Reincarnate As Cecilia?

By LuciaKiana

76.2K 1.5K 716

What happen if a young honkai fan that play honkai impact get reincarnate as cecilia schariac with her devine... More

Chp1:Information and Prolong
Chp2:Orario and bell
Chp3:Mother and plan
Chp4:The children of what?
chp5:Is this even making sense?!?
chp6:Me with my mouth !!
explainnation bio
chp8:More mistery
chp9:The first encounter
chp12:Abnormal floor boss?
Chp 13:Time-space disaster
Vote the Girl
chp 14:Here we go again
chp 15:Meeting An Ancestor
Siegfried & Theresa Time
Chp16: meet the flame chaser part 1
chp17: meet the flame chaser part 2

Chp10-11:Alias & welft

2.9K 64 52
By LuciaKiana

Hello their readers this is me the author so it must be shock right I mean learning that the people at the last chapter is Siegfried
and Theresa and with Honkai impact first playable male character in the future being Kevin I cannot wait for him to be realise anyway let's get in to the story.
Author & Character speaking: hello
Action = [...]
Thinking = (...)
Speaking = hi
Screaming = NO!
Communicating = <...>
Expression= '...'
Sound effect= Boom!
Hestia Pov
After what Cecilia tell me about bell defeating a minatour by him self without any help he was able to gain enough excelia to level up.

Of course as his goddess I was worry sick about him he is just a level 1 only with a few months experience becoming an adventure facing the dangerous that the dungeon had inside of it.

I am so glad that we had Cecilia she is so mistery that I think that she let on, like her quick leveling up with her currently being a level 9 surpassing in break record like that.

If words get out the other familia will try to wage a familiar war just to get her in their familia since she is the second person to reach level 9 in history surpassing all the world record of leveling up in a weeks but the main question is....who are you Cecilia?

Currently I am wearing a new set of cloth that cecilia and bell pick it for me when the two of them go shopping together to supprisse me what a sweet children that I have I glad that cecilia join our familia.

Hestia:[ look at the mirror ]

Hestia:( ok then hestia you can do this.......for your children you must be strong to get a well fit alias for them especially cecilia. )

When I start to walk out of my room to the living room I see both bell and lili are relax at the sofa before going back to dungeon dive, well not like we are going to have a problem with money but we cannot always really everything on cecilia.

She has her own things to do like taking care her five daughters which beg the question, where are the five of them and cecilia?

Hestia:( meh..... Not like all six of them will go through the time-space like it was nothing, what am I even worry about )


Cecilia daughters Pov

Kiana: are you sure mom will like it Sirin?

Sirin: don't worry about it kiana mom will lik-no love it

Bianka: mom will probably love it since this is a gift from all the five of us for her

Kiara: but seriously are you sure she will like this dress that we pick and buy for her?

Bella: you do know that we are secretly going out without telling her and buying something for her birthday right?

Kiara: I mean we are doing something that she had not been doing for her self and mainly focus for our happiness, safety and growth right.

When the moment Kiara say does words all the other five look at her, making her feel uncomfortable at her siblings gaze.

Kiara: what?

Bianka: what you are saying is true Kiara.

Kiana: some time I think that you just grow a second head.

Kiara: Hey!

Sirin: no, it just that she actually use her brain to think properly this time

Kiara: What!

Bianka: well what Kiara say is true.

Kiara: Thank you!

Bella: yes, after the second Eruption she had been focusing on raising all the five of us by herself.

Kiana: now that I think of it mom is like a super mother like does mom inside does story and Tv.

Sirin: well she technically is one.

Bianka: since she can kill some herrscher by herself.

S,B: Ouch!

Bianka: sorry.

Sirin: none taken.

Bella: same.

Kiana: any way we should pay it let's go!



Hestia Pov

Hestia:[ sight ]

Hestia: here goes nothing

Currently I am sitting with two of my best friends that is Hephaestus and takemikazuchi and the other gods are discussing what alias should we give to the adventure that had raise their level like the new level 2 while I am petiently waiting for bell turn after this and then cecilia.

Loki: now who do we had here.

Loki:[ look and see bell ]

Loki[ look at hestia ]

Loki: I don't believe it!

God1: what is it loki?

Goddes1: yeah what is the matter?

God3: you look like had seen a ghost?

God2: maybe she did?

Loki:shut up all of you!

Freya:[ take the paper and look at it ]

Freya: interesting~ child you~ had here~ hestia~


Name: Bell cranel
Age: 14 years
Adventure time: 7 month
Level: 2
Familia: hestia


When freya saw about bell guild information all the god and goddess finally realise what is the reason for loki out burst.

I understand it because bell had break the world holding record to become level 2 that was Ais wallenstein that took her at least 2 years to level up but I won't be supprisse with the training that bell had with cecilia he will be able to had a fast progress.

Loki: their is no way a fresh rookie can level up so quickly!

God2: their is no way someone that had just become an adventure can level up in a month.

God4: yeah

God5:this must be a lie!

Goddes2: yeah!

Goddess4: that must be it!

Hestia: shut up!

When I shout out all the gods and goddess shut their mouth up since this is the first time I had raise my voice in a meeting.

But I must do this not only for bell that had work hard to become a level 2 but for cecilia who had been helping a lot for the familia even while taking care of her daughters then I will do anything that will less her burden to the familia.

Freya: well since the information is true how about we start to give him an alias.

All god: freya is right!

Freya: fu~fu~fu~fu~

Hestia:[ tch ]

Hestia:( you are just a dust to my child cecilia, Freya! comparing you with her are like a germs with a creation of all Primordial being in this whole universe! )

Freya: ok then how about..... Little rookie then since he is still new and also break the world record for the level 2?

All gods/goddess: that is a good idea.

Loki: now then the last person is...

Loki:[ take cecilia sheet then look at it then had her eyes almost bulge out ]


Loki:[ look back and forward at hestia and cecilia paper sheet ]


Loki:[ show Cecilia information ]


Name: Cecilia schariac Kaslana
Adventure time:five weeks


When loki says does word this time all the gods and goddess was looking at me this is probably with envy, shock jealousy, hatred and greed because of cecilia.

Being a level 9 and soon will level up again 'sight' what am I going to say to them it's not like I don't want to tell them about her absourd stats, skill, power, abilities and race it just that I know it is not safe to tell them about her personal status.

Hestia: that because she was already a level 9 that is about to reach level 10.

All gods/goddess: WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!

God5: how can that be!

God6: that is impossible!

Goddess3: how did I not know about this!

All God:( she is even prettier then freya with that body of her!)

All goddess:( how can she be so pretty then us even more so then freya and ishtar when the two of them are the goddess of beauty! )

Loki:( Dang it! Why does she had more asset then me! Even freya is paler compare to her! )

Freya:( so this is how she look like. )

Freya:[ look at Cecilia figure an asset with jealous]

Freya:( dang it! How can a mortal had more good curves an asset then me! She will steel bell! )

Freya:( and now I feel jealous of her!!! )

Hestia: while you girls might feel jealous because she had more good curves an asset don't bother about it.

Hestia: and for the boy don't try to hit on her or ask her hand in marriage she already a married woman with five daughters.

When I finish saying does word the room go in a good dead silence with what I had just say. All the male god had a face that look like the heaven had abandon then.

While the female goddess had a god smack face seeing that Cecilia had more perfect structures and assets then them even though she had give birth to children.

Decide to take the liberty of giving Cecilia a fitting alias with her hair white like a snow, a smile that can make any type of creatures being charm at, with pure hearth and a good personality also includes her mother side. I decide to name her with the most befitting title for her.

Hestia:( what will fit her? )

While thinking of a suitable name for her while the other gods and goddesses are still shock with the information I start thinking fitting name again after another.

It feel like years but it only take me 5 minutes of thinking for a couple more time. I came up with a good one that is befitting of the alias that I'm going to give to her....


When does word come out of my mouth every god stop at the same time looking at me.

Hephaestus: that actually a fitting alias for her.

Takemikazuchi: I agree with Hephaestus. I always see her helping around orario when someone need a helping hand.

Freya: what a splendid name

God2: I agree

God1: but dang it! I wish that she is still single or window.

God5: me to.

God3: who ever that guy is, he is a lucky bastard to be able to married her first!

Loki: well all I know is that this is a history changes every since the dark age of orario 12 years ago.

Takemichi: yes we could use a strong help

Hestia: ok then raise your hand if you agree with this title for Cecilia schariac Kaslana.

Hestia:[ raise hand ]

When I finish saying it all the Gods and goddesses raise their hand including Loki and Freya.

Their is no objection with it and me having the one an only level 9 adventure in my familia which I am glad about it since I don't want to start a familia war knowing that Cecilia will bring an absolute win for us with them fighting us is like fighting an already a losing game. With that the meeting is dismiss.



At the hestia familia main house were currently we can see Cecilia is looking through her stats that had changed completely from what it was before.



Name: Cecilia schariac Kaslana


Race: Herrscher, ETC


Frame: Gabriel

Title: The Will Of Honkai , The Herrscher of the beginning and The Herrscher of the End , The first Herrschers , Mother Of All Herrschers, ETC

Level: 10








Development abilities:


World money:891,990,234,957.....
Information: the money can be use if the host want to use it in different world , time and place and era the money currency will became the same as that said world

Cecilia: well it's seems like my stats had become and unlogic one to this world since it's different.

Cecilia:[ look at the other one. ]


Fake status

Name:Cecilia schariac Kaslana


Race: Human


Frame: The World Highest Level

Title: Gabriel

Level: 10








Development abilities:



Cecilia: now what should I do?

Cecilia: bell is currently searching for a personal blacksmith while Lili is buying our adventure supplies.

You must be wondering when did Lili join our familia right? Well it was like this...



A few days ago

Cecilia: so Lili what did you want to earn a lot of money?


Lili:[ look at Cecilia eyes. ]

Lili: you see mother when I was a kid my family had a hard time gaining money to provide our living.

Lili: both of them enter the dungeon to earn us valis to buy some food but........

Lili: both of them had never came back to me so I think that the both of them are dead because they had not come back so.

Lili: I decide to take a job become a supporter help the adventure caring their stuff when go to the dungeon it was hard since I don't have any strength to protect my self from being bullied by them.

Cecilia: so that's why you hate adventure much.

Lili:[ nod head ]

Lili: but I realise that not all adventure are bad and same just like you and master bell.

Cecilia: thank you.

Lili: your welcome.

Cecilia: so what is the reason you want to gain more money Lili?

Lili: well you see I am from the soma familia.

Cecilia: Soma familia, as in the familia that is always making wine for a living?

Lili:[ nods head. ]

Lili: yes that one, the main reason is because the people are all terrible while the familia had a god that is soma-sama he had only care about how to improve his wine making skills all the time while the people or the children of the familia are only worship his wine and that is the only reason why the familia is still intact.

Cecilia:[ cover mouth with shock eyes. ]

Cecilia: that is horrible Lili.

Lili: I knows, that is the reason why I collect all the money so that I can buy my freedom so I can join you and master bell familia mom.

Cecilia: oh, Lili you should had told me sooner. I could had help you from the beginning if you had ask for my help.

Lili:[ look down. ]

Lili: I know it's just that I do not had the courage to ask you after what I had done to master bell.

Cecilia: oh Lili you should not fell bad about it both bell and hestia had forgive you for what you had done so you shouldn't.

Lili:[ start to cry. ]

Lili: thank you mother.

Cecilia:[ hug her like her own daughter. ]

Cecilia: you are always welcome my child.

And just like that i make a quick decision. Return to the familia and quickly telling bell and hestia about Lili story, both bell and hestia agree with my decision that is to buy Lili freedom from the soma familia.

Currently I am Infront of the soma familia gate with bell beside me looking ready to protect me and Lili behind me look so nervous and finally our Geddes Hestia infront of me without any fear.

For bell because of the look that the people gave to me like a piece of meat and lili because this place is like a hell to her. Bringing the both of them close to me make them feel safe and relax around me while readying my self if I need to pull out black abyss to kill them in any moment.

Noticing a male adventure that is approaching us with a fake and disgusting smile on his face. He then say.

( Random adventure=R.A )

R.A: my~my~ what do we had here~

R.A: The infamous~ Cecilia schariac Kaslana of the hestia familia~ with our little~ friend with their goddess~. What~ do we own you~ the pleasure to come to our humble~ soma familia home~

Hestia: we would like to meet your god soma.

R.A: soma-sama?

R.A: he is currently bussy right now.

Cecilia:[ point white flower at his throat. ]

The moment I point white flower at his throat all of his familia members became tenses since this could bring them a big problem.

Cecilia: bring us to him or we will call for a familia war and I will say this...

R.A: and~what~is~it~?

Cecilia: you don't want to fight a level 9 adventure when she can kill all your familia in an instant.

When does words come out of my mouth, all the soma familia start to murmured and talk among them self since this is the first time seeing a level 9 adventure in this age of year since the last level 9 was 12 years ago while the current highest level that is beside me is ottar that is the king.

Cecilia: so? What is your choice?

R.A: alright I will bring you to him!

And just like that that excuse of an adventure bring us to soma-sama. He was making wine despite that he had a guest that come to meet him personally without even bother to turn great and look at us. When I decide to speak to him about buying Lili freedom. He had not even say anything when he suddenly say.

Soma: if you can drink this wine and still able to tell me what you want then I will listen.

Remember what gigunanggap tell me about all the things that I do not know. I was glad that I ask about all of it even about wine.

Knowing that the wine that soma make was only can make god drunk in 5 cups with the knowledge of human will craving for more after 1 sip of it.

Well luckily I had poison nullified, even if I drink it it will category it as a poison since it will effect my body. Without any hasitation , I chung all drink inside of me. After finishing it I say...

Cecilia: so can you give us some of your time soma.

Everyone was suprise since I just empty the whole cup in a second like drinking normal water while looking like nothing had happen.

Soma:[ suprise.] Very well then.

And just like that we were able to buy Lili freedom! With that she then join our familia as a third members that is going to become our supporter , count our spending money and supply for the dungeon dive.


Flashback end

Cecilia: what a unique day that time.

Bell:[ enter the door.]

Bell: I'm home

Cecilia: welcome home bell. Did you find a contract blacksmith that can make our equipment?

Bell: yes! His name is welf crozzo and he is a level 1!

Cecilia: well then, I cannot wait to meet him.

Bell:I know that you will like him mother.

Cecilia: ok.


The next day

We can see both Cecilia and lili are waiting at the water fountain while making a small talk with each other.

Lili: so mother.

Cecilia: yes Lili?

Lili: what type of person do you think welf is?

Cecilia:hmmm , since it is bell who meet him...

Cecilia: I guess he will be going to be someone that is unique in his own way I guess.

Lili:[ sweat drop ]

Lili:( i guess that is true , since we had a level 10 adventure in our familia despite having 5 daughters, she still look young and more beautiful  like a pure maiden.)

Lili: I think you right.

Cecilia: well at least I hope that he is a good influence to bell.

Lili: why is that?

Cecilia: well..... It is not good for bell to always being serround by woman every time. He should at least had someone that is the same gender with him to feel comfortable with and can guide him in the right things since he is still a young boy.

Lili: I did not think of that at all.

Cecilia: well, look there they are.

Cecilia:[ point at bell and welf direction. ]

Bell: sorry for being late mother! Lili!

Cecilia:[ smile kindly ] its ok bell.

Lili: so...... Master bell, who is this? A friend of your?

Welf: well then, let me introduce my self! My name is welf crozzo from the Hephaestus familia. A level 1 blacksmith an adventure. And I am a proud blacksmith!

Lili:[ look at welf with a face saying that where had I heard that name. ]

Lili: as in the crozzo family that is well know with their capability on making a magic item/equipment?

Welf: well...... Yes.

Lili: well, Lili don't know what is your problem but Lili won't interfere with your business.

Lili: and the name is liliruca arde, a level 1 support and adventure from the hestia familia! Nice to meet you.

Cecilia: well I guess it my turn then.

Cecilia: my name is Cecilia schariac Kaslana, member and also captain of the hestia familia. A level 10 adventure an nice to meet you welf.

Cecilia: now that we had introduced each other, let's start going to the dungeon!

All: Hai!!


Welf Pov

When I meet bell at the shop I thought that he going to requests me to make a magic item for him. I was glad that it wasn't, it was reassuring that he was searching for a contract blacksmith for his familia.

To think that I am going to go with the dungeon with the new world record holder could help me in my blacksmith. But when the next day came, I did not expect that the one that is going to be the leader of our group would be the world most strongest adventure that is Cecilia schariac Kaslana also being given the nickname Gabriel!

It was a big surprise, that when I realise that I had make the contract with the hestia familia! Dang it! Why didn't I ask bell which familia he was from!!!!!!!


Bell Pov

That was good. Glad that Lili is ok with welf and momther seems like she doesn't mind it at all. Instead she look like more happy that I get a male member for the team.

Looks like she was worry for mee since I don't have male companion until now. It make me happy that she still treat me like her own child.


Cecilia Pov

Now we are currently at floor 11th. It seems good so far for bell , Lili and welf since I only instructed them on their team formation of I am not around or absence bell can lead them in the dungeon.

So far each of them can cover each other weakness like bell taking the front line where he will try to dim the enemy numbers , welf take the middle in the formation of their is any enemy that had pass through bell while also protect Lili , with her covering both bell and welf when they in dangerous from the back with her long rage attack. This make the team despite being a low-level they had the capability to go in more deeper in the dungeon.

Cecilia: well then. Do you want to proceed to the next floor? Or take a quick rest?

Lili: how about a quick rest to refresh our self?

Bell: I'm ok with it. How about you welf?

Welf: I could use some water.

Cecilia: ok then. We will take a few minutes for rest ok.

All: Hai!!


Welf Pov
The moment we enter the dungeon. I did not expect that we will had a easy time doing it as a party of four people this far without Cecilia help so much. She only help us when we either of us are in danger.

Welf: dam, that was a good fight.

Lili: I agree.

Bell: I don't feel so tired compare when I was a level 1?

Cecilia: you will had to get use to it bell.

Lili: well since you had level up master bell, only your stats is 0 while you are in level 2 all your abilities are the same

Welf: yeah, I mean look at Cecilia! She does not even look tired at all!!!

Cecilia:( well that because I know the loops hole of the status system and how it really works (• ▽ •;) )

Lili: that because she is a level 10 you idiot!

Welf: hey!

Bell: Hahaha!

Welf: that not cool bell!

Bell: gomen-gomen.

Bell: so what is your opinion of mother welf?

Welf: she is kind. I like her personality , she is unique in her own way.

Bell: glad that you like her.

Lili: hm-hm.

Welf: so...... Is it true that she is a level 10 adventure?

Bell: yes.

Lili: Lili ha see her status yesterday when she leave it at the table.

Bell: after goddess hestia tell us about it alias

Lili: she did?

Bell: you were a sleep that time

Lili: ohh.



Currently Cecilia had a big problem, that is both Lili and welf are heavily injured when Cecilia was busy taking out a horde of monster that had rush to their direction when they reach the 15th floor.

When suddenly a group of party adventure drop of their horde of monster at their party when they are bussy fending of them self With Cecilia having to worry about welf and Lili while fencing of the horde of wolf and horn rabbit that keep coming from their front side while bell covering their back side with Lili and welf sporting each other since both Cecilia and bell hand is currently tight with the monster that keep assaulting them.

Cecilia:< this is bad! >

Cecilia:[ look back ]

Cecilia:< both Lili and welf are not in a good condition to fight and bell will be quickly tired out if this keep going on. >

Cecilia:< with the sudden party adventure that came out of no where while drop of their monster party at us. >

Cecilia:<what should I do? Should I use Fenghuang down to escape with them? It could help !!>

Jord:< could help, but will make them questioning you on where you get such an item. >

Cecilia:< Dang it! >

Fry:< How about use teleport? >

Ginnungagap:< will risking the familia safety when we teleport. If we where seen by people that we gone out came out of no where it could make the familia in more dangerous since Cecilia is a level 10 adventure even when she can solo all the familia>

Vatz:<kill all of them with the black abyss ?>

Ginnungagap:< and risk the dungeon spawning a juggernaut despite it being floor 15th!? No! You do know that the black abyss had a death property to anything that is living like the dungeon!>

Lopt:< how about the 18th floor? It a safe zone for adventure to resupply their things. >

Myrkvior:< good thinking brother 👍>

Lopt:< thank you >

Cecilia:<good idea elder brother Lopt >

With that Cecilia quickly carries bell and welf at with her arm with Lili over her shoulder saying....

Cecilia: hold on tight the three of you

And dash towards the 18th floor like a lightning. While ignoring all the monster that is still chasing them and that had came to ambush them like nothing.

While Lili, bell and welf are holding their mouth like they are riding the most fastest roller coaster in the world

[ Author: not like in their world they had one (• ▽ •;) ]

L/B/W:( HELP US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)



Siegfried: do you think it would be a good idea to join them ?

Theresa: do you had any good idea then?

Siegfried: good point there Theresa.

Theresa:[ look at Siegfried ]

Theresa: you are worry about Kiana?

Siegfried: yes.

Theresa: all we can do now is hope that she is ok and try to fine our ways back home while we are here.

Siegfried: I know, now come on.

Siegfried:[ enter the ???]

Theresa:[ Sight.]

Theresa:( you had change Siegfried. After Cecilia death you had stop flirting with other woman. While try to search for Kiana after what had happen to her when you came back home to see she is gone without any clue. )

Theresa:( glad that he had became the right man that fit Cecilia. If she was here she will be happy to know that he had improve a lot  )

Siegfried:[ from the inside. ] Are you just gone stand their or what!?

Theresa: coming!
Author: and with that this chapter had come to the end here had a picture of Kiana try to flirt with Fu Hua


Another chp had been fix and no more error in this chp! Thursday, 20 July 2023. 1:15 P.m

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