Watching Ava's Life

By lesbian_story_addict

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By lesbian_story_addict

"What that means?" Ava asked the goblin confusingly, playing with her hand sleeves trying to calm her nerves.

"When you take an inheritance test, it will show your birth identity, your ladyships. If you had any blocks in your magic, you can know about them." Said adhirokh intently looking at her violet eyes.

Something about her is alluring. Everyone feels the small pull towards her. After seeing his intense gaze, she shuffle in her seat and cleared her throat.

Adhirokh blinked his eyes as if he get out from the trance state. "I'm ready to take that test'' said ava, 'I didn't know why they all are sometimes behaves like that when they look in my eyes. Sure my eyes are in violet which is unusual but that doesn't mean they have to look like hypnotized. Uncle vernon also stand in a trance state when he looked at my eyes intently, from that day he won't look at me in the eyes as if he scared he would drown in them.' ava thought, slightly frowned.

"I felt the same way, something about your eyes..It's.. I don't know how to say that but they are like calling me to drown in them. They are so mesmerizing" said pansy Parkinson dreamily while slightly biting her lips, knowing full well about Fleur's reaction. She give ava a sultry smirk playfully.

Ava turned bright red in embarassment. Their friends are simply shakes their heads, but a smile is seen on their face. Everyone in the hall turned to Fleur who looks ready to kill her any moment.

Ava knows Fleur is very possessive and don't like when someone look at her or flirt with her.

Fleur clenched her jaw tightly, she knows that pansy doing that playfully to get her a reaction. But she can't control herself when someone looks at HER Ava like that. "If you don't shut up at this instance, I will crucio you pansy" angrily snapped standing from her seat and walk towards pansy.

Ava immediately dragged her away from pansy who is trying very hard to control her laugh.

Astoria gives her a hard slap on the back of her head "Idiot, don't angry her further"

"oww! But it's funny to irritate her"said pansy, Draco rubbing her head softly.

Ava sits on her lap softly stroking her cheekbones, massaging her scalp and turned her face to look at her in the eyes. "Baby look at me" said Ava, touching her forehead with hers.

Fleur takes a deep breath to calm herself and tightly holding ava in her lap. "I know she is just joking, but I can't control myself when someone look at you like that.. even it's for fun. you are mine only mine" pouted and give pansy a harsh glare who openly laugh at her now.

"Pansy" said ava in a stern voice who immediately shut her mouth. Everyone in the hall watching amused and smiled. They enjoyed seeing their friendship bond, taunting and bickering with eachother but when someone talk bad or insult their friends, they will give them absolute death glare.

Tom cleared his throat "shall we continue" smile is seen in his face.

Hearing Tom's voice, Ava gives him a nod and cute dimple smile which absolutely adorned her face. Everyone turned to the screen.

"Alright, now I want you to cut your hand slightly with this knife and drop your blood in this paper which will absorb and show your inheritance result." placing a knife and gold parchment towards ava "Don't worry Ms.Potter the cut will heal immediately and you feel no pain" adhirokh said when seeing the scared face on her face.

Ava takes a deep breath and do as he told her. Slightly cut her hand, drop a blood on the paper which absorb it. Adhirokh take that paper and chanted something in goblin language then it flew upwards. She waited patiently then the paper glows after few seconds it landed infront of him. He didn't look at it, directly give it to ava. She starts to read it.

Everyone shocked at seeing this. Potters are shocked that ava is not theirs. Blacks are shocked that she is theirs.

Dumbledore and dark lord followers are shocked that Ava is voldemort's daughter.

The Dumbledore followers and the ministry members are shocked that Dumbledore blocked her magic abilities.

The great hall is in utter chaos. Ava tiredly rubbed her face and don't know how to answer them. Carina and Daphne try to control them but no use, everyone is beyond shocked.

Alastor moody shouted ''silence". Everyone stand there watching the screen which is paused now at the birth identity.

Once everyone silenced, James potter raised from his seat. "If You aren't my daughter, why is your last name is potter and they all said you and Harry are twins, why?" James asked Ava his voice is slightly shaking after knowing that ava is not his daughter.

Ava looked at him for a long moment then for a second her gaze turned to tom and Cassopiea who are already looking at her with shocked face.

"No, I'm not yours. They called me potter because everyone thought I'm your daughter. I'm sorry but I can't tell you furthermore for now. Even though you are not my real parents I still consider you both as my parents"  said Ava giving him comforting smile. Lily gives her a little smile but everyone knows that she is trying to be calm.

Fleur tightly holding Ava's hands, traces small circle in her knuckles silently tells her it's going to be okay.

'That's why I feel so connected to her. Because she is my daughter' Cassopiea thought to herself and lovingly looking at her daughter ava. But her face turned into horrified.

"Ava?" She called softly but her voice held seriousness. Everyone looked at her. She walks from her seat to ava and kneeled before her looking at her for a long moment.

Ava who is looking at her with some unreadable expression. Ava nervously asked "Hmm?", she didn't speak with her till now.

Cassopiea reached forward, caressing her cheek lovingly and moving a hair away from her face looking at her for a long time as if to memorize everything about her clearly. Then her gaze turned to forehead where a scar is there. "It shows, Horcrux is in your scar!! What does that mean?" Some gasped loudly at hearing that. Blacks and potters grew more worried.

"Oh!! Th..that.. Don't worry.. i don't have any Horcrux now .. we destroyed it.. you will see that later in the movie" ava told her mother who is still caressing her.

Everyone looked relieved at that, sirius angrily rise from his seat. Shouted at Dumbledore for blocking her magics.

"My dear boy,  I don't know why I did that it in a future." Dumbledore answered him calmly with a annoying smile.

"But if you block someone's magic, it will kill them slowly. You do know that right!!!" Tom shouted at him, his eyes are in crimson red. His anger is at low level when seeing that ava is abused. But after knowing that she is his daughter, his anger is beyond belief.

"Then there must be a important reason for that. But you all have to remember whatever I did, it is for greater good" said albus still that smile is placed on his face.

His followers believed him blindly but not the potters, Marauders, lily and her friends.

"Greater good my foot!! We will see about that soon" Fleamont potter angrily snapped at him and stand from his seat move towards black family side.

Others followed him, after giving a Dumbledore a harsh glare, who's face is redden due to the anger. He couldn't believe he lost his important followers.

Blacks didn't comment about it, welcome them with a smile. Sirius cleared his throat at seeing his family. Bellatrix teased him, they started bickering. He felt happy to see this side of his family.

Cassopiea had also slight smile on her face then turned to ava, "um, I gonna go now ok sweetheart, you can join me if you want" she left to sit with the blacks and potters after giving a kiss on her daughter's forehead.

Ava turned to fleur and her friends, who had a smile on their faces. Fleur holds her hand gently and whispered sensually "you can sit with them if you want. But just so you know, you have to make up for that baby" 

Ava's face turned bright red at that. She cleared her throat and said "Then I'm going now. You can have your way with me tonight darling. See you" slightly biting her lip.

Fleur eyes darkened with the lust at that. She said "you better leave now or else I release you only after you screamed my name with pleasure." and growled slightly.

Ava quickly get up from her seat with a red face giving fleur one look who is eating her with eyes. Her friends are groaned at the sexual tension between them. 'Oh! For fuck sake'  ginny muttered to herself.

Ava slowly walked towards her family where the potters, Malfoys are all talking. She cleared her throat when she reached them. They turned to look at her with a big smile on their faces.

"um.. i I sit with you please" she asked nervously playing with her shirt sleeves.

Everyone happily nod their heads. "here with me" "no no, come sit with me" "you have to sit with your grandfather" "not a chance she will sit with her adopted father"

Cassopiea instantly pulled her to her lap, before anyone take her away "sure you can, I am happy you came to sit with me Sweetheart".

Everyone groaned, ava laughed at that. Some watching the family with the smiles. Some watching them with envy.

But one person watching that with hate from the teacher's table who is none other than Dumbledore. 'Ahhhhhhh!! How could it happen!! No No, He can't lose to that Tom Riddle.. He has to do something before everything goes out of his controls'

"Merlin!! How can you hold so many ladyships!?" Someone asked her about the ladyships shockingly.

Everyone in awe at that. But Ava didn't respond to that she simply cuddle with her mother with a happy sigh who started to stroke her hair.

They groaned, knowing she didn't give them the answers so simply turned to the screen.

"How.. what.. I'm not.. I...I don't understand.. maybe there is something wrong with the test" ava strutted at the goblin after seeing the inheritance test.

"No Ms. Potter, it never goes wrong. Whatever you are seeing in that result is all true" said adhirokh without looking at the result.

She don't know how to react after knowing that she is not a potter. She just have to find out more but how!? After some thinking, she realised harry is waiting for her so she simply asked him about the blocks in her magics.

Adhirokh face turned to shock "your magics are blocked!! If it shows that they are blocked then we have to remove them immediately or else it will kill you Ms.potter"

'Ki..kill me? But why Dumbledore put that blocks on me if he knows that it'll kill me. I have so many questions maybe I can find answers in the Hogwarts' she thought to herself didn't realise adhirokh is waiting for her to follow him to remove the blocks. So she hurriedly followed after him.

They went inside a dark room where a circle is drawn. He asked her to stand inside the circle and give her a some potion and told her to drink it. She did as he told.

For a few seconds nothing happened. Then adhirokh started chanting something. She screamed in pain for few minutes and fall to the floor.

Everyone in the hall flinched at her painful scream. Cassopiea tightened her arms around Ava. Lily's jaw clenched in anger towards Dumbledore for putting her in so much pain. Ava tightly shut her eyes at hearing her own scream.

she lay in the floor for couple of minutes and panting heavily. Then she try to stand up with slight difficulties and feels dizzy but it gone in instant. Now she feel normal infact she feel better and stronger.

Once she recovered, she thanked the goblins for helping her and bought her new key also for the other new vaults. Then she meet Harry and hagrid in outside who are waiting for her.

"Did you got your keys now?" Harry asked her, he didn't seem to angry now. She replied with him small nod.

She try to tell him about the inheritance test but with hagrid here 'it's better to not talk about that now.. maybe later' so she decided to tell him about tonight when they go to bed.

After they start buy their things, now ava is waiting for Harry who is standing in a stool to get his measurements for his uniform.

Hagrid informed them he will join with them later and has some unfinished business. So he left them in the dress shop.

"Come on ava, now all we need is books and finally wand" Harry hold her hand protectively and they goes to the book shop.

'maybe I can find more about this wizarding world in the books' ava thought to herself and search for a books which will help her to get some answers.

She bought some books which will help her to know more about the ladyships, wizarding war, soulmate, and some more with her school books.

They then entered into the olivander's shop, and shortly after a group of people entered the shop who all are dressed like some royals.

At seeing the crowd, ava immediately move away from them to backwards. Harry is in the forward trying several wands.

"That's us" Lucius Malfoy whispered himself seeing his family in the screen. Some people couldn't help but gasp at the sight of them because they surely look like some royals. All are dressed in black.

But they are more shocked at the sight of Marelene McKinnon standing with the malfoys, Lestrange and blacks.

"We certainly look like a perfect pureblood family" said marlene to the others who all are nods their head in confirmation.

Ava couldn't help but give a slight whimper at knowing what happened next. Only lily and Cassopiea heard that.

"What's wrong'' asked lily with a worried tone. But she simply shaked her head and nuzzling her face into her mother's neck.

Some of Future ones are also know about what's going to happen next. They turned to look at Ava who is tightly holding onto her mother.

The families also noticed that something is going to happen so they nervously turned to the screen.

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