◇ Late Night Chat ◇ [MCSM] {L...

By ThatCEOfromYT

108 4 5

Lukas and Axel are awake on a Saturday night, just chatting. However, Lukas seems... off. He looks as if he's... More

Late Night Chat

108 4 5
By ThatCEOfromYT

Lukas stared the ceiling as he was lying in bed, just counting the seconds passing by. It had to be almost around 12 in the morning, and everyone was pretty much already asleep. Jesse, Jessica, Petra and Olivia were most likely already dreaming away, but Lukas just seemed restless for some reason. He turned to face his oversized partner who was sleeping peacefully beside him.

It was kind of a surprise to Jesse and the others that Axel and he started dating, mostly because him and the bear sized man didn't get along well back then. However, they've secretly hanged out when Lukas was still the leader of the ocelots and they've seemed to get along quite well since then. Well, enough, in fact, that the two actually caught feelings for each other.

Lukas remembered how shy he got when he confessed his feelings to the oversized man and was surprised that h felt the same about him. However, they had to keep it secret from their friends, they didn't want any drama coming from Jesse saying that Lukas could still be a bad person even tho they trust him now, and surely Lukas couldn't handle the thought of his gang's reaction when they found out that the leader of the ocelots was dating a "loser."

"My gang..." Lukas thought to himself as he turned back to look at the ceiling. While Axel and Lukas did try keeping things between them, Aiden managed to find out about their relationship. He wasn't so happy and believed that Lukas shouldn't be dating someone who was "below his level."

They both got into an argument because of it, which caused things to go south as Aiden got Maya and Gill to work with him in ditching Lukas and almost killing him twice. Though, Gill was the only one who understood how he felt and tried stopping Aiden. So even though he could've came with Lukas and the others, he insisted on being punished with the other Blaze Rods.

It's been about three or four years since he's seen his old gang, but Lukas misses them. Even tho they literally tried to kill him, they were the only friends he had growing up, they were like family to him (since he didn't have any parents growing up), and to them betray him like that just... hurts.

As Lukas kept thinking about the old times with his gang, he felt Axel's arm wrap around him and pull him close. He looked at him only to find his dark oak eyes staring back at him, which startled Lukas.

"I thought you were asleep..." Lukas said to the now awake man beside him, Axel let out a small hum as he pulled him a little closer.
"I kind of was..." he said in a tired tone as he nuzzled his chin in Lukas's shoulder.
"Sorry if I woke you up." the ocelot bookworm apologized as Axel looked back to him.
"It's fine, I kinda just woke up on my own."
Axel gave him a soft smile as he gently held his hand.

Axel, who used to have a clean face with just little stubble and cuts on his face as a teen, was now growing a beard as he grew. Along with him always messing with explosives, he's definitely had more scars than he used to. However, Lukas didn't care about any of these little changes, he was still Axel to him anyways.

"Soo... how long have you been awake?"

Axel broke the silence, Lukas snapped back to reality for a moment and spoke.

"N-not that long.." He answered, but noticed Axel squinting his eyes and raising a brow at him, Lukas sighed.
"Okay, I've been up for about three or four hours." He answered as he rolled his eyes.

Axel stared at the blonde-haired male for a moment before thinking of what to say. He noticed that something was... off... with him though, He looked tense hell.
"Is... somethin' wrong?" He asked as he held his hand. Lukas went silent again, he hesitated on telling him, but he remembered the promise they made to each other. They would talk to one another if there was something wrong, he knew he couldn't lie to him.

So, with a troubled sigh, Lukas gave his answer.
"It's... my gang... I miss them. I know they kind of backstabbed me back then, but they were pretty much the only friends I had when I was little, you know?"

Axel stared at him for a minute, trying to think of what to say. He knew how close Lukas was back then with is gang. He knew exactly how he felt, this wasn't the first time he's mentioned missing them as well. A while back, he's even wondered when they would be released from Sky city's prison and wondered if they'd finally changed after Jesse taught them a lesson.

"It's stupid, I know, I just can't help but keep thinking it's sorta my fault." Lukas added, which caused the oversized man to frown at his boyfriend.

"Heey, what have I told ya about beating yourself up over that stuff."
Axel told him as he pulled the bookworm on top of him, his head rested against his chest as he wrapped his arms around Axel.

"None of that could have been your fault, you didn't even know Aiden would go that far, alright."
The taller boy told him as he gently rub the bookworm's back, which seemed to make him less tense then he originally was.

It wasn't the first time Lukas put the blame on himself about his gang, Lukas knew that as well. He's been trying to block the past from his mind so it wouldn't keep bothering him in his everyday life, but all that's happened between him and the Blaze Rods always replayed in his mind from time to time as if it was just some curse that wouldn't leave him.
"I know... I just..."

"I understand... I know how close you and Aiden were."
Axel cut him off as he felt Lukas nuzzle his head closer to his chest.
"I just don't want you to be so depressed over it, y'know? It could even be bad for ya health too."
He was right... Lukas had mostly been sharing a room with Axel in hopes that would help him feel better, since he hasn't been able to sleep well lately.

Axel continue as his eyes grew softer.
"Trust me, I know what it's like to lose someone you've grown so close to. Even I've sometimes felt guilt from it, even when I knew it wasn't my fault..."
He paused as he tried to think of what to say next.
"Though, I got over it at some point, and I know you can too hon. I know how strong you are, so I'm sure that at some point you'll be over it all in no time."

Lukas smiled as he blushed at his boyfriend's words, he felt happy to have someone like him by his side.

"Thank you... I feel lucky to have someone like you."
Lukas told the oversized man as he perked his head up.
"What do you mean? I should be the lucky one ya know! I don't know how I've managed to even get with someone as good looking as ya!"

Lukas chuckled as he rested against his head on Axel's chest again. He felt Axel's arm gently wrap around him as he kissed him on the forehead.

As Axel gently drew circles in the bookworm's back with his finger, he noticed his door was cracked as he noticed Olivia and Jessica walking by, he wasn't so sure why those two were up so late, but he didn't worry about them at the moment.
The only thing he cared about right now was the small male that was now resting against his chest.

Axel soon fell back asleep holding him, and they both didn't wake back up until the sun came up.


Hello there MCSM wattpad users! 👋🏻👋🏻

I'm kinda new here so I hope you don't mind my presence. 😅
As you could already tell, I'm a rarepair enjoyer and Lukxel is one of my many favorite ships. I haven't seen many fanfics of these two lately soooo I decided to change that.

My apologies if I've made any spelling mistakes, this is kinda my first oneshot on here so please bare with me. 😭

Other then that, I hope you liked this little short story of them! 😊

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