me go, I can provide you with countless zombie cores!"

"If I kill you, the crystal core is mine." Jing Huai gathered his energy again and chopped it down toward the Corpse Emperor's head—

The corpse emperor struggled desperately.

Two cuts, and its skin was split open.

Three knives, four knives...

"Bang-" There was a sudden burst of great light in the sky.

Everyone instantly covered their eyes or looked away, not daring to look at the sky, but even if they didn't look, everyone could feel that the energy of that field disappeared!

As if something suddenly loosened. Those zombies also seemed to wake up suddenly and no longer surrounded them.

The flower branch suddenly softened to the ground, and the eagle soared and caught her.

King Huai also immediately went over and hugged the flower branch.

Flower Branch got up, swooped over and hugged Jing Huai.

Only when she rushed over, she realized that she was still a rabbit. Under the cover of the scenery Huai, Huazhi changed back to the human form again.

As soon as she changed back, she rushed over again, "You'll be fine woo woo woo."

"I'm fine."

Everyone looked at the corpse on the ground, "The Corpse Emperor... is dead?"

"Is it really dead, isn't it a stand-in, a puppet, etc.?"

"My God, I don't want to be on a mission like this again!"


The flower branch directly moved the cornucopia over again, "Let's throw it in first?"

After experiencing what just happened, Huazhi also has lingering fears.

Jiang Huai directly threw the Corpse Emperor's body into Huazhi's cornucopia. The Corpse Emperor's energy was extraordinary, and Huazhi's task progress bar instantly increased by 1%!

"This is the Corpse Emperor." Huazhi confirmed.

Qi Chaoyang and the others also rushed over, "Where's the little white rabbit? Why is it gone again."

King Huai looked at everyone: "Deal with these zombies first."

Qi Chaoyang hurriedly said: "Use that wooden basin, let's quickly throw all these zombies in, in case the corpse is cheated."

The cornucopia of Huazhi still has two hours to use. Everyone is helping to throw the zombie's corpse into the cornucopia. Unexpectedly, even the corpse is quickly absorbed by the cornucopia.

Everyone acted immediately, so many people were powerful, so many people quickly cleaned up the zombies' bodies, and the zombies were thrown into the cornucopia in an endless stream.

The energy progress bar of the flower branch also rose wildly.





【Di-, congratulations on your success in accumulating enough energy! 】

[The system starts to prepare for the return trip, the system starts 5%...]

The mission was completed like this. On the way back, the sun was setting, and everyone fell asleep. The setting sun shone on people's faces, and there was a different sense of tranquility.

Everyone was quiet, Huazhi also leaned against the scenery and hugged his arm.

There are so many experiences in this battle that she is still a little bit overwhelmed by her choice. But now holding him like this, it still feels a little unreal.

The little gray rabbit is not as active as usual in the head of Huazhi. It's sitting in front of a virtual screen, looking at something.

There are those evil cats they encountered when they first came to this world. There was the monster zombie they encountered in the hospital. There is a big tree in the rainforest with its mouth wide open.

Flower Branch looked at these things, walked to it, she changed back to the appearance of a rabbit, and sat down next to the little gray rabbit.

The fragments of memories are reflected on the faces of the two rabbits, they are quietly next to each other, enjoying this quiet and warm moment.

【Flower branch, the energy is 100%. 】

Flower branch tilted its head and rubbed its head, "I know, you can go home."

It wanted to go home so much, in the beginning, I told her how good its home was every day, and now it can finally go back.

【But I miss you so much. 】Little Gray Rabbit began to cry while talking.

It doesn't actually cry, the tears that spew out and disappear, like a crying emoji.

Flower Branch hugged it tightly, "I miss you too."

"But when you go home, you can see your relatives and friends, they must be waiting for you."

Little Gray Rabbit wiped her tears, [Don't worry, after I leave, the system rewards will not disappear. 】

The energy they have absorbed today has far exceeded the amount they need to go home. If Huazhi is willing, they can continue to absorb black gas.

【I'll come back to you when I get better in the future! 】

Huazhi didn't know what time it was talking about, she patted the little gray rabbit on the back, "Okay, I'll wait for you to come to me later."

"I can live a long, long time. If you come to me later, I'm sure I'm not dead."

Little Gray Rabbit nodded.

"Zi La-"

Electricity suddenly appeared on it, and the surrounding scene began to become unstable.

[Backhaul system is ready, system startup is complete. 】

【Flower branch, I'm leaving. 】

[There are two energy left, you can bring back the scenery—]

Little Gray Rabbit's voice became weaker and weaker, and the scene in Huazhi's mind instantly peeled off and disappeared.

Everything around her changed and returned to its original state in a short period of time, but the little gray rabbit was no longer in her mind.

Huazhi instantly felt a large piece of emptiness in her heart, and her tears suddenly fell out.

Tears rolled down one by one, Jing Huai stretched out her thumb to help her wipe away the tears, "What's wrong?"

Flower Branch shook her head, "I'm happy." She rested her head on his shoulder, "My good friend is home."

She should be happy about it, Huazhi wanted to laugh, but she smiled reluctantly, but she couldn't smile.

She put her arms around Jing Huai's arm, "When we get home, I have a secret to tell you."

"What secret?" Qi Chaoyang couldn't help but turn his head.

Flower Branch looked at him, "It's a secret, you can't tell others."

"Then you said there was a secret in the car, can I not listen to you?"

King Huai looked at him lightly.

"Okay, okay, I'm not curious about your secrets." Qi Chaoyang turned his head back, "Dad is exhausted, this time I go back to bed for a week, I read it last time. I haven't finished watching the movie..."

Before leaving, everyone couldn't help but look back at the devastated coastal city, the smoke was billowing, and the fire was still burning. The air was filled with the rotten smell of zombies.

Everyone knows that this is only a temporary end. Next, they will encounter many challenges.

When the virus emerges from the earth, it means that human beings have entered a new world.

But danger and opportunity go hand in hand, as long as human beings are not destroyed, there will always be infinite possibilities in the future!

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